A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island,
Washington, requesting that the Washington State
Department of Transportation amend plans for a
northbound auxiliary lane on State Route 305 to
instead provide a right turn lane at Sportsman
Club/Manitou Beach Road.
WHEREAS, the Washington State Department of
Transportation ("WSDOT") has proposed adding an auxiliary
passing lane on SR 305 northbound between mileposts 1.06 and
2.06 (i.e., starting from High School Road and moving north
to a point 1/4 mile south of Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach
Road), such construction commencing in the Spring of 1993;
WHEREAS, the number of trucks (4% of total vehicles)
and the relatively flat terrain do not warrant an extension
of the existing passing lane; and
WHEREAS, the accident rate for SR 305 north of High
School Road does not warrant an extension of the existing
passing lane because that accident rate is below average for
two-lane highways; and
WHEREAS, the proposed widening would simply move the
choke point north one mile and, due to the busy Sportsman
Club/Manitou Beach Road intersection 1/4 mile north of that
choke point, possibly constitute a traffic hazard; and
WHEREAS, the WSDOT has cited the unavailability of
funds to continue this auxiliary lane north to milepost 2.31
(Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach Road intersection) to
accomodate right turn movements; and
WHEREAS, more northbound vehicles on SR 305 turn
right at that Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach Road intersection
than at any other intersection on Bainbridge Island; and
WHEREAS, the current northbound shoulder width on SR
305 south of Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach Road restricts
ri.ght turn opportunities for northbound ferry commuters,
causing serious rush hour congestion; and
WHEREAS, construction of an adequate northbound right
turn lane at Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach Road would
significantly reduce transit commute time on SR 305, thereby
attracting more commuters out of Single Occupancy Vehicles;
WHEREAS, resulting improved efficiency of a two-lane
SR 305 will reduce pressure for widening that highway; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council
of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, requests that
the Washington State Department of Transportation not proceed
with the hill climbing or slow moving northbound lane project
between High School Road and milepost 2.06. In place of that
SR 305 project the City Council requests that WSDOT spend the
estimated $900,000 funding for construction of a standard
northbound right turn only lane with appropriate shoulder
width beginning at approximately milepost 2.06 and extending
to the Sportsman Club/Manitou Beach Road intersection at
milepost 2.31. In addition to a northbound turn lane, there
will be signalization installed at the intersection, so as to
allow northbound right turn traffic to also proceed when
westbound Madison Avenue sign is green.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the
City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, desires to work
directly with WSDOT beginning with the initial planning and
design stages of any future development on SR 305 within the
city limits of Bainbridge Island. This would include any
construction, channelization, signalization and signage.
This cooperative work planning would insure maximum benefit
not only to through travelling public but also local island
traffic which must utilize SR 305.
PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council this 20th day
of August, 1992.
.' RANAT0, Mayor