RES 81-18 CUP FOR DREDGING AT WINSLOW WHARFRESOLUTION NO. 81 - 18 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE DREDGING AT WINSLOW WHARF WHEREAS, on July 6, 1981 the Winslow City Council approved a substantial development permit for additional development at Winslow Wharf conditioned upon the applicant applying for and receiving approval on a Conditional Use Permit for proposed dredging above the line of extreme low tide; and WHEREAS, on July 14, 1981 the Planning Agency recommended approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed dredging; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 1981 the Hearing Examiner in file number X-81-7 (b) recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed dredging; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation issued by the Hearing Examiner for the Conditional Use Permit; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW AS FOLLOWS: 1. Findings of Fact. 'The City Council adopts the Hearing Examiners Findings of Fact I - IX. 2. Conclusioln.s of Law. The City COuncil adopts the Hearing Examiner Conclusions of Law I -III. 3. Order. The Conditional Use Permit for proposed dredging above the line of extreme low tide is approved subject to the requirements outlined by the Department of Fisheries and Game in their letter dated July 14, 1981, together with any subsequent restrictions required by the Department for the protection of fish life. APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Winslow on this 3rd day September , 1981. Clerk/Treasurer Tawres ey Mayor BEFORE THE HF~/R/NG EXAmlINER CITY OF WINSLC~ In the Matter of the ) ) Shoreline Substantial Develomment Fennit of ) _ ) WINSIIZ.q ~.%LAPY CO., INC. ) ) ) File ~b. X-8 1-7 (b) FIbDINGS OF FACT CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ~~ENDATION THIS ~A'.L'!'kLR having come before the Interim Hearing LDxaminer, C~Drdon S. Jones, at a quasi-judicial hearing on August 4, 1981, for approval of Applicant' s Conditional Use Permit, the Interim. Hearing Examiner having considered the testimony presented, together wi-th the exhibits offered. and a&mitted hnto evidence, now, therefore, enters the foil_owing findings: FTND~GS OF FACT I Applicant pro_moses to add an additional fifty-eight (58) new slips to its existing marina by partially r~anDving an existing pier and dredging between the tTnrina ~nd existing shorel~e. ~9.e proposal will inv0!~e dredging by scow of 22,000 cubic yards of material and depsihing the sara at a dispsal site known as Four Mile Rock in Elliot Bay. Applicant' s total proposal Proown as Winslow Wharf EXpansion enconloasses other as[roots which were dealt with h% the application for a Shoreline Substantial Develoi~lent Permit and for approval of a preliminary plat; these matters were handled at public hearing on }'~y 14, 1981, before Hearing .~Lxaminer Walt Woock~ard. The only matter ~Lnder consideration is the issuance of the Conditional Use PeruTit for the -!- dredging above the extreme low tide line. II Applicant' s shoreline is designated as an Urban Fnviron~ent by the City of Winsl~'s Shoreline Management ~ster Program. III On June 10, 1981, Applicant filed in the City of Winslow its Conditional Use Permit for said dredging, see Exhibit 21. This permit application was necessary after Applicant' s Substantial Develo~t Permit was approved and conditioned upon obtaining of the Conditional Use Permit. Applicant has comp. lied with the procedure for the Conditional Use Permit as set forth in the City of Winslow Shoreline ~nagen~nt Master Program (see Page 56) through suhnission of an Favironmental Checklist (Fb~ibits 3 and 4) and through subfission of its S~stantial Developm~ent Permit and the final Environmental Impact Statement for e~ansion of the Winslow ~/~arf ~arina (see Fkhibits 5 and 1 respectively). Notice of this application and hearing ~es duly posted, published and given to the adjoining property owners. ~..t the public hearing, there was no pu~Dlic opposition to granting of the Conditional Use Permit. On July 14, 1981, the Depar~nent of Fisheries and CeJne granted approval of the project including the dredging, subject to several conditions established for the protection of juvenile saLmsnids migrating t~hrough the area (see F~d~ibit 25). The pro.~os~r] deep vmter disposal site, Four P~ile Rock in Elliot P. ay, was approved by the State Department of Natural Resources in their letter dated May' 15-, 1981 (see Exhibit 24 )- The United States Environmental Protection Agency has reviewed the chemical analysis of the proposed dredge material, and concluded that it was suitable for inwater disposal at Four ~ile Pock. VIII In its reccnmendation dated July 14, 1981, the Planning Agency unaninDusly approved the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. IX The proposed dredging is necessary for the expansion of Winslow Wharf Marina. There appears no other alternative to dredging other than no action. Dredging within the intertidal area will cause the tePspOrary loss of marine organisms, hewever, this loss will be nei~eher significant nor XI Applicant has re~J. uced the potential loss of some marine invertabrates by reducing the dredging to 22,000 cubic yards, and appears to have taken all the necessary steps for the protection of marine life. The propsea expansion of fie existing marina, and the necessary dredging, is a use consistent with and compatible to the other permitted uses adjacent to the project site. There are no si.gnificent adverse affects to shoreline environment resulting from the dredging activity. -3- CONCLUSIONS OF IAW .The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction over the subject matter. Proper application was made for the Conditional Use Permit. Due notice of this hearing was given. II The application meets the requir~ts of the Dredging Use Activity section of the City of Winslow's Shoreline Manag~t b'~ster Program, see section IV- F. III Through the testimsny presented and exhibits admitted into evidence, Applicant has demonstrated that (a) the proposed dredging is consistent of the policies of the t4aster Program; (b) the dredging will not interfere with the normal public use of public shorelines; (c) the proposed use of the site and the design of the project is compatible with the other permitted uses v.~thin the area; (d) the proposed dredging will cause no unreasonably adverse affects to the shoreline enviro~nent designation, nP~nely, urkk~ environment; and (e) the public interest suffers no substantial detrimental affect from the granting of the Conditional Use Permit. Therefore, the Interim Hearing Examiner n~?,kes this PECO.~~TION The application of Winslow Wharf Co., Inc., for a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed dredging should he appmved subject to the requirements outlined by the Department of Fisheries m~d Ceme in their letter dated July 14, 1981, together with any stfbsequent restrictions req~ffred by the Department for the protection of fish life. DA~AI~. this ]q '~ day of