A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge, Island,
Washington, ratifying the amended Kitsap County -wide Planning Policies.
WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act (GMA), RCW36.70A, requires that each
county planning under GMA adopt county -wide planning policies to be used as a framework
from which county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted; and
WHEREAS, in May, 1992, the Kitsap Regional Planning Council, made up of elected
officials of the county, cities and tribes of Kitsap County, adopted the first county -wide planning
policies pursuant to GMA; and
WHEREAS, the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (formerly Kitsap Regional
Planning Council) initiated revisions to the county -wide planning policies through multi -
jurisdictional collaboration including planning staff, planning commissioners and council
members; and
Section 1. The City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, approves and
ratifies the revised Kitsap County -wide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance #327-2004 on
November 22, 2004.
PASSED by the City Council this 9th day of February, 2005.
APPROVED by the Mayor this 10th day of February, 2005.
S san P. Kasper, City Clerk
61 W
Darlene Kordonowy, Mayor CJ
February 2, 2005
February 9, 2005
City of Bainbridge Island
Subject: Ratification of Kitsap County -wide Planning Policies
Resolution 2005- 09
Date: February 9, 2004
Agenda Item: Discussion
Bill No.: AB 0 5 0 6
Contact Person(s): Larry Frazier
Reading: ❑ 1St ❑ 2❑d 1:13 rd
Department or Fund: Planning
Total Expenditure Required Budgeted? Is a budget amendment required?
(tax included): ❑ yes Ono ❑ yes ❑ no
Comprehensive Plan:
Municipal Code:
Goals & Objectives:
The Kitsap County -wide Planning Policies provide the framework for growth management in
Kitsap County. These policies are developed and revised through the Kitsap Regional
Coordinating Council (KRCC). During the last two years, the City has been participating in
reviewing and revising the county -wide planning policies through KRCC.
KRCC approved the revisions to the policies September 14, 2004 and Kitsap County adopted
the revisions on November 22, 2004 (County Ordinance #327-2004). These planning policies
address 15 separate elements, ranging from urban growth areas to affordable housing. These
amended policies were considered as part of the recent review and update to the City's
Comprehensive Plan (2004 Comprehensive Plan Update, Ordinance 2004-09). A ratification
process is included in the revisions to the policies (See Appendix A).
The attached document includes the approved policies. Please note that the changes made
since the KRCC approved document are highlighted in the first three pages and include the
population distribution allocation for 2005 -2025, (which was not included in the recent
amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan).
Mary McClure, of KRCC, will present the policies to the Council for ratification.
Discuss and ratify the policies by approving the resolution.
I: (Agenda Bill Revised. doc
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Policies for Update and Ratification (UR):
The Kitsap County -wide Planning Policy should be dynamic and regularly monitored for applicability and
a. The adopted County -wide Planning Policy should be reviewed through the KRCC process at least every five
years. Proposed revisions shall be reviewed for impacts according to the State Environmental Protection Act
(SEPA) and shall be consistent with the State Growth Management Act (GMA).
b. The County or a City may propose a policy amendment to the County -wide Planning Policy.
2. Proposed amendments should be considered on a regular basis and voting is subject to the Kitsap Regional
Coordinating Council by-laws.
a. Kitsap County shall take action to consider and adopt amendments or revisions to the County -wide Planning
Policy following recommendation from the KRCC.
b. The KRCC will strive for ratification by all Cities and Tribes during the 90 days following the Board of County
Commissioners' adoption of its subject ordinance. The adopted CPP will become effective upon ratification by
three or more cities
"'" ,w, ' in Kitsap*unty.
. , „ ., ..p
c. A City or Tribal Council that does not ratify the revised County -wide Planning Policy n 90 days of the Board
of County Commissioners' adoption of its subject ordinance, shall provide a written statement of its objections to
the KRCC, in order to facilitate further review.(See Appendix A for process flow chart).
Policies for Urban Growth Areas (UGA):
4. Distribution of 20 year population increments, as forecasted by the WA Office of Financial
a. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall coordinate the process for distributing the forecasted
population for the period 2005 — 2025 and every five years thereafter, consistent with the requirements of the
Growth Management Act. Kitsap County shall adopt any revision to the population distribution as part of its
next Comprehensive Plan amendment process and the Cities shall base their Comprehensive Plan amendments
upon that distribution. The distribution process should consider county -wide demographic analysis, the Land
Capacity Analysis, and the OFM projections and it shall promote a county -wide development pattern targeting
over three quarters (76%) of new population growth to the designated Urban Growth Areas. The County and
the Cities recognize that the success of this development pattern requires not only the rigorous support of
Kitsap County in the rural areas, but also Cities' comprehensive plans being designed to attract substantial
new population growth.
ion distribution will be reviewed through the KRCC process 1 iftJ five
, the target �� r
E ' will revert to five sixths (83%), as per the revised County wide Planning Policies adopted y
Kitsap County Ordinance #258-01 on August 20, 2001.. Qtitris the tuq;►dov.h�
November 22, 2004
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance # 327-2004
d. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall compile the jurisdictions' population estimates, including the
estimate of additional population capacity for areas outside the Urban Growth Areas, and determine whether
adjustments to the overall distribution are required in order to fit within the jJW projected range.
Appendix B • Population Drstrrbutton 2005 2025
Population Distribution
2005 through 2025
Through 2025
+ New = Total
Population in 2025
Growth Rate
Bremerton Cit
East UGA
West UGA
Bremerton Port UGA
Central Kitsap UGA
Gorst UGA
Silverdale UGA
Bainbridge Island City20,308
Kingston UGA ;
Poulsbo Citye
Port Orchard City 2
Port Orchard UGA Expansion
Study Areas
South Kitsa UGA:
UGA Population
Non-UGA Population
133,537 56%
98,432 42%
; ,
11 ;
Total County Population
OFM Projection through 2025
Hi h
Based on PSRC Model
2 Based on City and/or County
Comprehensive or Sub -area planning
s Target to be substantiated by further
analysis and/or Sub -area planning
° Office of Financial Management
official estimate
County Historical Growth
US Census Annual
1960 84,176 Growth Rate
1970 101,732 1.91%
1980 147,152 3.76°x6
1990 189,731 2.57%
2000 231,969 2.03%
20044 1 239,500 0.80%
Population distribution will be reviewed through the KRCC process itr
five vears...:.�..;...
,he above three quafters (76-17,o) U)t r -e affifmed of ether -wise ,the target > 11 iw kdon
will revert to five sixths (83%), as per the revised County -wide Planning
Policies adopted by Kitsap Countv Ordinance #258-01 on August 20, 2001..
ober 22, 2004
WMA, Ordinance = 327-2004
Appendix C. Urban Growth Area Management Agreements
T intent of the Urban Growth Area Management Agreement is to facilitate and encourage annexation and/or
in. orporation of urban areas over the 20 year planning period and to ensure compatibility of development within
the unincorporated Urban Growth Area. Each Urban Growth Area Management Agreement shall:
1. Describe the goals and procedures of the joint &V "in including roles and responsibilities for the
unincorporated Urban Growth Area with the goal of having identical City and County plans, zoning and
development regulations The ollawingprovisions should apply to the entire Urban Growth Area associated with
the City unless mutually agreed otherwise by the City and County:
The City's zoning code densities and development, sub -division, environmental,
and construction standards.
ii. The City's Levels of Service.
iii. The Comprehensive Plan of the City should reflect land use planning for the entire Urban Growth
2. IdenCJ& responsibility and mechanisms for comprehensive plan amendments zoning changes and development
applications within unincorporated Urban Growth Areas Si ificant weight should be given to City preferences.
3. Idents services to be provided in the Urban Growth Area the responsible service purveyors and the terms under
which the services shall be provided, including:
Fire Storm Water Solid Waste
Police Potable Water Park & Recreation Facilities
A11 service providers including special districts and adjacent jurisdictions should be included in Urban Growth
Area planning;
4. Reference the adopted Revenue Sharing Inter -local Agreement (see Appendix D.
5. Describe the City 's pre -annexation planning, which AdM include: 4*2
Conditioning City service extensions upon actual annexation for properties contiguous to the City
boundary or to agreements of no protest to future annexation for properties not contiguous.
ii. O erft pre -annexation agreements to property owners interested in annexation and needing assurances
from the City about services, planning, or other issues.
November 22, 2004
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance # 327-2004
Adopted Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy
November 22, 2004
Attached is the Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy as adopted by the Kitsap
County Board of Commissioners by ordinance on November 22, 2004 (Ordinance
327-2004). The Countywide Planning Policy as revised is currently in effect in
Kitsap County.
The revisions embedded in this document are before the City of Bainbridge Island,
City of Bremerton, City of Poulsbo, Suquamish Tribal, and Port Gamble S'Klallam
Tribal Councils for ratification.
The Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy is the framework for growth management in
Kitsap County. Under the Growth Management Act, the Puget Sound Region is
defined as King, Kitsap, Snohomish and Pierce Counties. The Puget Sound Regional
Council is responsible for developing the four -county regional transportation and land
use vision. The Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy tailors the Puget Sound Regional
Council's regional growth management guidelines to Kitsap County and are the
policy framework for the County's and the Cities' comprehensive plans. The Kitsap
Countywide Planning Policies address 15 separate elements, ranging from urban
growth areas to affordable housing.
The Countywide Planning Policy is required by the Growth Management Act and
may be appealed (only) by Cities and the Governor of Washington. The original
Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy (adopted by Kitsap County in 1992) and
subsequent revisions (August 2001, December 2003, November, 2004) were
developed through a multi -jurisdictional collaboration sponsored by KRCC among:
Kitsap County, the Cities of Bremerton, Bainbridge Island, Port Orchard &
Poulsbo, the Suquamish & Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribes, the Navy, the Port of
Bremerton, and Kitsap Transit.
Kitsap County is lead agency for its environmental review
1 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 3
A. Countywide Growth Pattern (CW).............................................................. 5
B. Urban Growth Areas(UGA)..................................................................... 7
C. Centers of Growth (C)..........................................................................13
D. Rural Land Uses and Development Patterns (R) ............................................15
E. Countywide Strategies for Open Space Preservation, Resource Protection
And Critical Areas (PPCA).....................................................................17
F. Contiguous and Orderly Development (COD)................................................19
G. Siting Public Capital Facilities of a Countywide or Statewide Nature (CF)..............20
H. Transportation(T).................................................................................22
I. Affordable Housing(AH)........................................................................28
J. Countywide Economic Development (ED)...................................................31
K. An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact(FI)..........................................................33
L. Coordination with Tribal Governments(CT).................................................34
M. Coordination with Federal Government including Navy(CF)..............................35
N. Roles & Responsibilities(RR).................................................................. 37
A. Ratification Process a
B. Population Distribution b
C. Urban Growth Area Management Agreements c
D. Revenue Sharing Interlocal Agreement (adopted December, 2001) d
E. Interlocal Agreement Establishing the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council e
2 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
The Growth Management Act (GMA) is founded on the principle that it is in the best interest of the
citizens of the State to foster coordination and cooperation among units of local and state government.
Cities and counties must engage in a collaborative planning process under the requirements of the
The Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.210) states that `A COUNTYWIDEPLANNING POLICYISA
Act requires that the countywide policy be collaboratively developed among Cities and the County.
COUNTYWIDEPLAAWNG POLICYADOPTIONPROCESS " These policies may also be used for other
purposes requiring collaboration and cooperation in addition to the development and adoption of
comprehensive plans.
The 1992 Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy and subsequent revisions in 2001 and 2003 were
developed by a committee of planners representing Kitsap County, the City of Bremerton, the City of
Port Orchard, the City of Poulsbo. the City of Bainbridge Island, the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, the
Suquamish Tribe, the Navy. and Kitsap Transit. At each point, the Kitsap Regional Coordinating
Council conducted a public hearing and prepared a recommendation for adoption by the Kitsap
Cotmt, Board of Commissioners and ratification by Cities and Tribes. The process of review and
discussion through the KRCC forum is intended to tipster consensus whenever possible. Count_ • and
City Comprehensive Plans must be consistent with the adopted Countywide Planning Policv.
Policies for Update and Ratification (UR):
1. The Kitsap Countywide Planning Policy should be dynamic and regularly monitored for
applicability and effectiveness.
a. The adopted Countywide Planning Policy should be reviewed through the KRCC process at
least every five years. Proposed revisions shall be reviewed for impacts according to the State
Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) and shall be consistent with the State Growth
Management Act (GMA).
b. The County ora City may propose a policy amendment to the Countywide Planning Policy.
2. Proposed amendments should be considered on a regular basis and voting is subject to the Kitsap
Regional Coordinating Council by-laws.
c. Kitsap County shall take action to consider and adopt amendments or revisions to the
Countywide Planning Policy following recommendation from the KRCC.
b. The KRCC will strive for ratification by all Cities and Tribes during the 90 days following the
Board of County Commissioners' adoption of its subject ordinance. The adopted CPP will
3 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
become effective upon ratification by three or more cities in Kitsap County.
c. A City or Tribal Council that does not ratify the revised Countywide Planning Policy within
90 days of the Board of County Commissioners' adoption of its subject ordinance, shall
provide a written statement of its objections to the KRCC, in order to facilitate further
review.(See Appendix A for process flow chart).
d. Once the ratified revisions to the Countywide Planning Policy take effect, a City or the
Govemor's office may appeal the revisions to the Growth Management Hearings Board
within a further 60 day period.
4 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element A. Countywide Growth Pattern
The vision for the future of Kitsap County, as articulated in the Kitsap County Comprehensive
Plan (1998), "seeks to maintain and enhance the quality of life that makes our County a special
place to live and work. ...... envision a future in which our natural systems are protected; the water
quality in our lakes, streams and Puget Sound is enhanced; the village character of some of our
smaller towns is preserved; the historical nature of our communities is respected in order to
preserve our heritage for future generations; a diversified economic base that supports good jobs,
contributes to healthy downtowns in our cities and affordable housing choices; and the rural
appearance of our county is perpetuated.
This vision of the future — which is shared by citizens and elected officials — includes the
following elements:
a. Livable urban communities and neighborhoods, centers for employment, civic activities,
■ Attractive, well designed and livable urban communities, supported by efficient and
high quality services and facilities, and providing a range of housing choices.
■ Healthy cities that are the region's centers for employment, affordable housing choices,
and civic and cultural activities.
b. Vital diversified economy: A vital diversified economy that provides living wage jobs for
residents, supported by adequate land for a range of employment uses and that encourages
accomplishment of local economic development goals.
c. Efficient multi -modal transportation system: Creation of an efficient multi -modal
transportation system — including roads and highways, ferries, airports, and opportunities
for non -motorized travel — that provides efficient access and mobility for county residents
and supports our laid use pattern.
d. Natural systems protection:
■ Protection and enhancement of the natural environment, including wetlands, streams,
wildlife habitat, water quality and natural resource activities.
■ Creation of a system of open space, parks and greenbelts that provide opportunities for
recreation and that give structure and separation to urban areas.
e. Rural character outside of Urban Growth Areas: Maintenance of the traditional character,
appearance, functions and lifestyles of Kitsap County's rural communities and areas
f. Responsive Government: An efficient and responsive government that works with citizens,
governmental entities and Tribes to meet collective needs fairly; and that supports education,
environmental protection and human services.
A key strategy to accomplish this vision is the intention to encourage future urban growth in
areas within incorporated cities and in unincorporated areas that are already characterized by
urban growth with existing and planned services and facilities. These actions will work to
strengthen our natural environment and rural character, and are geared to reduce taxpayer costs
by focusing the expenditure of public funds, encouraging concentrated development where
appropriate, and increasing our choices for housing and jobs."
5 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Balancing historical patterns of growth with a preferred vision of the future and legal requirements
is an on-going challenge. Tradeoffs must be made to balance the costs with the gains; flexibility is
necessary to adapt to changing conditions. These policies are intended to reflect the long-term
goals of the people living, working and doing business here.
Policies for Countywide Growth Pattern (CW):
1. Roles of Cities and Urban Growth Areas/Urban Communities
a. The primary role of Kitsap's urban communities is to encourage growth, through new
development, re -development and in -fill. (See Appendix B for current and projected
population distribution)
b. Each of Kitsap's urban communities should foster its unique vision as a high quality place to
live and work.
c. In Kitsap, urban communities are closely linked to water and natural amenities and provide
open space links to the natural environment.
2. Roles of Kitsap County:
a. Keep regional vision in mind when making local decisions.
b. Promote stewardship of unincorporated urban areas and promote transition to cities when
financially viable.
c. Maintain/enhance natural systems and rural character.
d. Include a variety of low density rural communities, densities, and uses.
3. To achieve these goals, KRCC member jurisdictions should:
a. Make decisions together when needed.
b. Coordinate and cooperate on land use, policy and capital planning.
c. Establish and keep updated a Land Capacity Analysis Program.
d. Develop a program for the Transfer of Development Rights to preserve lands with
important public benefits.
e. Maintain/preserve distinct urban identities with green breaks or other natural features.
f. Promote tiering and/or phasing of infrastructure development within Urban Growth Areas.
g. Develop and implement land use policies, regulations and incentives to promote the
efficient use of urban areas.
6 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element B. Urban Growth Areas
The basic premise for designating Urban Growth Areas is to encourage the location of urban density
residential, commercial and industrial developments in areas where services can be most
economically provided. The benefits of directing growth to designated urban areas include:
' Higher density residential development within walking distance of jobs, transit, schools
and parks.
* Limiting urban expansion into neral and forested areas.
' Promotion of in -fill or redevelopment of existing urban areas.
* Preservation of open space, critical areas and lands designated for resource protection.
" Accommodation of employment growth in a concentrated pattern.
' More economical provision and maintenance of streets, sewer/ water lines and other
public facilities.
' Promotion of attractive residential neighborhoods and commercial districts which
provide a sense of community.
* A harmonious relationship with regional planning as articulated by Vision 2020 and
Destination 2030 adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council as the growth and
transportation strategy for central Puget Sound.
Policies for Urban Growth Areas (UGA):
1. Land Capacity Analysis Program:
Consistent with RC W 36.70A.115, the County and Cities
shall ensure that, taken collectively, adoption of and
amendments to their comprehensive plans and/or
development regulations provide sufficient capacity of land
suitable for development within their jurisdictions to
accommodate their housing and employment growth
(derived from population distribution), as adopted in the
applicable Countywide Planning Policies and consistent
with the 20 -year population forecast from the WA Office of
Financial Management.
a. The County and the Cities shall maintain a Land Capacity
Analysis Program to monitor land supply and trends for
residential, commercial, and industrial lands to determine
the success of implementation of their respective
comprehensive plans. This Program is intended to fulfill
the State requirement for a Buildable Lands Program.
b. The County and the Cities shall participate in the Land
Capacity Analysis using a consistent methodology for
review and evaluation.
c. The County and the Cities shall develop strategies from
Land Capacity Analysis to efficiently use the available
capacity of residential, commercial and industrial uses
within Urban Growth Areas, reducing the need to expand
the urban growth boundaries.
Background: The Growth
Management Act was amended in
1997 requiring Kitsap County and
the Cities to monitor counhwide
development activities in five-year
intervals in order to test the
population growth assumptions
incorporated in the Urban Growth
Area capacity analyses. This
Buildable Land Analh-sis compares
growth and development
asstunptions, targets. and objectives
with actual growth and
development. including residential.
commercial, and industrial
capacity. If inconsistencies are
found, the County and Cities must
then identi& reasonable measures.
other than adjusting Urban Growth
Areas, that will be taken in order to
comply with the GMA. The
following countywide planning
policies relate to this regional
program to monitor the buildable
land supple for future growth as
forecasted by the State and
distributed through the Kitsap
Regional Coordinating Council
7 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
.November 221 2004
d. The County and Cities shall establish procedures for resolving inconsistencies in collection
and analysis of Land Capacity data. In the event a resolution cannot be achieved, the Kitsap
Regional Coordinating Council shall be a forum to review and if possible facilitate any
disputes between parties.
2. Process and criteria for establishing, expanding, and adjusting Urban Growth Areas in
Kitsap County:
a. Urban Growth Areas are areas `within which urban growth shall be encouraged and outside
of which growth can occur only if it is not urban in nature' (RCW 36.70A. I I0(1)) except
under specific circumstances, as fully contained communities and master planned resorts as
authorized by the Growth Management Act.
b. Unincorporated Urban Growth Areas should be associated with an existing or future city.
c. All Urban Growth Areas shall be reflected in County and respective City comprehensive
d. Sufficient area must be included in the Urban Growth Areas to accommodate the adopted
20 -year population distribution as adopted by the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
and consistent with WA Office of Financial Management projections.
e. A jurisdiction may define growth tiers within its Urban Growth Area (RCW 36.70A.110.3)
to focus public and/or private investment where growth is desired. Utility development
and/or expansion may be phased to support efficient and cost-effective growth and to
prioritize investments.
f. The County, City, or interested citizens may initiate an amendment to an existing Urban
Growth Area through the comprehensive plan amendment process as authorized by the
Growth Management Act.
g. Any jurisdiction seeking to expand its Urban Growth Area shall achieve densities
consistent with the Growth Management Act, as interpreted by the Growth Management
Hearings Board, and the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan and any inter -local agreement
between the City and the County.
h. If an adopted or proposed 20 -year projected population distribution may require expansion
of its Urban Growth Area, the respective jurisdiction shall conduct planning and analysis,
addressing the following conditions:
Update and confirm the capacity analysis for land within the existing Urban Growth
Area for residential, commercial, and/or industrial lands, which takes into account all
development approved within the overall UGA since the last UGA expansion. This
shall be based upon the Buildable Lands Report and future Land Capacity Analyses that
follow the guidelines of RCW 36.70A.215. or other analysis determined appropriate for
the particular UGA involved. To maximize consistency across jurisdictions, each
jurisdiction shall use consistent methodology in calculating capacity.
8 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
ii. Review the planning and zoning regulations and any incentive programs in place to
determine expected densities in the existing UGA consistent with the Growth
Management Act, as interpreted by the Growth Management Hearings Board, and the
jurisdiction's adopted Comprehensive Plan;
iii. Data collection and analysis for the capacity analysis should be done cooperatively. The
County will be responsible for data describing the unincorporated portion of the Urban
Growth Area, and the City for the incorporated portion.
i. Expansion of Urban Growth Areas shall direct growth first to areas already characterized
by urban growth that have adequate existing public facility and service capabilities to serve
development; second to areas already characterized by urban growth that will be served
adequately by a combination of both existing public facilities and services and any
additional needed public facilities and services that are provided; and third to areas that are
adjacent to incorporated cities or established Urban Growth Areas once the available land
meeting the first or second priority has been designated. Areas which have existing public
facilities or where public facilities can be reasonably extended and are not currently at
urban densities should be considered first within this category.
j. A jurisdiction, as part of its Comprehensive Plan amendment or Subarea Plan process, that
proposes an expansion of the UGA shall prepares or update a comparison of potential
areas for expansion, including.
i. Planning and zoning regulations currently in place.
ii. An evaluation of how a full range of urban -level infrastructure and services would
be provided within potential expansion areas, including appropriate capital facility
Fire Storm Water Solid Waste
Police Potable Water Park & Recreation Facilities
Transportation Sewer Schools
Utilities: Power and Telecommunications, including Broadband
All service providers including special districts and adjacent jurisdictions should be
included in the evaluation. Best available infrastructure technology may be used
provided that it has been approved by the jurisdiction as part of a broader review of
available technology.
iii. Although specific standards and criteria are not implied, other factors shall be
addressed in evaluating areas for Urban Growth Area expansion, including but not
limited to: environmental constraints; economic development; preservation of
cultural, historical, and designated resource lands.
k. The City and County shall conduct early and continuous public involvement when
establishing, expanding, or adjusting Urban Growth Areas, and shall do so jointly when
appropriate. Residents of unincorporated areas should be consulted and actively involved
in the process affecting them.
9 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
3. Coordinated Growth Management in Urban Growth Areas:
a. Adopted City and County comprehensive plans shall reflect the intent that all land within
unincorporated Urban Growth Areas will either annex to a city or incorporate within the
20 -year planning horizon, subject to the state annexation procedures.
b. To maximize the efficient use of urban lands, subdivisions in Urban Growth Areas shall be
consistent with the associated jurisdiction's Comprehensive Plan and underlying zoning
c. As described in the Growth Management Act, cities are the primary provider of municipal
services and facilities in their Urban Growth Areas, responsible for demonstrating within
their Comprehensive Plans the capacity to provide all urban services within their associated
Urban Growth Area(s). This may be accomplished through a collaborative process with
Kitsap County and/or other service providers.
d. To facilitate and encourage annexation of urban areas over the 20 year planning period, the
County and each respective City should work together to promote coordination and
consistency in land uses, zoning, and development regulations. This should be
accomplished through:
i. Urban Growth Area Management Agreements (UGAMA's) that address the issues
described in this policy. (See Appendix C for further detail on contents of
ii. Joint planning for specific areas to address land uses, infrastructure needs, level of
service standards as identified in these policies, and other issues as needed. Special
districts should be included in the planning process as appropriate. The results of the
joint planning should be reflected in County and City comprehensive plans;
iii. Modifications to County development regulations to reflect city standards and to
regulate development in a manner that promotes the likelihood of annexation;
iv. Coordination in the review of permit applications as appropriate;
v. Specific proposals for annexation as developed or considered by the city. Residents
of unincorporated areas should be consulted and actively involved in the annexation
process affecting them. All service providers including special districts and adjacent
jurisdictions should be included in annexation and/or incorporation planning.
e. For Urban Growth Areas not associated with a specific city:
i. The County should plan with local communities to address land uses, infrastructure
needs, level of service standards as identified in these policies, and other issues as
needed. The results should be reflected in the County comprehensive plan.
ii. The County should continue to provide a level of urban facilities and services
generally equivalent to those of cities on an interim basis for those Urban Growth
Areas that eventually will incorporate, and on an on-going basis as appropriate.
10 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
4. Distribution of 20 year population increments, as forecasted by the WA Office of
Financial Management:
a. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall coordinate the process for distributing the
forecasted population for the period 2005 — 2025 and every five years thereafter, consistent
with the requirements of the Growth Management Act. Kitsap County shall adopt any
revision to the population distribution as part of its next Comprehensive Plan amendment
process and the Cities shall base their Comprehensive Plan amendments upon that
distribution. The distribution process should consider countywide demographic analysis,
the Land Capacity Analysis. and the OFM projections and it shall promote a countywide
development pattern targeting over three quarters (76%) of new population growth to the
designated Urban Growth Areas. The County and the Cities recognize that the success of
this development pattern requires not only the rigorous support of Kitsap County in the
rural areas. but also Cities* comprehensive plans being designed to attract substantial new -
population growth.
Population distribution will be reviewed through the KRCC process every five years. The
review will include an analysis of the Cities' and County's progress in achieving target
distributions. If the 76% UGA target mentioned above for new population growth and the
overall population targets are met or exceeded, the target for new population will revert to
five sixths (83%), as per the revised County -wide Planning Policies adopted by Kitsap
County Ordinance #258-01 on August 20, 2001. Otherwise, the target may be reaffirmed or
explicitly modified.
b. Each jurisdiction with a designated Urban Growth Area shall develop an estimate and/or
range of the additional population that it could accommodate and service during the 20 year
planning horizon, consistent with its vision for future community character. The estimate
shall consider the need for increasing population density within the Urban Growth Areas to
promote efficient service delivery, avoid sprawl, and preserve community character.
c. The population estimates and/or ranges shall be provided to the Kitsap Regional
Coordinating Council, with a statement of need concerning adjusted Urban Growth Area
d. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall compile the jurisdictions' population
estimates, including the estimate of additional population capacity for areas outside the
Urban Growth Areas, and determine whether adjustments to the overall distribution are
required in order to fit within the OFM projected range.
e. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, after conducting a public hearing, shall
recommend the estimate and/or ranges of 20 year population distribution to Kitsap County
for adoption as an amendment to the Countywide Planning Policy.
f. Kitsap County should give substantial weight to the KRCC recommendation in adopting
the 20 -year population distribution.
g. Following adoption of the estimates and/or ranges, each jurisdiction should update its
comprehensive plan, so as to arrive at a final population target consistent with the estimate
and/or within the original range.
I1 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
h. After each jurisdiction has completed its comprehensive plan update, the final adopted
target should be compiled and reviewed through the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
process and the revised population distribution incorporated into the Countywide Planning
Policy. A final distribution to Urban Growth Areas versus non -Urban Growth Areas within
the range specked above should then be calculated.
5. Fully Contained Communities and Master Planned Resorts
A Master Plan review process and
decision criteria for fully contained
communities and master planned resorts
should be incorporated in the County's
comprehensive plan, must reflect the
standards and requirements in the
GMA, and in addition must address the
a. Necessary public facilities, including
but not limited to parks, schools, and
public safety facilities should be
provided within or along with the
development, consistent with
adopted capital facility and level of
service standards;
b. Impacts to public infrastructure,
nearby communities, adjacent rural
areas, environmental resources, and
designated resource lands should
first be avoided, second minimized,
and third mitigated,
Under the Growth Management Act(RCW 350),
falh- contained communities (FCCs) may be
considered. provided that a portion of the
twenty-year population forecast is reserved for
and subsequently distributed to the FCC. The
GMA requires that FCCs provide for a mix of
uses that would provide jobs. housing, and
public facilities and services to support a long-
term residential population.
The GMA (RC W 360) also allows the
consideration of proposed master planned resorts
(MPRs) outside of Urban Growth Areas for
shorter -term residential uses. Master planned
resorts are described as self-contained. full-,
integrated planned developments in areas with
significant natural amenities.
c. Provisions for review of such developments through the KRCC process, in addition to other
procedural requirements.
12 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element C: Centers of Growth.
Centers are intended to be compact and centralized working, shopping and/or activity areas linked to
other Centers by transit. Centers and their boundaries are intended to be locally determined by the
County and the Cities where a community -wide focal point can be provided, significant population
and/or employment growth can be located, and the increased use of transit, walking and bicycling can
be supported. Designated Centers are intended to define the pattern of future residential and
commercial/industrial growth in Kitsap County.
Policies for Centers of Growth (C):
1. In decisions relating to population growth
and resource allocation supporting
growth, Centers have a high priority.
2. In Kitsap County, the following Regional
Centers are applicable:
a. Regional Centers of Growth:
The Puget Sound Regional Council has defined
several hypes of Regional Centers within Urban
Growth Areas in the four -county planning
region. with planning guidelines (17sion 2020_.
Appendix 1).
Metropolitan Center: Bremerton including the Bremerton Naval complex.
"Metropolitan Centers function as anchors within the region for a high density mix of
business, residential, public, cultural and recreational uses, and day and night activity.
They are characterized by their historic role as the central business districts of the major
cities within the central Puget Sound region, providing services for and easily
accessible to a population well beyond their city limits. Metro Centers may also serve
national or international roles." (Vision 2020)
ii. Urban Center: Silverdale Urban Core. In Kitsap County, Urban Centers are areas with
the comprehensive planning to support a wide range of commercial, housing, and
cultural choices. All areas of the Urban Center are serviced by transit throughout the
day and much of the area is within walking or bicycling distance. Significant at infill
opportunities exist with the highest residential, commercial, and employment densities
b. Regional Manufacturing/Industrial Centers: South Kitsap Industrial Area. "Regional
Manufacturing/Industrial Centers are major, existing regional employment areas of
intensive, concentrated manufacturing and industrial land uses which cannot be easily
mixed at higher densities with other uses. To preserve land at these centers for
manufacturing, industry and related uses, large retail uses or non -related offices are
discouraged. Provision of adequate public facilities and services, including good access to
the region's transportation system, is very important to the success of
manufacturing/industrial centers." (Vision 2020)
3. The following are other types of centers within Kitsap County:
a. Town or City Centers are usualiv the existing downtown core of a city or Urban Growth
Area. There is an abundant mix of shopping, service, employment, and cultural
opportunities. Multifamily housing may be intermixed and single family housing may be
within walking or bicycling distance. Infill should include mixed use and higher densities
surrounding the Town Center.
13 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
b. NJIxed i Ise Centers are a generic category that can be described in terms of neighborhoods
or districts. The designation represents a commitment to planning for Center development,
with a planned mix of housing, conunerciat and employment opportunities. Most
shopping and commercial uses are within a short walking or bicycling distance of housing.
There is a higher proportion of multi -family housing at relatively high densities. Navy
facilities could be considered for this designation.
c. Activity and Employment Centers are areas of concentrated employment and are a magnet
for significant numbers of people usually during daytime hours because of business and/or
manufacturing activities. They may be located outside of Urban Growth Areas, consistent
with the Growth Management Act. Industrial and business parks and Navy employment
centers are in this category. Within Urban Growth Areas, the opportunity to include a
proportional residential element should be determined on a case-by-case basis, considering
the unique geography and economics of the area.
d. Transportation Hubs are locations of regional inter -modal connection that may be located
outside of Urban Growth Areas. Examples are ferry terminals, the Bremerton National
Airport. or certain transit stations.
4. For purposes of distributing count«vide federal transportation funding, a process and
criteria for designating local centers should be developed and coordinated through the
Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council. The following should be included:
Current or programmed transportation resources (including roads, ferries, transit,
airports, bicycle, pedestrian)
Balance of employment opportunities with residential
Proximity and connectivity among jobs, housing, retail services
Types and density of residential uses
Inclusion of affordable housing
Provision of community gathering space, parks, and cultural opportunities
14 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element D. Rural Land Uses and Development Patterns
Rural areas of Kitsap County are characterized as having a variety of parcel sizes, with a diversity
of land use activities. These areas also contain significant amounts of complex natural systems. It
is a high priority to preserve and enhance the rural character of these areas. Counties are
responsible for designating and regulating rural areas through the comprehensive planning process.
However, rural preservation is a regional issue and it is important to coordinate these planning
objectives with the Cities.
Policies for Rural Land Uses and Development Patterns (R):
1. Preserving rural character and enhancing the natural environment.
a. Preserve the character of identified rural areas by protecting and enhancing the natural
environment, open space and recreational opportunities, and scenic and historic areas;
supporting small-scale farming and forestry uses; and permitting low-density residential
living and cluster development maintained by rural levels of service. Support Rural
Communities as locations for a mix of housing types, rural levels of service, cultural
activities, and employment that serves the needs of rural areas.
b. This policy is not intended to preclude the future designation of Urban Growth Areas.
2. Preserving rural land use and development patterns:
a. Rural Communities are already -existing residential and commercial areas of more
intensive rural development designated in the Kitsap County Comprehensive Plan under
RCW 36.70A.070.5. In -fill is expected. Rural Communities should be serviced by
transportation providers and other services consistent with the Levels of Service adopted by
Kitsap County for roads and by Kitsap Transit for transit upon their designation as an area
of more intensive rural development.
h. Transportation Hubs may be located within existing areas of more intensive oeletd: re�esul�r r«k u and
development. Walking. bicycling, and transit are the major forms of travel. Transportation
Hubs are locations of regional intermodal connection. l.mamples are fern_terunin is aad
tiansit stations xN ith com enience scry ices
c. The County shall develop criteria consistent with the Growth Management Act for
designating future industrial and commercial development outside of Urban Growth Areas
that protect rural character while encouraging vehicle trip reduction. The criteria should
allow for industrial resource-based land use and recreation and for convenience commercial
that is scaled to serve the daily needs of rural residents.
3. Establishing and maintaining rural levels of service:
a. Rural level -of -service standards shall address sewage disposal, water, transportation and
other appropriate services. The standards shall be developed based upon levels of service
typically delivered in rural areas consistent with RCW 36.70A.030 (16).
b. For purpose of trip reduction, develop a range of alternative modes of transportation
consistent with rural levels of service to connect Rural Communities with urban Centers.
15 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
c. When sewers need to be extended to solve isolated health, environmental, and sanitation
problems, they shall be designed for limited access so as not to increase the development
potential of the surrounding rural area.
4. Conserving small-scale natural resource use in rural areas:
a. Rural land use designations in the County's Comprehensive Plan should support rural uses
such as farming, forestry, mining, recreation, and other rural activities, and permit a variety of
low-density residential uses which preserve rural character, and can be sustained by rural
service levels.
b. The County's Comprehensive Plan policies shall promote clustering residential development
and other techniques to protect and enhance significant open spaces, natural resources, and
critical areas for more efficient use of the land. Clustering should not increase residential
housing units in the overall area designated as rural, consistent with designated rural densities.
Development clusters shall be designed, scaled and sited in a manner consistent with rural
character and the provision of rural levels of service.
c. The County's Comprehensive Plan policies shall support Rural Communities as locations of
employment, a mix of housing types, and cultural activities for rural areas that primarily
function as locations for service needs such as grocery stores, shopping, and community
services, and small-scale cottage industries for the surrounding rural area.
16 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element E. Countywide Strategies for Open Space Preservation, Resource Preservation,
and Critical Areas
Open space is defined as land area consisting of natural systems, resource lands and critical areas
that include building limitations for future development. These critical areas include wetlands,
wildlife conservation areas, steep slopes, frequently flooded areas and areas with a critical
recharging affect. These open space lands also include aesthetic functions such as view sheds of
the water or ridgelines. Many of these natural systems are inter -connected and cross multi -
jurisdictional boundaries within the County. The strategy is to conserve these areas and connect
them to create a regional open space network to protect critical areas, conserve natural resources,
and preserve lands and resources of countywide and local significance
Policies for Open Space Preservation Resource Protection, and Critical Areas (PPCA):
1. Creating a regional network of open space:
a. The County and the Cities shall implement the Kitsap County Open Space Plan and the
Kitsap County Consolidated Greenway Plan which identify a countywide green space
strategy that incorporates planning efforts of the County, Cities, state agencies, non-profit
interest groups and land trusts in the County.
b. The County and the Cities shall preserve and enhance, through inter -jurisdictional
planning, significant networks and linkages of open space, regional parks and
public/private recreation areas, wildlife habitats, critical areas resource lands, water bodies
and trails.
c. The County and the Cities shall frame and separate urban areas by creating and preserving
a permanent network of urban and rural open space, including parks, recreation areas,
critical areas and resource lands.
2. Conserving and enhancing the County's natural resources, critical areas and
environmental amenities while planning for and accommodating sustainable growth:
a. The County's and the Cities' Comprehensive Plans shall each address regional air and water
quality protection.
b. The County and the Cities shall protect critical areas (wetlands, aquifer recharge areas, fish
and wildlife habitat conservation areas, frequently flooded areas, steep slopes, and
geologically hazardous areas) and other environmental amenities such as view corridors,
canopy cover, and ridgelines.
c. The County and the Cities shall establish and implement Best Management Practices to
protect the long-term integrity of the natural environment, adjacent land use, and the
productivity of resource lands.
d. The County and the Cities shall establish procedures to preserve significant historic, visual
and cultural resources including views, landmarks, archaeological sites, and areas of
special locational character_
e. The County and the Cities shall encourage the use of environmentally sensitive
development practices to minimize the impacts of growth on the County's natural resource
17 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
f. The County and the Cities shall work together to identify, protect, and restore networks of
natural habitat areas and functions that cross -jurisdictional boundaries.
g. The County and Cities shall protect and enhance ecosystems that support Washington
State's Priority Habitat and Species as identified by the Washington Department of Fish
and Wildlife.
f. All jurisdictions shall maintain or enhance water quality through control of runoff and use
of best management practices to protect aquatic resources.
3. Listed species recovery under the Endangered Species Act (ESA):
a. The County and the Cities shall preserve, protect, and where possible restore the functions
of natural habitat to support ESA -listed species, through the adoption of comprehensive
plan policies, critical area ordinances, shoreline master programs and other development
regulations that seek to protect, maintain or restore aquatic ecosystems associated habitats
and aquifer through the use of management zones, development regulations, incentives for
voluntary efforts of private landowners and developers, land use classifications or
designations, habitat acquisition programs or habitat restoration projects.
b. The County and the Cities shall provide incentive -based non -regulatory protection efforts
such as acquisition of priority habitats through fee -simple and conservation easements from
willing sellers.
c. The County and the Cities shall jointly establish and implement monitoring and evaluation
program to determine the effectiveness of restoration, enhancement, and recovery strategies
for salmon including ESA -listed species. Each jurisdiction shall apply an adaptive
management strategy to determine how well the objectives of listed species recovery and
critical habitat preservation/restoration are being achieved.
4. Coordination of watershed and land use planning:
a. The County and the Cities shall participate in a planning program that determines changes
in stream hydrology and water quality under different land use scenarios at full build -out of
designated land use classifications.
b. The County and the Cities shall coordinate land use planning using watersheds or natural
drainage basins to implement strategies for restoration of aquatic habitat and to reduce
impacts to other natural systems.
c. Kitsap County shall coordinate and maintain a regional database of best available science
for the purpose of modifying Critical Areas Ordinances, if funding is available.
d. Upon adoption of a state classification system, the Cities and the County shall establish a
single system for stream typing.
18 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element F. Contiguous and Orderly Development
Upon designation of Urban Growth Areas, the County and Cities will need to develop consistent
implementation measures to ensure that development occurs in an orderly and contiguous manner.
The intent of the following countywide planning policies is to minimize differences in urban
development regulations and standards between the County and the Cities and to facilitate the
economical provision of urban services to development.
Policies for Contiguous and Orderly Development (COD):
1. Encouragement of cooperative inter jurisdictional planning by federal, tribal, state, local,
and special purpose government:
a. Inter jurisdictional discussion, information exchange, and coordination of proposals shall
be initiated as early and expeditiously as possible by the responsible agencies.
b. Initial inventories and analyses of utilities and public services information are critical to the
planning process and shall be made available as early and expeditiously as possible by the
responsible agencies.
c. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council may establish or designate on-going technical
committee(s) comprised of representatives from utilities and service providers to
investigate long-range regional needs for various facilities and services, including but not
limited to those for transportation, sewer and storm drainage, availability and delivery of
potable water, solid waste, broadband, parks and recreation, and open space.
d. The Countywide Planning Policy will further the implementation of Vision 2020 and
Destination 2030 as adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council.
2. Inter -regional coordination of land use and transportation planning:
a. The County and the Cities shall participate in the Puget Sound Regional Council and the
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization.
b. Locally -generated data shall be provided to the Puget Sound Regional Council and the
Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization for use in their coordination of
population forecasts, land use, and transportation.
c. The planning proposals of these regional organizations shall be monitored and adjustments
recommended to insure that they accurately reflect local needs and plans.
3. Fiscal equity:
a. It is recognized that fiscal disparities exist as a result of growth and changes in municipal
boundaries. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall monitor the Revenue Sharing
Inter -local Agreement among the County and Cities (shown as Appendix D) and seek
additional ways to address fiscal disparities as they relate to promoting coordinated
development and the implementation of the Growth Management Act.
b. The County and the Cities shall work together to insure that all fees associated with
development approval are based upon the real cost of service and act to encourage
development within designated Urban Growth Areas.
c. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating -Council shall facilitate on-going regional discussion on
revenue equip_- issues.
19 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element G. Siting Public Capital Facilities of a Countywide or Statewide Nature
The Growth Management Act requires local governments to inventory existing capital facilities
owned by public entities, to identify locations and to determine capacities to meet future demand
for growth without decreasing levels of service. The Washington State Office of Financial
Management is responsible for identifying and maintaining a list of essential state public facilities
that are required or likely to be built within the next six years as required by the Growth
Management Act. Counties and cities are also required to coordinate the siting of countywide and
statewide capital facilities to mitigate potential adverse impacts from the location and development
of these facilities.
Policies for Siting Public Capital Facilities (CF):
1. Identification of needed capital facilities:
a. The County and the Cities shall each inventory their existing capital facilities and identify
needed facility expansion and construction and provide that data to the Kitsap Regional
Coordinating Council.
b. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall develop and maintain a list of public
capital facilities needed to serve Kitsap County as a whole, based upon the County and
Cities' Comprehensive Plans, the Countywide Coordinated Water System Plan, and other
appropriate system plans. These include, but are not limited to, solid and hazardous waste
handling facilities and disposal sites, water and wastewater treatment facilities, regional
water supply intertie facilities, regional education institutions, airports, local correctional
facilities, in-patient facilities including hospitals and regional park and recreation facilities,
and government buildings that serve Kitsap County as a whole, including those essential
public facilities as defined in RCW 36.70A.200.
2. Establishing a process and review criteria for the siting of facilities that are of a
countywide or statewide nature:
a. When essential public facility as defined in RCW 36.70A.200 is proposed in Kitsap
County, the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall appoint a Facility Analysis and
Site Evaluation Advisory Committee composed of citizen members selected by the member
jurisdictions to represent a broad range of interest groups to evaluate proposed public
facility siting. At a minimum this evaluation shall consider:
i. the impacts created by existing facilities:
ii. the potential for reshaping the economy, the environment and community character;
iii. the development of specific siting criteria for the proposed project, giving priority
consideration to siting within Designated Centers;
iv, the identification, analysis and ranking of potential project sites;
v. measures to first minimize and second mitigate potential physical impacts including,
but not limited to, those relating to land use, transportation, utilities, noise, odor and
public safety;
vi. measures to first minimize and second mitigate potential fiscal impacts.
20 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
b. Certain public capital facilities such as schools and libraries that generate substantial travel
demand should be located first in Designated Centers or, if not feasible to do so, along or
near major transportation corridors and public transportation routes.
c. Some public capital facilities, such as those for waste handling, may be more appropriately
located outside of Urban Growth Areas due to exceptional bulk or potentially dangerous or
objectionable characteristics. Public facilities located beyond Urban Growth Areas should
be self-contained or be served by urban governmental services in a manner that will not
promote sprawl. Utility and service considerations must be incorporated into site planning
and development.
d. Uses shall adhere to local health district or state agency rules regarding commercial and
industrial use of on-site sewage systems.
e. The multiple use of corridors for major utilities, trails and transportation rights-of-way is
f County and City comprehensive plans and development regulations shall not preclude the
siting of essential public facilities.
g. Public facilities shall not be located in designated resource lands, critical areas, or other
areas where the siting of such facilities would be incompatible.
3. Air transportation facilities in Kitsap County:
a. The Counties and the Cities shall recognize the importance of airports as essential public
facilities and the preservation of access to the air transportation system.
b. The County and the Cities shall ensure the safety of the community and airport users
through compatible land use planning adjacent to airports and coordination of the airport
with ground access. Examples would include not encouraging or supporting higher
residential densities, schools, or hospitals near airports or airport approach corridors.
c. The County and the Cities shall plan for heliports throughout Kitsap County for emergency
21 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element H. Transportation
The Growth Management Act requires that transportation planning be coordinated among local
and state jurisdictions. The Growth Management Act further requires that transportation planning
be coordinated with the land use elements of local comprehensive plans, Coordination of land use
and transportation plans will allow Kitsap County and the Kitsap Cities to meet three inter -related
transportation goals:
o Serve Designated Centers to reduce sprawl, conserve land and make more efficient use of
o Preserve the natural environment, including water and air quality,
o Provide a balanced system for the efficient, safe movement of people, goods and services
among Designated Centers within Kitsap County and the larger Puget Sound region.
The intent of the following policies is to define appropriate methods and strategies to achieve these
goals through inter -regional and intra -regional coordination among transportation and land use
planning agencies.
For the purpose of this Policy, the following transportation facilities are of countywide
a. state and federal highways;
b. major arterials;
c. public transit facilities and services;
d. non -motorized facilities connecting designated centers;
e. marine transportation facilities (ferries, shipping);
f. airports and heliports (passenger and/or freight);
g. rail facilities (passenger and/or freight)
The following facilities and system components should be included in the multi -modal network:
a. roads, including major highways, arterials and collectors;
b public transit, including bus, rail, and park & ride lots;
c. non -motorized facilities;
d. vehicle and public or private passenger only ferries;
e. airports;
f. parking facilities that support the multi -modal network;
g. facilities related to transportation demand management;
h. intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
Policies for Transportation (T):
1. Strategies to optimize and manage the use of transportation facilities and services:
a. The County and the Cities shall each emphasize the maintenance and preservation of their
existing transportation network.
b. Through the regular update of the Transportation Element of their Comprehensive Plan, the
County and the Cities should each identify and prioritize operational and safety
22 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
c. The County and the Cities should utilize Transportation System Management strategies
such as parking restrictions, traffic signal coordination, transit queue jumps (traffic signal
modification equipment that allows busses to move ahead of other vehicles), ramp
metering, striping non -motorized transportation facilities, and real time sensor adjustments
for traffic signals.
d. The County and the Cities should develop and implement access management regulations
that provide standards for driveway spacing and delineation and encourage the joint use of
access points where practical.
The County and the Cities shall actively seek opportunities to share facilities, expertise, and
transportation resources, such as multiple use park & ride/parking lots or shared traffic
signal maintenance responsibility.
2. Reducing the rate of growth in auto
traffic, including the number of vehicle
trips, the number of miles traveled, and
the length of vehicle trips taken, for both
commute and non -commute trips:
a. The County and the Cities shall provide
both infra -structure and policy
incentives to increase the use of non -
SOV modes of travel.
i. The range of infrastructure
incentives to encourage the use of
non -SOV modes of travel could
include the following:
Since 1980_ the total number of vehicle miles
traveled in the Puget Sound Region has
grown twice as fast as employment and four
times as fast as population. While it has
been fueled by a number of factors_ trying to
meet this escalating demand for vehicle
travel would require financial resources far
beyond existing funding sources. with
substantial negative environmental impacts.
The shits of travel trips from single occupant
(SOV) to high occupant vehicles (HOV) and
from vehicles to non -motorized modes xvill
benefit air quality and the level of traffic
■ Provide public transit, including preferential
treatments for transit, such as queue by-pass lanes (dedicated bus lanes that allow
for transit queue jumps), traffic signal modifications, and safe, transit stops;
■ Provide integrated transfer points to facilitate seamless trips between transit and
other modes of travel, particularly at ferry terminals, including park & ride lots,
bike storage facilities, carpool/vanpool and transit advantages to ease
ingress/egress, with proximity to actual connection points, and innovative transit -
oriented development;
■ Provide non -recreational bicycle and pedestrian facilities, including safe
neighborhood walking and biking routes to school;
■ During the development of all state, county, and city highway capacity
improvement projects, consider the market for non -SOV travel, and the addition of
High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, park & ride lots, appropriate infrastructure
for both bicycling and walking;
ii. The range of policy incentives to encourage the use of non -SOV modes of travel could
include the following:
23 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
■ Increased emphasis on the Commute Trip Reduction Program already in place
(including ridesharing incentives), with Kitsap Transit designated as the lead
agency, including program promotion and monitoring;
■ Managed parking demand at ferry terminals, employment, and retail centers to
discourage SOV use through privileged parking for HOV users, fee structure and
parking space allocations;
■ Encouraging telecommuting and home-based businesses as a viable work
■ Encouraging the shift of work and non -work trips to off-peak travel hours;
• Congestion pricing,
• Auto -restricted zones.
• Promotion of driver awareness through educational efforts.
d. The County and the Cities shall develop standards that address appropriate bicycle and
pedestrian facilities for development of new streets and reconstruction of existing streets in
Designated Centers and Rural Communities.
e. In Designated Centers, the jurisdictions should complete missing vehicular and non -
motorized links between key arterials to accommodate pedestrian and bicycle facilities,
without compromising safety standards.
f. The County and the Cities should develop coordinated bicycle and pedestrian systems or
plans, which should be consistent across jurisdictional boundaries with particular
consideration to providing safe routes for children to walk and to bike to school.
g. In cases of substantial residential or commercial development, Kitsap Transit shall review
and comment on development proposals to facilitate convenient use and operation of
appropriate transit services.
3. Environmental impacts of transportation policies:
a. Transportation improvements shall be located and constructed so as to
discourage/minimize adverse impacts on water quality and other environmental features.
b. The County, the Cities, and Kitsap Transit shall consider programming capital
improvements and transportation facilities that alleviate and mitigate impacts of land use
on air quality and energy consumption, such as: high -occupancy vehicle lanes; public
transit; vanpool/ carpool facilities; electric and other low emission vehicles including
buses; bicycle and pedestrian facilities that are designed for functional transportation.
c. The County and the Cities shall ensure environmental protection, water quality, and
conformance with ESA requirements through best management practices throughout the
life of the transportation facilities, including:
i. Facility design, and in particular collection and treatment of storm water and surface
24 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
ii. Avoiding construction during the rainy season;
iii. Regular and routine maintenance of systems.
d. The County, the Cities, and Kitsap Transit should support Puget Sound Clean Air Agency
public education about anti -pollution measures.
4. Recognizing that the County and the Cities each encompass a range of development and
density patterns, each jurisdiction shall designate its Centers consistent with the criteria
set forth in Element C of the Countywide Planning Policy. The following policies relate to
planning guidelines to support transit and pedestrian travel appropriate to each type of
urban and rural development or re -development:
a. The County and the Cities shall each prepare development strategies for their Designated
Centers that encourage focused mixed use development and mixed type housing to achieve
densities and development patterns that support multi -modal transportation.
b. In Urban Growth Areas, comprehensive plans should promote pedestrian- and transit -
oriented development that includes access to alternative transportation and, in the interest
of safety and convenience, includes features, such as lighting, pedestrian buffers,
sidewalks. and access enhancements for physically challenged individuals.
c. Rural Communities outside Urban Growth Areas shall accommodate appropriate
pedestrian/bicycle connections and transit service and facilities consistent with rural levels
of service in order to minimize vehicle trips.
5. Transportation linkages between designated local and regional Centers:
a. Regional corridors shall be designated for automobile, freight, transit, HOV facilities, rail,
marine, bicycle, and pedestrian travel between centers as part of the countywide
transportation plan.
b. The transportation system linking Designated Centers within the county shall be transit -
oriented and pedestrian and bicycle friendly.
6. Freight transportation:
a. Preferred routes for the movement of freight shall be identified as part of the countywide
transportation plan.
b. The County and the Cities shall work to ensure that compatible land uses are applied along
designated freight corridors; including, but not limited to, corridors for air, rail, road and
marine traffic.
c. The County and the Cities shall use appropriate roadway standards for designated freight
7. Transportation relationships with the Puget Sound Regional Council and the Peninsula
Regional Transportation Planning Organization:
a. The Countywide Planning Policy shall further the implementation of Vision 2020 and
Destination 2030 as adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council.
25 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
b. The County and the Cities shall actively participate in the Puget Sound Regional Council
and the Peninsula Regional Transportation Planning Organization (RTPO) to assure that
transportation planning in the two regions is consistent and accurately reflects local needs
related to identified regional system components.
c. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall serve as the point of coordination to assure
Puget Sound Regional Council and Peninsula RTPO planning programs are consistent and
mutually beneficial to jurisdictions within Kitsap County.
d. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Kitsap County shall continue to be a part
of the regional TIP adopted by the Puget Sound Regional Council. Local review, comment
and recommendations shall be coordinated through the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council.
8. Identification of needed transportation related facilities and services within Kitsap
a. The Puget Sound Regional Council and the Peninsula RTPO shall identify regional system
components and related improvements within Kitsap County with the concurrence of the
Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council.
h. A countywide transportation plan developed by the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
shall be prepared pursuant to the GroRth Management Act to identify countywide
transportation facility and service needs. A technical committee including transit and local
regional_ and state transportation providers shall be used in this process.
9. Coordination of intra -county transportation planning efforts:
a. The Puget Sound Regional Council reviews Cities' and the County's Comprehensive plans
for consistency of land use and transportation elements.
b. The County and the Cities shall address compatibility between land use and transportation
facilities by:
i. Not using new road improvements to justify land use intensification;
ii. Managing access on new transportation facilities outside Urban Growth Areas;
iii. Allowing phased development of improvements including acquiring right of way;
iv. Using comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure that development
does not create demands exceeding the capacity of the transportation system, such as:
density limits in areas outside of Urban Growth Areas; concurrency management and
adequate public facility regulation; integrated multi -modal and non -motorized
c. The County and the Cities shall work together in a coordinated, iterative process to
periodically reassess whether regional land use and transportation goals can realistically be
met. If transportation adequacy and concurrency cannot be met, the following actions
should be considered:
i. Adjust land use and/or level of service (LOS) standards;
26 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
ii. Make full use of all feasible local option transportation revenues authorized but not yet
implemented; and
iii. Work with Washington State Department of Transportation (including Washington
State Ferries), Kitsap Transit, and the private sector to seek additional State
transportation revenues, state and federal grants for infrastructure improvements, and
local options to make system improvements necessary to accommodate projected
population growth.
d. Adjacent jurisdictions in Kitsap County shall develop consistent street classification system
and street standards.
e. Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council may establish a process for evaluating development
impacts including those that may affect neighboring jurisdictions within the county.
f. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall function to ensure that transportation
planning, system management and improvements at local, regional, and state levels are
coordinated, complementary, and consistent with adopted comprehensive land use plans.
10. Coordinated and consistent level of service (LOS) standards:
a. The County and the Cities should develop comparable level of service standards among the
County, Cities and the State of Washington for identified regional system components.
b. The Countv and the Cities shall adopt roadway LOS standards. Urban gro,,xth management
agreements shall designate level of sen -ice standards.
c. The County and the Cities shall adopt transit LOS in the form of "Service Standards"
adopted by the Kitsap Transit Board of Commissioners. The standards shall consider both
frequency of service and bus capacity.
d. Consistent with State law, the County and Cities shall recognize the Level of Service
Standards for Highways of Statewide Significance, including principal arterial ferry routes,
that have been adopted by the Washington State Transportation Commission, in their
respective Comprehensive Plans.
e. For State highways and facilities of regional significance, including the Southworth ferry
route, the County and the Cities shall include the Level of Service Standards adopted for
these routes by the Puget Sound Regional Council and the Peninsula RTPO in their
respective Comprehensive Plans.
f. On highways and streets which are subject to concurrency requirements, the County and
the Cities shall each identify capacity deficiencies and either address them in terms of
identified funding, adjust the LOS standard on a temporary basis, or place a temporary
moratorium on development.
g. On highways and streets which are subject to concurrency requirements, new development
should not cause LOS to degrade to a level lower than the adopted standard, consistent with
State law.
27 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element I. Affordable Housing
The Growth Management Act requires cities and counties to encourage the availability of housing
that is affordable for all income levels at a variety of housing densities. Local jurisdictions are also
encouraged to preserve existing housing resources in their communities.
The following definitions relate to the Countywide Planning Policy:
Below Market Rate Housing shall mean housing intended for low -to -middle income
households. These income levels are further defined as follows (WAC 365.195):
■ Extremely low-income shall mean those households that have incomes that are at or
below 30% of the countywide median.
■ Very low-income shall mean those households that have incomes that are within the
range of 31 - 50% of the countywide median.
■ Low-income shall mean those households that have incomes that are within the range
of 51 - 80% of the countywide median.
■ Moderate -income shall mean those households that have incomes that are within the
range 81-95% of the countywide median.
■ Middle-income shall mean those households that have incomes that are within the
range of 96-120% of the countywide median.
Market Rate Housing shall mean housing intended for households with incomes that are
greater than 120% of the countywide median.
Policies for Affordable Housing -(AH):
1. Coordinated process among County, Cities, and housing agencies for determining and
fulfilling housing needs, and the equitable distribution of below market rate housing in
Kitsap County:
a. The Counh- and the Cities should inventory the existing housing stock consistent with the
GroxNth Management Act following each decennial census review. and correlate with
current population and economic conditions. past trends. and ten year population and
employment forecasts, to determine short and long range housing needs, including rental
and home oN nership. Navy personnel housing polio• should also be considered.
b. Recognizing the percentage share of the existing and forecasted countywide population and
the distribution of existing below market rate housing, the County and the Cities should
develop strategies to equitably disperse projected countywide below market rate housing
needs throughout Kitsap County in the Urban Growth Areas and, where they are
specifically found to be appropriate in consideration of existing development patterns and
densities, in designated Rural Communities.
c. Local housing inventories, projections, and equitable distribution strategies should be
compiled, updated, and monitored under the coordination of the Kitsap Regional
Coordinating Council to identify countywide conditions and projected needs.
28 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
d. The County and the Cities should each identify specific policies and implementation
strategies in their Comprehensive Plans and should enact implementing regulations to
provide a mix of housing types and costs to achieve identified goals for both market rate
and below market rate housing.
2. Recognizing that the market place makes adequate provision for those in the upper
economic brackets, each jurisdiction should consider some combination of appropriately
zoned land, regulatory incentives, financial subsidies, and innovative planning techniques
to make adequate provisions for the needs of middle and lower income persons. (WAC
3. Provision of below market rate housing:
a. Local comprehensive plan policies and development regulations shall encourage and not
exclude below market rate housing.
b. Below market rate housing strategies should include:
i. preservation, rehabilitation and redevelopment of existing neighborhoods as
appropriate, including programs to rehabilitate substandard housing;
ii. provision for a range of housing types such as multi -family, single family, accessory
dwelling units, cooperative housing, and manufactured housing on individual lots and
in manufactured housing parks;
iii. housing design and siting compatible with surrounding neighborhoods;
iv. mechanisms to help people purchase their own housing, such as low interest loan
programs, "self-help" housing, and consumer education.
c. Each jurisdiction shall promote the development of below market rate housing in a
dispersed pattern so as not to concentrate or geographically isolate low-income housing in a
specific area or community.
d. Below market rate housing should be located throughout Kitsap County in a manner to
provide easy access to transportation, employment, and other services. Designated Centers
should include below market rate housing. Rural self- help housing programs should be
encouraged either in or outside of designated Rural Communities.
e. Housing policies and programs shall address the provision of diverse housing opportunities
to accommodate the homeless, the elderly, physically or mentally challenged, and other
segments of the population that have special needs.
f. Innovative regulatory strategies shall be developed and implemented to provide incentives
for the development of below market rate housing within Designated Centers. Jurisdictions
shall develop strategies which provide a wide range of opportunities for promoting the
production of below market rate housing through means such as: reducing housing cost by
subsidizing utility hook-up fees and rates, impact fees, and permit processing fees; density
incentives; smaller lot sizes; zero lot line designs; inclusionary zoning techniques, such as
requiring below-market rate housing in new residential developments; transfers of
development rights and/or a priority permit review and approval process.
29 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
g. Policies and regulations shall encourage the production of below market rate housing. The
County and the Cities shall incorporate a regular review of public health and safety
regulations pertaining to housing implementation strategies to assure that protection of the
public health and safety remains the primary purpose for housing standards.
h. The County and the Cities shall participate with housing authorities established to facilitate
the production of below market rate housing. The County and the Cities shall also
recognize and support other public and private not-for-profit housing agencies. Supporting
housing agencies is encouraged through public land donations, guarantees, suitable design
standards, tax incentives, fee waivers, providing access to funding sources and support for
funding applications, or other provisions as appropriate.
30 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element J. Countywide Economic Development
Growth Management Act requires that general economic development policies be identified in the
Countywide Planning Policy process. Consistent with the goals of the Act, economic development
planning must be coordinated with local comprehensive plans. The intent of the following policies
is to encourage coordinated economic growth among all jurisdictions in Kitsap County and to add
predictability and certainty to the private investment decision.
Policies for Countywide Economic Development (EDI:
1. A general strategy for enhancing economic development and employment:
a. The County and the Cities recognize that a healthy economy that provides opportunities for
diverse segments of the community is important to the quality of life in the county.
Economic development should be balanced with environmental concerns and protect the
quality of life.
b. The County and the Cities recognize that the economy in Kitsap County is very dependent
on the U.S. Navy and diversification is necessary. The County and the Cities shall
collaborate with ports, tribes, and other special districts to encourage economic growth and
diversification that is consistent with comprehensive plans and policies for land use,
transportation, public transit, regional water supply, capital facilities, urban governmental
services and environmental quality.
c. Local governments are encouraged to utilize the Economic Development Council as a
resource to provide advice on economic development needs, the potential for retaining and
expanding existing industries, including the U.S. Dept. of Defense, and attracting new
industries, especially those that would improve wage and salary levels, increase the variety
of job opportunities, and utilize the resident labor force.
d. The County and the Cities recognize that widespread access to broadband capability will
enhance economic development in Kitsap County. Local governments are encouraged to
collaborate with the Economic Development Council to promote the expansion of
telecommunications in Kitsap County and to coordinate telecommunications policy with
regional and federal agencies, including public utility districts, Bonneville Power
Administration, regional transportation planning organizations, and neighboring counties.
e. Efforts of educational institutions to improve and expand vocational and post -secondary
education programs should be supported to assure a highly skilled, technically trained
resident work force.
2. The role of government agencies in assuring coordinated, consistent efforts to promote
economic vitality and equity throughout Kitsap County:
a. The County and the Cities shall promote Urban Growth Areas and existing industrial sites
as centers for employment.
b. The County and the Cities shall encourage the full utilization/development of designated
industrial and commercial areas. The County and the Cities shall promote revitalization
within existing developed industrial and commercial areas to take advantage of the
significant investments in existing buildings and infrastructure.
31 ,Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
c. The County and the Cities shall cooperate with tribes, ports, other special districts, and all
economic development interests to identify the capital facility needs of designated
industrial and commercial sites and investments to support economic development.
d. The County and the Cities shall collaborate with tribes, ports, and other special districts to
identify innovative development methods such as public and private partnerships and
community development assistance financing to increase economic vitality.
e. The County and the Cities shall collaborate with the EDC and the Ports to establish a
common method to monitor the supply of designated commercial and industrial sites
and to ensure adequate land supply for the expansion of existing enterprises and the
establishment of new economic enterprises. The monitoring method shall indicate
environmental constraints, infrastructure availability and capacity, and shall use the
Kitsap County Geographic Information System and Land Capacity Analysis as a
regional database for this information.
f. The County and the Cities shall establish common infrastructure policy and standards,
including telecommunications infrastructure.
3. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall coordinate the development of land supply
monitoring methods, common infrastructure policy and standards, and other strategies among
the County, the Cities, Tribes, Ports, and other special districts to encourage economic
development in Kitsap County.
h. The County and the Cities shall each establish and monitor a development review process
that is timely, predictable, efficient, fair, and consistent.
i. Where more than one jurisdiction is involved in planning and permitting a business
development, the jurisdictions shall work collaboratively to provide consistent
development regulations and permitting.
j. The County and the Cities shall encourage small business enterprises and cottage
industries, and allow appropriate and traditional home occupations as permitted by local
32 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element K An Analysis of the Fiscal Impact
Communities must be able to fully evaluate the implications of policies and actions to determine
the impact on physical and public finance resources. The State Environmental Policy Act of 1971
created a process for analyzing human and physical environmental impacts. Fiscal impacts,
however, have not been as universally identified and considered. This policy element required by
the GMA is vague, allowing local governments to determine the scope of the fiscal impact
analysis. The focus of the policies in this section is directed toward the implementation of the
Countywide Planning Policy and actions that may occur as a result of these guidelines.
Policies for Analysis of Fiscal Impact (FI):
1. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council shall work to develop a process for use by
local governments to facilitate the identification, analysis and disclosure of the fiscal
impacts of major development proposals and governmental actions. The process shall
address fiscal impacts, including tax revenue and service cost implications, of the
a. Proposed changes in municipal boundaries, including annexations, partial disincorporation
and incorporation;
b. Proposed changes in an urban growth area boundary;
c. Proposed new fully contained communities;
d. Proposed master planned resorts,
e. Proposed public facilities and services;
f. Other proposals as determined by the local government having lead agency status under the
provisions of the State Environmental Policy Act.
33 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element L. Coordination with Tribal Governments
The Suquamish Tribe, the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe, and other federally recognized Indian
tribes have reservations and/or trust resources within Kitsap County, Washington. These tribes are
parties to treaties with the United States Government through which certain rights and privileges
both on and off reservation were articulated and remain in effect. These tribes have authorities,
responsibilities, interests and treaty rights within their respective reservation boundaries and Usual
and Accustomed Areas. Since future growth and land use decisions in Kitsap County affect all
governmental entities, governmental agencies must be well informed and continuously involved in
regional and local planning.
Policies for Coordination with Tribal Governments (CT):
1. Meaningful and substantial opportunities for early and continuous tribal government
participation shall be incorporated into regional and local planning activities.
2. Local jurisdictions should work with the tribes to develop agreements that provide for
discussion on comprehensive planning issues among governments and ensure that the tribes are
consulted on issues within their interest. The parties will jointly determine the appropriate
contents of the agreements and a schedule for completing them.
3. Tribal governments, federal agencies, and county and local governments are encouraged to
coordinate plans among and between governments and agencies to address substantive areas of
mutual interest especially where geographical areas overlay and promote complementary and
cooperative efforts.
4. City and County governments are encouraged to include Tribal governments in joint
comprehensive planning and development activities for areas within the Tribes' Usual and
Accustomed areas. Activities include but are not limited to the establishment and revision of
urban growth boundaries, distribution of forecasted population; regional transportation, capital
facility, housing and utility plans; and policies that may affect natural and/or cultural resources.
5. All County, City, and Tribal government agencies shall be included in the normal public notice
and comment procedures of other agencies and kept informed of matters of interest to them.
6. The County, the Cities, and Tribal governmental agencies are encouraged to keep one another
informed about matters of local and regional interest by mutually agreeable means and
34 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element M. Coordination with Federal Government including Navy
The federal government has unique authorities, responsibilities, interests affecting land use
and other activities. Since the impacts of future growth and development in Kitsap County
affect all governmental entities, governmental agencies must be well informed and
continuously involved in regional and local planning.
Policies for Coordination with Federal Government (CF):
1. Meaningful and substantial opportunities for early and continuous federal government
participation shall be incorporated into regional and local planning activities.
2. It is recognized that constitutional and statutory provisions may constrain federal
government agencies from entering into local agreements and processes. However, when
possible, the County, the Cities, and federal governments should establish
intergovernmental cooperative agreements promoting coordination and involvement in
activities that are of mutual interest.
3. Federal agencies and county and local governments are encouraged to coordinate plans
among and between governments and agencies to make plans as consistent and
compatible as possible for properties over which they have authority or activities they
authorize and the adjacent areas affected.
4. Federal government agencies are encouraged to participate in City, County, and joint
comprehensive planning and development activities that may affect them, including the
establishment and revision of urban growth areas encompassing, adjacent to or within
federally -owned lands; distribution of forecasted population; regional transportation,
capital facility, housing and utility plans; and policies that may affect natural and/or
cultural resources of interest.
5. The following policies relate to promoting coordination among the Cities, County, and the
federal government including the Navy:
a. All jurisdictions should promote planning that considers the impact of new growth to
avoid the potential for encroachment on military readiness activities as described
below when developing zoning ordinances or designating land uses affecting military
facilities. Each jurisdiction and the Navy should coordinate to identify the types of
development and areas of interest to the Navy, method of notice, and opportunities for
b. "Military readiness activities" mean all of the following:
i. Training, support, and operations that prepare the men and women of the
military and Naval ships and submarines for combat.
ii. Operation, maintenance, and security of any military installation.
iii. Testing of military equipment, vehicles, weapons, and sensors for proper
operation or suitability for combat use.
c. "Impacts" include but are not limited to:
i Aircraft, boat, and rail traffic.
ii. Incompatible adjacent land uses.
35 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
d. Through the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council, jurisdictions should monitor
issues that arise in implementing these policies, and should identify areas for
improved coordination.
6. All County, City, and federal governmental agencies shall be included in the normal
public notice and comment procedures of other agencies and kept informed of matters of
interest to them.
7. The County, the Cities, and federal governmental agencies are encouraged to keep one
another informed of matters of local and regional interest by mutually agreeable means
and schedule.
36 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Element N. Roles and Responsibilities
The County, Cities, Tribal governments, and special districts are all involved in planning activities
related to their statutory authority and responsibility. In addition to the responsibilities defined in
previous countywide planning policies, this section further clarifies the planning roles and
responsibilities of the KRCC and member agencies.
Policies for Roles and Responsibilities (RR):
I. The KITSAP REGIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL was established by interlocal
agreement (see Appendix E) to assure coordination, consensus, consistency, and
compliance in the implementation of the Growth Management Act and comprehensive
planning by County, city and tribal governments within Kitsap County. The Kitsap
Regional Coordinating Council also provides a voice for all jurisdictions and opportunity
for citizens and stakeholders to provide input to planning policies to be applied
countywide. The interlocal agreement adopted by the County, the Cities and the Tribal
governments declared that the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council is necessary to
maintain a regular intergovernmental communication network for all local and tribal
governments within the county, facilitate compliance with the coordination and
consistency requirements of the Growth Management Act, provide an effective vehicle to
resolve conflict among and/or between jurisdictions with respect to urban growth
boundaries or comprehensive plan consistency, and to build consensus on planning
solutions for countywide growth management issues. The Kitsap Regional Coordinating
Council shall:
a. submit agreed-upon recommendations on behalf of member jurisdictions to multi -county
regional agencies and State government on proposed changes to multi -county regional
plans, State plans, and laws;
b. provide a forum, as necessary, for achieving coordination in the development of local plans
and resolving planning and plan implementation issues that are common among
c. promote coordination and consistency among local plans and between local plans and the
Countywide Planning Policy and the Growth Management Act to the extent necessary to
achieve regional policies and objectives. Through the Kitsap Regional Coordinating
Council forum, jurisdictions should establish a process to monitor and review individual
comprehensive plans and associated implementation mechanisms to determine consistency
with the Countywide Planning Policy.
d. serve as a forum for resolving disputes locally. The process shall not preclude appeals to
the Central Puget Sound Growth Planning Hearings Board if the local process has been
exhausted without resolution of the dispute;
e. promote coordination of educational programs and the dissemination of planning -related
information of regional interest;
f. coordinate the review, revision and monitoring of the Countywide Planning Policy;
g. apply for grants and administer contracts relative to regional tasks and plans;
37 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
IL conduct the region -wide growth management planning consistent with these policies;
i. initiate and coordinate the development of other regional planning policies and
implementation mechanisms that may improve the effectiveness of the comprehensive
planning process.
j. define and implement procedures that assure opportunities for early and continuous public
involvement in policy discussions facilitated by KRCC.
2. KITSAP COUNTY is the regional government within the county boundaries providing
various services within unincorporated and incorporated areas as required and specified
by law and by legal agreements. Kitsap County shall:
a. be responsible for the development, adoption and implementation of comprehensive plans
and development regulations and the processing of land use permits for the unincorporated
portions of the county;
b. be responsible for coordinating water quality planning in multi jurisdictional watersheds
and for other environmental planning activities as agreed to by all affected and interested
c. be responsible for coordinating the response on the listing for the federal Endangered
Species Act in multi -jurisdictional watersheds as agreed by all affected and interested
d. be responsible for being a regional sewer provider to the unincorporated and incorporated
areas of Kitsap County as needed to improve water quality consistent with levels of service
outlined in the County Comprehensive Plan;
e. maintain a geographic information system to serve as a regional planning data base;
f. execute Urban Growth Area Management Agreements with each city to address joint issues
identified in the Countywide Planning Policy and other matters agreed to be of mutual
g. define and implement procedures that assure opportunities for early and continuous public
involvement throughout short and long range planning projects.
3. CITIES within Kitsap County provide a variety of services primarily to residents within
their respective municipal boundaries. Cities shall:
a. provide urban governmental services as identified in the Growth Management Act (Chapter
36.70A RCW) and adopted urban growth management agreements;
b. be responsible for the development, adoption and implementation of comprehensive plans
and development regulations and the processing of land use permits within the incorporated
portion of the respective city;
c. coordinate with other agencies as appropriate in multi -jurisdictional planning activities;
38 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
d. execute a separate Urban Growth Area Management Agreement with Kitsap County to
address joint issues identified in the Countywide Planning Policy and other matters agreed
to be of mutual interest:
e. define and implement procedures that assure opportunities for early and continuous public
involvement throughout short and long range planning projects.
4. SPECIAL DISTRICTS are governmental subdivisions of the county that are usually
established to provide a defined scope of services. Special districts shall:
a. be responsible for service provision, capital facility planning and other activities as
authorized by law and legal agreements.
b. coordinate capital planning and implementation strategies with local governments to assure
consistency with comprehensive plan policies;
c. participate in service provision identification required in each urban growth management
d. coordinate with other agencies as appropriate in multi -jurisdictional planning activities;
e. provide technical assistance as appropriate to assist local governments in comprehensive
plan development, adoption and implementation;
f. be encouraged to enter into cooperative agreements and consolidate when possible to
formalize participation in local and regional processes;
g. define and implement procedures that assure opportunities for early and continuous public
involvement throughout short and long range planning projects.
39 Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
inST 5-
I V,
Appendix B: Population Distribution 2005 - 2025
Population Distribution
2005 through 2025
+ New
Through 2025
- Total
in 2025
Growth Rate
Bremerton C'
East UGA
West UGA
Bremerton Port UGA Z
Central Kitsa UGA
Gorst UGA
Silverdale UGA
Bainbridge Island C
Kingston UGA 3
Poulsbo city
Port Orchard C'
Port Orchard UGA Expansion
Study Area 3
South Kitsa UGA::
UGA Population
133,537 58%
75,697 76%
Non-UGA Population
98,432 42%
23,905 24%
Total County Population
' Based on PSRC Model
2 Based on City and/or County
Comprehensive or Sub -area
Target to be substantiated by
analysis and/or Sub -area planning
` Office of Financial Management
official estimate
Population distribution .vill be reviewed through the KRCC process
every five vears. The review will include an analysis of the Cities'
and County's progress in achieving target distributions. If the 76%
UGA target mentioned above for new population growth and the
overall population targets are met or exceeded, the target for new
population will revert to five sixths (83%). as per the revised
County -wide Planning Policies adopted by Kitsap County Ordnance
#258-61 on August 20, 2001. (Otherwise, the target may be
reaffirmed or explicitly modified.
4dopted tn, hitsap Cowin? Ordinance 32 7-2004
November 22, 2004
1 1.44%
412 391
1 2.33%
Kttsap County Historical Growth
Growth Rate
Population distribution .vill be reviewed through the KRCC process
every five vears. The review will include an analysis of the Cities'
and County's progress in achieving target distributions. If the 76%
UGA target mentioned above for new population growth and the
overall population targets are met or exceeded, the target for new
population will revert to five sixths (83%). as per the revised
County -wide Planning Policies adopted by Kitsap County Ordnance
#258-61 on August 20, 2001. (Otherwise, the target may be
reaffirmed or explicitly modified.
4dopted tn, hitsap Cowin? Ordinance 32 7-2004
November 22, 2004
Appendix C: Urban Growth Area Management Agreements
The intent of the Urban Growth Area Management Agreement is to facilitate and encourage
annexation and/or incorporation of urban areas over the 20 year planning period and to ensure
compatibility of development within the unincorporated Urban Growth Area. Each Urban Growth
Area Management Agreement shall:
1. Describe the goals and procedures of the joint planning process including roles and responsibilities for
the unincorporated Urban Growth Area, with the goal of having identical City and County plans, zoning,
and development regulations. The following provisions should apply to the entire Urban Growth Area
associated with the City unless mutually agreed otherwise by the City and County:
i. The City's zoning code, densities, and development, sub -division, environmental,
and construction standards.
ii. The City's Levels of Service.
iii. The Comprehensive Plan of the City should reflect land use planning for the entire Urban
Growth Area.
2. Identify responsibility and mechanisms for comprehensive plan amendments, zoning changes and
development applications within unincorporated Urban Growth Areas. Significant weight should be
given to City preferences.
3. Identify services to be provided in the Urban Growth Area, the responsible service purveyors, and the
terms under which the services shall be provided, including:
Fire Storm Water Solid Waste
Police Potable Water Park & Recreation Facilities
Transportation Sewer Schools
Utilities: Power and Telecommunications, including broadband where available
All service providers, including special districts, and adjacent jurisdictions should be included in Urban
Growth Area planning.
4. Reference the adopted Revenue Sharing Inter -local Agreement (see Appendix D).
5. Describe the City's pre -annexation planning, which shall include:
i. Conditioning City service extensions upon actual annexation for properties contiguous to the City
boundary or to agreements of no protest to future annexation for properties not contiguous.
ii. Offering pre -annexation agreements to property owners interested in annexation and needing
assurances from the City about services, planning, or other issues.
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Appendix D
Interlocal Agreement Between Kitsap County and the City of Bainbridge Island,
City of Bremerton, City of Port Orchard and City of Poulsbo Concerning Revenue
Sharing Upon Annexation and In Conjunction With Major Land Use Decisions
Within a City's Urban Growth Area
(adopted by all parties in November -December, 2001)
This Agreement, made pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is between KITSAP COUNTY (hereinafter, the
County), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND,
(hereinafter, the Cities), municipal subdivisions of the State of Washington.
WHEREAS, through the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council (hereinafter KRCC), the County and the
Cities have worked together constructively on revenue sharing issues that in the past have been
adversarial; and
WHEREAS, the County and Cities sought a balanced set of revenue sharing provisions that would
benefit both the County and the Cities and support the orderly evolution of logical land use patterns and
jurisdictional boundaries; and
WHEREAS, the County and Cities reached accord on a set of Principles of Agreement for Revenue
Sharing in Annexations and in Major Land Use Decisions; and
WHEREAS, the County and Cities desire to implement the Principles of Agreement through an interlocal
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions contained herein,
the parties agree as follows:
The purpose of this section is to provide a framework for logical and orderly annexations that are
consistent with the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW (hereinafter GMA), and to mitigate
the fiscal impact to the County of annexations initiated after the effective date of this agreement.
1.1 The Cities each confirm their willingness to eventually annex all land within their
designated Urban Growth Area (hereinafter UGA) boundaries.
1.2 Each City shall encourage annexation of all lands equally, and will support logical and
coordinated annexations, consistent with the intent of the GMA.
1.3 As part of the KRCC's 2002 Work Program, the County and Cities will continue to
address coordinated development within the UGAs, including infrastructure standards and funding.
1.4 Before the County constructs a major infrastructure improvement within a City's
designated UGA, the County and the City will negotiate and execute an interlocal agreement that
specifies the level at which the City shall reimburse the County for a portion of its investment in the
infrastructure improvement if the area where the improvement is to be located is annexed within a
specified period of time.
1.5 The County and the Cities anticipate that each specific proposed annexation will
require negotiation of other issues particular to its time, place and geography. The Cities and the County
commit to completing these negotiations and executing an interlocal agreement on such issues in a timely
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
1.6 As part of this agreement, the County will not oppose annexations within that City's
designated UGA or invite the Boundary Review Board to invoke jurisdiction.
1.7 The Cities agree to share with the County revenue lost to the County and gained by the
annexing City as follows:
A. Revenue sharing payments shall be based on the following three sources of revenue:
1. The County's portion of the local retail sales tax levied under Chapter 82.14
2. The ad valorem property tax levied by the County pursuant to RCW
36.82.040 for establishment and maintenance of county transportation systems;
3. The admission tax levied by the County pursuant to Chapter 36.38 RCW.
B. For purposes of this Section, "lost revenue" means an amount computed as follows:
The combined total of the County's collections from all three sources within the
annexation area during the calendar year preceding annexation
The combined total of the County's collections from all three sources within the
annexation area during the fust full calendar year following annexation
C. The amount of the payment from the City to the County will be based on a three-year "soft landing"
approach as follows:
1. The Year 1 payment will be equal to 75% of the County's lost revenue;
2. The Year 2 payment will be equal to 50% of the County's lost revenue; and
3. The Year 3 payment will be equal to 25% of the County's lost revenue.
D. The calculation of lost revenue pursuant to subsection B of this Section requires revenue data for one
full year following annexation. Therefore, the County shall initiate a request for payment under this
Section by written notice to the annexing City within two years of the effective date of the annexation.
The purpose of this section is to recognize that retail development near jurisdictional boundaries has
an impact on neighboring jurisdictions and, in particular, on existing businesses and the demand for
public services and facilities. This Section is designed to mitigate these impacts by providing that sales
tax revenues from new major business development within a City's designated UGA, or from the
relocation of an existing major business from a City to a location within the City's designated UGA, will
be shared with the affected City.
2.1 For purposes of this Agreement, "major land use" means:
A. A new development within a City's designated UGA that houses any single retail tenant greater than
40,000 square feet;
B. The expansion of an existing retail business within the City's designated UGA if the expansion is
greater than 40,000 square feet;
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
C. A retail business greater than 25,000 square feet that is relocated from a City to the City's designated
UGA; or
D. An automobile, truck, recreational vehicle, manufactured or mobile home, or boat dealership,
regardless of the size of the building permitted, that is newly located within a City's designated UGA, or
relocated from a City to the City's designated UGA.
2.2 The County agrees to share with the affected City revenue lost to the City and gained by the
County due to a major land use, as follows:
A. Revenue sharing payments will be required only for local retail sales tax revenues generated from
major land uses. Because there are limitations, related to confidentiality, on using a figure based on
actual sales tax collections from the new or relocated business, the revenue sharing payment will be
based on estimated sales tax revenues derived by using industry standards, such as the Washington State
Department of Revenue or the Urban Land Institute, for taxable retail sales per square foot for businesses.
B. For purposes of this Section, "lost revenue" means an amount computed as follows:
Total gross enclosed building square footage of the major land use
Industry standard annual average retail sales per square foot for category of business that most closely
resembles the major land use
Tax rate levied under Chapter 82.14 RCW
for the first full calendar year following the date on which the County issues a certificate of occupancy
for the major land use.
C. The County will make revenue sharing payments for the first full three years after the major land use
receives a certificate of occupancy.
D. The revenue sharing payment from the County to the affected City will be calculated according to the
following formulas:
1. For the relocation of a major retail business from a City to the City's designated UGA:
a. The Year 1 payment will be equal to 75% of the City's lost revenue;
b. The Year 2 payment will be equal to 50% of the City's lost revenue; and
c. The Year 3 payment will be equal to 25% of the City's lost revenue.
2. For new development within a City's designated UGA that houses any single retail tenant greater
than 40,000 square feet, the payment amount will be 50% of the City's estimated lost revenue each year
for the first three years.
F. The calculation of lost revenue pursuant to subsection B of this Section requires revenue data for one
full year following issuance of a certificate of occupancy. Therefore, the affected City shall initiate a
request for payment under this Section by written notice to the County within two years of the date the
major land use receives the County's permission to occupy the building.
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
3.1 Duration. This Agreement will remain in effect until the terms of the Agreement are
fulfilled. There is no other term agreed to by the parties
3.2 Reevaluation. Any City or the County may request immediate reevaluation of this
Agreement by the KRCC Revenue Sharing Policy Committee. If the reevaluation fails to yield a
resolution satisfactory to the requesting party within six months from the date the request for reevaluation
was made, the requesting party may initiate the process for termination provided in this Agreement.
3.3 Termination. After completion of the Reevaluation process required by this Agreement,
a party may terminate this Agreement by 12 months' written notice to the other parties. Termination
does not extinguish the obligations of the terminating party under this Agreement for annexations
initiated, or major land uses for which an application is filed, prior to the effective date of termination.
3.4 Filing. When fully executed, this Agreement shall be filed with the Kitsap County
3.5 Notices. Any notices required by this Agreement shall be delivered, or mailed postage
prepaid, and addressed to:
Kitsap County City of Bainbridge Island City of Bremerton
Clerk to the Board City Clerk City Clerk
Office of the Kitsap County City of Bainbridge Island City of Bremerton
Board of Commissioners 280 Madison Avenue N. 239 4t` Street
614 Division Street Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Bremerton, WA 98337
Mailstop 4
Port Orchard, WA 98366
City of Port Orchard City of Poulsbo Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
City Clerk Mayor Executive Director
City of Port Orchard City of Poulsbo Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council
216 Prospect Street 19050 Jensen Wy NE 25406 S. Kingston Road
Port Orchard, WA 98366 P.O. Box 98 Kingston, WA 98346
Poulsbo, WA 98370
3.6 Administration. As this Agreement contemplates no joint or cooperative
undertaking, each party shall administer the Agreement as to its own responsibilities under the
Agreement. The KRCC shall oversee the revenue sharing process provided for in this Agreement
3.7 Reporting. The County and the Cities shall report to the KRCC at the start of each
calendar year any payments made or received by the reporting jurisdiction pursuant to this Agreement
during the preceding calendar year.
3.8 Waiver. The failure by the County or any City to enforce any term or condition of
this Agreement shall not be construed to constitute a waiver of any other term or condition, or of any
subsequent breach of any provision, of this Agreement.
3.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement includes the entire agreement of the parties with
respect to any matter addressed in this Agreement
3.10 Amendment. This Agreement maybe amended only upon the written agreement of
the parties made with the same formalities as those required for its original execution.
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
3. 11. County -wide Planning Policy. To the extent that anything in this Agreement may be
found to be inconsistent with any part of the Kitsap County -wide Planning Policy, the County and City in
2002 will review the applicable parts of the County -wide Planning Policy and revise them in accordance
with this Agreement.
3.12 Review. The County and the Cities shall review this Agreement within the KRCC in
December of 2003, and every five years thereafter.
3.13 Effective Date. This Agreement shall take effect retroactively to September 4, 2001,
as this date has been expressly agreed upon by all the parties.
h Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
Adopted by Kitsap Count}'
Appendix E. Interlocal Agreement Establishing the :uid all four cities
Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council 321-02001
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between the undersigned members of the Kitsap
Regional Coordinating Council, pursuant to provisions of the Inter -local Cooperation Act of 1967, Chapter
39.34 RCW.
WHEREAS, the undersigned members recognize the need and desirability to participate in a forum for
intergovernmental coordination, cooperation, and consultation among member agencies in order to bring
about a continuous and comprehensive regional planning process and efficient service delivery; and
WHEREAS, the undersigned members desire jointly to undertake continuous cooperative regional
development, land use, housing, capital facility, service, and transportation planning; and
WHEREAS, it is the belief of the undersigned members that regional deliberations, planning, and review
should be accomplished whenever possible by all jurisdictions affected and should receive policy direction
from all local general purpose and tribal governments;
THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual promises and covenants herein it is hereby agreed:
1. DEFIN1T1ow For the purpose of this Inter -local Agreement and all other agreements, contracts, and
documents executed, adopted, or approved pursuant to this agreement, the following terms have the
meaning prescribed to them in this section unless the context of their use dictates otherwise:
a. `Member agency" means any public body which is a party or becomes a party to this inter -local
agreement and is a County, City, or federally -recognized Tribal government within the region;
b. `State" means the State of Washington;
c. "Region" means the territory physically lying within the boundaries of Kitsap County;
d. "Councir means the body of local and tribal elected officials designated in accord with the By-laws
of the Kitsap Regional Coordinating Council to represent member agencies to carry out all delegated
powers and managerial and administrative responsibilities of the Kitsap Regional Coordinating
e. `Majority vote" means more than one-half of the votes cast when a quorum is present and must
include a majority of votes from County representatives and a majority of votes from the
representatives of at least two separate cities.
2. ORGANIZATION — composrrloN AND NATURE: The undersigned member agencies constitute the
Council: Kitsap County, City of Bainbridge Island, City of Bremerton, City of Port Orchard, City of
Poulsbo, the Port Gamble S'Klallam Tribe and the Suquamish Tribe. Management of the Council is
structured as provided herein and by the Council Bylaws.
3. AUTHORITY AND PuRposEs: The Council has the following authorities and purposes:
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004
a. To provide a regional forum for deliberations and cooperative decision-making by the region's elected
officials in order to bring about a continuous and comprehensive planning process.
b. To foster cooperation and mediate differences among governments throughout the region.
c. To coordinate actions to provide for a sustainable economy and environment for the region.
d. To carry out such other planning and coordinating activities authorized by majority vote of the
Council including participation in other forums and organizations.
e. To provide for administrative services necessary and incidental to the aforementioned Council
4. FINANCING: The Council receives funds from each member agency as provided by the Bylaws and from
other available funding sources. The Council may apply for funding of any nature as may become
available to assist the Council in carrying out its purposes and functions.
5. FISCAL YEAR AND BUDGET: The fiscal year coincides with the calendar year. The Council adopts an
annual work program and budget in advance of each fiscal year that identifies anticipated activities,
goals, revenues, and expenditures for completing the work program. A draft work program and budget is
prepared by the Executive Committee established by the By-laws of the Council and is submitted for
consideration and approval by the full Council. After the Council has approved the final budget it is
forwarded to the County for inclusion as a distinct agency fund within the Kitsap County Budget. No
increase or decrease to the final budget shall occur without the approval of the Council.
6. wrrHDRAwAL FROM AGREEMENT: Any member agency has the right to withdraw from this Inter -local
Agreement by giving the Council six (6) months prior written notice. Unless otherwise provided by
future agreement, any member agency that withdraws shall remain responsible for its financial and other
obligations with regard to Council activities until the effective date of withdrawal and with regard to
agreements to which the Council is a party and which exist at the time of such notice of withdrawaL
Withdrawal by one member agency to this Inter -local Agreement shall not terminate the agreement as to
any other remaining member agencies.
7. DISPOSAL OF ASSETS: Upon termination of this agreement any Council assets, after payment of all
liabilities, costs, expenses, and charges validly incurred under this agreement, shall be distributed to all
contributing member agencies in proportion to their contribution determined at the time of termination.
The debts, liabilities, and obligations of the Council shall not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of
any member agency.
Adopted by Kitsap County Ordinance 327-2004
November 22, 2004