RES 2005-16 AGRICULTURE PROMOTION ACTION PLAN040505 RESOLUTION NO. 2005-16 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of 13airibridgc Island, Washington, identifying an action plan to promote agriculture, as part of the City Council's 2005 Work Plan. WHEREAS, the City Comprehensive Plan Environmental Klement Goals 1 and 3, Policies AG 3.5 and AG 3.8 and Economic Elcment Goal 1 an(1 I'ulicics AG I.1 and AG1.4 and AG1.5 state a desire to preserve and protect island aLric!iltural Kind and to retain and enhance farming as part of a diverse local economy; 111( WHEREAS, the City Municipal Code adopted on September 1, 1994 (and subsequently amended), established Agriculture as a prelerred use i ii zones where it is allowed; and Bainbridge Island Municipal Code 1 5.99.010 supports the Comprehensive Plan and states that "To the extent possible, agriculture shall be treated as a preferred use in zones in which it is a permitted use." WHEREAS, the City Council desires to identify and impicn;cnt a numhcr of action steps to maintain and increase the active uusc of City ownc,i ;�.�sricultural land use. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: The follov� ing action item., �rrc incurporated as part of the City Council's 2005 work plan: Section 1. The City will enter into a contract with the Trust for Working Landscapes to provide for the active use of the Johnson harm for agriculture, animal husbandry, education and cultural events and establishing the City's contributions to the development of the site. Specific City action items for 2005 will include: A geotechnical assessment ol'tlle property to dctermin,_� the Icasibility of and the preferred location for, building lots (up to S7,000)1 :111,1 Given a favorable geotechnical report the City will proN, i,lc matching funds for raising a barn on site (up to $5,000 ), and Given a favorable geotechnical report the City will contract for preparation and processing of a plat to establish building lots. (l'��;t; arc to he determined and will include design, engineering, drainage and processing tees) Section 2. The City has increased funding [or the annual contr�rct with the Kitsap County Conservation District (KCCD) to allo\v li 040505 owned agricultural lands and make a recommendation on models that provide for the economic success,. active use, preservation, environmental stewardship, public benefit and long-term management of urban fringe agriculture. Section 4. The City will contract with island fanners for the short-term maintenance of City -owned agricultural lands including: • Soil amendments for the Morales property already covered under contract with the Trust for Working Landscapes. Pruning, thinning, irrigation and mowing of the crop at M & E Tree Farm. Deer fencing for crop protection on the Suyematsu property. PASSED by the City Council this 13th day of April, 2005. APPROVED by the Mayor this 14°i day of April, 2005. DARLENE KORDONOWY, 1w1a} or ATT(EST/AUTHENTICATE: i SUSAN P. KAS ER, City C erk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 6, 2005 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 13, 2005 RESOLUTION NO: 2005-16