RES 97-36 LOW INCOME HOUSINGRESOLUTION NO. 97-36 A Resolution of the City of Bainbridge Island Washington, invotdng the City's Authority under RCW Chapter 35.83 to cooperate and aid in the provision of low income housing. WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island ( "City" ) wants to move the building know as the American Marine Bank Building ("building ") and donate it to the Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Authority ("KCCHA") under the provisions of RCW 35.83.030 (1); and WHEREAS, the KCCHA owns and manages the Rhododendron apartments, a housing project of 50 units that provides low cost housing in the City and is a fully developed site; and WHEREAS, the KCCHA wishes to place the building on the site of the l~ododendron apartments to use it for an apartment and office for the manager thereby freeing up one existing unit for low income housing and increasing the density of the site by one (1) additional unit; and WHEREAS, the density of the Rhododendron apartments currently exceeds underly'mg zoning and the Comprehensive Plan designation for the site and would require a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone through prescribed public processes to accommodate this additional unit; and WHEREASi 1KCW35,83.030(4)and RCW35.83.030 (8) allow the City to rezone property by resolution and outside the prescribed public process for the purpose of undertaking and constructing Housing Authority projects; and WHEREAS, the rezone process must be expedited in order to move the building in a timely manner for use by the KCCHA; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHXNGTON DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City, through the authority provided in RCW Chapter 35.83.030 will donate the building to the KCCHA. Section 2. The City Council hereby invokes it authority under RCW 35.83 to ailow the KCCHA to place the building on the site of the Rhododendron Apartments without going through the usual processes for a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoi3,e. Section 3. The KCCHA must apply for appropriate building permits as determined by the BuiIding Official to place the building on the site of the Pdnododendron Apartments. Section 4. The City Adnfir~strator is authorized to complete the tr~sfer of' ownership of the building to the KCCI--L4,. PASSED by the City Council this 20t}lay of N°vembe, r1997. APPROVED by the Mayor this 26.~y of Januarsy1998. DWIGHT SUTTON, Mayor ATTEST/A~ICATE; P. KASPER, City Clerk i=ILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY TI~ CITY COUNCIL: Resolution NO. 97- 36 October 31, 1997 Novembef 20, !997