RES 2005-18 FOX SEWER SERVICE EXPANSION APPROVALRESOLUTION NO. 2005-18 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, approving the expansion of the City's sewer service area to include Tax Lot Parcel Number 4113-004-004-0004. WHEREAS, Ken and Cami Fox are the owners of Tax Parcel Number 4113-004-004- 0004 situated on 7394 Madrona Drive NE, Lot 4, Block 4, Madrona Subdivision. WHEREAS, this property is outside of the existing sewer service area boundary as identified in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan authorizes minor modifications to the Sewer Service Area (Figure 2) per SSP 2.4; and WHEREAS, this request meets SSP 2.4; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City's existing sewer service area be modified to include Tax Parcel Number 4113-004-004-0004. 2. That sewer service to the property shall be served by a main extension located near the southwest corner of the lot, at the discretion of city staff. PASSED by the City Council this 13th day of April, 2005. APPROVED by this Mayor this 14th day of April, 2005. Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor ATTE T/AUTHENTICATE: Sian P. Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 6, 2005 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 13, 2005 RESOLUTION NO.: 2005-18 H:\City Exchange\Resolutions\2005 Resolutions\2005_18_Sewer Service_Req_Fox.doc T Parcel # 411300-4-004-0004 7394 Madrona Drive NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 206-780-7901 206 579-3692 mobile March 25, 2005 Randy Witt Public Works Director City of Bainbridge Island 280 Madison Avenue N. Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Dear Mr. Witt, This letter is in regards to the availability of city sewer service for tax lot # 411300- 4-004-0004. We are weeks away from submitting for review to the city of Bainbridge plans to erect a single family residence on this tax parcel. At this time we must decide whether to proceed with a septic system design or submit to the city to be included into the sanitary sewer system service area. We received a letter dated March 10, 2005 denying our request for city sewer service at this location. However, under the guidelines of the recently adopted Public Sanitary Sewer Policies of the 2004 Comp plan update, minor modifications which are within the existing sewer facility capacity may be allowed with approval by the city council. In consideration of this recently adopted guideline, we respectfully request to be included in the Winslow Sanitary Sewer System service area. Here are some other arguments for inclusion of this particular property in to the sewer service area: • The sewer Manhole is located at the S.W. corner of the property and serves our neighbor next door. The sewer line could easily be extended an additional 10 feet to service our property. • Installation of the septic system large enough for the proposed structure would require a drain field reaching to the front of the property directly across the street from the Madrona Water System well. This well provides fresh water to eleven different families. Since septic systems are known to fail, this would compromise the safety of the well. • Of the estimated 4600 septic systems on the island, 11% may be failing or near failing. (Comp Plan Update, Sewerage Facilities Analysis and Future Needs). The sewer service could be extended beyond this location to serve the entire neighborhood north of this location and prove helpful if a surrounding neighbor experiences a septic system problem near by the water well. .................... March 25, 2005 Page 2 • We are not asking for sewer service in order to subdivide this property as the property is capable of supporting septic for two parcels already. Please consider this request at the upcoming Public Works Commission meeting on April &h, 2005 and inclusion at the earliest possible city council meeting. Sincerely, Ken and Cami Fo Attached: Plat Survey showing existing sewer manhole/ Sewer Availability letter/ Sewer Service Area Map CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND Department of Public Works — Operations & Maintenance March 10, 2005 Kenneth & Camarie Fox 7394 Madrona Drive NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 RE: Sewer Availability (Non -Binding Letter) for Tax Lot # 411300-4-004-0004 Dear Applicant: We received and reviewed your request for sewer availability. Unfortunately, the tax lot identified is outside of our current sewer service boundary area and, therefore, your request for city sewer service is denied. However, a sewer service connection could be allowed in this area if the City's Comprehensive Plan is amended to include this property in the service area. For more information on the City's comprehensive plan you need to contact the city's Planning Department. Ms. Libby Hudson is the Senior Long -Range Planner most familiar with the Comprehensive Plan amendment process. She can be reached at 206.842.2552. If I can be of further assistance you can reach me at 206.780.3586. Sincerely, ­0� Lance E. Newkirk Assistant Public Works Director c: File ENG FIN PLN 7305 Hidden Cove Road NE Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone: (206) 842-1212 Fax: (206) 780-5104 pwo&m(@ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us City's Web Site: ci.bainbridge-isl.wa.us .T /� \ .jr11V� W� <� v.. d H J R C /� \ .jr11V� 4 � \ � • cam( d H J R C <n Cl) M NLO_ Z 0 O O N d H J R C <n IN o w a WLL � lx = 0) 3 0 L G� 3 CD d C. D 3 ml d I d 3 iU n r° Q. K d C d E 0 U QI C d E 0 y .. d m; EN cC = I C m a a c � � 3 N E m m oCL V R a N d m a mm H ID ra m d R In C y Lo C � r im _ t C C :. - Cl) M NLO_ Z 0 O O N LO N L U co T ca 70 LL E C c0 y a ff- \ '0, <n IN o w ` WLL N W \ ate! '�• U � o 0 0 N LO N L U co T ca 70 LL E C c0 y a ff- it t clot kk oil i .o. *o o ❑ J '3. W � k N ° 12) o � � N E o Q 1v o� o N a psvanssy ,0Z = «1 :aIDDS _ g `v 7r� 2 � ' � a Y. .Q, �4p• � 0 w \ Mar 15 05 12:46p K0000SOSP 2.4 COBI Engineering 206 780 3710 The sen ice arca for the Winslow Sanitary Sewer System shall be the area designated in Figure Emergency service or other minor modifications to Figure 2, which are within the existing se���er facility capacity, may be allowe roval by the City Council, provided that such extensions serve areas that have a environmental nee or sewer due to 1) a high number of documented failing septic systems; or 2) proxtmt y o sensitive bodies of water that are unsuitable for on-site septic systems according to the Kitsap County Health District. Major sen -ice area expansions that require a facility capacity analysis shall be evaluated under Policy SSP 2.7. Discussion: An emergency requiring sewer connection is defined pursuant to the regulation and guidance of the Department of Health. SSP 2.s Sewer connections shall not be mandated for uses with existing septic systems that are full}, functioning and maintained, provided that the use does not change. SSP 2.6 Those properties receiving new public sewer service shall pay a proportional share of the cost for providing that service. (Alternative: Funding for public sewer facilities will be paid primarily by users, in accordance with Capital Facilities Policy CF 1.12) SSP 2.7 Public Sewer Facilities Planning and Major Improvements A. When the existing capacity of public sewer facilities reaches the threshold set for mandatory evaluation of the treatment plant as established by regulatory agencies, planning to address the shortfall in sewer facility capacity shall be initiated. The Public Works Department, in consultation with the Planning and Community Development Department, will perform the preliminary planning on the methods of providing sewer service utilizing a public participation process. The planning will include evaluation of the following: 1. Feasibility of alternatives to large sewer facilities; 2. Operational changes to the existing public sewer facility; 3. Expansion of the existing sewer facility; and 4. Siting of a new public sewer facility. B. In developing alternatives for providing sewer service, the Public Works Department shal l: 1. Investigate alternatives to modifications of existing or placement of new sewer facilities that would be satisfactory to the regulatory agencies for their consideration; 2. Prepare a comparative analysis of alternatives, including a capacity analysis of the existing facility; and 3. Develop costs and alternate financing methods for the feasible alternatives. C. A comprehensive plan amendment will be necessary if new sewer service areas are proposed for a new public sewer facility or major expansion of an existing public sewer facility. 1. In planning and establishing a new service area for a new public sewer facility or major expansion of an existing public sewer facility that provides additional service, service Ordinance 2004-09 Page 91 2004 Comp flan Update p.9