- Resolution Numbers - 20172017 RESOLUTION LIST Resolution # Description Meeting Date Approved  2017-01 Adopting the 2017 Fee Schedule 1/10/17  2017-02 Adopting the Island-Wide Transportation Plan 2/28/17  2017-03 Modifying the Annual Dock Fee 1/10/17  2017-04 Supporting a Carbon Pricing Policy for the State of Washington and the United States 1/24/17  2017-05 Relating to Signature Authority for Federal Grants 1/24/17  2017-06 Resolution relating to Madrona Townhomes PLN 16228 FSUB 2/28/17  2017-07 Relating to ICMA plan 2/18/17  2017-08 Updating the Fee Schedule for the Site Assessment and Development Permit   2017-09 Affirming that Bainbridge Island is a Welcoming and Inclusive City 2/14/17  2017-10 Establishing Management Policies for City-Owned Tidelands 3/14/17  2017-11 Surplus of Islandwood Trail Easement 4/11/17  2017-12 Surplus of Manitou Beach Property 4/11/17  2017-13 Celebrate Trees! Earth Month Bainbridge Island 3/28/17  2017-14 Relating to Final Approval of the Winslow Grove Subdivision 4/25/17  2017-15 Resolution Establishing Dave Ullin Open Water Marina 8/8/17  2017-16 Water System Plan Adoption 8/22/17  2017-17 Amendment to Madrona Townhomes Final Plat 8/8/17  2017-18 Resolution Adopting the Community Forest Management Plan 8/22/17  2017-19 Resolution Adopting the Open Space Study 8/22/17  2017-20 Paris Climate Agreement 9/12/17  2017-21 Rolling Sunrise Final Plat (PLN 18840 FSUB) N/A  2017-22 Adopting Kitsap County Solid and Hazardous Waste Plan 12/12/17  2017-23 Duane Lane Road Vacation – Setting Public Hearing 12/5/17