RES 81-12 SEGREGATION OF ASSESSMENTS LID 3RESOLUTION NO. 81-12 RESOLUTION ORDERING SECREGATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LOCAL IMP ROVEMENT D I STRICT 3. The City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, hereby resolves as follows: 1. The City Council has determined a segregation of the following described property be made and the City Treasurer shall make the segregation ordered hereby on the original assessment roll. 2. Amount and date of original assessment. Williamson $5098.21 - April 7, 1980 LID 3A 169 3. Amount due to City for reasonable engineering and clerical costs, incident to making the segregation. $25.00 4. Legal description of original tracts and boundaries of the divided parts are attached as Exhibit A and identified as Lot A and Lot B. 5. The amount of assessment chargeable to each part: Lot A - $2549.11 Lot B - $2549.11 ~ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Winslow this llth day of May, 1981. MAYOR ATTEST: ONNA J TO CLERK/TREASURER Lion halli2cone syH I / OCT ~,"o, should be ma~e p~y~51e to ~hc W~nSiov :CLty Treasurer. ~.? ~ ~ T~ - ,.. ~,~ .-~ ~.,,-,,~= I ~.~1;~, ~ ~; f. J.AU k, : Every short plat aFplic~tion ~f~l~ for record must contain a , .  statenest cxvlng a deat'riptlon of ~tho l~ d~vlded am they e~ the short plat. lncludln,j a statement that th~ short ~ubdtvlnlon has be2n ~de '-'ith the free consent.toe. g and in accozdance vith delircs of the owner(s). ~.::':M% . . If Lhe ~hort plat contst,,s n ii~dt~ation, then the statement al~o contain tho dedicatio,~ of alI;.itt~ets and othur aroas to the pub!1c and a waiver of all ciaima ~ar ~a~9ea a9llnlt any ouv~rn:.mcntaI authority which may ~ :oc~aaioned to th~ adjacent land E,) the cdt.~blished consttucttu,m. ~¢i.in~e and ~intonance of said roads. ~0, every s~rt plat ~n~*aln.lng R dedication flle.~ fnr o~ the d . r w ~ O Lime f~amuu Of the c~'ners ,iq~tng the mtate~nt. i~. ~. : ,,: ., ~'.i'.,Rr~: SAID STATt'>tEN? Slt'~ ar Sl~EO ~O ~FNO~LEDcED " 9t:FOI~ A NOTARY P:~DLIC BY ~ PARTIES HAVING I:~TEI~ST IN TIle ~M ;DIVIDED. ..... , ,. .- : _ ' 3- AsscssOI's kcC3~t ~u~er 8012090079 lt'12'LBl'l 228 Ap}.roximate SiZe (acres) s '. ;oning Claltk/kcation~ ~i ~ 1~ pro, posed minim~ lot $izS[ .'~ll F~flfl~ ,, proposed Source of Water. lndk~a~s~p~[ed sourc0 of watnr, ar.d whather the public l~ste~ wr[:lt bO used or an lndividua~ cn-s-:e syltem sc~in9 a lingle~f~lY [esiaence on each lot: ~zc:>use] ~thod of s~age dt~pOga[ t;~ , ~ ;, _ ~ ?[ t plat by n r~gistelcd L~nd D:a~ln,.ls: ri~e ~pies of a surveyor. Not ~re than 8 [~2~?x 14.', depleting tbe :.3st bn furnished with ~aeh A. The entir- tract ~e=d bY=,th~ applicant s~owing the name(s) o~ any ad3a~e'~t su~fvisions or pofnt of beginning of descriptionS. B. Lines R~rk]ng tho o~tgtnai ~undariem of the I[te and the proFosed luta, il~Elud~Ln'J ~11 dt~2naLona and busringa which &hail colnc{d~ ~Lth the lrgal dcscrtptionn; . , C. Din~niioni, na~l, '~d IOcationm oe exciting roads and w~ys within or adJl~ent to the t[Ictl ,~. existing and pro~ll~ pro~rty ~daries~ ,,~. F, Scale; "(:, , :c-j3~ de_s_~ripttona of propo~ p~reet~ (leqal descr1ptlon~ L:'., ludc t'cfcr~'~kce to e-~san~lltl~ for ingresl and/or .qresn for ~'r. ,.es,.d t,.~,'c,'ls not having l't~c~t frontage). Attach 8dditfonal 8012.090079 i- · ~PPt~AL: ~ny pc=son a99rLeved by; th~ d~e~,toa o~ the C~ty ~tnee~ m~y re~ueet · ~uvfe~ o~ ~a~ ~dec~e~on, by the C~ty the City Clerk ~k~ln t~n (Ibm) v~rkka~ days froe the dato of th~ CLty ~n,]Ln~e~s decisiS. ' :R FINAL ~P~VM, or ~IE 511OR~ 'P~T~!~ ~PLI~T SIIALL P!~VIDE CITY E~3~N~ER W[~ ~ ~P~OUCIBLE '~PY ~lB~Or. -q T.~T~ O.~' WASII ING'TOB ) ~ '. ~'~ ,... the ,~dersigned a Nota~ P~I~c L~ a~d for ~e s~ato of ~hfngton, ' [~ ~e k:,o-'n ~o bc tha lndividual esCrikd in and ~o execut~ w~th~n a:~d :oreS-trig instruant, ~nd~ackn~ledqed that , . 'k' . , - .)~. .,t~ J tt h stated that he was aut~'rjxed to exocute eaJd kn~tr~nt. ....~' ~ . , -.. ~, , ~...~ . , . . , ~"~ "':~' , ' . ..... . , 801ZOgOO?~ ,3_~.:,., ... ~j'~ .;..... ..... .... :.: .... . Le~al%scription ot ~otal property tO b~ Short platt~i , . That portion o[ Government Lot 1,~ Sect'ion' 14, ~nship 25 North, P~ange 2 East, W.M., in Kitsap Co~/nty, Washinqton, described as Bc'J~*~nln'~r~h 89557'36" West alo~+ ~est a distance of 8.04 feet~ ~e South aS ~4'30= ~st a 35'30' ~est a distance 24'30" East a d~stance of 199.35 [eet~to ao~knt on the ~esterly .atefly ~rg~n a distance o~ IG0~01 .=[eet. ~re ot less, to a ,tat which ts 13.86 feet South o'~ the NO=therty ILmits of said ~vernmen~ Lo= 1, thence North g8 24'30" ~est a dtstance of 195.03 fdet tO the true ~tnt of 'b~tnnlng. Subject to an ease~nt ior =o~d and u~1tt/es over. across. ~nd under the ~outher~y 20.00 feet of the foreqoinq described track,i t~qether ~ith an easement tot road and ut~t~ties over, acres. ~nd u~er a str~p of land 20 feet. ~re or tess. ~tda tytnq adjacent to t~ ~6t o[ and adjacent to the SouCh of the foreqoi~ descr~ tract. . . , ',. :'. . . '. ~ .}'~ : - ~ t.. . ~,~. . ~'~ .... 801209007~ ~"~ . .'~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ _ -" _ ..... ' , - ............ ~i .' ..... ~... . · ~ '_,.,, p~~~~~:~~~ .... : .. .WXLZ. XAKSOH '18~63 9/30/80 Lot A . ~ .i Range 2 ~as~, M.H., ~ If~Bp Coun~y'~ ~ath~ton, deacrfbed ,: fol lo~S: . · " ' , B~iining at .th~ Northeasterly Corna~ o~ s~id ~vernmont ~t thence North 89 57']S' Nest along ~e Northerly l/rafts o[ BaLd distance of 8. Oa foot, th{~ South 86 ]4 ' .hence ~dSt J d~stanCe Ot 9].51 test to t~e true ~int ot beginning. S~t, 3,,~-t to ~n e~s~ent for ro~d and~ utilities over, across and ~.~er t~e westerly 20.00 test, and:"~the Southerly 20.00 [eet of the L.,~*,jOLn,J dcecL'i~ t~aUtl T~j~thcr with an u;~u~mont fo~ r~d and Q~zL~ei over acrols, and ~d~r a' IL~ip o~ ~and 20 ~re or ~eee, wide ~y~ng ad)acent .to the Nest o[ and adjacent to the South o~ the ~oregoing deaCri~'d ~ract. That ~rtkon of ~ver~nt ~t l,.,;:9eetion 34, ~wnehip 25 North, Range 2 East, W.H., [n Kitmap Co~'ty, Washington, delcrjbed Beginning at th~ Northeasterly coEper.o[ laid Covernment Lot thence North 8~ 57'36" West along':the. Northerly limits o: aid Covernment Lot 1 a distance or 61]'~3; ~eot3 tence South West a dis'tahoe o( 8.Q4 feet~ thence 'South 88~24'30" East a dZstanc~ o[ 117.52 feet to the true ~int o[ beginning; thence SoUth 0 48'47" Nest a distance o[.' 1'60.0] feet; thence South 88 24'30' East a distance of 9t.67.:'reet tooa ~[nt on the Westerly ~rgxn of WoOd Avenue S.W.I the~e: N~rth 0 02'24' East along said Westerly ~rgin a distance of 160.0i: feet, ~re Qr less, LO ~int which Is l].e~ ~eet ~outh;b the Northuriy l~mit~ of Government Lot ~; thence Nor{h 8~2~'.'30" West ~ d[stance of 97. 5~ ~eec to the true ~int o[ begin~cing;/eub'ect to an ease~nt for reaA ,~n,t ut ilittne ovPr, arrnmR;~ ,ln~ tl~er th~ Southerly 20.00 (Or roaJ Jnd utilit/dl over. ac;~OeJ~ ip of land 20 ~et. ~re Or ieam. wfde. l~n9 adjacent to the South of the foreqoing described tract, ~= .:, ., :8012090079 ;, .1 ! , ', 1(t[2t8;1 232 , MAC LEARNSBERRY-INC.  CIVIL L-",GI~EER$ LAND q,.RVEYOt, S 131~a Phelps [4d, NE :, ,, j...~: Re: Shar~ Plat ~:~..' De Jr ~tr, Williamson; conditional approval to the p~o~se~,sho~t plat desc~ i~cd In your application of' 10-:~-ae, The approval fs condltioned as follows: ;':. 1. Payment of cha~9e S6SJ.40 based on O~di~ince~No. ': j,,, . to:"indfcate 2 ~luditicat~on of drawl " d ~,~JC feet of lots A : J ~ ~ a~he~ than tasemen~. 3. ProvLde the City copy of ~he sho~ pla~ 4. Payment of ~ I I in9 fee:jof ~26.00 to cove~ cost of filin9 3) Ar,proval Letter, 2~ Application & 3} D[awin9 ~ith the ~ Lts~p County ~ud!to~ You[s tEuly, JY.H: c t ,: On ~tober 30. 1980 all~f [h~ a~ve conditions weze met. ~lo~Eas paid in lull T.R.[ ~9191 [or 'in-lieu-o[" dedication park fee and T.R. 19194 :.[or:r~ling F, ~ , : . 80 IZ090079 .. "~ 9 .... .., . --:~-~~ ......... ........ Ct-- ISl copies or a ~scribed belc~ ~det :Ltem IX and an application fee In the a~unt should be maae pa),~ble to the ~tnslOw C/ty/r~eaSurer. C~Cc at?ceivod: /~ - 7- .f By m ; Every .herr plat application fi:lea ~ ~r r cord lull contain a ~tument cxvlng a description of tho./l~ divided as thuy ap~ar on t~e short plat, fncludtn,l a ~tatement that th~ short subdivision has been ~zda 'w[th the ires consont o~= a~ in acCozdance with the .. d~sires of ~e owner[s). . r( the short plat contains a ded~[cat~on. then th~ statement else contain the ~edication o[ all streets and oth~r areas to the public ~nd a wal~e~ o[ all claims ~vernaent~l authority which may ~ ~casio~d to the adjacent land t') the cst.~blished construction, drainage and mln~Onance of said o~ the l.tnd dc,cx'it, dJ .xnd sh~,~,,n on t~ s~ort plat is In the na~c ot the c~'ners signing the state~nt. X)tVO~rk~T: SAID STATI~>~ENT S[[AL~:B~ 'SI~ED ~O ACXNOWLE~D 9[fO~ A NOTARY PUBliC BY J. ;,',]at ~S~rkt, t ton o~ tt~tal llro~ty to be short platted: (att.~.'h a.ldltlcnal s),vct) , _~~ .~,q~f ,~ .,{ .... . _ 8OlZOgOOlg c,;'NY ()F / Apr:[.1 i~, :]-981 Jean Buxton C1 e rk/Treasurer City' of Winslow Bainbri dge Is. , Wa. 98110 Dear Jean: This letter is an application to the Winslow (']ity C, ounci]_ for a Segregation of Assessment for Utility Local Improvement District No. 3., on property i own at the N.E. corner of Stetson and Wood. Description of' original track is attached. 7_'he ,-'.!~iDunt of ori. gina]. ,*:~,.~sc,'~sment :is $5098.21, dated 4/30/80, Legal description and map of short plat is attached. Thank you, gl Les Will. iamson 1-3198 Pl~elps Rd. N,E, Bainbridge Island~ Wa, 98110 ~". C/ rv' c,-" MAC LEARNSBERRY-INC.  CIVIL E~'G~"~EEIS .= LAND ~ ~~$ ':~"'~""' a~ em ee I ~' ~ ~ ,, ec&kf~' '.