RES 92-47 FLUORIDATION OF PUBLIC WATERBainbridge Island City Council Resolution 92 - 47 BACKGROUND: 1. Fluoridation of community water supplies is the single most effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay; 2. Surveys of fluoridation in community water supplies can significantly reduce tooth decay; 3. For every $1 spent on water fluoridation approximately $50 can be saved on dental treatment; 4. Fluoridation systems can be installed in the City's water system for approximately $15,000 and maintained for $5,000 per year; 5. Fluoridation of water at recommended levels has been found to be safe; 6. Every major professional health organization in the United States has endorsed and supported water fluoridation; 7. 42 of the largest 50 U.S. cities endorse fluoridation and numerous cities and tribes in Washington fluoridate their water; 8. Bainbridge Island residents do not receive the benefits of water fluoridation. Natural occurring fluoridation in the water supply is 0.2 parts per million Island wide. The recommended amount for dental health is 1 part per million. =ACTION 1. The Bainbridge Island City Council endorses the Bremerton- Kitsap County Board of Health's position on fluoridation. 2. The Bainbridge Island City Council authorizes the Department of Public Works to install fluoridation in the City owned water system. ApprovalS." ' . Date