RES 98-42 DUI EMERGENCY RESPONSE COSTSRESOLUTION No. 98-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING FEES FOR THE PARTIAL RECOVERY OF DUI EMERGENCY RESPONSE COSTS. WHEREAS, RCW 38.52.430 provides for the recovery of expenditures related to emergency response to incidents resulting from individuals found to driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs; and WHEREAS, on September 3, 1998, the City Council approved Ordinance 98-21 specifying that the City shall charge a fee to recover such expenditures; and WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the City Council has determined on September 9, 1998, that a fiat fee of $150.00 per incident is easier to administer than a scale of fees, that such amount is significantly less than the City' s total average cost of responding to such incidents and is less than the statutory maximum of $1,000.00; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A fee for each incident requiring emergency response by the City of Bainbridge Island as specified in Ordinance 98-32 is established in the amount of $150.00. Section 2. Section 13 of the Fee Schedule of the City of Bainbridge Island is amended to include the fee provided in Section 1 (as shown on Attachment A). PASSED by the City Council this 1 st day of October, 1998. APPROVED by the Mayor this 2nd day of October, 1998. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: DX'v~'~ti~ SuttOn, Mayor ~sper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No. 98-42 September 11, 1998 October 1, 1998 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 13. MISCELLANEOUS FEES BOAT DOCK MOORING and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES (Ordinance 93-32, Resolutions 93-36 & 97-34) BOAT DOCK and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES, SPECIAL USE PERMIT (Ordinance 93-32, Resolution 93-36) $.25 per foot $100.00 BOAT IMPOUND REDEMFrION FEES (BIMC 12.24 & Resolution 93-36) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE (Ordinance 96-22. Paid bi-monthly) $50.00 5% of Gross Revenue CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE- PENALTY (Set by contract) COLLECTION AGENCY FEE (Ordinance 97-29, Resolution 98-06) Charged whenever the City deems it necessary to use a collection agency in order to collect amounts owed to the City. Amount owed is $100.00 or less Amount owed is over $100.00 Variable 100% of Amount Owed 50% of Amount Owed CONCESSIONS FROM VENDING MACHINE DISHONORED CHECK CHARGE (Ordinance 92-24.) DUI EMERGENCY RESPONSE FEE (Ordinance 98-36.) ESCHEAT TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE (Ordinance 92-24) Variable $20.00 $150.00 $10.00 Attachment A City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule MISCELLANEOUS FEES (Continued) FALSE ALARM FEES (Ordinance 92-24) Second response Third and all subsequent responses HOUSE MOVING PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) LATECOMERS AGREEMENT PROCESSING FEE LIEN FILING FEE (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) LIEN RELEASE FEE (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) L.I.D. PETITION PROCESSING FEE $50.00 $100.00/response $200.00 '$250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 NOTARY SERVICES (BIMC 12.20) PAY PHONE ROYALTIES PROCESS SERVICE FEE (Ordinance 92-24) REPORT TO INSURANCE COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) ROAD SIGN-PRIVATE (Resolution 93-22) $3.00 Variable $25.00 $5.00 $50.00 $125.00 ROAD VACATION (Resolution 93-22) $250.00 Attachment A City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule MISCELLANEOUS FEES (Continued) SIGN REMOVAL (Ordinance 92-24) $25.00 VIS A/CITIZEN/IMMI GRA TION DOCUMENTS (Ordinance 92-24) $5.00 WATER SATELLITE SYSTEM CHARGES: (Resolution 97-39) ANNUAL FEE (includes one sample) $50.00 SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - BACTERIOLOGICAL $35.00 SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - ALL OTHER WRITTEN REPORT TO ESCROW COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) Cost of test plus $25.00 ( Maximum $55.00) $10.00 Attachment A