Resolution No. 2021-14 PCD Admin Manual Revisions 110521Page 1 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-14 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, amending the Administrative Manual of the Department of Planning and Community Development to reflect changes to design review submittal requirements to implement code revisions adopted via Ordinance No. 2021-12, including revisions to “Design for Bainbridge.” WHEREAS, the Administrative Manual of the Department of Planning and Community Development, adopted in November 2011 (“Administrative Manual”), is designed to be a user- friendly manual that contains submittal requirements and supporting documents for land use permits all in one place; and WHEREAS, on September 24, 2019, the City Council enacted Ordinance No. 2019-25 amending Chapter 18.18 of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (“BIMC”), related to Design Standards and Guidelines; and WHEREAS, on December 14, 2021, the City Council enacted Ordinance No. 2021-12 revising BIMC 2.160.020, 2.16.040, 2.16.070, 2.16.110, 2.16.125 and Chapter 18.18 BIMC related to improving the preapplication process; and WHEREAS, the City’s Administrative Manual is hereby being updated via this Resolution No. 2021-14 to implement the changes approved by Ordinance No. 2021-12. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Administrative Manual is amended and revised as shown in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof to this resolution. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect as of the effective date provided below. PASSED by the City Council this 14th day of December, 2021. APPROVED by the Mayor this 14th day of December, 2021. Rasham Nassar, Mayor Page 2 of 2 ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Christine Brown, MMC, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: November 5, 2021 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: December 14, 2021 RESOLUTION NO. 2021-14 Exhibit A: Administrative Manual (Revised) Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 2021-14 PLANNING PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS City of Bainbridge Island Administrative Manual 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 4 Links to Referenced Documents 4 Plan Sheet Requirements Basic Site Plan 5/6 UtilitiesPlan 7 Landscape Plan 8/9 Buffer Enhancement Plan 9 Plan Sheet Requirements Adjustment to an Approved Land UsePermit (Minor and Major)10 AdministrativeCode Interpretation 10 Agricultural RetailPlan 10 Boundary Line Adjustment 11 ComprehensivePlan Amendment 11 ConceptualProposal Review Meeting 12 ConditionalUse Permits (Minor and Major)12 Consultation Meeting 13 Critical AreaPermit (Minorand Major)13 Design Guidance ReviewMeeting 14 Farm Management Plan 15 Housing Design Demonstration Project 16 Legislative Review of Development Regulation / Rezoning Application 17 Preapplication Conference 18 Reasonable Use Exception 19 Revision to a Land Use Permit 20 Rezoning Application (Site-specific and Area-wide)17 Shoreline – Clearing Permit 20 Shoreline –Conditional Use, Substantial Development Permit / Exemption, Variance 21/22 Sign Permit 22 Site Plan and Design Review (Major & Minor)23 Subdivision – Preliminary (Short, Long, LargeLot)24/25 Subdivision – Alteration 25 Subdivision – Plat Utilities Approval (Short, Long, LargeLot)26/27 Subdivision – Final (Short, Long, LargeLot)28 Tree Removal / Vegetation Maintenance Permit 29 Variance - Zoning (Major & Minor)29 Wireless - Communication Facility Permit(WCF)30/31 Wireless - Eligible Facilities Request Permit (EFR)31-33 Wireless – Small Facility Permit (SWF)34/35 Zoning VerificationLetter 35 4 Introduction This AdministrativeManual isdesigned to supplementthe permit processesdescribed inthe land use, zoning, and environmental sections of the City of Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (BIMC). This manual identifies documentsthat applicantsmust submitin order to have a complete application fordevelopmentreviewanddecision. Consistentsubmissionstothe City of Bainbridge Island helpthe efficiency of the review process as well as clarifyingrequirements forapplicants. Theproceduresrequired for reviewand approval of most applications are detailed in BIMC Title2: Administration, Personneland LandUseProceduresof the BIMC. The Master Land Use Application is required to be submitted witheachof the landusepermits discussedherein. Please see the applicationforthe number of copiesforspecific permits. A land use permit shall not be considered completeuntilthe required application,fee, andall supportingmaterialsare submitted to the Department. The applicant shallsubmitan electronic copy of all requireddocuments atthe time of applicationsubmittal. TheDirectormay waive specific submittalrequirementsdeterminedto be unnecessaryforreviewof an application. Most applications also require a separatefee tothe Kitsap Public Health District. The City’s FeeSchedule can be viewed on the City’s website. Additional links referenced in this document Link Website address Cityof BainbridgeIslandDesign and ConstructionStandards Manual http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/169 Design for Bainbridge Design Review Manual https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12502 Design for Bainbridge checklist / worksheet Island-wide Transportation Plan (IWTP) https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/708 Landscape Materials Matrix https://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/12756 Shoreline - Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA) https://www.epermitting.wa.gov Shoreline Site Specific Analysis Submittal Requirements http://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7306 Shoreline Single-family Residence MitigationManual http://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/5663 Sign PermitWorksheet http://www.bainbridgewa.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7408 Site Assessment Review (SAR)http://www.ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us/882 5 Basic SitePlan The siteplan mustbe legible andeasilyunderstood by professionals as well as the public. Clearlydifferentiatebetweenexistingandproposed development. Theinformationto help prepare asiteplan is readily available to the public through these links: CityResources CountyResources Public Health District Plan sheet 18” * 24” or 24” * 36” in size Engineer’s scale, for example: 1 inch = 20 feet Titleblock: Project name; ownername; siteaddress, tax parcel number; subdivision name Northarrow Vicinity map Quarter section,township and range Depict theentireproperty andthe areawithin a 150-footradiusof the property Zoning/ ComprehensivePlan designation Propertyboundaries (boldline) Lot size and lot area(BIMC 18.12.050) Easements: Includeaccess,utility,other(e.g.useeasements,conservationeasements) Zoningsetbacks or subdivision setbacks / buffers (asapplicable) Contour lines at five footintervals (existing andproposed) Shoreline jurisdiction: Include OHWM, shoreline structure and sideyard setback, shoreline bufferZones1 & 2, areasof native vegetation, locationand size of significant trees Critical areas and theirbuffers / setbacks: Dimension required buffers / setbacks and any proposed modifications. Labeltop/toeof slopes greater than 15 percent and top/toe of slopes40percent or greater,floodplain,wetlands,streams Delineate and dimension existing areas of native vegetation Aquifer RechargeProtection Area (ARPA): Delineate the and show the area calculations. Document the ARPA development standards in BIMC 16.20.100.D. Depict vegetationprotectionareas (e.g.“no-buildzones”, perimeter and roadside landscapebuffers, designated wildlife corridors) Depict and dimension the exteriorof allexisting and proposedstructures: Clearly differentiate between existing andproposed. Label each structure by itsuse (e.g. garage, landscape / retaining wall,eave,fence,mechanicalequipment) Impervious surface areas(existing andproposed): Labeland dimension each area (e.g. building,driveway,parking area,patio) Area ofdisturbance: Separately delineate and dimension earth disturbance areas Stormwaterfacility: Location/ managementmethod (e.g.dispersion, infiltration,detention) Sewer/ septicsystemfacility: Include lines,primary andreserve drainfieldsand setbacks Water / wellfacility: Include lines, water meters,wellhouse, wellprotection area Otherfacilities: Includepowerlines,generators,propanetanks,heatpumps,solarpanels Historicallysignificant structureson oradjacentto theproperty (i.e. constructed over50 years ago or listed on the local or national historicregister) 6 Sample Site Plan WeaverRoad 10’ 13’ 13’0’ Impervious: No new impervious forthe proposed deck. Existing impervious: 1,420 square feet Title Block 7 UtilitiesPlan Minor(abbreviated)drainageplan for proposalsthat donot requireengineeredplans OR Engineeredpreliminary drainageplans Engineeredpreliminarydrainagereport AND Plan sheet 18” * 24” or 24” * 36” in size Engineer’s scale, for example: 1 inch = 20 feet Location of stormwaterfacilities Managementmethod (e.g.dispersion,infiltration,detention) Existing andproposed structuresandimprovementson the subject property including: Driveways Parkingareas Parkingspace(dimensioned) Solidwastefacility (dimensioned) Landscape/ retainingwalls Fences Mechanicalequipment Existing and proposedutilities on the subjectproperty including: Wells / wellheadprotection areas Water / Sewerlines Drainfields (primaryandreserve) Septic systemsetbacks (HealthDistrict) Powerlines,utility poles,telecommunicationfacilities Existing andproposed structures / utilities within 150 feet of theproperty including: Wells / wellheadprotection areas Water / Sewer lines Fire hydrants Adjacent streets Adjacent right-of-way with roadclassification Existing andproposed right-of-way width Existing driving surfacewidth andtype (e.g.gravel, asphalt, pervious concrete) Roadside facilities (e.g.shoulder,ditch) Non-motorizedfacilitieswidthand type (e.g. sidewalks,trails) 8 LandscapePlan A Landscape Plan shallbe preparedby a landscape architect licensed in the State of Washington,a Washington certifiednurseryprofessionalor aWashingtoncertified landscaper and acertified arborist (when required)and include the following information, at a minimum. A helpful Landscape Materials Matrix is available on the City website. Plan sheet 18” * 24” or 24” * 36” in size Engineer’s scale, for example: 1 inch = 20 feet Northarrow Titleblock: Projectname; siteaddress,tax parcelnumber; Propertyboundaries (boldline) A. Tree andVegetation RetentionPlan.The applicant shall submit a tree and vegetation retention plan concurrent withapplicablepermit application in todemonstrate compliance with BIMC Section 18.15.010. If multiplepermits are required, the applicant must submit the tree retention plan withthe first and allsubsequent applications. The tree retention plan may be combined withthe plantingplan (see section 3 below) and shall consist of: 1. A treesurveyor aerial photographthat representscurrent siteconditions and identifies the location ofall significant trees, tree stands andtheir associated canopies. The surveyneeds to include enough informationaboutexisting treeson apropertyto demonstrate compliancewithsection BIMC Section 18.15.010.G TotalSiteTree Unit Requirements (if applicable).Newplanting mayberequired to meettheserequirements (see section 3 below). 2. For detailed siteplans and grading applications,the tree survey maybe conductedby a method that locatesindividualtrees and tree stands, theirsize(s)and species. These trees shallbe marked in thefield at the time of permit or approvalapplication and maintained through the construction period; and 3. A development siteplanidentifying sizeand speciesof the trees and treestands, as definedin BIMC18.15.010.C,heritagetrees,or otherexistingvegetation thatare proposed tobe retained. 4. The InternationalSociety of Arboriculture (ISA)valuationfortrees: a. Required to be retained for development projects in the R-2.9, R-3.5, R-4.3, R-8, R- 14, Mixed Use Town Center (MUTC), High School Road, and Neighborhood Service Center Districts;and b. In all zones where thecritical rootzone of a tree required to be retained may be impacted byclearing,grading construction, development,or maintenance; and 5. An analysisprepared by a certified arborist about long-term health and/or viabilityfor trees that will be on the edge of the developed area and “post development” tree healthfortreesrequested for removal in roadsideorperimeterbuffers. This analysis should also addressprotection during construction (see below). 6. Protectionduring constructionstrategiesfortreesand vegetation to be retained. 9 B. Description of howthe tree retention plan and planting plan meetthe TotalSite Tree Unit Requirements, pursuantto BIMC18.15.010.G,if applicable. C. Planting Plan. All plansmustbe prepared or approved, by a landscapearchitect licensed by the state of Washington,a Washington certified nurseryprofessionalor a Washington certified landscaper. The proposed landscape planting plan shallbe clearly legible and show the following: 1. A title that includes the project name, owner’s name, designer’sname, date and scale of no less than one inchequals 30 feet. All items shall belabeled,and northshall be orientedtowardsthetop or left of theplan 2. Propertyboundaries,easements,andownership as setforthinthe legaldescription; 3. Existing and proposed gradesof at leastfive-foot intervals 4. Rights-of-way,setbacks,streets andutilitieswithinthe subject property 5. All proposed construction and planting and any future construction andplanting that is not included in the application 6. Location of all existing and proposedbuildings, structures,utilitiesand improvements within the property 7. A plantlist for all proposed new planting delineatingquantities,scientificand common names and sizes.Names of plants are to follow current edition of the Hortus Third, A ConciseDictionaryof Plants Cultivated in the U.S.and Canada; and sizesof plants are to followthe currentedition of theAmerican Standard forNurseryStock,American Association ofNurseryman(AAN). 8. Vegetationclearingstrategies 9. Topsoilprotectionand reuse strategies, includinglimiting compaction during construction 10. Nativesoilamendmentstrategies 11. Plantingtimes andphysical limitsof construction 12. Areas thatrequiretemporaryorpermanentirrigation BufferEnhancementPlan A. Basic Site Plan B. Terms, conditions,covenants,and agreementsunderwhich the subjectproperty is bound C. BufferEnhancementPlan. A bufferenhancementplan prepared inaccordance with applicable state andfederal agency standardsandthe requirementsin BIMC16.20.180 D. Critical areareports by qualifiedprofessionals in the area of concernas provided in BIMC 16.20.190– Definitions; E. Any otherrelevantinformationand reports thatare necessary,inthe opinion ofthe Director, to process andprepare the decisionon the application,suchas permit applications to other agenciesandspecial studies; F. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)checklist (ifapplicable) 10 Adjustmenttoan ApprovedLandUse Permit (Minor& Major) NOTE:Thissection doesnot applyto subdivisions- seeSubdivisionAlterations below) A minor adjustment entails small changes indimensionsor sitingof structures or the location of public amenitiesand doesnot changethe intensity or the characterof the use. A major adjustment includes modification to thebasic design, intensity,densityand /or use. A. Basic Site Plan B. Utilities Plan (as applicable) C. Landscape Plan (as applicable) with proposed landscaping as required by BIMC 18.15.010, includinganyrequiredretention. D. Copy of the approved plan E. Written description of the proposed change, including a detailed analysis of howthe change complies with decision criteria of the applicationused inthe first instance F. Authorizationof allowners of all lotsinvolved inthe change AdministrativeCodeInterpretationRequest The Director has the authorityto provide interpretationsof provisions,uses, or definitionsin BIMC Titles 16, 17 and 18 and relatedprovisions in BIMCTitle2, and willmake these interpretations availableto the public. Any personmay applyto the director for an interpretationof anyprovision inthesetitles. TheDirector shallprovide the interpretation takingintoaccount consistencywiththe ComprehensivePlan, the nature of thedefinition or use, and its relationship to the code and its potential impacts, suchas: A. Whether itinvolvesdwellingunits;sales;processing;typeof product,storage and amount; B. Enclosedor openstorage; C. Anticipatedemployment; D. Transportationrequirements; E. Excessivenoise,odor, fumes, dust,toxic material, light, glare, and vibration likely to be generated;and F. The generalrequirements forpublicutilities suchas waterandsanitary sewer. The authority to providean interpretation doesnot include the authority to add anew permitted (“P”) or conditional (“C”) use to the usetable in BIMC 18.09.020. The Director’s interpretation is subject to appealpursuant to BIMC 2.16.020.P.1. AgriculturalRetailPlan A. BasicSite Plan includinga delineation of specific use areas (pasture, heavyuse area,etc.). B. FarmManagement Plan,if requiredpursuantto BIMC18.09.030.A.1. C. Any other materials the department or the reviewing body determines are required to adequatelydescribetheproposal. 11 BoundaryLineAdjustment A. Basic Site Plan B. Surveydrawing 1. Conventionalscale and prepared by a surveyor licensed inthe State of Washington 2. Separate sheets depicting existing conditions andresultant conditions 3. Zoningand ComprehensivePlandesignation 4. Shorelineuplandand waterenvironment designations 5. Proposed methodto meet fire flow requirements 6. Names and locations of adjacent subdivisions 7. Gross lot size (in square feet)of each existing andresultant lot 8. Lot area of each existingand resultant lot/tract (As calculated in BIMC18.12.050.J) 9. Zoningor subdivision setbacks, as applicable 10. OrdinaryHighWaterMark 11. Required criticalareas,theirbuffersand setbacks 12. Requiredvegetationbuffers C. Existingandproposedterms,conditions,covenants,andagreementsonthesubjectproperty D. Perimeter lotclosures for each existing and resultant lot E. Titlereportdatednot morethan six months prior to application F. Property legaldescription G. Draftagreements(e.g.useeasement,roadmaintenanceagreement) H. Water andseweravailabilityletters (public water/sewer)for eachresultant lot I. Othertechnical reports (as applicable): Wetland delineation andreportor wetland determination;Geotechnicalreport/assessment ComprehensivePlanAmendment A comprehensiveplan amendment applicationand fee as establishedbycity councilresolution must include the following: A. A complete and detailed written statement including thenatureof and reasonforthe amendment request,anyspecific suggested changesto theplan orappendices; B. A description of how the amendment request is consistentwithall of the decision criteria specified in BIMC2.16.190.H; C. A completed SEPA checklist includingsupplementalsheet fornonproject actions;and D. Any otherreportsor studiesidentifiedduringthe preapplication conference (Ord. 2006-13 § 4, 2006). 12 ConceptualProposalReviewMeeting A. See Design for Bainbridge Design Review Manual, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review, Meeting # 1: Conceptual Review A. Statement of Intent – A written narrative aboutthe property,the neighborhood, and proposed use. Identify the objectives of the land use process, the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan goals and policies, and the objectives of the Design for Bainbridge design review manual, as they apply to the proposal. B. Context Map - Provide sufficient informationto evaluatethe neighborhoodor community characteristics,including:aerialphoto,adjacentrecreation,conservation,or otherprotected land,streetscape photosto illustrate road frontage character/conditions, adjacentandnearbyhousesor structures,nearby historicor cultural features that contributeto the character ofthe area, nearbytransit routes and stops, and existing or planned transportation facilities as shownin the Island-wide Transportation Plan (IWTP). C. Site Analysis – The site analysisshall be a map used to determine the conservation areas, conservationareasof greatestimportance,and development areas. Thesite analysisshall show: generaltopography,critical areas andtheirbuffers/setbacks,viewshedson andoff site, individualsignificant trees, extent andlocation ofpriority natural area(e.g.,forested land,agriculturalland,wildlife corridors, etc.), existinginfrastructure orotherbuiltfeatures, existing easements,existing trails,uniquesitecharacteristics,historicresources. ConditionalUsePermit (Minor&Major) A. Basic Site Plan (Minor). For Major Conditional Use Permits, submit final site plan reviewed by the Design Review Board along with any additional items below not already included. (Reference: Design for Bainbridge, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review) B. Utilities Plan C. SiteAssessment Review(SAR)or SARExemption D. Landscape Plan E. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (ifapplicable) F. A completeanddetailedwrittenstatementoftheintendeduseofthelandandthesequence and timing ofthe proposed development G. The terms, conditions, covenants, andagreementsunderwhich the subject property is bound, if any H. Affidavit of ownership or agreement to work on the owner’s behalf I. Landdedicated forpark and recreationalfacilities, if applicable J. For installationof outdoor lightingfixtures,evidence of compliance withthe requirements of chapter 18.15.040,Outdoor Lighting K. Written statementdescribinghow the applicationmeets all applicabledecision criteria L. Institutionaldevelopmentin residentialzones shallsubmitthe following items: 1. A trafficreport, showingthe effectson levelof service (LOS)on affected roads 2. A fencingplan or alternativemethods toprotectthe publichealth, safety and welfare 13 3. Vehicular, pedestrian,and bicycle accessand site circulation M. Design for Bainbridge checklist / worksheet Consultation A. Property location – 14-digit parcelnumber or site address. B. Basicprojectinformation. C. List of specific questions. D. Conceptual siteplan (optional). CriticalAreaPermit(MinorandMajor) A. Basic Site Plan B.Terms, conditions,covenants,andagreementsunderwhich the subjectproperty is bound C.A writtennarrativedescribinghow the proposalmeetsthe criticalareapermit review criteria as defined in BIMC 16.20.070.B; D. Additional submittal requirementsvarydepending onthe type of critical area. Specific submittalrequirementsare described in each of the following sectionsof BIMC16.20: Treesand vegetation – BIMC16.20.090.G (minor) Critical aquifer rechargeareas – BIMC16.20.090.B.3 (minor) Fish and wildlifehabitat conservation areas – BIMC 16.20.110.D and F (minoror major) Geologically hazardous areas – BIMC16.20.130.C(minor) Wetlands – BIMC16.20.140.F (minor or major) Winslow Ravine – BIMC16.20.150.C (major) E. Any otherrelevantinformationand reports that are necessary,inthe opinion ofthe director,to process andprepare the decision on the application,suchas permit applications to other agenciesand special studies; F. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (ifapplicable) Otherplansanddrawings deemednecessary by the Director for evaluationof the merits of the proposal. DesignGuidanceand Final Design Review and RecommendationReview Meetings A. Design Guidance Meeting: See Design for Bainbridge Design Review Manual, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review, Meeting # 2 Design Guidance Review B. Final Design Review and Recommendation Meeting: See Design for Bainbridge, Appendix A, 14 Documents Required for Design Review, Meeting # 3 Design Review and Recommendation C. SchematicDesign - Thisplan is based on the site analysis and contextmap and shows location, as applicable,of natural area, communityspace, significant trees to be retained, homesites, vehicle andnon-motorized access, locationand sizeof stormwater and septic systems, andlot lines. The proponent isrequiredto bringoneor moredevelopment conceptsor alternativesto indicatepossibledesign options forthe site. D. Projectvisionsummary E. Design for Bainbridge checklist / worksheet F. Conceptualfloor plan withestimated commercialand residentialsquare footage G. Aerial and streetscapephotographs with streetsand site boundarieslabeled H. Basic SitePlan with the following additional requirements 1. Proposed structurefootprints and structureentrances 2. Proposed location anddescriptionof mechanicalequipment 3. Proposed location oftrash / recycling structures and accessorystructures I. Preliminarysections: Transverse and longitudinal sitesections extendingto adjacent buildings within 100 feetof property; section through the most criticalareaof the structure(s)with propertylines, floor to floorheights, overallheight,andspot elevations J. PreliminaryElevations: Main elevationsof eachstructure andof adjacent structures; material andcolorselections;mechanicalscreensand venting locations K. Optionalbutstronglyrecommended 1. Renderings: Eyelevelperspective frommajorstreet location;aerialperspective depictingentire project and adjacentbuildingsin context 2. Exterior Lighting Plan: Location and indicationof light spillage at night. L. Additional requirements for subdivisions 1. Document the four-step design process identified in BIMC 17.12.030 2. Document requested departures from subdivision standards contained in BIMC 17.12.060 and 17.12.070: Address consistency with general purpose of intent of the subdivision chapter, the intent of the four-step design process, and the specific standard from which the departure is requested. 3. Identify Island-Wide Transportation Plan and City of Bainbridge Island Design and Construction Standards. Document requested deviations. 4. Depict views of proposed houses from exterior roads and abutting properties vis-à-vis natural topography and existing vegetation 5. Additional site plan requirements a. Delineate primary and secondary Natural Areas, provide area calculations for each and proposed form of ownership. Identity the functional characteristics of each Natural Area type in BIMC 17.12.050.A.2.a. i-iii and b. i. – vii. b. Show location of Natural Area fencing and/or signage c. Delineate Community Space, provide area calculation and proposed form of ownership d. Delineate and document Homesite Standards in BIMC 17.12.060 and Table 15 17.12.060-1, and Subdivision Standards in BIMC 17.12.070 and Table 17.12.070-1 FarmManagementPlan In order to exceed maximum animal density allowances provided for in BIMC 18.09.030, a farm management plan approved by the City, its designee, or a qualified third party must be implemented and maintained.Thefarm managementplanshallcontain thefollowing: A. Basic site plan,withthe following additionalinformation 1. Adjacentresidences 2. locationandareaofallpasturearea(s),shelterstructure(s),compostandmanurestorage, B. Description of the type of equipment necessary or intended for use in each season and the frequencyanddurationof anticipateduse; C. Disclosure of any intent to spray or otherwise apply agricultural chemicals or pesticides, frequency and duration of application, and the plants,diseases, pests or other purposes they are intendedfor; D. Emergencyresponseplanandemergencyresponsecontacts E. Description of the potential impacts of animal agriculture and use of applicable National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation practice standards or equivalent measurestomitigateimpacts,including: 1. Water Quality andSoils.Impactsof irrigationrun-off on adjacentproperties, waterbodies andenvironmentallycriticalareas,andproposedsedimentanderosioncontrolmeasures. 2. Noise and Odor. Impacts related to the location on the lot of the animal pasture and shelter, any trash or compost storage areas, any farm stand or additional accessory structure,andanyothernoise-generatingor odor-generatingequipment andpractices. 3. Agricultural Chemicals. Impacts related to the use of chemicals, including any manure, fertilizerandpesticide. 4. Mechanical Equipment. Impacts related to the operation of equipment, including noise, odors,and vibration. 5. Traffic and Parking. Impacts related to the number of staff onsite during work hours, and the number of potentialvisitors regularlyassociated with thesite. 6. Visual Impacts and Screening. Visual impacts relating to the proposed nature, location, design, and size of proposed features, structures and activities, including the location of pasture, composting activities and manure storage, and any existing or proposed screening. HousingDesignDemonstrationProject In addition to any submittal requirementsfrom the underlying landusepermittingprocess,the 16 followingadditionalinformationis requiredfor aHousingDesign Demonstration Project: A. Survey prepared by a licensed surveyor,includinginformationshowing existingconditions and siteinformation including,butnot limitedto,topography (contour intervalnot to exceed5 feet),an elevationbenchmark (located on or within 100feet ofthe proposed site), adjacentdevelopment, vegetation,utilities, criticalareas,propertylines,andeasements. Whenever possible,survey information should be submitted on Cityof Bainbridge Island vertical andhorizontaldatums. All plans mustbe submitted at an easilyreproducible engineeringor architectural scale. The survey data should be integrated into all siteplans and elevation drawings related to the project and the source ofthe surveyinformationshall be noted. B. Plans descriptiveof drawings ofthe proposed innovative housingtypes includingbuilding footprints and building elevations,floorplans, and roof plans. C. A description of the proposed unit type, includingproposed square footage,unit mix,and numberof bedrooms per unit. D. A descriptionof the required development standards, compared with the standardsthat relief is beingrequested. This includes,but isnot limited to, setbacks,density,or parking requirements. The applicant should explain how relief from specific development standards isneeded to achieve thedesired innovativedesign andthe goalsof this chapter. E. Photographsof the subject and adjacent propertieskey to the basic site plan. F. LandscapePlan. G. A detailed description ofany project phasing. H. A description of how the proposed development isconsistent with the surrounding neighborhoodcharacter. I. A description of how the proposed development complies withthe goalsof BIMC 2.16.020.Q,project evaluation criteriaasdescribed in BIMC 2.16.020.Q,and allrelevant decision criteria. A completed green buildingchecklistfromEvergreenSustainableDevelopment,Living Building Challenge standard of the International Living Building Institute, LEED or BuiltGreen programs thatrequire thirdpartyverification review withthe requisite four and fivestar levels. LegislativeReviewofDevelopmentRegulations and Rezoning LegislativeReviewofDevelopmentRegulations An application and fee as established by city council resolution shall be made onforms prescribedby thedepartment.Theapplication shallcontainthe following: A. A complete and detailed written statement explainingthe existingregulations andproposed changes (including specific language, if possible); B. A detailed description ofhow the proposal meetsthe goals and policies setforth in the ComprehensivePlan;and C. A completed SEPA checklist including supplemental sheet fornonproject actions (if 17 applicable); and D. Any othermaterialsthedepartmentorthe reviewingbodydetermines arerequiredto adequatelydescribetheproposal. Rezoning(Site-specificandArea-wide) A rezone application andfee as established by city council resolution shallbe madeon forms prescribedby thedepartment.Theapplication shallcontainthe following: A. A complete and detailed written statement explaining how the subject property is suitable for the proposed rezone and why the rezone would not be detrimental to surrounding land uses. B. A map that showsaddress topography,streets,adjacent landuses,utilities and other pertinentfactorsthat would justify the proposedrezone; C. A detailed description ofthe proposed usefor which the rezone is sought andhow such action meetsthe decision criteria in BIMC 2.16.140; D. A legal descriptionofthe property(ies)and tax lot number(s); E. The names and addresses of all propertyowners; and F. Any othermaterialsthedepartmentorthe reviewingbodydetermines arerequiredto adequatelydescribetheproposal. G. A completed SEPAchecklist including supplemental sheet fornonprojectactions. PreapplicationConference A.Basic Site Plan All project must include the items listed below. For projects that require review by the Design Review Board (major site plan and design review permits, short subdivisions of more than two lots, preliminary long subdivisions, and major conditional use permits), see Design for Bainbridge Design Review Manual, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review, Preapplication Conference for additional submittal requirements. B. Basic Site Plan C. Conceptual Landscape Plan (as applicable).Proposed landscaping as required by BIMC 18.15.010,includinganyrequiredretention. D. Conceptual UtilitiesPlan E. SiteAssessment Review(SAR)or SARExemption F. Design for Bainbridge checklist / worksheet F. Additional requirementsforpreapplication reviewof Subdivisions 1. Lot area of each existingand resultant lot (BIMC 18.12.050.J) 2. Proposed covenantsorrestrictions 3. Siteplan – additionalrequirements 18 a. Separate sheets depicting existingand resultantconditions b. Zoningand Comprehensive Plan designation for subject and adjacent properties c. Shorelineupland / waterenvironment forsubject andadjacentproperties d. Proposedmethodto meetfire flow requirements e. Names and locations of adjacent subdivisions; f. Delineate primary and secondary Natural Areas, provide area calculations for each and proposed form of ownership. Identity the functional characteristics of each Natural Area type in BIMC 17.12.050.A.2.a. i-iii and b. i. – vii. g. Show location of Natural Area fencing and/or signage h. Delineate Community Space, provide area calculation and proposed form of ownership i. Delineate and document Homesite Standards in BIMC 17.12.060 and Table 17.12.060-1 j. Delineate and document Subdivision Standards in BIMC 17.12.070 and Table 17.12.070-1 4. Document the four-step design process identified in BIMC 17.12.030 5. Document requested departures from subdivision standards contained in BIMC 17.12.060 and 17.12.070, including BIMC Tables 17.12.060-1 and 17.12.070-1: Address consistency with general purpose of intent of the subdivision chapter, the intent of the four-step design process, and the specific standard from which the departure is requested. 6. Identify Island-Wide Transportation Planand City of Bainbridge Island Design and Construction Standards. Document requested deviations. 7. Depict views of proposed houses from exterior roads and abutting properties vis-à-vis natural topography and existing vegetation ReasonableUseException A. Basic Site Plan B. The terms, conditions, covenants, andagreementsunderwhich the subject property is bound, if any; C. Critical Area Report. A critical areas report including mitigation plan, ifnecessary, prepared in accordance with applicable stateand federal agency standards.Such studiesshallbe prepared in accordancewith the requirementsin BIMC16.20.180 – Critical areareports by qualifiedprofessionals inthe area of concern as provided in BIMC 16.20.190 – Definitions; D. Any otherrelevantinformationand reports thatare necessary,inthe opinion ofthe director,toprocessand prepare the recommendationonthe application,such as permit applicationsto other agenciesand special studies; 19 E. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (ifapplicable) F. Otherplansanddrawings deemednecessary by the directorfor evaluationof the meritsof the proposal;and G. A completeanddetailed written statementof thereason(s)for requestingthe reasonable use exception including a detailed description ofhow the proposal will meetthe reasonable use exception criteria asdefined in BIMC16.20.080: 1. The application of Chapter 16.20 woulddeny all reasonableuse of the property; 2. There is no reasonablealternativetothe proposalwith less impact to the critical area or its requiredbuffer; 3. The proposal minimizesthe impact on critical areas in accordancewith mitigation sequencing (BIMC16.20.030); 4. The proposed impact to the critical area isthe minimumnecessary to allowreasonable use of theproperty; 5. The inability of the applicant to derive reasonable useof the property is not the result of actions by the applicant,or of the applicant’spredecessor,that occurred after February 20,1992; 6. The proposed totallot coveragedoesnot exceed1,200 squarefeetfor residential development; 7. The proposal doesnot pose anunreasonable threat to the publichealth,safety, or welfare on or offthe property; 8. Any alterations permittedto the critical areaaremitigated in accordancewith mitigation requirementsapplicableto the criticalarea altered; 9. The proposalprotects the critical areafunctions and values consistentwith thebest available science and resultsin no net loss of critical area functionsand values; 10. The proposal addresses cumulative impacts of theaction; and 11. The proposal is consistent withotherapplicableregulations and standards. H.A copyof thepre-application conferencesummaryletter. Revisiontoa Land UsePermit A revision is required when there are proposed changesto a project afterthe applicationhas been submittedbuthas not been approved. Thismay arise due to differencesbetweenthe originalproposal andapplication submittalsto actualfield conditions,or the customer has changed theirmind about an aspect of the project. In all cases, arevision to the existingpermit must be submitted,reviewed and approved. Please checkwithyourplanner priorto submittingrevisions: An intakeappointment maybe required. All submittal requirements applicableto the originalapplication,including number of copies,are requiredfor revisions. Revisions maybe subject to additionalfees. A. Basic Site Plan 20 B. Utilities Plan (as applicable) C. LandscapePlan (as applicable) with proposed landscaping as required by BIMC 18.15.010,includinganyrequired retention. D. Revision documentsthatclearlyidentifythe proposed change,includinga descriptionof the proposedchange E. Written description of the proposed change, including a detailed analysis of howthe change complies with decision criteria of the applicationused inthe first instance F. Authorizationof allowners of all lotsinvolved inthe change Shoreline-ClearingPermit A. Basic Site Plan, including: 1. Species and location oftreesor othervegetationproposed to be removed 2. Size (dbh)of treesto beremoved 3. Area (square feet) of canopy coverage to be removed. Canopy coverage includes trees and shrubs. 4. Erosion control methods, drainage information or plan, pursuant to BIMC 15.20 B. Supplementalmaterials,as applicable: 1. Arborist report,forremovalof hazard trees,oranyvegetation removal within geologicallyhazardousareasorbuffers/setbacks 2. Geotechnical report,forany vegetationremovalwithin geologicallyhazardousareasor buffers/setbacks C. Replantingplan, including: 1. Species, size,quantity, and location oftrees or othervegetation proposedto be planted Shoreline -Substantial Development Permit/Exemption, Variance, Conditional Use A. BasicSite Plan, withthe following additionalinformation: 1. Location of Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM); 2. Location of Shoreline Buffer; 3. Location of Shoreline StructureViewSetback; 4. Shorelinedimensionalsetbacks; 5. Location of native vegetationand significanttrees; 6. If structureshaveany attachments(e.g.deck,balcony, etc.), include elevation drawings and calculations of grade 7. Foroverwater structuresordevelopment:littoralboundariesandelevationdrawings withtidalelevationsdevelopment 21 8. For mooringbuoysthe following additionalinformation: a. Location of proposed buoy with latitude and longitude coordinates and swing circle; b. Location of surroundingbuoys,floats, or docks; c. Distance measurementof proposedbuoy tosurroundingbuoys, floats,ordocks. B. No Net LossDocumentation All shorelinedevelopment,use andactivities,regardlessof whether apermit isrequired, must result inno netlossof ecologicalfunctions and processesnecessaryto sustain shoreline resources.To demonstrate thatthe no net loss standard is met,and applicant musteither submit with application: 1. The Single-Family ResidenceMitigationManual checklist and supportingdocuments or 2. A Site-specific Analysis that is completed by a qualifiedprofessional. C. Narrative explaininghowthe project meetsthe decision criteriain BIMC2.16.165 D. AdditionalDocuments Depending on existingsite conditions andproposeddevelopment activities,your application may require additionalreports and/or studiesto identify and assess potential projectimpacts. These include: 1. Wetlanddelineation andcategorization (SeeBIMC16.12.060.L) 2. Geotechnical Report(SeeBIMC16.12.060.K) 3. BluffManagement Plan (See BIMC16.12.060.K) 4. Utilities Plan 5. SiteAssessment Review(SAR)or SARExemption 6. State Environmental PolicyAct (SEPA)Checklist 7. Shoreline Stabilization Projects have additionalsubmittal requirementslisted in the City’s ShorelineMaster Program Section 6.2.10 8. For Mooring Buoys, thefollowing additionalinformation: a. Cross-SectionalViewWorksheet b. Proof of submittalof siteplan withlatitude and longitude coordinates, vicinity map, and cross-sectional viewworksheetto the Suquamish Tribe. A copy of notification e-mail sent to Alison O’Sullivan, Biologist, Suquamish Tribeis acceptable (aosullivan@suquamish.nsn.us). c. Name and contact information of thediver/biologist qualified to install an embedmentstyleanchor i.An aquatic vegetationdive surveyisrequired if a surface style anchor is proposed (Concreteblock,Danforth,etc.) d. Signed copyof AttachmentE: Aquatic UseAuthorizationon DepartmentofNatural Resources (DNR)- managed aquatic lands. This form must be submitted to and signed by DNR prior to making applicationto the City. PleasenotethatAttachment 22 E is not requiredforbuoysthat areproposed to be installed on privatelyheld tidelands. e. Attachment E must include DNR signature at timeof submittalto the City to verify thatDNR has been notified ofthe proposedbuoy location. Attachment E is submittedto DNRalongwith a Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (JARPA). Attachment E and the JARPAform can befoundhere: https://www.epermitting.wa.gov/site/alias__resourcecenter/9978/default.aspx Dependingon the location of the buoy, yourapplication may require additional submittaldocuments, including StateEnvironmentalPolicy Act (SEPA) Checklist (required only ifplacement location is not on DNR leased land) SignPermit A. Basic Site Plan 1. Position ofbuildings 2. Landscapedareas 3. Sign configuration 4. Sign size 5. Signelevation B.SignPermitWorksheet C. Drawing orphoto of proposed sign(s)includingdimensions andheight above ground. D. Engineeringspecifications(if applicable). SitePlanandDesign Review (Major & Minor) A. Basic Site Plan. For Major Site Plan and Design Review permits, submit final site plan reviewed by the Design Review Board along with any items below not already included. (Reference: Design for Bainbridge, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review) B. Utilities Plan C. SiteAssessment Review(SAR)or SARExemption D. Landscape Plan E. Preapplication conference summary(if applicable) F. Publicparticipation meeting summary (if applicable) G. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)checklist (ifapplicable) H. Terms, conditions,covenants,andagreementsunderwhich the subjectproperty is bound 23 I. Traffic analysis (if applicable) J. Design for Bainbridge checklist / worksheet K. Narrative: A completeanddetailed writtenstatement describingthe proposal, including: 1. Intended use of the land 2. Phasing, includingthephasing of on- and off-site improvements 3. Sequence andtimingofthe proposeddevelopment 4. Proposed land ownership 5. Commercialand residentialcomponentsof the project 6. Addressing the decision criteriaper BIMC2.16.040 E L. Documentation of KitsapPublic HealthDistrict Concurrent Review, if not onpublic sewer and water; M. Non-bindingWater andSeweravailabilityletters (availability andphasingof system extensions) N. The terms, conditions, covenants, andagreementsunderwhich the subject property is bound,if any; O. Architecturaldrawings,includingfloorplans,uses,buildingelevations,buildingsections, and roof plans; P. Descriptionofproposedstormwatermanagement systemand maintenance and operation. See also Utilities Plan. Q. Descriptionof any facilitiesplanned forpublicdedication, e.g. sewage disposal system, roads,non-motorizedfacilities,utilitylines andfacilities,parks. R. Any othergraphic materials requiredto adequately describe howthe proposal meets specific regulationsandguidelines,such ascolor palettes,materialboards, and computerizedmodels; S. For installationof outdoor lightingfixtures,evidence of compliancewiththe requirements of chapter 18.15.040,Outdoor Lighting,on the architecturalelevationsor on aform provided by thedepartmentofplanning and communitydevelopment. T. A survey maybe required depending onproject complexity Subdivision–Preliminary (Short/Long/LargeLot) A. Basic Site Plan (two-lot short subdivisions only). For all other preliminary subdivisions, submit final site plan reviewed by the Design Review Board along with any additional items below not already included (Reference: Design for Bainbridge, Appendix A, Documents Required for Design Review) B. Utilities Plan C. SiteAssessment Review(SAR)or SARExemption D. Landscape Plan (as applicable). Proposed landscaping as required by BIMC18.15.010, includinganyrequiredretention. E. PreliminaryPlat 24 1. Conventionalscale and prepared by a surveyor licensed inthe State of Washington 2. Separate sheets depicting existing conditions andresultant conditions 3. Zoningand ComprehensivePlandesignation 4. Shorelineuplandand waterenvironment designations 5. Proposed methodto meetfire flow requirements 6. Names and locations of adjacent subdivisions 7. Gross lot size (in square feet)of each existing andresultant lot 8. Lot area of each existingand resultant lot / tract (BIMC18.12.050.J) 9. Delineate requiredcriticalareas,theirbuffers and setbacks along with any proposed modifications 10. Aquifer RechargeProtection Area: Clearly show the extent of native vegetation areas. Delineate the ARPA, 12,500 square foot development areas, and show the area calculations. Document the ARPA development standards in BIMC 16.20.100.D. 11. Delineate primary and secondary Natural Areas, provide area calculations for each and proposed form of ownership. Identity the functional characteristics of each Natural Area type in BIMC 17.12.050.A.2.a. i-iii and b. i. – vii. 12. Show location of Natural Area fencing and/or signage 13. Delineate Community Space, provide area calculation and proposed form of ownership 14.Delineate and document Homesite Standards in BIMC 17.12.060 and Table 17.12.060-1 15.Delineate and document Subdivision Standards in BIMC 17.12.070 and Table 17.12.070-1 F. Design for Bainbridge checklist/worksheet G. Document the four-step design process identified in BIMC 17.12.030 H. Document requested departures from subdivision standards contained in BIMC17.12.060 and 17.12.070, including BIMC Tables 17.12.060-1 and 17.12.070-1: Address consistency with general purpose of intent of the subdivision chapter, the intent of the four-step design process, and the specific standard from which the departure is requested. I.Identify Island-Wide Transportation Plan and City of Bainbridge Island Design and Construction Standards. Document requested deviations. J. Depict views of proposed houses from exterior roads and abutting properties vis-à-vis natural topography and existing vegetation K. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (ifapplicable) L. Preapplicationconferencesummaryletter M. Perimeter lot closuresfor each existing and resultant lot N. Titlereportdatednot morethan six months prior to application O. Property legaldescription P. Draft Natural Area and/or Community Space Management Plan, including maintenance plan and allowed uses for each area type 25 Q. Existingandproposedterms,conditions,covenants,andagreementsonthesubjectproperty (e.g. road maintenance agreement) R. Non-bindingwaterand sewer availabilityletters (forpublic water / sewer)foreach lot S. Trafficimpact analysis/applicationfortrafficconcurrencyor concurrencystatement T. Othertechnical reports (asapplicable): a. Wetlanddelineation andreportor wetlanddetermination b. Geotechnicalreport/assessment c. Shoreline SiteSpecific Analysis d. DNR Forestrypermit e. HabitatManagementPlan U. Otherspecialsubmittalrequirementsidentified inthe pre-application conferencesummary Subdivision - Alteration (Short/ Long/LargeLot) A. Proposedplatalteration B. Narrative including a description of the proposed change anda detailed analysis of how the change complies withdecision criteria of the application used inthe first instance C. A copy of the existing finalplat D. A copyof the natural area / community space / open spacemanagement plan,as applicable Subdivision - PlatUtilityApproval(Short/Long/LargeLot) Platutilitystandards for civil improvements are found in the Cityof Bainbridge IslandDesign and Construction StandardsManual. Please reviewthe specificrequirements withthe assigned Cityproject engineerforlarge/complexprojects. A. ConstructionPlans Plans must be full-scale drawingson 24-inchby 36-inch paper with margins which are set to provide half-scale drawings on 11-inch x 17- inchpaper. Two copiesofthe constructionplan set are required. A digital set inPDF or TIFFformat must also be submitted with application. On-siteplansforprivateproperty improvementsmust have a vertical scale of one inch equals five feet and a horizontalscale of one inch equals 50 feet. Profilesmay be drawnon plan sheets. Off-site plansforpublicimprovements (i.e.water, sewer,storm drainage,and streets) shall have a vertical scale of one inch equals fivefeet and a horizontalscale of oneinch equals 40 feet. Alloff-site plans shallhave the corresponding plan/profiles on the same sheet. See also land use standardsforplan requirements (e.g. Aquifer Recharge Protection Areas). 26 GeneralPlanRequirements: North must be up or to the left onplans, and north must not be shownin a different orientation on the same orconnecting sheets. Vicinity map of approximately one square mile withthe project sitecentered scaled one inch = 1000feet. A scale at leastone inch long must be on the map. A north arrow must be onthe map and the site address must be belowthe map. Citydatum withCity-established benchmark (BM)numberand elevation. BM information isavailable fromthe city's right-of-way specialist. A detailed description ofthe site,includinglot number,quarter section,township and range, unlessotherwise notedby the CityEngineer. Current zoning of site and of adjacent properties Lot size(s)withperimeter distances and bearingsof the siteshownon theplan Project name inthe titleblock Owner/developername,address, and phonenumber inthe titleblock Design engineer'sname,address,and phone number inthe titleblock Boundary and topographic survey of existing conditionswith a contour interval of no less thanfive feet (no less than10 feet for Large Lot Subdivisions) Clearly identify and dimension existing and proposed rights-of-wayand easements. ShowKitsap Countyrecordingnumbersfor allexistingeasements. All pertinent existing andfinish elevations Existing naturaldrainageways (e.g. swales,ditches) and flow path with arrows and elevations Lakes,rivers,streams,floodplains,wetlands, sensitiveslopes,andothersensitiveareas Limitsand elevationsof 100-Year floodplain with floodway and flood fringe delineated General plan notes consistent with the Standardsshall be shown on the plan IndividualPlanSheet Requirements: Plans may beincorporated onthe samesheet where clarity is not affected. Preliminaryconditionsof approval Grading, Drainage, and Erosion and Sediment Control (GDESC)Plan Streetplan or plat roadplan Parkingplan Utility plan (water,sewer,and dry/franchiseutilitylocationand coordination) Significanttree/treeretention plan Openspacemanagement plan,where applicable Landscapingplan B. ReportsandSupportingDocumentation/Calculations StormwatermanagementreportconsistentwithBIMC15.20 andthe currentadopted StormwaterandLowImpactDevelopmentmanuals. Drainage designcalculations. Soil logs and infiltration ratedetermination, whereapplicable. 27 Geotechnicalreport, where applicable. Domestic (multi-family), commercial and fire flowcalculations. Sewerconveyancecalculations. C. Facilities(Water,Sewer,StormWaterand Streets) ExtensionAgreement Application The extension agreement application shall be completed bythe ownerand submitted with the applicableprocessingfee consistentwithBIMC 13.32. Application shallindicatewhethera latecomerreimbursement willbe requested. Drawings shall be submitted showing generallytheproposed location,type,and size of the utilityor street improvements. Subdivision - Final(Short/Long/LargeLot) A. Plat UtilitiesPlan (engineered drainage plan / report or minorplan as applicable) B. LandscapePlan (as applicable). Proposed landscaping as required by BIMC 18.15.010, includinganyrequiredretention. C. Final terms,conditions,covenants,andagreements(e.g. Natural / Community Space Management Plan, road maintenance agreement) D. Statement of compliance listing the plat conditions and howeach condition is met B. Perimeter lotclosures for each existing and resultant lot C. Titlereportdatednot morethan six months prior to application D. Binding water andseweravailabilityletters (forpublic water/sewer)foreach lot E. Final Plat, as modified by conditions of approval 1. Applicableplat conditions of approval 2. Tiesto permanent monuments 3. Controllingreferencepointsor monuments 4. Bearingand length of lines 5. Origin of meridian or basis of bearings 6. Surveyor’s certificate signed by the surveyor who prepared the finalplat: “I,______registered as a professional land surveyor by the State of Washington, certify that this Subdivisionis based on an actual survey of the land described herein,conductedby meor under my supervision, duringthe period of _, 20__, through____,20__ , that the distances,courses, and angles shownhereon correctly; andthe lotcorners have beenstaked onthe ground as depicted hereon.” 7.Disclaimerregardingroadmaintenance: “Responsibility and expense for maintenance of streets serving lots withinthis short plat/subdivisionshall rest withthe lot owners unless such roads have been accepted by the City.” 8.If plat improvementsare assured, a prominentnote onthe face of the finalplat: “The 28 lots created by this plat are subject to conditions of an assurance device held by the City forthe completion of certain necessary facilities. Building permits may not be issued and/or occupancy may not be allowed until such necessary facilities arecompleted and approved bythe City. Allpurchasers shall satisfy themselves as to the status of completionof the necessaryfacilities.” 9. Signature anddate linesforthe CityPlanning Director 10. Signature anddate linesfor the Health District (N/A for short plats) 11. County Treasurer and Auditor signature blocks 12. Declarationregardingfurthersubdivision: “Land in a short subdivision may not be further divided through a short plat withina period of five yearsrecordingthe final short without meetingthe standards of and being reviewed as a long subdivision.” 13. Estimate approved by the City forfinancialassurance ofplat improvements (if applicable) 29 TreeRemoval/VegetationMaintenancePermit A. Basic Site Plan B. Treesand vegetationproposed to be removed (also showon Basic Site Plan) C. Size (diameter breast height [dbh]) of trees to be removed (Required only for commercial, institutional,multifamily,and mixed-usedevelopment and any propertiesin Mixed UseTown Center, High School Road, R-2.9, R-3.5and R-4.3zones. Also show on Basic Site Plan) D. Site Assessment Review(SAR)or Exemption (if applicable) E. Erosion control methods, drainage information or plan, pursuant to BIMC 15.20 (if applicable). F. Planting plan (see Landscape Plan section above) if tree removal brings a property below applicable tree unit requirements (see BIMC Section 18.15.010.G) or is proposed within requiredvegetationareas (e.g.landscapebuffers,no-cutbuffers),oranyother trees required to be retained through an approved land use permit. Planting plan should ensure that property continuesto meetany applicabletreerequirements. Variance–Zoning (Major&Minor) A. Basic Site Plan B. State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist (ifapplicable) C. Terms, conditions,covenants,and agreementsunderwhich the subjectproperty is bound D. Narrative – A completeanddetailed writtenstatement describingtheproposal, including: 1. Reason forthe variancerequest 2. Detailed description of how the proposal willmeetthe decision criteria 3. Visual impactsof proposed structures,includingproposed screening 30 WirelessCommunicationFacilityPermit(WCF) Permit procedures for wirelesscommunicationfacilitypermits are detailedin BIMC 18.10. A. Basic Site Plan 1. Additionalrequirements a. Location,elevation anddimensionsof existingfacility components b. Location,elevation anddimensionsof proposedfacility components c. Existing and proposed site grade d. Area of grounddisturbance for construction activities e. Primary viewshed oftheproposed WCF f. Proposedheight g. Coverage areaat proposed height (maybe insetmap oron separatesheet) h. Inventory of WCF sites in or within a one mile radius of the City that are operated by the applicant B. LandscapePlan 1. Additionallandscapeplan informationrequired: a. Type and location of vegetation screen of WCF componentsin viewshed context b. Height of vegetationscreen at maturity (e.g.monopole/tower 2/3heightscreening) c. Type and locationof topographicor structuralscreening(e.g.wall, fencing) d. WCFpaint/camouflage colorscheme inviewshedcontext e. Securityfencingheight,vegetationscreeningandpaint/camouflagescreening C. DetailDrawing 1. Antenna 2. Supportstructure andany protrusionfromthe support structure 3. Transmissiondevice 4. Equipmentshelter D. Photo/visual simulationsof theproposalfrom affectedpropertiesandpublic rights-of-way at varyingdistances E. Narrative 1. An explanation of the need for the proposed WCF 2. Location priority analysis (e.g. co-location vs. commercialbuilding) 3. Height anddesign of WCF sites inor within onemile of the City 4. Impact ofproposalon existing restrictionsor requirements (e.g.Conditional UsePermit, SitePlan andDesign ReviewPermit) 5. Feasibilityof underground location for equipmentfacilities 6. Equipmentnoiseevaluation (e.g.dB atnearest property line) F. Documentation verifyingthatthe proposed WCF complies with Federal Communications Commission and FederalAviation Administrationregulations 31 G. Copy ofdocumentation regardingexistingrestrictions orrequirements(e.g. ConditionalUse Permit, SitePlanand Design ReviewPermit) H. Additionalinformationrequiredfor: 1. Towermodification a. Structuralengineeringreportdemonstrating themodificationcomplieswith applicable construction/electrical/safetycodesincluding: i.numberandtypesof antennasthe tower can support ii. basis for capacity calculation iii. statement thattheproposal complies with applicableFCC guidelinesand standards 2. Basestation modification a. Structuralengineeringreportdemonstrating themodificationcomplieswith applicableconstruction/electrical/safetycodes 3. Applications for facilitiesother than FacilityI or II a. Documentation of effortsto co-locate on existingfacilities I. If all or a portion of the WCF will be located upon a city-owned structure, or upon non-right- of-way property which is either city-owned or city-leased, the applicant shall be required to enter intoa leaseagreement withthe cityforthe useof the city property. J.A MasterPermit, consistent withChapter 19.02 and19.04BIMC, if all or aportion of the WCF will be located in the right-of-way. WirelessEligibleFacilitiesRequestPermit(EFR) Permit procedures for wirelesseligible facilities requestpermits are detailed in BIMC 18.11. 1.An assertionthatthe proposed facilities modification is subject to reviewunderSection 6409 ofthe Spectrum Act. 2.An evaluationof the substantial change criteriaas found in BIMC 18.11.010.K. 3.Copiesof anyenvironmentaldocuments requiredby anyfederal agency.These shall include the environmental assessment requiredby 47 C.F.R.Part 1 (Part 1 – Practiceand Procedure), Section 1.1307, asamended, or,in the eventthatan FCCenvironmental assessment is not required, a statementthatdescribesthe specificfactorsthat obviate therequirementforan environmentalassessment. 4.If the applicant is not the owneror person in control of theeligible support structure and/or site:An attestation that the owneror person in controlof the eligible support structure and/orsite has consented to the proposed facilities modification. If the eligible support structure islocated in a publicright-of-way,the applicant must alsoattestthat applicant has authorizationto install,maintain andoperate transmissionequipment in,under,andabove the publicright-of-way. 5.A requestinvolving co-location of transmissionequipmentorthe replacementof transmission equipment:Complete copiesof the underlying landuse approvals for siting of the toweror base station proposed tobe modified,establishingthat, atthe timeof submittal of the application, such tower or base station constituted an eligible support structure. 32 6.A request that willresult in anincrease inheightof the eligible supportstructure:Record drawings, as-built plans,or the equivalent, showing the heightof the eligible support structure (a)asoriginallyconstructed and grantedapproval by the city or other applicable local zoningor similar regulatory authority;or (b)as of the most recent modificationreceived by the city, or other local zoningor regulatory approval, priorto the passageofthe Spectrum Act, whicheverheight isgreater. 7.A request to an eligible support structure, whichstructure,or proposed modification of the same, issubject topreexistingrestrictions orrequirementsimposed by a reviewing official or decision-making bodypursuant to authority granted underthe city code,or an ordinance or amunicipalcodeof another local government authority: Acopy of the document (e.g., CUP or SUP)settingforthsuchpreexistingrestrictions orrequirements together witha certification thatthe proposed facilities modification conformsto such restrictions or requirements; provided,thatsuchcertificationshallhaveno application to the extent the proposed facilities modification relatessolely to anincrease in height,increase in width, addition of cabinets,or new excavation,thatdoes not result in a substantial change inthe physicaldimensionsof the eligible support structure. 8.A request to an eligible supportstructure, whichstructure,or proposed modification of the same,issubject topreexistingconcealment restrictions orrequirements,or was constructed withconcealmentelements:Applicant shallsetforththe factsand circumstances demonstratingthatthe proposedmodificationwouldnot defeat the existing concealment elementsofthe eligiblesupport structure. If theproposed modification will alterthe exterior dimensionsor appearanceof the eligible support structure,applicantshallinclude a detailed visualsimulationdepictinghow the eligible support structure will appear after the proposed modification is complete.The visual simulation shalldepictto scale theeligible support structure in relation tothe trees,landscapingand other structures adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinityof, the eligible supportstructure. 9.A request thatwillprotrudefromthe edgeof a nontowereligible support structure:Record drawings,as-built plans,or the equivalent, showing at aminimum the edge of the eligible support structure atthe location ofthe proposed modification. 10.A request to aneligible supportstructurethat will (a)include anyexcavation; (b)would result in a protrusionfrom the edge of a towerthat exceeds an existing protrusionof any transmissionequipmentattached to a tower;or (c)wouldprotrude fromthe edge of a nontower eligiblesupport structure: A description of the boundariesof the site together with a scale drawingbased on an accuratetraverse, withangular and lineal dimensions, depictingthe boundariesof the site in relationto the tower or basestation proposed to be modified anddepicting the proposed location,elevation and dimensions of the new or replacementtransmissionequipment.The city may require a surveyby a land surveyor licensed inthe state of Washington when, in the judgment of theapproval authority, a survey isreasonablynecessary to verifytheboundariesof the siteto determine if the proposed facilities modification would result in a substantial change in the physical dimensionsof the eligible support structure. 33 11.A request to theeligible support structure that includeshardeningthrough structural enhancement:Atechnical report by aqualifiedengineer accreditedbythe state of Washington,demonstratingthatthe structuralenhancement isperformedin connection withand isnecessaryto supporttheproposed co-location,removal,or replacementof transmissionequipment and conformsto applicablecoderequirements. The city may retainthe servicesof anindependenttechnicalexpert to review,evaluate,and provide an opinion regardingthe applicant’sdemonstration of necessity. 12.A request thatproposesa modification to atower: A stamped reportby a Washington State-registeredprofessional engineerdemonstratingthatthe towerwiththe proposed modificationswill comply with applicable structural, electrical, and safety codes,including by way of example, andnot limitation,EIA/TIA-222-Revision G,published by the American National StandardsInstitute(asamended),allowable wind speed forthe applicablezone in whichthe tower is located, anddescribingthe general structural capacity of the tower with the proposed modifications, including: a.The number andtypeof antennasthat canbe accommodated; b.The basis for the calculation of capacity; and c. A written statementthattheproposalcomplieswith allfederal guidelinesregarding interference andANSI standards as adopted by the FCC, including butnot limited to nonionizingelectromagneticradiation (NIER)standards. The citymay retainthe services of an independent technicalexpert to review, evaluate, and provide an opinion regardingthe applicant’sdemonstration of compliance. 13.A request to a base station: A stamped reportby a Washington State-registered professionalengineerdemonstrating thatthe base station, withthe proposed modifications,willcomply withapplicablestructural, electrical, and safetycodes. 14.A request requiringalterationtothe eligible support structure,excavation,installation of new equipment cabinets, or any otheractivities impactingor alteringthe land, existing structures,fencing, or landscaping on the site: Adetailed site plan and drawings,showing the truenorthpoint,a graphicscaleand,drawnto an appropriate decimal scale,indicatingand depicting: a.The location,elevation anddimensions of the existing eligible support structure; b.The location,elevation and dimensionsof the existingtransmissionequipment; c.The location, elevation and dimensionsof the transmissionequipment, if any, proposed tobe co-located orthat willreplace existing transmissionequipment; d.The location,elevation anddimensionsof anyproposed new equipment cabinetsand the intended useof each; e.Any proposed modification to theeligible supportstructure; f.The location ofexisting structureson the site,including fencing, screening, trees, and other significant sitefeatures; and g.The location of anyareaswhereexcavation isproposed showing the elevations, depths,and width ofthe proposed excavationandmaterials and dimensions of the equipmentto beplaced inthe area excavated. 34 Small Wireless Facility Permit (SWF) Permit procedures for small wireless facilitypermits are detailed in BIMC 19.10. 1. A MasterPermit, consistentwith Chapter19.02 and19.04BIMC, iftheproposed facilities are located inthe right-of-way. 2. Associated Permit(s). Applications or checklists required underthe Critical Areas,Shoreline, or SEPAordinances. Applicationsfordeploymentof smallwirelessfacilities in Design Zones or fornew poles shall comply with the requirements in BIMC18.10A.060. 3. Specific locationalinformationincluding GIS coordinates of allproposed smallwireless facilities and specify wherethe smallwirelessfacilities willutilize existing,replacement, or new polesortowers, existingbuildings,or otherstructures.Ground mounted equipment (if authorized pursuantto Chapter18.10A BIMC), conduit,junction boxes,and fiberand electricalconnectionsnecessaryfor and intendedforuse inthe deployment shall also be specified regardless of whether theadditionalfacilities are to be constructed by the applicantor leased from a thirdparty.Detailed schematics and visual renderingsof the small wirelessfacilities,includingengineeringand design standards,shallbe provided by the applicant.The application shall have sufficient detailto identify: (a) The location of overhead andundergroundpublicutility,telecommunication,cable, water,adjacent lightingsewerdrainage and otherlinesandequipment within 50 feet of the proposedproject area (which the project area shallinclude thelocation of the fiber sourceand powersource). Further,the applicant shall include allexisting and proposed improvementsrelated to the proposedlocation, includingbutnot limited to poles, driveways, ADAramps,equipment cabinets,streettreesand structureswithin 50 feet fromthe proposed projectarea. (b) The specifictrees, structures, improvements,facilities,linesandequipment,and obstructions,if any,thatapplicantproposesto temporarilyorpermanentlyremoveor relocate and alandscapeplan forprotecting,trimming, removing,replacing,and restoring any treesor areasto bedisturbed duringconstruction. (c) The construction drawings shall also includethe applicant'splan for electricand fiber utilities,all conduits,cables, wires,handholes,junctions, meters,disconnect switches and anyotherancillaryequipment or constructionnecessaryto construct the small wireless facility,to the extent to which the applicant is responsibleforinstalling such electricandfiberutilities, conduits, cables,and related improvements. Where another party is responsiblefor installing such electric and fiberutilities, conduits,cables, and related improvements,applicant'sconstructiondrawings will include such utilitiesto the extent known at the time of application,but at a minimumapplicant must indicate how it expects to obtain fiber andelectric service tothe small wirelessfacility. (d) Compliance withthe aestheticrequirementsof BIMC 18.10A.050. 35 4. Written approvalfrom the owner of any poleor structureforthe installation of its small wirelessfacilities on suchpoleor structure. To extent thatthe poleor structureis not ownedby the applicant,the applicant shalldemonstrate in writingthat theyhave authority from thepoleowner to installthe small wirelessfacility on thepoleor structure.Such written approval shall include approval of the specificpole,engineering and design standards, aswell as assurancesthat the specificpole can withstand wind and seismic loads, fromthe poleowner,unlessthe pole owner isthe City.Submission of the leaseagreement between the poleownerand the applicant is not required. Ifthe proposedsmall wireless facility isnot withinthe rights-of-way,the applicant must provide writtenapproval fromthe property owner. Forcity-owned polesor structures,the applicantmust obtain a leasefrom the City prior to orconcurrent withthe small wirelesspermit application and must submit as part of the applicationthe information required in the lease for the Cityto evaluate the usage of a specificpole. 5. Sworn affidavit signed by an RFEngineerwith knowledge of theproposed project affirming that the smallwirelessfacilities willbe compliant with allFCC and other governmental regulations in connectionwithhuman exposureto radiofrequency emissions for every frequency at which the small wirelessfacility willoperate. If facilities which generate RF radiation necessaryto the smallwirelessfacility areto be provided by a thirdparty, thenthe small wirelesspermit shall be conditioned on an RF Certification showing the cumulative impactof the RFemissions onthe entire installation.Theapplicant mayprovide one emissions reportfor the entiresmall wirelessdeployment ifthe applicant isusingthe same small wirelessfacility configuration for all installations withinthat batch or may submitone emissions report foreach subgroupinstallationidentified inthe batch. 6. Proof of FCC and other regulatoryapprovalsrequired to provide the service(s)or utilize the technologiessoughtto be installed. 7. A professional engineer licensedby the StateofWashington shall certify in writing, over his or her seal,thatthe constructionplans of the small wireless facilitiesand the antenna support structure or pole andfoundationare designed to reasonably withstand typical loading requirementsas well aswind and seismic loads. 8. Proof of a valid Bainbridge Island businesslicense. 9. Such otherinformation asthe Director,in his/herdiscretion, shall deemappropriateto effectivelyevaluatethe applicationbased ontechnical, engineering,and aesthetic considerations. ZoningVerificationLetter A. Property location – 14-digit parcelnumber or site address B. Any known previously approved land use applications or permits. C. List of specific questions.