91-03 ESTABLISHMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEERESOLUTION NO. 91-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, the annexation of the unincorporated territory of Bainbridge Island to the City of Winslow was approved by a majority of the voters who submitted regular ballots at an election held November 6, 1990; and WHEREAS, annexation of the unincorporated territory of Bainbridge Island to the City of Winslow will require significant review of and possible revisions to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 90-35, adopted September 6, 1990, the City Council provided for a period of delay on all major land use activities within the annexation area from approximately March 1, 1991, through February 28, 1992; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 17, Law of 1990, First Ex. Sess. (the 1990 Growth Management Act), the City of Winslow must update and include new elements in the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the process of reviewing and revising the Comprehensive Plan will require early and continuous public participation; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There shall be established an advisory committee to the Planning Agency that shall be called the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee. This committee shall consist of seven (7) members nominated by a nominating committee and appointed at large by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The seven appointees shall represent a broad cross-section of Bainbridge Islanders. The chairman of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee shall be appointed by a majority vote of the committee members with the advice and consent of the Mayor and City Council and the advice of the Planning Agency Chairman. It is desireable that one member of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee also be a member of the Planning Agency. Section 2. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee shall carry out the following tasks: 1. Develop a new Comprehensive Plan for the entire island, which will supplant the existing Sub-area Plan for the presently unincorporated areas and the existing Winslow Comprehensive Plan. The new Comprehensive Plan shall address Land Use, Housing, Utilities, Transportation, and a Capital Facilities Plan. 2. Consolidate the two existing plans as to wording, zoning categories and definitions, Shoreline categories, etc. 3. The new Comprehensive Plan shall comply with all requirements of SHB 2929, the 1990 Growth Management Act, and other appropriate state statutes. 4. Deliver to the Planning Agency on or before July 31, 1991, a Preliminary Report and Management Plan document which outlines all proposed changes to the existing plans mentioned above. 5. Complete the new all-island Comprehensive Plan by December 31, 1992, and deliver said document to the Planning Agency by that date. 6. The Chairman of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee shall report to the Mayor, Planning Agency, and City Council as to progress on these tasks on a monthly basis. 7. In developing the new Comprehensive Plan, the committee shall obtain broad community participation, including but not limited to accepting written comments, and conducting public hearings. 8. The Chairman shall present to the City Council and Mayor, within 30 days of appointment, an organizational plan outlining budget needs, staff requirements, and creation of special citizen work groups, if required, in order to complete this task. 9. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee shall meet at least twice a month at a regular time and place and shall comply with the Open Meetings Act. Minutes shall be taken at all meetings, approved at a subsequent meeting, and filed with the City Clerk. 10. The Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee shall dissolve at the end of its term unless re-appointed by the City Council. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this January , 1991. 17th day of -2- 1991. APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of January ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: ~'~J..~TO, Mayor ~'DONNA JEAN BIJXTON/, Clerk-Treasurer ~ -3-