RES 93-10 VACATION OF A PORTION OF ISLAND WAYResolution No. 93- 10 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, fixing a time and place for a public hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of Island Way. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing shall be held on the requested vacation of a portion of Island Way, described on the attached drawings on April 19, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. heard by the Public works Committee, at the City Hall conference room. Section 2. The Director of Public Works or his designee is authorized and directed to post and mail notices as required by RCW 35.79.020, and to public notice of the public hearing at least twenty days prior to the hearing. Section 3. The petition was approved sufficiency requirements per RCW 35.79.010. PASSED by the City Council this 18th day of and meets the March , 1993. APPROVED by the City Council this 18th day of March , 1993. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: ;A3;, - Ralph Eells, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 3-10-93 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 3-18-93 RESOLUTION NO.: 93-10 TO: Page ! of L= R E C E I V E DPETITION FOR THE FORMATION OF A FEB 0 3 1993 ���,QGAL FOR PUNLIC WORKS City of Bainbridge Island, City Council, c/o City Clerk, 625 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, Wa 98110. We, the undersigned, being the owners according to the records of the Kitsap County Auditor's office of the property described in Exhibit A (legal description and map) attached; and by this reference incorporated herein, petition the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington ("City"), partial realignment of Island Way at its interspetion with Skogen Lane (also known as Community Way) and conducting related work necessary _, The ifflpfevemeiAs " be paid for- by -statute and efdimme Falating to muRiGipal 19G4 impmveffiemts. The e -est end e*pewe of The cost and r. This petition may consist of more than one page and each signer consents to the filing of other pages to be considered as a part of a single petition. - WARNING - - ;very person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he is not a legal voter,or signs a petition when he is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ref. RCW 35A.01.040) Each signature shall be executed in ink and shall indicate the date of signing and the address of the signer. PETITIONERS SIGNATURES Petitioner's Representative Steven V- Gibbons 842-1387 (h) Name/Address/Phone It _ 15011 Skogen Lane 464-3939 ( w ) Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 NO DATE PRINTED/TYPED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIP. PARCEL #t 1 1/29/F3 D .Denise G b ba6161Y���Lot 1501 � Sko�,e� L� � s � �,� c -F 2 Sr atn d Z 3 en - oh J U/l Skoye►-t Ln fGvfi7yo� 44- /�%r 5 �pwo/Josco? /-oe�-cJ trzuc`��iov� — ;W PETITIONERS SIGNATURES Petitioner's Representative Sf-eVen V. G b b m -x s Page.Znf Z- Name/Address/Phone # 16011 S IC 0 -e✓L FO , 'IVE BCA'(V1 by -id Q4' �s,W 9kl td No. Date Printed Name Signature Address/Legal Des. Parcel ## 461 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - - WARNING - - very person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or signs a petition seeking election when he is not a legal voter,or signs a petition when he is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ref. RCW 35A.01.040) C:\WP51 T0PMS\L1DPErrr WORKSHEET FOR CERTIFICATION OF SUFFICIENCY OF PETITION FOR VACATION OF A PORTION OF ISLAND WAY FRONT PETITION PERCENTAGE TAX LOT OWNERSHIP OF RECORD FOOTAGE SIGNED T SIGNING 4187-000-002-0005 Gibbons, Steven V & Denise 45.60 YES 100.00% TOTALS: 45.60 100.00% TOTAL REQUIRED FOR SUFFICIENCY: 66.67% (RCW 35.79.010) EXCESS / ORTFALL) : 33.33% 17 -Feb -93 0 3 .H 41v m a u 0 ca r -I H row W �o o C14 G M 4-J N O FA H a o o a. w � V) (nn75 ) ' Z Mme) n\NN W 0 M »90,92 0l S rI 0 1� � �l 5 300 3 970, J a Z� M � N 1`- i- o o— � s o in No W L z F ;j �7N ain 0 �inf OD '714 0`4Ey CID i� 1 4b Ul Woo Z) °O ~ 054 �4 a7re-A 076 029 018 019 O�c�4 027 � ao'£ �P z4� m 075 030 031 0 020 fro r . � 75 EA N7 � D96 060 061 30M-8 JQ7z-C 037 Q33 045 021 Qp�� 062 pN J072-D \ / 022 � 057 �lJ' PARTWAY F PON 27D-0 028 34 u X72-A 063 0 N LANE sw & s 042 / PGWo Y N 7 ` jY 9 ors as as sa1T 5 061 � +� 046 047 ozn_or E/ 033 1Z7�1 o Ze�3e Z2080-A X8&-B 034-00 077 n lyh� 002 (058) 070 sal O 1175-2 OPO � D6 3 069 o17-00 10' &XAMNT _ W 5-517-0 ra0r rdr I ra' tsrr7 to' cx 0� ore-6r ac � 1706 � zsaB 1-0 � - to' �f z wl s Be 068 -O4 -RI-c 7� I' N 0391 ! 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