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A RESOLUTION of the Town Council of the Ton of Winslow,
Washington, authorizing the award of contracts for the construc-
tion of a sanitary sewer system and a sewage treatment plant.
WHE~AS, call for bids for the construction within the Ton
limits of a sanitary sewer system and a sewage treatment plant has been
duly advertised, and
W~S, on June 29, 1953, aS advertised, such bids were opened
and publicly read, and
WHEREAS, the Town' s engineering firm of Griffin & Stil]mnn have
examined said bids and recommended that awards be made;
NOW, THEPaFORE, BE IT RESOLv~AD by the Ton Council of the Town
of Winslow, Washington, as follows:
That award of contract is hereby made to the low bidder for the
sanitary sewer system, namely, Joe Avery Construction Oompa~ of Bremerton,
That award of contract is hereby made to the low bidder for the
sewage treatment plant, namely, Shoreline Construction Company of Seattle,
That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the said contracts
in the name of the Town.
PASSED by the 0ouncil of the Town of Winslow, Washington, and
approved by its Mayor this ~h ds~ of july, 1953.