A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Bainbridge Island,
Washington accepting the framework for design of the non -
motorized transportation features developed for Grow Avenue.
WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island has adopted a Non -motorized Transportation
Plan (the Plan) as part of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance
2002-09); and
WHEREAS, the Mayor did appoint the Non -motorized Transportation Advisory
Committee (the Committee) to assist in implementing the Non -motorized Transportation Plan;
WHEREAS, one of the charges of the Committee is to conduct a public process to
develop the framework of design features for certain non -motorized facilities identified in the
Plan and to make recommendations to the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Grow Avenue project was identified as a high priority on table 5.1 in
the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Committee conducted three community workshops and gathered
comments from more than 150 people at meetings or by survey on the design issues that were
identified as essential to non -motorized facilities on Grow Avenue and were incorporated into a
"preferred alternative"; and
WHEREAS, the Committee considered neighborhood character, facilities to promote
bicycling and walking, traffic calming and on -street parking; and
WHEREAS, the Committee recommends that the City Council accept the preferred
alternative design concept developed by the Committee, as drawn by the Cascade Design
Collaborative and dated September 13, 2004 , as a, framework for the bicycle and pedestrian
facilities on Grow Avenue; .
NOW, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island:
Section 1: That the following features are to be used as a framework in designing improvements
and conditioning development on Grow Avenue:
1. That the design and construction of non -motorized facilities on Grow shall include: 1) a
meandering 7 to 10 foot shared use hard surface path for bicycle and pedestrian use on the
east side of the right-of-way, that is separated from the roadway by landscaping, and 2)
widened roadway shoulders for bicycle use; and
Grow Avenue Framework for Design Page 1 of 2
2. Other design features shall include: 1) retention and enhancement of the existing open
drainage courses where possible; 2) retention and use of existing and additional native
landscaping where appropriate; 3) retention of significant trees; 4) the most effective
design and location of traffic calming elements to promote the safe use of the non -
motorized and vehicular facilities; 5) a parking management plan for Grow Avenue north
of Wyatt Way and for Grow Avenue south of Wyatt Way; and
3. Low Impact Design elements shall be used where possible in the parking features
adjacent to the street, in the path and in the water quality features of the drainage courses.
This framework is visually depicted as the preferred alternative developed by the Committee and
drawn by the Cascade Design Collaborative dated September 13, 2004 and referenced in this
Resolution. The design of the improvements on Grow Avenue will strive to meet the framework
of this Resolution; however modifications may be made to address issues that arise during design
such as site constraints, regulatory requirements, funding availability and community concerns.
Section 2: That the City staff and the Committee will continue the community involvement and
outreach efforts during the design of the Grow Avenue improvements. Field testing of certain
traffic calming measures on Grow Avenue will be undertaken to determine their effectiveness
and community support for potential use in the project design, subject to budget constraints.
PASSED by the City Council this 19th day of January, 2005.
APPROVED by the Mayor this 24th day of January, 2005.
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Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor
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-qjsan P. Kasper, City Clerk
HACity Exchange\Resolutions\2005 Resolutions\2005-02_GrowAve_Design_011905_CC.doc
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