RES 81-16 SIX YEAR STREET IMPROVEMENTRESOLUTION NO'~ 81 - 16 AN PalESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A COMPREHENSIVE SIX YEAR STREET I~{PROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON. WHEREAS, Pursuant to the requirements of RCW 35 ~ 77. 010, Laws of the State of Washington, the City of Winslow, has prepared a revised and extended Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for the ensuing six calendar years, 1982 through 1987 and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Winslow being the legislative body of said City did hold a public hearing on said Comprehensive Plan at 7:00 Domo at the City Hall in Winslow, Washington on the 6th day of July, 1981. THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON RESOLVES AS FOLLOWIS: TItAT, the revised and extended Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program, for the ensuing six calendar years, 1982 thro'ugh 1987 be and the same is hereby adopted; and, BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that a copy of said revised and extended Six-Year Comprehensive Street Program for the ensuing six calendar years, 1982 through 1987, together with a copy of this Resolution, be filed with the Director of Highways of the State o f Washington ~ PASSED by the Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, this 20~ day o f July ATTEST: · J 1 erk / Treasure r , 1981. Alice B', . esey :Mayor Countb/N.o. i! 18 5'lX YEAR TRANSPORTATt0N . - 0BL.jATION -Kejpunch;n9 N~ots: Da+a enf~r~d in cole t-8 musf be an all cards punched from ~h~5 ~orm. PP, OUF_,CT IDBN'TIFICATtON Ti!~e Route, Road Log Loca ~ io n /T~rmi n i ~ Deacri p~ ion Beginning .,Vl, ilepo5-l' ~ Br'id.,q~ No. '~"~i --- _. -- _ . , -g _L.8 -. Work Code ~ ,. ,. ~7 ~,B ,D ,FIG 2 ~{h T~ N, S, T.~ O, W, ,W,Y, ,E~R, TiC~K,.q,OJN~..IM~A~D,T,S,O~N5 D, , , I" 3 ..HiI, GiH~ !S_,C,__H_, ,.W~Y, ,~R!3,0,5, iF,E,RIN,C,L,I,F,:FEL ,~'A B D G 0 ~_A,B,D,F IGO I H, I, G, H, S, C, H~ L~_Yi t S, R, 3~0 5~ !W~Y,A~T~T; ~W,Y, ~ ,M',A:D~IiSI0!N~ 5 , ,w ,~, ,A ,v ,s ,R, , E:~ ,S ,D [F GJO IMPP0VEMENT PDOGRA__b ~ I8_a2_ TO !9 a7 PROGRAM .... He~arEng Date_ 7/6/81 Adopfi'on Dale ---7J29/81 ' - R~solutian Number 2!-!6 ~ ", PRO'j:SCT C05T5 ]N THOUSAND8 OF DOLLARS ,.~ ~ ~ ~ O6LI&ATION 5CH'EDULE FUNDING 50URCE _To-~al "~ ~ ~ ~>.7 Y_E A R FEDERAL ~ TOTAL (M~les) ~ 2 nd 3 rd 4 ~ 5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 : ~ ~ G +h AMOUNT ~RAM ~ .... _. '5 '6 '7:8 9 1'_, 1.0 - l II lZ ~ t5 14 15 , .3,8 S'R ,312i7.. ,-~, .........~ ....... ......~'i ' i I ,;1,9 R X'~, ,3,1 , ,, ..... ~ ....~, ], .a,,_n__z. .~ .~J,8 _ .. ] I ' t , .2,3 S"R~X ~,, ,1,5,'3 ,,,.,,z L_L L It ~1,1L3,.8 z ,1,5 ,, ~1,5,~ ' t , t i , , .4,3 M"RM _~ . , , i ,_-_j__Lj j2 iS j_] .... 2:5 ,7 ' .... i C3PY C;,~,TRt':T 5TATS AiD Et,48%N~ER