RES 97-28 SINGLE SOURCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTRESOLUTION NO. 97- 28 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington; approving a single source professional services a9reement. WHEREAS, Kato & Warren were the initial design engineers on the Fletcher Bay/Miller/New Brooklyn Intersection project, and WHEREAS, this project is partially federally funded, under the authority of WSDOT, and WHEREAS, WSDOT previously granted LIMITED CERTIFYING AGENCY authority to the City to allow the City to be in responsible charge of the project, and WHEREAS, the Completion Date noted in the originally executed Standard Consultant Agreement has expired, and WHEREAS, WSDOT will accept Kato & Warren as a sole source professional services firm to continue the project NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 2. PASSED by the City Cooncil this AP/~OV~ ED by the Mayor this Andrew W. Maron, Mayor Pro Tempore AI-i-E T~NTQ~. ATE: S0san Kasper, Ci~ Cler~/~7~ FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CiTY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: 97-28 Approve Kato & Warren as sole source consultant to complete the project. Approve the attached Standard Consultant Agreement. !8tb day of September , 1997. 19thday of September , 1997.. September 10, 1997 September 18, 1997 File - wabkagendakfb-m-nb.intxn.psa2 09/05/97 Subject: CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. - FLETCHER BAY/MILLER/NEW BROOKLYN INTXN -SINGLE SOURCE/KATO & WARREN Agenda Item: RESOLUTION 97-28 Fund Source: Budget Amendment. Expenditure Req.- Net: Wash. State Sales - Tax: Total Expenditure: Date: 09-18-97 Bill No. Amount Budgeted: $ Encumbered/Spent: $0 This Req. $ Balance: $ Attachments. R 97-28 w/WSDOT Standard Consultant Agreement SUMMARY STATEMENT The City has had numerous calls and several visits from WSDOT regarding their concern as to the City's ability to administer the federally funded projects, in accordance with State and Federal requirements, due to the lack of manning. One such oversight on the part of the City has been the COMPLETION DATE on the STANDARD CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. This new agreement is to utilize the same design engineers (K&W) as a sole source to continue the project. The cost for this effort has been previously identified and will not require additional funding. RECOMMENDATION APPROVE R97-28, the Standard Consultant Agreement and authorize the Mayor to execute the document(s}. m riD. ~nS:[n.p2a2 89/18/1997 15:12 286-728-5688 KATO & WARREN INC. PAGE 81 2003 FFe~tern Avenue 555 Market Place One Se~de. Washington 98121 TRANSMITTAL FORM Tel: 206/448-4200 Fa~. 206/728-5608 Fax Number: From: Conten~a: No. of pagea ('including cov~r sheet) /4o/0 Via: Mall Fax~ Courier FedExf'l Col~melltl~: Enclosures: cc: 00/10/1907 15:12 206-728-5608 KATO & WARREN INC. ~:~D '~-'~ ~q? P~ 4:~AGE 02 STANDARD CONSULTANT · ' .AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NUMBER FEDERAL AIO NO. CONSULTANTIADDRE~ONE Karo & Warren, Inc. 2003 Western Avenue, Suite 555 Seattle, WA 98121 (206) 448-4200 LUMP SLIM LUMP SUM AMOUNT S COST PLUS FIXED FEE OVERHEAD PROGRESS PAYMENT RATE OVERHEAD COST METHOD T [--] ACTUAL COST NOT TO EXCEED % P I-~ FIXED RATE 165 % E FIXED FEE $ 5 , 240 C H SPECIFIC FIATES OF PAY [-"-] NEGOTIATED HOURLY RATE PROVISIONAL HOURLY RATE EN ~ COST PER UNIT OF WORK PROJECTTITLEANDWORKDESCRIPTION Hiller/Flecqher/New Brooklyn Road Realignment DBE PARTICIPATION I -I YES I--1 NO WBE PARTICIPATION YES [--i NO FEDERAL IO NO. OR S.S. NO. 91-1380721 COIV!PLETION DATE December 31, 2000 90 % % Do you require a 1099 for IRS? NO IVlAXJMUM AMOUNT PAYABLE 58.530 THIS AGRI~-MENT, made and entered into this day of . b~tweenthcLocalAg~ncyof city of B~,Inbridee Island .Washington, he~maf~r~e~thc "AGENCY", and the above organization !~rrAnaf~ called the "CONSULTANT'. WITNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above referenced project, and V~~, the AGENCY does not have sufficient sta~ to meet ~ required commihnent and therefore deems it advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary services for the PRO/ECT; and WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT repm.sents ~hat he/she is in compliance with the Washington State Smtme.s relating to professional registration, if applicable, and has signified a willingness Io furnish Consulting services to me AGENCY, NOW TI~_ ~.REFORE, in co~sicl~mlion of !h~ ~enns, conditions, covehahn and perfommnc~ contained herin, or attached and incorporate! and made a par[ hereof, the parlies hereto agree as follows: Loca~ Agency Guidelinea ~eptember 1995