RES 98-31 SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING VACATION OF PORTION OF ISLAND WAY NERESOLUTION NO. 98-31 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, setting a date and time for a Public Hearing on petition to vacate a portion of Island Way NE, a public Right-Of-Way pursuant to abutting property owners' petition therefor, and providing for the publication and mailing to property owners of notice of the hearing. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the City Clerk on January 14, 1998 for vacation of a portion of Island Way NE, a public Right-Of-Way (ROW), and .... WHEREAS, the Public Works Department Sufficiency validating the petition, and has prepared the required Certificate of WHEREAS, a Public Hearing is required to be held. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. The Public Hearing on the petition to vacate a portion of Island Way, as described in the abutting property owners' petition, on file with the City of Bainbridge Island, will be held before the Public Works Committee on Monday, October 26, 1998 at 4:30 PM, local time, in the City Hall Conference Room at 625 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, Washington. Section 2. In accordance with RCW 35.79.020, the City Clerk is directed to cause notice of the Public Hearing to be given within twenty days, by written notice posted in three of the most public places in the City and a like notice in a conspicuous place on the street or alley sought to be vacated. /~7'd PASSED by the City Council this APPROVED by the Mayor this ~'1 a~or APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,1998. ,1998. City Attorney A TTES T / A UTH ENTIC ATE: Clerk File - wab\agenda\island. way .rowvac. o' neill 09/18/98 I, Susan Kasper, City Clerk of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, certify that the attached copy of Resolution No. 98-31 is a true and correct copy of the original resolution passed on the /~ day of O~7'aB~, , 1998, as such resolution appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this ,~ ,~,.Z day of · 1998. File - wab\agenda\island. way.rowvac. o'neill 09/18/98 COPY FOR YOUR INFORMATION City of Bainbridge Island City Council c/o City Clerk 625 Winslow Way E. Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 JAN 15 '98 p;412:55 L~nr, nofdDL( '~' ~~ 15041 S~ogen ~ane N.S. u~~ Balnb~ldge Island, ~ 98110 January 14, 1998 RECEIVED 1 i996 PW/ADM Re: Letter of Intent Dear Sir or Madam: Submi~tted with this letter is our Petition for the vacation of portion of Island Way. This letter is our statement of intent. The subject property was surveyed in 1988 by Roats Engineering. The Roats survey is recorded under Kitsap County Auditor's File No. 8806210069. The property was surveyed by Adam & Goldsworthy, Inc. in 1993 and a survey recorded under Kitsap County Auditor's File No. 9403040024. Attached is a copy of a portion of the Adam & Goldsworthy survey showing the parcel sought to be vacated. Attached also is a vicinity map showing the general location of the subject parcel. The purpose of our vacation petition is to effect a realignment of Island Way. The parcel to be vacated is in the northwest corner of Island Way. It is anticipated that Island Way will be realigned. Once the realignment takes place, Island Way will run at an angle to the current right of way. The parcel we seek to vacate will be extraneous to the main portion of the road. The parcel we seek to vacate is too small and is not in a locationL.where it could be of any benefit to the public use of Island Way. In addition, the property is located such that it would not be conducive to foot traffic by the general public. We would be willing to either pay to the city a sum equal to the full assessed value of the parcel, based on a pro rata calculation by area or, as an alternative, to exchange a parcel by agreement. We appreciate your cooperation in processing our petition. Very truly yours, Robert and Julie O'Neill PETITION FOR THE VACATION OF A PUBLIC RIGHT:OF-WAY FOR I s land Way Page _ of TO: City of Bainbridge Island, City Council, c/o City Clerk, 625 Winslow Way E., Bainbridge Island, Wa 98 t 10. We, the undersigned, being the owners according to the records of the Kitsap County Auditor's office of the property described in Exhib A (legal description and map) attached; and by this reference incorporated herein, petition the City Council of the City of Bainbrid.~ Island, Washington ('City'), to vacate the above mentioned road vacation for purposes of: Realiqnment of Island Way. , Attachments shall include: Letter of Intent stating why there is no public benefit to the existing right. of-way and stating the specifi reason for the vacation request, per RCW 35.79.010. The petitioner shall have a survey made and provide a legal desen.'ption of th property proposed to be vacated, along with a vicinity map showing the general area of the proposed vacation, and a plat map prepare and sealed by a Professional Land Surveyor, registered in the State of Washington, indicating the specific parcels affected. See Ordinanc No. 91-30-12.34.050. This petition my consist of more than one page and each signer consents to the filing of other pages to be considered as a part of a singl petition. -- WARNING-- Every person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who knowingly signs more than one of these petitions, or sign a petition seeking~?lection when he is not a legal voter,or signs a petition when he is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herei any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ref. RCW 35A.01.040) .... Each signature shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil and shall indicate the date of signing and the address of the signer. PETITIONERS SIGNATURES Petitioner' s Representative Name/Address/Phone # NO PRINTED/TYPED DATE NAME · , , SIGNATURE ADDRESS AND LEGAL DESCRIP. ..... f qq eq .,C, ZT;,,,, zE, /~qc e ,c/:~'~'c,,.c YL ........... PARCEL # ¢titioner's Representative ,'ame/Address/Phone tt PE ITIONERS SIGNATU. Page o[ 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Date Printed Name Signature , Address/L~al Des. x Parcel # 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .irl - - W ARNIN G - - I~ person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who kno~vingly signs .more than one of these petition.s, or s~'gns a petition seeking election when he is not a l~al voter,or signs a petition when he is otherwise not qualified to sign, or who makes herein any false statement, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ref. RC~,V 35A.01.040) C:~,~,'P:~ 1 ~.FO RM S\m.~..v.~: · Edge o1' pavement :l~e;ast.~riy' edge"':" ': mdscagln9 mound. House I = Fou ~ -- (Ls '~ b I~ 9.2 I · rO I I o, .z. ! z i as ~O -i Founc Found 3/.,~" iron pipe (LS 4809) S 24'06 E 7.5' from point set. \ ' FOund 32~' !;~n (LS 4809) S 20'08 -.. · 8.5'-from point set. · : -':: -- ~ . S 88'5~'087'E (Plat b~un'dary). ............. 8s.oO' Roc~ '-'- .. bulkhead ' .............. , . .~ ....... · .. ~n I~ ' I" ' /-. I / ' .. ~::)l~/_~ I:]  ~ ~"' ~ . C '- I ~ ~ Rock o ~ '~e~: bulkhead o,,, - -~,-- 40.00' % ~ . . -S 88'59'08" E / S 88'59'08" E. e (Plat boundary) / 1 ~ '1 ' · ~ ~~ / i House c. ,' . . ._: i~ t.~ , II .,' · 0') , · Cante~!.6f .o ~ ~" = .-- -1.- , '.. stump '1~ 0.6' ' ,', H .-"' "' 1;t' -: | r~ . . r" , " West Waterway. I~ ' "" 2~" Madrona "" · 0 . · 111.77' · GRAPHIC SCALE ,~t~ Ln ~,,u .~.,,~uL. rcn~,u ~;~. rLA(II'IHNU. UULr~ncAU~. nUAU~. HLAI lING AND LAND SUHVEYING ERBERT A. ARMSTRONG ,,ETER C. DeGROOT Serving You Since 1960 A.D-A ENGINEERING, L.L.C. ARMSTRONG. DeGROOT & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS P.O. BOX 847 (371 NW LINDVIG WAY) POULSBO. WASHINGTON 98370 PHONE (360| 779.6633 BAINBRIDGE ISLAND (206) 842-6123 FAX (360) 779-7031 JULY 15, 1997 DESCRIPTION FOR PAULA RANNEY JOB NUMBER 93-1527x (RE: VACATION TO O'NEIL) That portion of the right-of-way for "Island Way" as per the "Record Plat of , Tract Thirty Five of the Unrecorded Plat of Trimble" as recorded in Volume 5, Page 17, Plat records of Kitsap County, Washington, situate in Government Lot 7 of Section 34, Township 26 North, Range 2 East, W.M., Kitsap County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the West quarter Roats Engineering - circa 1972) from South 88°59'08'' East 5287.87 feet; South 88°33'52'' East 1326.26 feet Southwest corner of Government Lot West 145.00 feet to a point of inte (Community Way per plat); thence corner of said Section 34 (an alloy cap set by which an axle at the East quarter corner bears thence from said West quarter corner proceed to an old established fence corner post at the 8 of said Section 34; thence North 88°33'52'' rsection with.the centerline of "Skogen Lane" along said centerline, South 1°26'08" West 397.91 feet; thence North 88°33'52'' West 20.00 feet to an iron pipe set by Roars Engineering (April 1988) for the point of intersection of the Northerly right-of-way of "Island 'Way" as per said Plat and the Westerly right-of-way of said "Sk0gen Lane"; thence along said Northerly right-of-way, North 88°33'52'' West 52.04 feet to the True Point of Beginning (being a point on a diagonal line as establ'ished by Adam and Goldsworthy, Inc., November 1993); thence continuing along said Northerly right-of- way North 88°33'52" West 27.96 feet to the 'Northwesterly corner of said "Island Way;" thence along the Westerly line of said "Island Way" South 1°26'08'' West 16.42 feet; thence along said diagonal line North 61 °00'52"'East 32.42 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 229 Square Feet. [C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\~LF80001.BMP] 020-00 020-02 016-01 020=-04[~ ~ ! ' ~ 9"~f 002-00 /SLAND 005-0~ 004-01 005-00 007-00 006-00 I I I I 010-00 City of Bainbridge Island Certification of Sufficiency of Petition PETITION FOR VACATION OF: A PORTION OF ISLAND WAY Front Petition Tax Lot # Ownership of Record Footage Signed ? % Signing 4187-000-020-0201 4187-000-020-0409 Robert O'Neill Robert & Julie O'Neill 45.35 Yes 63.39% 26.19 Yes 36.61% Totals: 71.54 100.00% Total Required for Sufficiency: (RCW 35.79.010) Difference .... 66.67% 33.33% This sufficiency petition was prepared using the footages indicated on the Public Works AutoCad map provided to the City by Kitsap County. Exhibit B is from the AutoCad System. Another recorded survey exists for this property. The petitioners petition is based on this other survey. On Exhibit A, the smaller triangle depicts the portion of the street that the petition requests to be vacated. The larger triangle depicted on Exhibit A is the area to be vacated based on the AutoCad mapping system. However, regardless of which survey is used, 100% of the abutting property owners have signed the petition. I certify to the best of my I<nowledge that this petition is sufficient. William A. Bryan, P/-, ~ of Public Works /, Hecker\ROWVAC\islandway2 - 6/30/98; 8-25-98