DeDartment of Housing and Urban Development
Area Office, Arcade Plaza Bbtldtng
1321 Second Avenue
Seattle, ~[ashington 98101
Re: lO:'l PTA:M/S 431 - Edens:dme
Subject: Project WSF-WA-IO-19-100P
Your letter of June 14, 1972 provided tentative anproval of the Plans
and Spectficattons-.for referenced project, the 1972 t4ater System
Improvements for the City of Winslow subject to the correction of certain
items noted and the requirement that the nroJect engineer provide a
design for the tank foundation. The required corrections were made and
a tank foundation design:prepared and informal approval of this design
was obtained from .your office. During the bidding.period Addenda No. l,
2, and 3, were issued, of which No. 1 covers the tank foundation design.
Referenced letter also questioned the storage tank operation and the
adeQuaCy of the storane tank .to n_rovtde the reeutred pressures for the :,
High School and adjacent high areas of the City. It was requested that
either the storage tank be elevated or that the City oledge that it would
provide additional storage and adoDt the Comorehensive Water System Plan
orepared by Roats Engineering. The City Council did not consider it
economically feasible to elevate the storage tank, and therefore offers
the required Dledge and adoption of the Comprehensive Plan. Enclosed
herewith.:isf a copy-of-the Comprehensive Water System Plan and the detail-
Water System Data Sheets as prepared by Roats Engineering on March 20,. 1972
which shows a proposed schedule for the construction of.the required -
additional storage and a copy of the City Council Resolution No. 72-5
adopting the pl an.
Very truly yours,
Edward M. Ulloa, Mayor
IMS: cl c
.City Of Winslow Wells - Basic source
No. Name-Locati on Capacity. No. ·
1 Countrv C1 ub 20 GPM
2 Fox-Wi ng Pt. Way 20 "
3 Weaver-~vatt 15 "
4 Weaver-Shepard lO0 "
5 Head of the Bay 15 "
6 Head of the Bay secured
7 Head of the Bay 100 GPM
(orig. test well)
8 Head of the Bav '225 "
Total 4_Q~ GPM q
Name-Locati on
Head ~' +~e Rc'v
250 (est.) 1975
2. o ( es t. ) i 980
City of I'linslow Surface Source- tmerger. cv s.~urce
Head of the Bay'- Ca,.~' ~tv 1,qO GPM - Renuires '.',>tmtv ~,.d State Health Dept.
a,~:,roval !}r'fn:-~ use. Also will require
improvement of fi=' ~ation and
chl ori p,~ti
P.U.D. Systern
This a~encv' wil! eventually s~rve ~'.~nbrido~ is!and with a distribution
system SuDDiied either tro.i: no',.,' wells on t!~e Isl.~nd,. Wells in the North Kitsap
Penninsula area, or surface water s~>urces on the OlymPiC Penninsula. It is
expected that water from this source will be available sometime before. 1980 and
all future needs ever that noted above will be ehtai,~ed from this source.
Low Level Systern'- vnr~cntel Way-
Ericsson Ave.
15(~,~ Gallons
Page 2
[xtend fiftee:~ .~Pet 'in heiaht to provide
additional stord. oe -, lg75
75,p.e~ Gal !c~ns
Move oresent Hi g~ Level tank to new location
in City Park Site for' additional s'.orage for
Low Level .System
150 ,,,qO0 Ga I lnns 1975
Extend this · tank fifteen Feet i n hei oht
'to provide additional ~t<,raoe
75,0flfl Ga! lons 1975
New tank to be CnnstF',~Cted bv !990 on Grand
Ave. near 23-?_4-25i26 'Section cc>rner in
Northeast ~nrti on of Citv.
25-f),,n..,Qn G.1 lons (minimum-more
canaci ty if Lreoui red
at ti me of constructi on
High Level System- Chatham ~:ill
Tank-Grow Ave. -H. S.
150 ,nnr! Gal 1 ons
This tank ~2i 11 be s~cureH
in 1972 with the const~,~,_~ion ,~f
the new Hi~.~' Level Tank on the
School' Grounds Site and wi 11 s ub-
seouentlv be moved to the Lew
Level Svsten..
New standDine to be c'on~tructed on School
Grounds 3i te i n 1 q72. ·
=l ,OO~',qOm Gallons
It is noted that t~e City exnects to be
'connected to t~:e F.['.P,. system by 1980. County
comprehensive ~}lans show th~s system at the
same elevat, ion as the Cit~ 's High Level System
and a connection to it would Drnvide an extensive
amount of additional reserve storage capacity.
pa.a.e 3
LLS 15fl,rl~lO Gals. I5.n,rm'O oals.
HL~ 150,009 " 1 ,Qqq,rl,qm "
Total 3(19,000 " 1,15rl ,000'"
450,,qnD qals.
1, r}90,09r "
1,450, nO0 '~
700 ,q,q0 Gal s.
1, Or)O, Qn~"
1, Or)O, 990"
*The Chatha.n Hill tank, 15r~,9Orl Gals., could be held in .. full condition
but valved off from the Hiqh Level Svstem and cut in and used in an emer.aenc.y
during the Der:od 1973 to 1975.
The water svs~em layout and the nioe line si.zing has been made on an
estimate of what the future 'reQui rements wi 11 be. The prese'nt popul ati on
density is only ? hersons her acre. As specific develop. meEts, are made,
both residential and commercial, the lavout and pipe line sizing woulH be
adjusted or corrected to the then known requirements and based 9n a ~,_~rmal
engineering analvsi's.
Pre'3ared by Roz. ~; Engj .-eermng, ?o~.~ 'sbo, W~,shingt~-'.' MarC)' 20, 19'/2