Ordinance No. 2024-12 Transferring Certain Duties of Historic Preservation Commission to Planning Commission (Approved 051424)4866-2686-1494, v. 1 1 {JEH4866-2686-1494;1/13023.130005/} ORDINANCE NO. 2024-12 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, amending BIMC 18.24.020.E.7 and BIMC 18.24.020.E.10 to transfer the duty to review certain proposals related to register eligible and local historic register properties and certain proposals related to specific buildings in the Fort Ward overlay district from the Historic Preservation Commission to the Planning Commission pending further review by the Council. WHEREAS, Bainbridge Island Municipal Code (“BIMC”) 18.24.020.E.7 provides for the City’s Historic Preservation Commission to “[r]eview proposals to alter, reconstruct, remodel or restore the exterior of, move or demolish register eligible and local register properties and/or structures as provided in BIMC 18.24.050, 18.24.060, 18.24.070, and 18.24.080;” and WHEREAS, BIMC 18.27.020.E.10 provides for the Historic Preservation Commission to “[r]eview proposals to alter, reconstruct, remodel or restore the exterior of specific Fort Ward buildings as identified in Fort Ward overlay district, BIMC 18.24.110;” and WHEREAS, due to the recent resignations of Historic Preservation Commission members, all positions on the Historic Preservation Commission are vacant and the Historic Preservation Commission is therefore unavailable to perform the assigned duties in BIMC 18.24020.E.7 and 18.24.020.E.10; and WHEREAS, the Bainbridge Island City Council intends to undertake a review of the City’s historic preservation regulations and to evaluate the role and responsibility of the Historic Preservation Commission going forward; and WHEREAS, while the City Council’s review is pending, the duties set forth in BIMC 18.24.020.E.7 and 18.24.020.E.10 may need to be performed and the Council has determined that the most appropriate body to perform the duties is the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Transfer of Duties under BIMC 18.24.020.E.7.. Pending further action of the City Council, the duties of the Historic Preservation Commission under BIMC 18.24.020.E.7 are hereby transferred to the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission, and BIMC 18.24.020.E.7 is amended to read as follows: 7. Review proposals to alter, reconstruct, remodel or restore the exterior of, move or demolish register eligible and local register properties and/or structures as provided in BIMC 18.24.050, 18.24.060, 18.24.070, and 18.24.080, provided, that pending further review by the City Council the duties of the Historic Preservation Commission under this subsection shall be performed by the Planning Commission. 4866-2686-1494, v. 1 2 {JEH4866-2686-1494;1/13023.130005/} Section 2. Transfer of Duties under BIMC 18.24.020.E.10. Pending further action of the City Council, the duties of the Historic Preservation Commission under BIMC 18.24.020.E.10 are hereby transferred to the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission, and BIMC 18.24.020.E.10 is amended to read as follows: 10.Review proposals to alter, reconstruct, remodel or restore the exterior of specific Fort Ward buildings as identified in Fort Ward overlay district, BIMC 18.24.110, provided, that pending further review by the City Council the duties of the Historic Preservation Commission under this subsection shall be performed by the Planning Commission. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force five (5) days after its passage and publication as required by law. PASSED by the City Council this 14th day of May, 2024. APPROVED by the Mayor this 14th day of May, 2024. Joe Deets, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Christine Brown, MMC, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 19, 2024 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: May 14, 2024 PUBLISHED: May 17, 2024 EFFECTIVE DATE: May 22, 2024 ORDINANCE NO. 2024-12