RES 63-03 LEASING PROPERTY FROM TOLL BRIDGER E S 0 L U T I 0 N A P~ESOLUTION REIATiNG TO LEAS~IG OF PROPERTY FROK~ THE WASH~C-TC~i TOLI~ mR .~rDGE o~UTEORITY, AUTHORIZING AkrD D.ZiPJ~CTING EIECUTION OF ?f.Y~ LEASE A/.,D APPROVING T~,-I. ~]Pj,,(S TI~P~OF. [~E IT P.F. SOL?~D by the Town Council of the Tovna of Winslow, Wa shin!':ton: That in the interests of safety and welfare of the citizens of the Tovm and others with respect to t he area commonly known as the Winslow Ferry Tennina! Parking Lot, the Mayor of lhe Tovm of Winslow be and hereby is authorized and directed to enter into a lease vri%h %he Washing%on Toll ~ridge Authority on behalf of the To~m of Winslow; said lezse to be sffostantialiy in accord vdth the lease hereto attached. PASSED ~ the Tovm Com~cil of the Town of Wins!ow~ Washington this 16th day of ADril !96~, .~T TE ST: T..,~ayor ' This indenture of Lease. made this _._-da7 of , 1963, between s~afdsinZton Tote Bridle Authority. hereinafter dealimated ns "Lessor" and/or i~Authortty'~; and the Town of WinsLow. Washington, a munieipat eorperatlon. heroinafter demtg'natnd as ~t,essee' and/or ~*Town", W/TNBti~ETH: That it is hereby matnatty covetMinted and awereed herran teaser and i.,emeee am foetows: t. That the Authority deems it in the pubtic interest and not inconsistent with the use and operation of the tote factattica invotved to enter into this teems. TIme further, this tease is elatered into by the Authority on the apptieattoa of the Town to procure a teams of a certain portion of the property of Washington State Ferry System upon much terms and conditions as the Authority my prescribe. which terms and conditions are beretuglier met forth. Z. T'no term of this tone is for the term he8iamln~ May l, 1963 and endin~ Aprtt 30, 1963, for a toast sum of Five Dotearm (SO. 00), heinf the aggregate reuters paysbee for the severer portions of the term at the amount of rentat indicated betow for each such portion, which amount ts pmyabte in squat annnat tastearmenia, on or before the day of each month of Aprtt of the term c-f them teams, in the sanare/at of C)ne Dottar ($1.00) each maid tameattache payment. 3. l..emmee hereby accepts and teases maid premises for said term and SaTsea tO pay therefore that Sum of money hermanabove mentioned in the totat mum of Five Dottars ($1~. 00) in tapir tender of the United States to the 'Washearten Tote Bridle kthority, Otympta. Washearten. 4, L, esseo agree to pay insurance on said prensinee, specifically insindia/tie hitlty Insurance; all water bills for water used In the connection with the use and enJo3rmnt of said proarises; and ;~eesee hereby eovenants and agrees to pay for euh and every other charge incurred in carnation with said premises con~erninJ the maintenmme thereof; inetudtq. painttnJJ btaeiitopping and btuktop repairinfZ installation of any perkinS meters and/or other trafrJ~ control devices; sweepinf~ &&~s', .vt ct.mv~n.g; together with an7 additional sign installa- tion for regulation of parking and/or traiYie eastrot, J.,essee shag not be required to pay for any tiebring, which shall b4 the obtifation of the i.,elmor. 5, Lessee wilt keep the denaimed area in a 0ale and seeure condition and free from art improper aberrations and etaart, and wilt save and keep idessot harmless from an3r and all 4- ,y'~.~ee inctudin~ costs, fees and expenses and suits for duma/as on aeeount of an7 defe,ztive sendirish of said prom,toes, fixtures and/or appurtenaneesi provided, however, tiLtt ~.,essor shall give ironradIate notLee to l, sssee of the pe'~ fine: and/or existelm of an7 such suit for danalies. 6. Lessee wilt not sublet the danateed area or pernait the assignment of this tease or aur .interest heroin. 7, t, clsor, its representative, qents aM other batSaCes may at all reasonable times enter upon the densised area to view the condition thereof. 8. In the event of a breaeh of any of the covenants or agreements in this Lease searained on the part of the idesiN to be perforlzaed or observed, or in the event l.,essas shatt ~k~'-dou said premises, Lessor may, at its option, terndnats this teen and re-enter said premises, but not- withstandinS such termination or re-entry by Lessor, the Liability of the Lessee for the rent provided for heroin, as welt as the hold harmless etause mentioned in paragraph (S) hereof shall not be extinfuished for the betanee of the term of this tease. 9. l.,eseor in enterins trite this tease aircement. based upon the terms and provtaioms of !tOW 47. lib. ~3, specificarty does not waive any of the Autlsortty's riftate, lnctudin8 theme set forth in RCW 4T. b0. Z00 throuJh and irtctudin~ RCW 47.60. 370. Lessee in mnterin~ into this tease agreenaefft specificarty does not waive any of its rights, inetud- tn~ those set forth in RCW 35.31. 040. 10, The property covered by this tease tm tegatty described indicated on the attached sheet. which is nande a part hereof by this reference. 1 l. Lessee afrome to provide Lessor with a parktrill area am tm neesimmer7 for use by Lemsor*s emptoyeeit, o.a aGTeed from time to time betran t. emsee mad 12. ~esmee hiss seen and eaRnlined the property amd tie matterted therewith. i..esmor in not timbre for any representnation or warranty at air in connection with this transaction other thin the same te in writfUr and siZried by maid IN WITNESS WHXRg0F the parties hereto hive executed title doeummat in tripticmte, the date and year first atzove written, TOW N 0 F 'WINSt,0 W. r~VA sa41lq~ TO N Attest: May~or Attemt: beretsty of Staie' STATE OF WA~mHROG~N ) ) as. COUNTY l.~l; i~LNG ) This is to certify that on this day of , 1963 before me, the andersign~, perso~iiy ap~ed ao~rt ~. Mc~isson a~ Fr~is ~ui, each to me ~wn to ~ the i~ividils de~ri~ ex~uted the above and for-egoina instrume~ for a~ on be~ of the Town of Wirelow, Was~n~on, a municipal cor~rat~n; a~ each ack~w[edJed to me t~t each si~ed a~ sealed the same in hi~ offic~l capacity as his fr. ~lunta~ act and deed for the ases and purpose~ therein I~ WIT~ WHE2EOF I ha~e hereunto set m:y ~ a~ g~ed ~ official seal the year a~ day first a~ve ~ritten. Washington, residing at ScatHe. ~I'ATE. -~F ~AalzlINGTL, N ) COUntY OF T~U~;r~N ) This is t~ certify t~t on this .~ day o[ . , 1~3 be~re me, the un~ersigned, personsHy ap~ared Governor Alert D, Bose~ti~ ad Victor A. ~,~eyere, each to me ~;nc>'~n t~ be the Individuals destrOd ~ a~ w~ executed the a~ve a~ fvregoia~ instrument for a.n~ on behalf of the ~Mhi~ton ~ate 'Fo[[ Bridge Authori~, and e~h ack~wle~ed tc me that s~d ar~ sealed the same as his o~ic~[ act ~g free and voluntary act aN d~ for the uses a~ purposes t~rein mentio~d. IN WIT~ WHEREOF I Mrs hereunto set ~ hand a~ ~ed my officmt ~a[ the ~y a~ ~ first ~ve written. NotIL~ P,blic in and'lot 'th~ '.~ta~e"~"~ Washin&ton, resldin,l at