A RESOLUTION Of the City of Winslow, Washington,
declaring its intention to initiate the formation
of "Utility Local Improvement District No. 4" to
carry out a portion of the system or plan of ad-
ditions to and betterments and extensions of the
waterworks utility of the City, including the
sanitary sewage disposal system as a part thereof,
as adopted by Ordinance No. 77-2 applicable to that
utility local improvement district; and fixing the
date, time and place for a public hearing on the
formation of the proposed utility local improvement
WHEREAS, the City of Winslow has heretofore combined its
sanitary sewage disposal system and its municipal water system pur-
suant to law and such combined systems, including all additions thereto
and betterments and extensions thereof at any time made, shall herein-
after be referred to as the waterworks utility of the City; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 77-2, passed by the City
Council and approved by the Mayor on January 17, 1977, the City Council
specified and adopted a system or plan of additions to and betterments
and extensions of the waterworks utility of the City and provided the
method of financing the same with federal and state grants and by the
issuance and sale of water and sewer revenue bonds in one or more
series to be supported by assessments to be levied in one or more
utility local improvement districts therein authorized to be created;
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it to be in the
best interest of the City that such system or plan should be carried
out and that a utility local improvement district be formed comprising
the areas hereinafter more particularly described to secure water and
sewer revenue bonds to be issued to finance the cost of carrying out a
portion of that system or plan of additions to and betterments and ex-
tentions of the waterworks utility of the City applicable to those
WASHINGTON, as follows:
Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council of the
City of Winslow, Washington, to order the construction and installation
of the improvements set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this
reference incorporated herein, as specified and adopted in the system
or plan of additions to and betterments and extensions of the waterworks
utility of the City set forth in Ordinance No. 77-2.
The City may modify, change, add to or delete from the fore-
going improvements if such modifications do not substantially alter the
purpose of that system or plan.
All of the foregoing shall be in accordance with the plans
and specifications therefor prepared by the City Engineer and Roats
Engineering, consulting engineers to the City.
Section 2. To carry out the improvements described in Section 1,
there shall be formed a utility local improvement district to be known
and designated as Utility Local Improvement District No. 4, the bound-
aries thereof being more particularly described in Exhibit B attached
hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. The proposed district
lies outside of the City.
Section 3. The estimated cost and expense of the acquisition,
construction and installation of the improvements described in Section 1
and applicable to the proposed Utility Local Improvement District No. 4
is hereby declared to be $375,000. The entire cost and expense,
less proceeds of grants received by the City therefor, shall be borne
by and assessed against the properties included within the proposed
district. The properties in that utility local improvement district
will be all the properties specially benefited by the improvement. The
assessments shall be for the sole purpose of payment into the revenue
bond redemption fund created or to be created for the payment of the
revenue bonds authorized to be issued by Ordinance No. 77-2.
Section 4. A public hearing on the formation of the proposed
Utility Local Improvement District No. 4 shall be held at the Wing Poin~
Golf and Country Club House, at 7:30 p.m. on March 31, 1977.
All persons who may desire to object to the improvements and
to the formation of the proposed utility local improvement district
are hereby notified to appear and to present their objections at the
hearing and meeting of the City Council to be held at such time and
The City Engineer is hereby directed to submit to the City
Council on or prior to March 31, 1977, all data and information require<
by law to be submitted.
The foregoing resolution was ADOPTED by the City Council of
the City of Winslow, Washington, at an open public regular meeting
thereof this 22nd day of February, 1977.
City Clerk
City Attorney
Wing Point Road
Private Road owned by
Wing Point-Community
Club running N-S in
Supplemental Plat of
Madrono Park
Private Beach access
owned by Wing Point
Co~rmunity Club
Eagle Street
Northern Property line of
"Warren G. Magnuson" Tax No
Wing Point Way NE
Eagle Street
Park Avenue
Private road owned by
Wing Point Golf &
Country Club running
~ling Point Lift Station
Northern Beach line of
Eagle Harbor
Wing Point Road
Intersection with private
road running N-S in Supplem-
ental Plat of Madrono Park
Private road owned by Wing
Point Golf and Country Club
running East-West
Easterly property line of
"Beach" Tax ~o. 262502-4-004
6" Beach Easements New Treatment Plant Site Wing Point Lift Station
Together with the installation of manholes, valves, and appurtenances thereto
being one continuous unit of improvement.
The Wing Point Lift Station is designed as a 200 GH4 duplex unit of the detached
wet well type. All structures will be underground and located on a City acquired
easen~ent at the Southerly end of t.ling Point on the North shore of Eagle Harbor.
L.I.~). #4 - WING POINT
Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 19, Madrono Park, Sec-
tion 25, Township 25 North, Range 2 East, W.l.1.; thence Southerly along
the Easterly Heander Line of ~'ling Point to the intersection with the
Easterly boundary of Madrono Supplemental Plat; thence Southerly along
the Easterly boundary of Madrono Supplemental Plat to the .most Southerly
point; thence Northwesterly along the Westerly boundary of Madrono
Supplemental Plat to the North line of Madrono Supplemental Plat; thence
~-~esterly along the Southerly line of
Madrono Park to the :~lesterly Meander Line of Wing Point; thence North-
westerly along said ,Meander Line to the Meander corner of Sections 25
and-26; thence N 1°28'21'' E along the West line of .said Section 25 to
a point 906.92 feet South of the West quarter corner of SeCtion 25;
thence S 88°28'09'' E 130.95 feet; thence S 58~31'25'' E 291.54 feet;
thence S 42o49'30" W 84.90 feet; thence Northeasterly 78 feet; thence
S 48°45'23'' E lO0 feet; thence N 42°~9'30" E 55 feet; thence S 47°10'30''
E 195.11 feet to the South line of Lot 42, Madrono Park; thence East-
erly along the South line of said Lot 42 to the Westerly right-of-wa.,!
of County Road; thence Northerly along the Westerly right-of-way of
said county right-of-way to a point 73.70 feet North of the Southeast
corner of Lot 25, Madrono Park; thence Westerla/parallel to the South
line of Lot 25, to the Westerly line of said Lot 25; thence Northerly
along the West line of Lot 25 to the Northwest corner of said Lot 25;
thence Easterly along the North line of Lot 25 to the Westerly right-
of-way line of County Road; thence Northerly along Westerly right-of-
way line of said County Road to the Southeast corner of Lot l. Block l,
~ing Point Country Club Plat; thence Westerly along the South line of
said plat 400 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 1 of said
plat; thence Northerly along the West line of said Lot l, 125 feet to
the Southerly right-of-way line oF Wing Point Way; thence Easterly
along the South right-of-way line of Wing Point ~.,'ay to the Point oF
Begi nni ng.
City of Winslow
L.I.D. #4 - Wing Point
That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 26, Township 26 North, Range
2 East, W.14., described as follows:
Commencing at the East quarter corner of said Section 26; thence South
along the East line of said Section 26}500.74 feet to the Point of Beginning;
thence West parallel to the North line of said Government Lot 1 125 feet;
thence South 20 feet; thence West 164.10 feet; thence North 5¢.10 feet;
thence West 116.68 feet; thence North 18 feet; thence ~est 245.00 feet;
thence North parallel to the East line of said Section 26 to a point 20 feet
South of the North line of Government Lot-l; thence West 15.00 feet; thence
South 448.64 feet; thence West 85.00 feet; thence South 380 feet to the
Meander Line; thence Easterly along the Government Meander Line to the
Meander corner of said Section 26; thence Northerly along the East line of
said Section 26 to the Point of Beginning.