WHEREAS, on December 10, 1981, the Planning Agency reviewed the Department
of Transportation Substantial Development Permit application together with
the Corps Permits applications numbered 071-OYB-1-007475 and 071-OYB-2-007649
and reconn~nded approval of the application for a Shoreline Substantial
Development Permit and that no y~jolic hea~ing is required based on t/~e
Finding of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Reconmendation prepared by the
assistant city engineer; and
WHEREAS, on January 21, 1982 the recommendation was reviewed by Council
at a regular Council meeting and it was determined no actual change in the
use of the property will accur; damaged structures will be replaced;
NOW, YHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Winslow
as follows:
A. ~he following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, pertaining
to increasing stability and bearing capacity of the existing
termLnal tower by replacing material washed out by the ferry boats
(re: Corps Permit 071-0YB-2-007649), are approved:
Findings of Fact
i. Compliance with the Zoning Ordinance
%he subject property is in a designated area of Special Significance.
Permitted uses in this zcne include all excavations, docks, dredging,
dikes, dams, landfills, and manmade instrusions on the natural state
of the land.
11. Compliance with the Shoreline Management Master Program
The subject property is located in the Urban Environment. The
purpose of placing an area in an urban environment is to insure that
the utilization of the area to be a multiplicity of intense human uses.
~2~y shoreline use, subject to specific use regulations concerning
them should be permitted.
111. Environm~=ntal Impact
A. The placing of 1500 cubic yards of quarry spall rock fill will
not disrupt the bottom surface any more than that now occurring with
the propeller wash from the boats.
B. The fill will be transported to the site by barge and Dlaced with
a claim shell crane. This will cause a temporary deterioration in
ambient air quality.
C. The rock fill will cause little change in water mvement.
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D. There will be no effect uoon plant and animal life or the
areas used by waterfc~l.
E. Only a slight risk of hazardous substances getting into the
water while placing the fill.
Conclusions of Law:
1. The project is in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance of
the CiL~; of Winslc~, the Shoreline Management ~tster Program and
the Environmental Policy Act.
11. I have made a final declaration of non-significance regarding
the environmental impact of this Arn~_ CorDs Permit.
111. The propcsed work is necessary maintenance of the state
ferries, and therefore benefits~ to the people of Winslow and to
the state will outweigh the impacts on the environment.
The following Findings of Fact and Conclusions of law, Oertaining
to replacing damaged structure and converting the terminal's south
auxilliary slip to a tie-up slip (re: CorDs Permit 071-0YB-1-007475),
are approved:
Findings of Fact
1. Compliance with the Zoning Ordinance
The subject property is in a designated area of Special
Significance. Permitted uses in this zone include all excavalions,
dock, dredging, dikes, dams, landfills and nknrm~de instrusions on
the natural state of the land.
11. Compliance with the Shoreline Management Master Program
The Subject property is located in the Urban Envirorm~nt. The
purpose of placing an area in an urban environment is to insure that
t~e u~ilization of the area to be a multiplicity of intense humane
uses. Any shoreline use, subject to specific use regulations concerning
them should be permitted.
111. Environmental Impact
A. Removal of old piles will disrupt ~he bottom surface slightly.
B. Driving new piles for the walkway will cause a change in the
bottom surface.
C. ~ere will be a deterioration in ambient air quality during
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D. Changing the 90 foot transfer span to a 90 foot by 5 foot
wide pile-supported walk~ay will have a slight change in
the water movement. Construction will increase the turbidiity
of the water slightly.
E. Plant and animal life attad~ed to the towers and wing walls
will be lost.
F. The new structure may change the areas used by waterfowl or
aquatic animals ..
G. A risk of hazardous substance_s dL~ing construction is possible.
Conclusions of Law:
1. The project is in conformmice with the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Winslow, the Shoreline Management Ma.~ter Program and the
Environnmntal Policy Act.
11. A negative declaration has been made by the state with which
I, as the responsible official, concur.
111. The proposed facility is necessary to the oonti~luing operation
of the state ferries, and therefore benefits to the people of Winslow
and to the state will outweigh the i~pacts on the environment.
The Planning Agency recommendation to approve the State Department
of Transportation, Washington State Ferries, Application (re: Corps
Permits 071-OYB-1-007475 and 071-OYB-2-007649) for a Substantial
DeveloFFent Permit without a public hearing is approved.
APPROVED BY THE CITY OOUNCIL, of the City of Winslew on February 4, 1982.
Alice B. Te~rese~~
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