RES 2003-33 REMOVING REQUIREMENT TO COLLECT LAND USE DEPOSITSRESOLUTION No. 2003-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, REMOVING THE REQUIREMENT TO COLLECT DEPOSITS FOR LAND USE ACTIONS, INCREASING THE FEES FOR APPEALS, AND AMENDING SECTION 9 OF THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND FEE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, the appeal fees presently charged by the City of Bainbridge Island cover only about 15 percent of the direct costs of processing those appeals; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes to emphasize that all fees and charges must be paid before a final approval or permit is issued; and WHEREAS; the City of Bainbridge Island has previously required a deposit for land use actions and now desires to remove that requirement; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 9 of the Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: 9. BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Resolutions 99-26, 2000-33, and 2001-43 unless otherwise indicated) The charges in this section are in addition to any applicable charges in other sections. All fees and charges must be paid before a final permit or approval may be issued. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING FEES: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE INTERPRETATION Hourly Rate (Resolution 2001-43) APPEAL OF ADMIN. DECISIONS $500.00 SI -54-40 (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 99-26) APPEAL OF EIS ADEQUACY $500.00 5259 00 (Resolution 97-12) APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER OR PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION $500.00 $230400 (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 99-26) APPEAL OF SEPA DETERMINATION (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 99-26) BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 2000-33) BUILDING ABATEMENT (Ordinance 92-24) [ii7�Ti7�zsz+�nu� Hourly Rate see ENFORCEMENT BUILDING FEE (SBCC) 54.50 (Ordinance 92-24. Study on building activity with the state) first unit plus $2.00 per additional unit BUILDING PERMIT 110% of amounts (Resolution 99-31) Shown in UBC (except Accessory Dwelling Units pay only 100% of UBC) BUILDING RE INSPECTION FEE Based on the UBC BUFFER AVERAGING REQUEST Hourly Rate (Resolution 2000-33) BUFFER REDUCTION REQUEST 'Hourly Rate (Resolution 2000-33) CODE ENFORCEMENT See Enforcement COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (Ordinance 99-47. Resolution 99-14) Site Specific — Phase I $1,000.00 (upon filing of application) Site Specific — Phase II Hourly Rate (payable 30 days after date of invoice) Not Site Specific — Phase I $250.00 (upon filing of application) Not Site Specific — Phase II No Charge CONCURRENCY APPLICATION FEE $50.00 plus (Ordinance 2001-09, Resolution 2001-22) Hourly Rate after First Hour CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ADMINISTRATIVE Hourly Rate (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 2000-33) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - FULL PROCESS Hourly Rate (Ordinance 99-47, Resolution 99-14) - CONSOLIDATED PERMIT REVIEW Hourly Rate (BIMC 2.16.120, Resolution 99-14) CONSULTATIONS see SITE VISITS OR EXTENDED CONSULTATION WITH STAFF DRAINAGE IMPACT FEES (BIMC 15.20.100) Impact Cost/ 100 square feet impervious area BASIN A $15.00 Sportsman Club BASIN B $13.00 Weaver Road/Grow Ave. BASIN C $13.00 Madison Avenue BASIN D $4.50 The Canyon BASIN E $15.00 Wing Point Way BASIN F $11.00 Wing Point ENFORCEMENT Hourly Rate (Ordinance 92-24. Resolutions 99-14 and 2001-36). Hourly rates and costs for investigation and processing of a violation of the Code (BIMC) are from the commencement of the investigation until the time the City specifically notifies the o«mer/developer that the violation has been satisfactorily corrected.) ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS (Ordinances 92-24 and 99-47. Resolutions 97-14 & 2001-43) SEPA Review (if E.I.S. NOT required) SEPA Review (if E.I.S. required) E.I.S. Addendum E.I.S. Supplement Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hourly Rate (The applicant will also enter into a three -party contract with the City and a consultant will be selected by the City to prepare the EIS, Addendum, or Supplement.) FINAL LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION See Subdivision (Resolution 97-12) FINAL SHORT PLAT See Short Plat (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) FINAL SUBDIVISION See Subdivision (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) BONUSES IN THE MIXED USE TOWN CENTER AND HIGH SCHOOL ROAD DISTRICTS (Ordinance 99-17, Resolution 2001-02) For planning applications that have received from the City a Notice of Complete Application or that are deemed complete on or before April 30, 2001: Residential Development $8.00 / Square Foot Mixed Use Development $10.00 / Square Foot Commercial Development $12.00 / Square Foot For planning applications that have received from the City a Notice of Complete Application or that are deemed complete on or after May 1, 2001: Residential Development Mixed Use Development Commercial Development $17.00 / Square Foot $24.00 / Square Foot $32.00 / Square Foot GRADING PERMIT UBC Table A-33 (Resolution 97-12 Grading permits will only be issued with approved subdivisions, short plats, large lot subdivisions, PUDs, or building permits.) LAND CLEARING PERMIT No Charge MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL Hourly Rate (Ordinance 99-47, Resolution 99-14) MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - COMMERCIAL Hourly Rate (Ordinance 99-47, Resolution 99-14) MECHANICAL FEE based on the UMC (BIMC 15.04.020.C. Fee based on Section 115 and Table I -A in conjunction with the most recent UMC) MOBILE HOME PERMIT see Building Permits (Ordinance 92-24) OPEN SPACE REVIEW $250.00 (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 99-26) PARK LAND DEDICATION &/OR FEE IN LIEU OF: City Council (Ordinance 84-09. PUDs and rezones to multi family Determines are required to dedicated land and/or pay a fee for park lands) Case by Case PARKING CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU OF ON-SITE SPACES (BIMC, Resolutions 99-14 and 2001-03) Per Space $17,500.00 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-14) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT -COMMERCIAL Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-14) PLAN REVIEW (BY BUILDING DIVISION) Based on the UBC (BIMC 15.04.050.B, Resolution 2001-22) (Presently 65% of UBC Building Permit Fee) PLANNING REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMITS (Resolutions 97-12,99-34 & 2000-33) (if no prior Planning approvals by 20% of UBC Building City of Bainbridge Island) Permit Fee (except Accessory Dwelling Units pay only 10% of Building Permit Fees) (if prior Planning approval by 15% of UBC Building City of Bainbridge Island) Permit Fee (except Accessory Dwelling Units pay only 5% of Building Permit Fees) PLAT UTILITY PERMIT Hourly Rate (Resolution 2000-33) PRE -APPLICATION CONFERENCE Hourly Rate* (See also Engineering, Section 10, and Fire Marshall Review, Section 8) *(Not to Exceed $1,000.00) REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION — ADMINISTRATIVE Hourly Rate (Ordinance 94-03, Resolutions 99-26 & 2001-43) REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION - FULL PROCESS (Resolutions 99-26 & 2000-33) Single Family Residence Hourly Rate All Other Hourly Rate REPLATTING, AMENDMENT OR ALTERATION OF AN APPROVED PLAT Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-26) REPLATTING, AMENDMENT OR ALTERATION OF AN APPROVED SHORT PLAT Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-26) REZONE Hourly Rate (BIMC 18.114.030b. Resolution 92-39 SCHOOL IMPACT FEES (Ordinances 93-05 & 2000-30, Resolution 2000-33. Payment in full required before a building permit can be issued) Single Family Residence $4,390.00 Multi Family Residence $1,170.00 SHORELINE PERMITS: (Resolutions 99-26 & 2001-43) Shoreline Exemption Hourly Rate Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Hourly Rate Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Hourly Rate Shoreline Variance: Administrative Hourly Rate Full process (Hearing Examiner) Hourly Rate SHORT PLAT (SHORT SUBDIVISION) (Resolution 97-12 and 99-26. Also requires payment for Pre-Application/Planning Review, SEPA Review, Engineering Review, and payment of School Impact Fees) Hourly Rate SIGN PERMIT Based on UBC (Resolution 97-12) SITE PLAN REVIEW Hourly Rate (Resolutions 99-26 & 2001-43) SITE VISITS OR EXTENDED CONSULTATION WITH STAFF Hourly Rate (If no application. Resolutions 99-06, 99-14 & 2000-33) (I hour minimum) SUBDIVISION and LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-14. Also required are Pre-Application/Planning Review, Fire Marshall Plan Review, SEPA Review, various Engineering Review, and payment of School Impact Fees) VARIANCE — ADMINISTRATIVE Hourly Rate (Ordinance 94-03, Resolutions 99-26 & 2001-43) VARIANCE - FULL PROCESS (HEARING EXA-NIINER) (Ordinance 94-03, Resolutions 99-26 & 2000-33) Single Family Residential & Accessories Hourly Rate All Other Hourly Rate VARIANCE SHORELINE - FULL PROCESS (HEARING EXAMINER) Hourly Rate (Resolutions 99-14 and 99-26) VARIANCE - SIGN Hourly Rate (Ordinance 94-03, Resolutions 99-26 and 2001-43) VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PLAN $500.00+ (Resolution 99-26) incurred costs WETLANDS REVIEW Hourly Rate (Resolutions 99-14 and 2001-43) WOOD STOVE INSPECTION PERMIT $25.00 (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 92-39) PERMITS AND APPROVAL ACTIONS NOT OTHERWISE SHOWN Hourly Rate (Resolution 2000-33) Section 2. This resolution shall be effective on and after August 1, 2003. PASSED by the City Council this 23d day of July 2003. APPROVED by the Mayor this 24`h day of July, 2003. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Rosalind D. Lassoff Deputy City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: RESOLUTION NO.: Darlene Kordono Mayor June 19, 2003 July 23, 2003 July 30, 2003 August 1, 2003 2003-33