RES 2004-24 NIKKEI WWII PRITCHARD PARKRESOLUTION NO. 2004-24 A JOINT RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island and the Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee of the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Community seeking to partner, promote and strengthen coordination on Phase I development of the Joel Pritchard Park/ Japanese -American, Nidoto Nai Yoni Memorial project. WHEREAS, in 1995, at the request of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Mayor appointed a citizen committee (Wyckoff Zoning Advisory Committee) to recommend future use of the former Wyckoff Creosote Company property so that the Enviromnental Protection Agency could determine clean up levels for the Wyckoff Superfund Site; and WHEREAS, on December 18, 1997, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 97-35 recommending zoning designations for the former Wyckoff Creosote Company property; and WHEREAS, in February 2000, the Environmental Protection Agency adopted a Record of Decision for the Eagle Harbor/Wyckoff Superfund Site; and WHEREAS, in January 2001, the Mayor appointed a citizen committee (Wyckoff Advisory Committee 2001), including representatives from the Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee, Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation District and Harbor Commission, to consider the future use of the former Wyckoff Creosote Company property, in view of the change in proposed clean up process and the significantly altered property characteristics of the Wyckoff site; and WHEREAS, on March 24, 2001, the Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation District adopted Resolution No. 2001-5, supporting and advocating public ownership and development of the Wyckoff Superfund Site; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 2001 the City passed Resolution No. 2001-26 supporting public acquisition of the former Wyckoff Creosote Company property; and WHEREAS, in July 2001, the Mayor appointed a citizen committee (Wyckoff Acquisition Task Force), including representatives from the Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee, Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation District and Harbor Commission, to develop a public acquisition strategy and seek funding to acquire the 50 -acre former Wyckoff Creosote Company property for the purposes of parkland and a national World War II memorial commemorating the evacuation of Bainbridge Island Japanese -Americans; and WHEREAS, on January 23, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-02 supporting the designation of the former Eagledale ferry landing on Bainbridge Island as a WHEREAS, on January 23, 2002, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2002-02 supporting the designation of the former Eagledale ferry landing on Bainbridge Island as a national memorial to remember the unconstitutional internment of Japanese -Americans during World War II; and WHEREAS, on February 18, and March 5, 2002, the Washington State Legislature approved SHJB 4026 requesting President Bush and the United. State's Congress to continue its worthy endeavor to designate the former Eagledale ferry landing on Bainbridge Island as a national memorial to remember the unconstitutional internment of Japanese -Americans during World War II; and WHEREAS, in March 2002, the Pacific Sound Resources Environmental Trust, the property owners of the former Wyckoff Creosote Company property, and the City commissioned an appraisal of the 50 -acre Wyckoff Superfund site, which concluded that the value of the site is eight million dollars; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2002, the Bainbridge Island Park and Recreation District passed Resolution No. 2002-4, supporting acquiring the Wyckoff Superfund Site for parkland and a national memorial commemorating the evacuation and eventual internment of American Citizens of Japanese ancestry; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2002, the Kitsap County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 055-2002 encouraging the Washington State Legislature and the United States Congress to designate the Eagledale Ferry Landing as a national memorial; and WHEREAS, on June 26, 2002, the City approved Resolution No. 2002-17 seeking U.S. Congressional support for public park acquisition, and showing local support through local funding sources including City funds, grant opportunities and private donations; and WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress, with leadership from the Washington State congressional delegation, approved a bill entitled "Bainbridge Island Japanese -American Memorial Study of 2002", which President Bush signed the act into law (PL 107-363) on December 19, 2002, directing the National Parks Service to consider the suitability of national memorial status of the Japanese -American departure site which includes portions of the Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund site and Taylor Avenue right-of-way on Bainbridge Island; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to dedicate a portion of the parkland for the Nidoto Nai Yoni Memorial and the remainder of the park to the memory of the late Joel Pritchard for his 30 -plus years of public service to this state and nation, his commitment to environmental protection, his close ties to Bainbridge Island and finally for his belief in bipartisanship and coalition building, that are necessary to establish a public park at this formerly degraded waterfront site; and 2 WHEREAS, on June 2, 2003, the Mayor, in partnership with the Trust For Public Land, signed a purchase option agreement to purchase the 50 -acre property in phases for a total of eight million dollars; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 2004, the City Council authorized the Mayor to exercise the option agreement to purchase the west, approximately 22 acres of the Wyckoff property for $4,900,000.00; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Bainbridge Island and the Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee of the Bainbridge Island Japanese - American Community do hereby jointly agree to coordinate on the Phase I project development of the Joel Pritchard Park/ Japanese -American, Nidoto Nai Yoni Memorial as follows: A. The $1,481,250.00 awarded by the Washington State Legislature through the Local Capital Projects Budget and administered by the Washington State Department of Trade and Economic Development (CTED) is to be distributed as follows: $981,000.00 for acquisition and $500,000.00 for Phase I project development. B. The City, in partnership with the Bainbridge Island Japanese -American Community, will provide the following toward development costs of the joint project: 1) Donate staff time for purposes of coordinating grant funding and managing the Phase I construction project; 2) Pay for City -required construction permit fees related to the Memorial project; and 3) Pay the cost of moving the well house currently located in the right-of-way of Taylor Avenue. The estimated amounts of these are as follows: 1) $48,000 City Staff time (Planning staff grant and project coordination - 1. $8,000) + (Public Works project management -$40,000.00) 2) $10,000 Estimate of City permit fees (Preapplication, SSDP, building permit) 3) $40,000 Road End -Estimate on relocating the well house 4) $65,000 Road End — Relocating road & parking facilities $163,000.00 Total estimated costs The costs would be funded as follows: 1) $48,000 City Staff time funded by regular salary, 2004 Budget 2) $10,000 Permit fees funded by Planning Department Professional Services for Pritchard Park, 2004 Budget 3) $40,000 Well house relocation — Contingency Fund, 2004 Budget 4) $65,000 Road & parking facilities — 2005 Budget $163,000.00 Total Funding AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee of the Bainbridge Island Japanese -American Community reserves the right to ultimately determine the memorial design and shall be the final decision -makers as to the conceptual, architectural and engineering design of the Nidoto Nai Yoni Memorial, working in coordination with the City in good faith compliance with the above terms, consistent with its public trust and fiduciary responsibilities to properly and lawfully manage the City's resources and achieve the intent of developing a public park. PASSED by the City Council this 23rd day of June, 2004. APPROVED by the Mayor this 24th day of June, 2004. CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: L.-, (P z,, - City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Nikkei World War II Exclusion Memorial Committee of the Bainbridge Island Japanese American/Comm ity 4-42�w go� President June 15, 2004 June 23, 2004 2004-24