RES 92-39 UPDATED FEE SCHEDULE RESOLUTION No. 92 - 39 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND APPROVING AN UPDATED FEE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, Ordinance 88-16 established a procedure for the periodic review and setting of fees, charges and bonding requirements by the passage of a resolution; and WHEREAS, the city's fee schedule has not been systematically reviewed and updated since January, 1990; and WHEREAS, the city's staff and the Finance Committee of the City Council have made a dilligent effort to determine those changes and additions to the city's fee schedule which will make the fees charged by the city fair and equitable; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS . . The schedule of fees and charges titled "FEE SCHEDULE 1992", attached to this resolution is hereby adopted. APPROVED : ~/ - ------------------- . Granato, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: ---- --------- Ralph W. Eells, Finance Director FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK : 8-12-92 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL : RESOLUTION NUMBER : 92-39 , , , 1992 FEE SCHEDULE APPROVED AUGUST 12, 1992 COPIES CERTIFIED COPIES $2.00 for fi rst page (Ordinances 88-16, 82-16, and Resolution 88-24) $1.00 su bseq uent COPY OF CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT $2.00 (Ordi nance 92-24) COURT ADR $2.00 per (Ordinance 88-16, Resolution 88-24) driving record FINGERPRINTS $10.00 (Ordi nance 92-24) ORDINANCES/MUNICIPAL CODE $.15 per page (Resolution 88-24,) POLICE REPORTS $2.00 per re po rt (Ordinance 88-16, Resolution 88-24) ZONING MAP (small) $1.50 (Ordinance 88-16, Resolution 88-24) ZONING MAP (large) $5.00 (Ordinance 92-24) ZONING ORDINANCE $9.00 (Ordi nance 92-24) MISCELLANEOUS COPIES $.15 per page (Ordi nance 92-24) , 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 , DEPOSITS BID PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS Refundable fee (BIMC 3.72) set on bid call. FIREWORKS DEPOSIT $50.00 (BIMC 5.36. Refundable. Made in conjunction with the fireworks permit.) PARK USE PERMIT $ 75.00 ($100.00 if more than a hundred people attend). (BIMC 12.20. Portion of deposit refundable if area left clean) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 2 , ". LICENSES ANIMALS (ORDINANCE 91-41) (Note: There are exceptions made for certain animals, such as cats and guide dogs.) LICENSE, SPA YEDINEUTERED $6.00 (Good for the life of the pet. Owner must have proof that pet has been spayed or neutered.) LICENSE, (NOT SIN) $25.00 (Year runs from July one to June 30th.) LICENSE, (NOT SIN), % OF YEAR $6.00 (Newcomers to island or if animal is less than 6 months old) LICENSE, TAG REPLACEMENT $1.00 LICENSE, PENALTY $5.00 BOARDING KENNEL, ANNUAL $150.00 (Applies to all kennels, regardless of animal type boarded) BOARDING KENNEL, % OF YEAR VARIABLE BOARDING KENNEL, PENALTY $25.00 COMMERCIAL KENNEL, ANNUAL $250.00 (Applies to all commercial kennels, no matter the animal bred) COMMERCIAL KENNEL, % OF YEAR VARIABLE COMMERCIAL KENNEL, PENALTY $25.00 HOBBY KENN EL, ANNUAL $100.00 (Applies to all private kennels, no matter the animal bred) HOBBY KENNEL, % OF YEAR VARIABLE HOBBY KENNEL, PENALTY $25.00 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 3 , LICENSES ANIMALS (continued) (ORDINANCE 91-41) (Note: There are exceptions made for certain animals, such as cats and guide dogs.) GROOMING PARLOR, ANNUAL $25.00 (Applies to all grooming parlors, no matter the animal served) GROOMING PARLOR, % OF YEAR VARIABL E GROOMING PARLOR, PENALTY $10.00 PET SHOP, ANNUAL $25.00 (Applies to all pet stores, no matter the type of animal sold) PET SH OP, % OF YEAR VARIABLE PET SHOP, PENALTY $10.00 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 4 , ... LICENSES BUSINESS (ORDINANCE 92-10) BUSINESS - ON ISLAND $40.00 (Business and mailing address on island. Expected revenue is more than $10,000.) (Resolution 91-36) BUSINESS - OFF ISLAND $75.00 (Business or mailing address off island. Expected revenue is more than $10,000.) (Resolution 91-36) BUSINESS - SMALL OPERATION $ 20.00 (Business, either on or off island, has annual revenue of less than $10,000.) (Resolution 92-04) BUSINESS. SPECIAL SPECIAL BUSINESS - AMUSEMENT GAME $25.00 (BIMC 5.12. Billiard, Pool, and Foosball Tables. License expires 02/28 of the year.) SPECIAL BUSINESS - JUKEBOX $100.00 plus (BIMC 5.28. License expires 12/31 of the year,) $10.00/jukebox SPECIAL BUSINESS - GAMES OF SKILL $25.00 plus. (BIMC 5.24, Includes video games. License expires 12/31 of the year.) $50.00 I game SPECIAL BUSINESS - CABARET $ 60.00 (BIMC 5.16. Applies to businesses with live entertainment. License expires 12/31 of the year.) SPECIAL BUSINESS - PENALTY 10% of fee (Various BIMC.) per month delinquent 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 5 , PARKING BRIEN & BJUN E (Monthly) 40.00 (BIMC 10.08. Applicants are required to fill out an application.) BRIEN & BJUN E (Daily) 3.00 (BIMC 10.08.) CARPOOL (Bi-Monthly) 70.00 (BIMC 10.08. Applicants are required to fill out an application.) CIVIC CENTER (Monthly) 60.00 (BIMC 10.08. Applicants are required to fill out an application.) CIVIC CENT ER (Dai Iy) 4.00 (BIMC 10.08) FERRY PARKING (Daily) 4.00 (BIMC 10.08. Applicants are required to fill out an application.) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 6 , ,"., PERMITS FIREWORKS PERMIT $25.00 (BIMC 5.36. Made with the fireworks deposit.) GUN PERMIT (first time applicatio n) $ 23.00 (RCW 9.47. $16.00 is the City's share. The remainder goes to the State.) GUN PERMIT (renewal) $15.00 (RCW 9.47. $8.00 is the City's share. The remainder goes to the State.) GUN PERMIT (penalty) $10.00 (ReW 9.47. $7.00 is the City's share. The remainder goes to the State.) PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT $250.00 (Ordi na nee 92-24. This permit is for dances or concerts that require the involvement of police and/or public works) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 7 , TAXES BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX 0.1 % of Gross (BIMC 5.04. Due January 15 of each year with exceptions) over Deduction BUSINESS AND OCCUPATION TAX (Penalty) Variable (BIMC 5.04. Penalty based on months delinquent and percentage of amount due.) COMMERCIAL PARKING TAX 3.0% of Gross (Ord. 92-11. Due 15th of month following each quarter with revenue earned.) Revenue COMMERCIAL PARKING TAX - PENAL TV Variable (ORD 92-11. Penalty based on months delinquent and percentage of amount due.) GAMBLING TAX (BIMC 5.20. Taxes computed on gross reciepts less the cost of prizes. Charitable and non- profit organizations have a further deduction of $5,000.) AMUSEMENT GAMES 2.0% BINGO (gross less than $10,000) 5.0% , BINGO (gross more than $10,000) 10.0% RAFFLES 10.0% CARD GAMES 10.0% PUNCHBOARDS & PULL TABS 10.0% GAMBLING TAX (Penalty) Variable (BIMC 5.20. Penalty based on days delinquent and percentage of amount due.) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 8 , ". LAND USE APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS $125.00 (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16) APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER ANDIOR PLANNING AGENCY $125.00 (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16) APPEAL OF VARIANCE REQUEST FROM THE BUILDING CODE OR OTHER BUILDING ADMIN. CODES. $125.00 (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16) BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT $50.00 (Ordinance 92-24) BUILDING ABATEMENT see ENFORCEMENT (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16) BUILDING FEE (SBCAC) $4.50 (Ordinance 92-24. Study on building activity with the state) BUILDING PERMIT Variable (Fee based on Sect. 304 of UBC and Table 3-A in conjunction, with most recent ICBO building valuation.) BULKHEADS AND SEAWALLS PERMIT $225.00 (Ordi nance 92-24) CLEARING PERMIT $100.00 + incurred costs (Ordi nance 92-24) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT $1,500.00 (Ordi nsnce 92-24) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $600.00 + $50.00 per acre (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 9 , LAND USE DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES THE PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR SHALL USE THE FOLLOWING GUIDE: Impact Cost/100 square feet impervious area BASIN A $15.00 Sportsman Club BAS IN B 13.00 Weaver Road/Grow Ave. BASIN C 13.00 Madison Avenue BASIN D 4.50 The Canyon BASIN E 15.00 Wing Point Way BASI N F 11.00 Wing point ENFORCEMENT $75.00 I hr (Ordinance 92-24. Costs for actual time spent from moment property owner is notified in writing of a violation of the B/MC until the time the City specifically notifies the owner/developer that the violation has been satisfactorily corrected.) ENGINEERING FEE Variable (Fee based on Universal Building Code) ENGINEERING REVIEW COSTS See Table Below'" DRAINAGE ONL Y: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE $275.00 TOTAL SITE DEVELOPEMENT: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE $400.00 MUL T1-FAMIL Y RESIDEN CE $475.00 + ($75.00 per UNIT) SUBDIVISION $575.00 + ($75.00 per LOT) COMMERCIAL: One Half Acre or Less $538.00 One Half to Two Acres $650.00 Two Acres or More $500.00 + ($75.00 per ACR E) ADDITIONAL FOR SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT OR BULKHEAD REVIEWS: . SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE $100.00 MUL T1-FAMIL Y RESIDENCE $25.00 + ($25.00 per UNIT) SUBDIVISION $25.00 per LOT COMMERCIAL: One Half Acre or Less $100.00 More than One Half Acre $100.00 + ($25.00 per AC RE) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 10 , ", LAND USE ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEWS (Ordinance 92-24. Up to 4 hours of review are included in the cost of specific permits. Hourly charge for additional hours does not include eng. reviews. which shall be charged according to specific costs.) SEPA/NEPA REVIEW $40.00/hour after 4 hours CH ECKLlST Incurred costs EIS REVIEW $500.00 + Incurred costs '" EIS ADDENDUM $500.00 + Incurred costs'" EIS SUPPLEMENT $500.00 + Incurred costs '" (*The applicant will be required to make a deposit into the City's account as well as pay for the time and materials of the staff. The applicant will also enter into a three~party contract with the City and a consultant selected by the City to prepare the EIS, Addendum, or Supplement.) FINAL LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION $200.00 (Ordinance 92-24) FINAL SHORT PLAT $100.00 (Ordinance 92-24) FINAL SUBDIVISION $250.00 {Ordinance 92-24) FOREST PRACTICE REVIEW $150.00 plus incurred costs (Ordinance 92-24) GRADING PERMIT $150.00 + incurred costs (Ordinance 92-24. Grading permits will only be issued with approved subdivisions, short pJats, large lot subdivisions, PUDs, or building permits.) MECHANICAL FEE Variable (Fee based on Universal Mechanics Code) MOBILE HOME PERMIT see Building Permits (Ordinance 92-24) OPEN SPACE REVIEW $150.00 (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 1 , LAND USE PARK LAND DEDICATION &lOR FEE IN LIEU OF; Council Determines (Ordinance 84-09. PUOs and rezones to multi family, Case by Case are required to dedicate land and/or pay a fee for park lands) PARK LAND DEDICATION &lOR FEE IN LIEU OF; Ping. Agency Determines (Ordinance 84-09. Multi-family developments or mobile home Case by Case parks are required to dedicate land and/or pay a fee for park lands) PARK LAND DEDICATION &/OR FEE IN LIEU OF; Ping. Director Determines (Ordinance 84-09. Short plats are required to dedicate, Case by Case dedicate land and/or pay a fee for park lands) PLAN CHECK FEE Variable (Fee is 65% of the Building Permit Fee) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT $960.00 + $100.00/unit (Ordinance 92-24) PLUMBING FEE Variable (Fee based on UPC and number of units, such as toilets, in household.) PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE For First Conference: $50.00 (Ordinance 92-24..) Subsequent Conferences: $100.00 PRELIMINARY LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION $300.00 + $50.001l0t (Ordinance 92-24) PRELIMINARY SHORT PLAT $300.00 + $100.001l0t (Ordinance 92-24) PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION $1,000.00 + $100.00/lot (Ordinance 92-24) REZONE $1,000.00 + $150.00/acre (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 12 , ". LAND USE SCHOOL IMPACT FEE Per Dwelling Unit: $2240.00 (Ordinance 92-24.) Per Multifamily Unit: $700.00 SHORELINE EXEMPTION $50.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $1,000.00 + incurred costs (Ordinance 92-24) SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM AMENDMENT $1,500.00 + incurred costs (Ordinance 92-24) SHORELINE VARIANCE $750.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SIGN PERMIT $10.00 per square foot (Ordinance 92-24) SITE PLAN REVIEW Administrative: $250.00 Planning Agency: $300.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SUBST ANTIAL SHORELINE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT $500.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SIGN VARIANCE $250.00 (Ordinance 92-24) VARIANCE FROM BUILDING CODE OR $250.00 + $50.00 per hour OTHER BUILDING ADMINISTRATIVE CODE after first 4 hours (Ordinance 92-24) VARIANCE $250.00 + $50.00 per hour (Ordinance 92-24) after first 4 hours WOOD STOVE INSPECTION PERMIT $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 3 , UTILITIES FEES SERVICE RATES CATEGORY 1 - Single Family Residences (SFR). CATEGORY 2 - Multiple Dwellings (MFRs). Residences including but not limited to apartment houses, condominiums, and mobile home courts are included in this category. Each dwelling unit shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedules. CATEGORY 3 - Commercial Users (COMM). Commercial users including but not limited to retail sales, personal and professional services, entertainment, repair facilities, and restaurants. Each water meter shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedule. CATEGORY 4 - Other (MIX). Any users other than those in Categories 1, 2, 3, and 5. Each water meter shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedule. CATEGORY 5 - Industrial Users. 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 4 . ,,< UTiliTIES FEES WATER RATES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1990 WATER $9.10 Per month/unit plus Users of 0-500 cubic feet .57 per 100 cubic feet. Users of 501-1000 cubic feet .62 per 100 cubic feet Users of 1001-2000 cubic feet .68 per 100 cubic feet Users of 2001-6000 cubic feet .74 per 100 cubic feet Users of 6001 and beyond .78 per 100 cubic feet SEWER RATES FOR USERS OF BOTH WATER AND SEWER AS OF JANUARY 1, 1990 CATEGORY 1 (SFR) $13.55 Per month/unit + 1.57 per 100 cu. ft. of water. CATEGORY 2 (MFR) $16.18 Per month/unit + 1.57 per 100 cu. ft. of water CATEGORY 3 (COMM) $33.76 Per month/unit + 1 .57 per 100 cu. ft. of water CATEGORY 4 (MIX) $36.01 Per month/unit + 1.57 per 100 cu. ft. of water CATEGORY 5 Set by individual contract 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 15 , UTiliTIES FEES SEWER RATES FOR USERS WITHOUT WATER SERVICE AS OF JANUARY 1, 1990 The following monthly sewer rates shall apply to billings for users who do not contract with the City for the provision of water services. CATEGORY 1 (SFR) $22.01 Per month/unit without meter.. CATEGORY 2 (MFR) $22.01 Per monthlunit without meter CATEGORY 3 (COMM) $26.56 Per month/unit + without meter STORM DRAIN RATES AS OF JANUARY 1, 1990 Storm drain billings are based on monthly rates. Those billed for either water or sewer pay the Storm Drain rate monthly, all others pay biannually. CATEGORY 1 (SFR) $3.07 Per month/unit The monthly fee for each SFR and each duplex, residential dwelling provided that the ratio of impervious to pervious surface on the lot shall not exceed 50%. If the ratio exceeds 50%, the COMM/MFR rate shall apply. 1I1mpervious Areall means any part of any parcel of land that has been modified by the action of persons to reduce the land's natural ability to absorb and hold rainfall. This includes areas which have been cleared, graded, paved or compacted. Excluded, however, are all lawns, agricultural areas, and landscaped areas. ALL OTHER CATEGORIES Single Family Equivalent X $3.07 (MFR, COMM, MIX & IND) (Impervious area - 3,000 sq. ft.) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 6 . ." UTiliTIES FEES SYSTEM PARTICIPATION FEES RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit): WATER (BIMC 13.08) $1404.00 SEWER (BIMC 13.12) $1404.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL (per each set of 10 fixtures or portion thereof): WATER (BIMC 13.08) $1404.00 SEWER (BIMC 13.12) $1404.00 CONNECTION FEES CONNECTION BY CITY WORKERS The actual connection cost including labor, materials and equipment, plus an amount equal to 25% of the connection cost for engineering and administration. WATER METERS 3/4" Drop in $75.00 (BIMC 13.08) 1" Drop in $150.00 3/4 Installation $600.00 1" Installation $700.00 For meters 1" 1/2 and larger a deposit of $1,000.00 is required RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit): WATER INSPECTION (BIMC 13.08) $46.00 SEWER INSPECTION (BIMC 13.12) $46.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL (per each set of 10 fixtures or portion thereof): WATER INSPECTION (BIMC 13.08) $46.00 SEWER INSPECTION (BIMC 13.12) $46.00 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 7 , UTiliTIES FEES CONSUMER DEPOSITS (Refundable after one year upon request only if records show no delinquencies.) CATEGORY 1 - SINGLE FAMilY RESIDENCE WATER $50.00 SEWER $60.00 SEWER ONLY $45.00 CATEGORY 2 - MULTIPLE DWELLING RESIDENCE WATER $50.00 per unit SEWER $60.00 per unit SEWER ONLY $65.00 per unit CATEGORY 3 - COMMERCIAL & PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS WATER $50.00 per unit SEWER $,100.00 per unit SEWER ONLY $60.00 per unit CATEGORY 4 - MIXED USAGE WATER $25.00 per unit SEWER $70.00 per unit CATEGORY 5 - INDUSTRIAL, SET BY INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT WATER set by contract SEWER set by contract 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 1 8 , UTiliTIES FEES BILL TO OTHER THAN OWNER (Setup Charge) $20.00 (Ordinance 92-24) CHARGE FOR DELINQUENCY NOTICE $10.00 (Ordinance 92-24) NEW ACCOUNT FEE: Billed to new owner $10.00 (Ordinance 92-24) NOTICE OF TURN OFF (At City Request) $10.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SEASONAL TURN OFF (Includes Turn On) $15.00 (Ordinance 92-24) SERVICE RESTORED: If Turned on At Customer Request Included in Seasonal Turn Off If Turned off At City Request $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FEE: Billed To Former Owner $10.00 Billed To Former Escrow Company, If Former Owner Has Not Paid In Full $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) UNAUTHORIZED TURN ON PENAL TIES: Single Family Residences: $100.00 All Others: $500.00 (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 19 , MISCEllANEOUS BOAT IMPOUND REDEMPTION FEE $50.00 (BIMC 12.24) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE Variable (Set by contract. Paid Quarterly. Computed at 4% of gross revenue.) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE - PENALTY Variable (Set by contract) CITY HALL RENTAL 10.00/hour (Resolution 70-01.) CONCESSIONS FROM VENDING MACHINE Variable DISHONORED (NSF) CHECK CHARGE $20.00 (Ordinance 92-24.) DOCK USE CHARGES Variable (BIMC 12.20. Permit decides cost of dock use.) ESCHEAT TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE $10.00 (Ordinance 92-24) FALSE ALARM FEES Second response $50.00 Third and all subsequent responses $100.00/response (Ordinance 92-24) HOUSE MOVING PERMIT $200.00 (Ordinance 92-24) NOT ARY SERVICES $3.00 (BIMC 12.20) PAY PHONE ROYALTIES Variable 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 20 , MISCELLANEOUS PROCESS SERVICE FEE $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) REPORT TO INSURANCE COMPANY $5.00 (Ordinance 92-24) RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT $50.00 (Ordinance 92-24) ROAD V ACA TION $100.00 (Ordinance 91-22) SIGN REMOVAL $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24) VISA/CITIZ EN/1M MIG RATION DOCUMENTS $5.00 (Ordinance 92-24) WRITTEN REPORT TO ESCROW COMPANY $10.00 (Ordinance 92-24) 1992 FEE SCHEDULE 21 r