A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge
Washington, approving a single source equipment
acquisition and waiving bid requirements.
WHEREAS, BIMC 3.72.040 requires the Council approve any single source equipment acquisition and the
waiving of the bidding requirements, and
WHEREAS, the Council, through the budgeting process, had previously approved the Public Works
Department to acquire a Sign Management System, and
WHEREAS, the Carte Graph System is the only system that meets the City's needs.
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
Section 4.
PASSED by the City Council this 5th day of October, 1995.
APPROVED by the Mayor this 5th day of October, 1995.
The Carte Graph System is limited to a single source supplier.
The program and equipment are limited to special market conditions wherein each
supplier provides similar equipment meeting unique needs.
The unique needs of Bainbridge are best served by the referenced system.
The purchasing requirements are waived for this acquisition.
S~usan Kasper, ~ity Clerka~"
veab\work\sgnmgt. res
Janet K. West, Mayor
September 29, 1995
October 5, 1995
To: Bill Bryan, P.E. - Director of public Works
From: YeffWaite - Operations Supervisor~r~tJ
Date: September 28, 1995
Subject: Sign Management System
The Public Works Department has been desirous of a sign management system that could
be integrated with our maintenance records, our G.I.S. and our pavement management
system (P.M. S.). Sign management is an extremely important element of maintaining our
road network because of the staggering potential liability. Following accidents, individuals
are continually being awarded large dollar amounts from municipalities because of the
absence of inventory and maintenance records on their road signs. Until recently we were
not satisfied with the products available to us.
The attached proposal, however, meets all of our immediate needs. First, the program is
MicrosoFt Windows based which is consistent with our operating system. Second, the
field information collection computer is pen-based, thereby simplifying and speeding up
data collection activities. Third, the computer is capable of reading bar-coded
information. This will allow "vandal-relocated" signs to tell us where they belong
instantly, rather than our crews having to manually search for the intended location.
Fourth, the program is compatible with our existing G.I.S. and P.M.S. soi~3vare, allowing
us to fully share databases. FiFth, the system will support the use of G.P.S. to allow us to
accurately map sign locations. Sixth, the system will support the use of a digital camera to
be able to attach actual pictures of the signs to the data files, if required. Digital storage
of pictures cuts down on the filing room and retrieval time required. Seventh, the system
can be expanded to collect and store similar information on other parts of our
infrastructure. And finally, the entire system is reasonably priced.
Therefore, authorization is requested to purchase SIGNView soilware and the related
hardware in accordance with the attached proposal for a total ors 11,868. This includes:
Software 995
Training 1,400
Support 195
Pen computer 4, 195
Bat-cxwk reader 1,764
Bar-cxxk labels 1,332
Digital camera 1,090
Sub-Total $10,97 1
Sal~s Tax 897
Total $11,868
Sign Management System 09/28/95 Page 2
Funding was planned and is available from the Pavement Survey and Road Markings line
item of the 1995 Capital Programs budget. Of the $40,000 budgeted, $17,470 has been
expensed. This leaves a total of $22,530 available for this purchase. As evidenced by the
attached letter, the purchase of SIGNView meets the criteria of BIMC 3.72.040 for single
source exceptions.
ec: JeffJensen
SEP-27-95 WED 85:~4 PM CARTE~RAPH SYSTEMS 13195568149
Cart G raph
~ y ~ T' E M 5
Cartc~Graph Systems, Inc.
lf~) ~nbsssy West Drive, Suite 270
Dubmtue, IA 52002-2246
(3 19)5~6-8 149 FAX
Fax Cover Sheet
DATE: 9127/95 TIME: 5:16 PM
TO: Jeff Waits PHONE; (206)842-1212
City of Bainbdd~e Island FAX: 1-206-780-5104
RE_: Sign Management Proposal
Number of pages including cover sheet: 8
I al~reciate ~our iraerect in the need for a sign managemelt system for the d~.
Please acccl~ ~ following Cart~Graph Sysunus proposal for yc~r review and appro~al. The first page of
the proposal covers the SIGNview along ~ith the appropriate traird~, and the support contract for the
software. We recommend the suppen contract for at Icast the fixst year, otur EugiIxeer~g staff is avaibbl~
to you or anyone usiog xhe softwaxe, on a ToM-Free basis The second p~gc covers the hardware to
¢ffectivdy managc and maintain the database. The third page covers the conversion of your current
database to SIGNview.
Thcxe is also included with the proposal some infornnxion on the Kalidof r.n-based computer, the Bax-
Code scanner, a letter of sole source provider, and some backgrotmd information on Cart~Graph Systems,
Inc. I hope this helps in your decision making process.
Don't hcsif3te to call me with any questions you may havc rcgaxdit~ the development era sign
managcment syster~ We look foxward to workin2 with the you and the c~ty for the co~t__jnuing
de~dopmcn! of maua~emem systems.
SEP,-27-95 WED e5:15 PM CARTEGRAPH SYSTEMS 1~195568149
. CarteGraph
September 27, 1995
l~ff Waitc
City of Bambrid!~ bland
625 Winslow Way
Winslow, WA 98110
Congratulations on your decision to recommend Cart~Graph Sys~ms' SIGNviewrn sothvare. To help
undergand wl~t Ca.~Gnph Systems, Inc. is all about, and to reassure you that you are making the
correct decision, hem is a brief hislop/.
Ca.rt~rapb Syslems, [n~. is a group of professional individuals with a mission to provide enabling
technologies to the Geographical Information System (GIS) n~uket. These technologies include map and
image management tools; (hna collection, management and analysis tools', and a wide range of teclmical
services to meet tl~ n~ds of our client~
Cartt. Graph Systems, Inc. was organized as an "S Corporation" in the State of Iowa almost 2 years ago by
Scott 1. Tatylor, P.E. to pursue the emerging opportumties in the GIS market Prior to launching
Can~Graph Systens, Inc., Sco~ was a/otmder and principal of Engineering Data Systems Corporalion
(now known as Eagle Point Corpor',nion), a wozla'wide prorider of oomputer software for the past lO
years, for engineering and sun, eying zl3plications.
We ar~ deAimed to the developmere and experl support of soi~'arc, and arc not a consulting finn looking
to denlop an applicaLion to capitalize on a market, just to find that there are other avenues to pursue.
In summary, we are positioned for the long haul.
We are con~d~nt that the software will benefit the City cfBainbfidge Island. So sure that we are wilting
to pRs~de SIGNviewTM on a 30 day MBG. This gives you an opponuni~. to work with the software and
experience our technical support staff on a Ton-Free basis.
Please don't hesitate to call with any q~estions you have at 800-638-2656, we look forward to working
with you nd the City of Bainbddge Islan4 in the future.
Acco~mt Bxec~tiv~
Cart/~Gtaph S stems,,
Westmad~ Pr~Ye~sstonal Buildin~, Suite 270
1660 Embassy Wes~ Dt~ve,
Dubuque, Iowa 52002-2246 Tel: (319) 556-8120
Fax: (319) 556-8149
SE~-27-95 WED ~5:19 PM CARTE~RA~'H sSYSTEMS 1~195568149 P,O8
Cart G raph
~~t~Gg .............................................
September 27, 1995
City of Bainbddge Island
625 Winslow Way
Winslow, WA 98110
RE: Sole Source Developer of SIGNviewTM
I wanted to take this oppommity to verify in writing that CartC-{rraph Systems, Inc: of
1660 Embassy West Din,e, Suite 270, Dubuque, Iowa 52002 is the sole source provider
SIGNviewTM is a sign management software program that is designed, developed and sold
only through CaxtC-Crtaph Systems, Inc. SIGNviewTM is not available for purchase through
any other outside agency, distributor or manufacture representative.
Cart~araph Systems, Inc. provides SIGNviewTM to its clients through a direct sales force.
This is the only method of distribution ibr the SIGNviewTM software product.
If further information, is needed coneegg the sole source of SIGNviennTM, please
coiltact me.
Sin~rely, ./ ,.- /
Jay Wickham
Sales & Marketing Manager
Catt/~Gra~h S -stems, Inc.
West-rnat~ F~o~siona Buildix.g, 270
I Suite
1660 Embassy West Dnve,
Dubuque, Iowa 52002-2246 Tel: (3i9) 556-8120 Fax: (319) 5564149
SEP-27-95 ~ED 85:16 PM CARTE~RAPH SYSTEMS 18195568~49
**** PROPOSAL ****
9/2 7/~ S
The purpose of this proposal is to initiate the development of a comprehensiv~
sign management system. Primary bencriB of such a system are liability reduction
and increased asaet management efficiencies. Many of the system e|ements
acquired during the data acquisition can also be used for future GIS d~-elopments.
Area 1
- Sign Management System Installation
The goal of Area 1 is to implement the basic elements of a sign management
Installation of sign management computer software
SIGNviewTM Software Module
City of Beloit Incentive Discount
Total Cost
2 $1,195.00'
$ (2oo.oo)
$ 995.00
Conduct sign management training (Option~!)
Windows 3.1 Overview
SIGNviewTu Software Module
Cartc~Grap h' s Training Faoility
Tnining Materials
On-Site Training
(4 Person gmimum)
Training Materials
1 day $ 175.00/person
1 day $ 350.00/person
SIGNviewTM Software Technical Support
1 - Year Toll-Free Contract
1 $ 195.00
:BEP-27-'95 WED k)5:16 PM CARTEGRAPH 'SYSTEMS 131'95568149 F'.m,34
Area 2
- Data Acquisition Hardware Equipment
The Boal of Area 2 is to establish proper hardware {'or data acquisition
and conversion sen,ices.
Kalidor K2100 pen computer - 486SX CPU, 25MtIz
- CX-83587 Co-Processor
- MS-DOS 6.20, Windows 3.1 wl Pen Ext.
- Additional Nick~l-Mttal Hydride Batlery
- K300 Battery Charger
- Parallel Keyboard
- K320 Auto Mapter/Charger
- Protective Carrying Case
1 $4,195.00
Logitcch Foreman Pixmra Digital Camera - 48 Image Capacity
- 768 x 5 12 Pixel Resolution
- 24-Bit Color
- Cable Included
1 $1,090.00
Bar-Code Re, ad~ (Crun Type) - 5300 IP Industrial Scanner
- Operating Temp -22 to 122 F
· Scanner Distance from Label 8'
- 30 Month Warrant7
I $1,764.00
Bar-Code Labels - 3-M Adhesive 9755
- Black Color Only
............ Price Per Hundred ...........
Size: 2" · 1" Size: 3.625
$ 62.841c $171.28/c
$ 44.37/c $153.01/c
$ 40.71/c $149.27Ic
$ 37.79/c $146.531c
SEP-27-95 WED ~5:iT PM CARTEGRAPH SYT=;TEMS 13195568149 P._A5
- Standard Sign Conversion and Data Acquisition
The goal of Area 3 is to convert and create the database of standard information to
implement a sign management system.
Conversion ef existing sign inventory
Convert From the city' s current form to SIGNview
Not to exceed 3 Hours
$ 90.00/H,r
* This price reflects a ~peelal offer. Purchase before September 30, 1995 and we will supply 2 copies of
the sothzare ( 1 - Base Unit, I - Field Unit), for the price of 1 copy. There is an additional
PURCHASE INCENTIVE discount of $200.00, (Final cost of SIGNview is $995.00)
We will also provide the sotbraze on a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
Kalidor K2100 Specifications
· Water restsnut; temperature and humidity te~ted
· Shock'drop tested from 3 feet and more
· Ruggedtzed hard disk drive or IDE flash
· PCMCIA Type II or Type Ill siots optionally available
· 8MB of RAM, ¢xpanchbl¢ to IbMB
, weighs only 5.35 lbs.
· Adva~ced nicke>metal hydride battery. and power
rn~nagement system
· Run x,'v"~dows' for P~n. PenDOS~, or PenRight!FroTM
Options port
..C..qn....~.~g..~u...r..a...q..~...n.~.f~ex.!pi.~!.~...!.9...Lu~j.t...y.~o`.u..r .n..,e..e...d...s.! .............................................................................................................................................................
· 10-80MB IDIE flash storage or · FAX/modern
· 4865XLC 170MB rugg~-d HDD · Ethemet and Token Ring adapter
· Wkeless LAN adapter · Gi:'S receiver · And more
General Specifications
Kiltdot, Inc., 400 N. Moun~in Ave:, $gi~ M0, u land, CA 91786
SEP-27-95 WED PJ5:19 PM CARTEGRAPH SYSTEMS 131'95568149 P.07
DLPI~ of FIELD 5pfr.'gkFll:~.lll]N$
W',,dUt of Scanner
Ng,~rqwsst 0(sllr,c4 AOOliCabll
BU (mils) FfOfll Label Mo~els
2.0 1'- 1.25" 5381
4.0 I"'-3"
75 1'-5'
5.0 0.5'-3' $310. 5311,
5.0 rJ.5"-4" 1312. 531l,
7.5 0.~--7' 5315.
!0(] 0,0'-I~' 5317, i$31
"5.0 0.0'-16" LTI9,
ZOO 0.0"-20' S335,
400 '-30" 5315
7.5 3'-T* i318, 53~I,
15.0 1 '-15" 538~
200 1
15.0 S'.30' 538~. 5311,
20 0 6'. 40' 5385
~.0.0 5"'-50'
55.0 I ~'-SO"'
I0.(] 3'4' e3Z~
15.0 r-3r
40.0 12'48'
7 S E,'-IO' 5300-50
1 O.G 5'40'
40.0 5'44'
55. O
15.0 3'-5' 531l
40.0 3'-~
100.0 ,r'-'i/'
30,0 [R) e/'l 2' 13713
70.0 {R) 10'-25'
IO0. OR.L~J' 10'-35'
, j'; -. . ·
FOr hea, W duly'
m~shwal appltcahenS
The 5300 ]P sc:nner series is designed sDecitically 10
wiChstans lhe wear and tear et industrial scanning
applications lou~ in warehouses distribvfion centers,
automohve plants u~!liLleS an0 olher Camending
environments. This neavy-du{y ~ine 0t hand held
3cenners is me taer',~rnarK for durzhili:y w,t~ ~eatures
like a standard shock-absorbing r~Jbber ~ot. ~pring
Ieturn tn~,ger, and high impact epdcs. resulting in the
capacity to withstand multiple SIX tom drops.
Notabl,' feelures and options include;
· geerating t~.mlaeralure range from -22" tO
122~ F (.30'to 5G'* :3),
· InngraiNs optical deafen lot faster. rnGce
acculate decGdin~.
· Power c~nservatiod mode to reduc~ po~ble
~ta terminal batlwy cons~,rwpfien.
· MernON scannin0 option {or walk-amurKl scanrang
and downioa~ing to a hosl Dorta3te da~a termreal
cr ccmputer.
· Han~s.f:ee seafining o~Xion incmporating a patented
AutoSense~ teatu(e incl an aulo stand accessoP/.
~ Marker beam option f,~r ease ot aiming at ~ong
distance labels cr ~canning ~n bright arr~ient light,
· Any 5300 IP mode may be certified IntrinsicaRy
SaJe lot use in haza. rd~us exDiosNe conditions,
· Full 30 rr~nth warranly.
· Undec~ed and deco~e(I row:iris.
, ,, r ' ";~,:
"" ~'.k ' i ." · .
For general p,,fpose and
point and ShOOt aClazl scannillg
The 5300 HP series is Ih8 ideal scanner
pulg~M and relai! apDIicalions where last raspsnee
time is critical. 0veran enhan~d e',e~ran~.
and mtcropmcessor-ccn(rai~eG l'dnctmms make :~e
~ HP mere recessive than ever. More 3Gv~rc~c
depth ot 1~eld tec~aol~y 31iowa users ~ sc~P ~a~
~es ug to 4r (101 cm) aw~. 5300
designed [o read bclh tow d~n~ity
dens~y bar codeS. Th~se !ignt weight
con~e~rem 5' (1,5
Omer i~eov~ivs I~tu~ and oGdons ~lude'
· O~eramO temOeram~e ~oleranc~ ranqir, g from
[o ~22' F (48' m 50' C~.
· A~r~i'~ scanni~ ot 'real ~rld"
I~l~ (c~ to 13" (33 ~) on
w InnovaHveoptical~n~ortas~er
~urate ~ina.
w ~ands~z~ opl~n ~nc~ating a ~a~eme~
Aut0~en~ feature and an auto stand a~esscry
w Mafker e~m option for eased aiming
dislan~ labels oi ~enmng in Dfig~1
~Vie~ lighL
w Full 24 month warl~,
~ Unrivaled ~d d~ed m~els.