RES 93-15 DEVELOPMENT OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL PROCESSES TO KEEP KITSAP COUNTY COMMUNITIESRESOLUTION NO. 93-15 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, proposing jointly with all Kitsap County governmental and public agencies the development of consistent and understandable processes between governmental bodies to preserve the uniqueness of each Kitsap County community. WHEREAS, Diversification of Kitsap county's Economy is one of the most important issues facing our citizens; and WHEREAS, Consistent and understandable regulatory processes facilitate the zoning location or expansion of diverse industries into our County; and WHEREAS, The Citizens representing business, governmental and environmental interests have recommended greater intergovernmental cooperation regarding regulation; and WHEREAS, The County Wide Planning Policies support and encourage standardized permitting processes, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Bainbridge Island, in joint cooperation with Kitsap County governmental and public agencies, passes this resolution reaffirming its support of the development of consistent and understandable processes between governmental bodies which will preserve the uniqueness of each of our communities while, as much as is possible, providing a uniform approach to permitting and regulatory practices. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, this 15th day of April, 1993. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Bainbridge Island, this 15th day of April, 1993. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: SAM /. RANATO, Mayor CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND 625 Winslow Way East Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 Phone No. (206) 842-2545/Facsimile No. (206) 842-5741 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION TO: CITY OF BREMERTON Attention: Kathleen McCluskey FAX NO.: (206) 478-5200 FROM. Sue Kasper, City Clerk DATE. April 26, 1993 RE. RESOLUTION 93-15 COMMENTS: Attached please find a copy of Resolution 93-15 regarding consistent regulatory processes for diversification efforts in Kitsap County. As discussed between yourself and Lita Myers of our office, the City of Bainbridge Island passed the resolution prior to receiving your revision to include "organized labor" in the text. At this time, the City of Bainbridge Island shall allow the Resolution to remain, as did the City of Bremerton and the City of Port Orchard. Thank you very much. NUMBER OF PAGES (including coversheet): 2 elm C I T Y OF B REM E RTO N ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ■ KATHLEEN McCLUSKEY, DIRECTOR r� Gateway to the Olympics and Home of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard April 15, 1993 PEC�V - -- Mayor Sam Granato 625 Winslow Way East Bainbridge, WA 98110 Dear Mayor Granato: The Resolution you recently received regarding consistent regulatory processes neglected to include in paragraph three a reference to "organized labor". Labor representatives have been very active in the diversification process and should be included as follows: "WHEREAS: The citizens representing organized labor, business, governmental and environmental interests have recommended greater intergovernmental cooperation regarding regulation, and" Thank you for making this correction prior to passage of the Resolution. Sincerely, Kathleen L. Director of KLM: eh N McCluskey Administrative Services I�X 239 4TH STREET ■ BREMERTON, WA 98310 ■ (206) 478-5290 An Equal Opportunity Employer C I TY OF B REM E R T C N ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ■ KATHLEEN McCLUSKEY, DIRECTOR Gateway to the Olympics and Home of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard April 13, 1993 Mayor Sam Granato �. City of Bainbridge W N� �� 10 625 Winslow Way E +'+� 1 v j ,' h �r'�' j Bainbridge, WA 98110,���� Dear Mayor Granato: LIN As a result of the Diversification Summit held in March a Transition Committee was formed. The Committee has proposed the 1 enclosed Resolution supporting consistent regulatory processes between governmental bodies. It has been passed unanimously by the Kitsap Regional Planning Council and will be presented to the Bremerton City Council this evening. As a member of the Transition Committee, I've been asked to request your support of the Resolution. Upon adoption by your Council, please provide me with a fully executed copy. Thank you for your continued support of diversification efforts. Sincerely, Kathleen L. McCluskey Director of Administrative Services KLM: eh enclosure 239 4TH STREET ■ BREMERTON, WA 98310 ■ (206) 478-5290 AR Equal Opportunity Employer RESOLUTION NO. ; VW A RESOLUTION supporting consistent regulatory processes between governmental bodies. WHEREAS: Diversification of Kitsap County's Economy is one of the most important issues facing our citizens; and WHEREAS: Consistent and understandable regulatory processes facilitate the zoning, location or expansion of diverse industries into our County, and WHEREAS: The Citizens representing business, governmental and environmental interests have recommended greater intergovernmental cooperation regarding regulation, and WHEREAS: The County Wide Planning Policies support and encourage standardized permitting processes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Bremerton pass this resolution reaffirming its support of the development of consistent and understandable processes between governmental bodies which will preserve the uniqueness of each of our communities while as much as is possible providing a uniform approach to permitting and regulatory practices. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Bremerton this day of , 1993. EILEEN FITZ, Council President APPROVED this day of , 1993. LOUIS MENTOR, Mayor ATTEST: KATHLEEN L. McCLUSKEY, City Clerk T