RES 82-08 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LID 5 & 7 RESOLUTION NO. 82-08 RESOLUTION ORDERING SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ~'R CONSOLIDATED LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 5 kND 7 ON CLID 5 PORTION. The City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington hereby resolves as follows: 1. The City Council has determined a segregation of the following described property be made and the City Treasurer shall make the segregation ordered hereby on the original assessment roll. 2. Anount and date of the original assessment: Winslow Wharf Street and Mall Improvement. $90,268.00 - 7/6/81 - LID 5 Athrough H 3. bunts due to the City for reasonable engineering and/or clerical costs incident to making the segregation and $10.00 for each tract of land for which a segregation is made: $25.00 engineering and clerical $70.00 for 7 tracts $95.00 4. Legal description of the original tracts and boundaries of the divided parts are attached as Exhibit A and the segregated tracts as Exhibit B. 5. The anDunt of assessment chargeable to each part is as follows: LID 5 - 1 $35,6'48. 5 - 2 10,984. 5 - 3 1,189. 5 - 4 2,206. 5 - 5 1,698. 5 - 6 12,382. 5 - 7 26,161. $90,268. ~opted by the City Council of the City September , 1982. AITEST: Clerk/Treasurer of Winslow, this 16thday of PROCEDURE FOR SEGR]]GATION O[" ASSESSMENTS ]:[CW 35.44.410 as allowed for in RCW 35A.43.010 applies to ]and being sold or subdivided ~here a special assessment has been levied. Le<lis!ative Authority (Council) shall. have the power to on-der a segregation although "no segregation need be made if the legislative authority of the City or Town -~%hall find that by such segregation the security of the lien for such assessment will. be so jeopardized as to reduce the :;~.,L'uI'it,v ~or any calt:~tandin9 10<ml im[n'ovt.~ment district obligations payable from such assessment". The segregation shall be made as nearly as possible on the same basis as the original assessment was levied, and the total of the segregated parts shall equal the assessment };vfoF(.' s(~gl:cgation. .1. Person desiring segregation applies to City Council. 2. Council, by resolution, orders treasurer to make segregation. a. Rer;olutio~,, shall contain: description of original tract. amount of origi~al assessment. date of original assessment. boundaries of divided parts defined. amount chargeable to each ~,art. certification For the passage ar'~d content Of this resolution. Treasurer shall make segregation, a, Fees paid by applicant: 1. $]0.00 for each tract of land for which a segregation is lnade. 2. charqes for administration (engineering and clerical) r<.,<~uirel] n,% n condition to the order of sl::gzcgation, O"Fe Wt~,4 5L0v'0 , W,A SH iN 6TON ASS NT '~,'~ER ,~ RECORD,' LEGAS OWNER NEW !,EGAL DiiSCRIPTiON "A" 272502-4-105-2000 SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 02E Pi~o,JECT ROLL , ASP. ! NO. ,, Fi NAL ASSESSr.{ENT SHEET i OF Z~ ADJUSTMENTS AND/OR NOTES) Winslow Wharf Co. Inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 98110 !'B" 272502-4-08S-2001 Winslow ~%arf Co. Inc. P,O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 98110 PTN GOVT LOT 4 CNVYD BY AUD NO 1068999 DAF, BAT EXST CONC NON ON E LN SD LOT FR WH NE COR SD LOT BEARS NO *04'55E A DIST OF 936.16FT TH NO*04'55E 84.57FT TH NB9*55'05W 20FT TO TPOB OF TR (SD PT ALSO BEING h~ 'COR OF X OF N LN CO RD NO 242 WITH WLN OF CO RD NO 259) TH NO*04'55E ALG W IN SD RD NO 259 A DIST OF 10OFT TH N89*55'05W 284FT TH SO*04'55W i00FT TO N LN SD RD TH S89'55'05E ALG SD N LN 284 FT TO TPOB SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 02E PT GOVT LOT 4 CNIYD BY AUD NO 1068999 DAF CON AT AN EXST CONC MONad ON E LN OF SD GOVT LOT 4 FR WH THE NE COR OF SD GOVT LOT 4 BEARS NO*04~55E A DIST OF 936. 16FT TH NO*04'55E ALG E LN OF SD GOVT LOT 4 A DIST OF 43.50FT TH N89*55'05W ALC S MGN OF PARFITT WAY ALSO KNOWN AS CO RD NO.242 & THE ELY PROLNG THOF 132. FT TH SO*04'55W 62FT TH S89'55'05E 4FT TH SO*04'55W 4FT TH S89'55'05E 46FT TH SO*04~55W 94.06FT M/L TO AN X WITH THE U.S. GOVT MEA LN THN51*ll'45E ALG SD LN 105.34FT TO AN X WITH E LN OF SD GOVT LOT 4 TH *04'55E 50.43FT TO POB TGW 2ND CLASS TDLD SITUATE iN FRT OF ADJ TO OR ABTG THON EXC TH PT OF GOVT LOT 4 IN SD SEC 27 DAF COM AT EXST CONE MONU AS DESC IN ABV DESC TEl NO*04'55E ALG THE E LN OF SD LOT 4 A mDIST OF 43.50FT TO APT ON ELY EXT OF S MGN OF CO RD N0.242 & TPOB OF TR HRIN DESC TH N89*55'OSW ALG SD ELY EXT & ALG SD S MGN A DtST OF 76.79FT TO CTR LN OF AN ALLEY WAY TH S0'04'55W ALG SD CTR LN A DIS'~ 'OF 30.37F'T TO AN X WITH WLY PROLNG OF S I.N OF EXST BLDG TH S89*33'31E'AhG SD SLN OF EXST BLi)G A DIST OF 76.80FT TO E LN OF SD GOVT LOT 4 TH NO*04'55E AL6 SD E LN 3!.87FT TO TPOB & EXC THAT PT OF ABV DESC T~ !LY WITHIN W 20FT OF A 40FT STRIP OE LAND KNOWN AS 'MADISON AVE S AKA CO RD N0.259 THE CTR LN OF WH IS :DAF COH AT EXST CONC MONU AS DESC IN ABV DESC '[H NO~ i04'55E ALG E LN OF SD $90,268.00 NEW ONNER OF RECORD/ r E"AL OWNER "C" 272502-4-087-2002 Winslow ~%arf Co. Inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 9SILO "n" 272502-4-086-2003 Winslow Wharf Co. Inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 95110 "E" 262502-3-122-2002 Winslow Whar~ Co7 inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winsl<}w, WA NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION SLOW , WASH INGTON 5SESSHENT ROLL GOVT LOT 4 A DIST OF 43.50FT TO TPOB OF CTR LN HRIN DESC TH S0-O4'55W 83FT TO THE END OF CTR LN DESC SEC 27 Z4P 25 RCE 02E PT LOT 4 & TDi. D BEG 50FT N OF SE COR PeST ON ML SD LOT N 40FT W 20FT TO PT OF X W LN RD WITH S LN E W CO RD W 62FT TO TPOB W 70FTS ALG LN PLW E LN SD LOT TO OUTER BDRY 2ND EL TDLDS E ALG OUTER BDRY LN TO X WITH LN EXT S PLT E LN LOT 4 FR TPOB N ALG PLLi LN TO BEG EXC PTN DAF, BAT TPOB OF ABV DESC TR & RUN TH W ALG S LN SD CO RD 50FT TH S PLT E LN SD LOT 62FT THE 4['T THE 46FT ~H N PLT E LN SD LOT TO TPOB SEC 27 TWP 25 RCE 02E PTN GOVT LOT 4 CNVYD BY AUD NO 1068999 D.~", BAT EXST CONC MON ON E LN SD LOT FR WH NE COR SD LOT BEARS NO*04'55E-ALG E LN A DIST OF 936.16FT TH NO, O4'55E ALG SD E LN 43.50FT TH N89*55'05W ALG S MGN OF PAR- FITT WAY SW, AKA CO RD NO 242 & ELY PROLONG THOF ]52FT M/L TO TPOB SD PT ALSO BEING brw COR OF MIRK- OVICH PRTY DESC IN AUD NO 461~41TH CONT N89*55'O5W ALG SD S MGN 152FT M/L TO E LN FO ANDERSON PRTY DESC IN AUD NO 524731TH S ALG E LN SD PRTY TO MEA LN TH NELY ALG MEA LN TO X WITH LN EXT S PLT E LN SD LOT FR TPOB TIt N ALG SD PLL LN TO P'rOB T~ 2ND TDLDS ADJ EXC PTN TDLDS CN~YD TO K. MIRKOVICH BY AUD NO 767296 SEC 26 TWP 25 RCE 02E TH PTN FO GOVT LOT 4' & TDLDS FRTG CNVYD BY AUD NO 1136850 DAF, BAT ..T~ COR SD SUB TH SO-32'40W ALG W BDRY SD SUB 2~0.!SE'F TH N~g~'¢30'E 'iO X OF E LN OF bL~DISON ST e S LN OF BJUNE DR TH S0'32'40W 323.20FT TO N1q COR OF STANDARD OIL CO TR TH S~9'29~ 30E 14OFT TO CONC MON NO.1 TH S0-32'40W [0OFT TO CONC MON NO. 2 SD PT BEING TPCB T[t 519'43'00W 1.21.75 FT TO CONC N 3 blON ~0. RE F. NO. L N S SHEET' '~'F" 272502-4-089-2000 Winslow Wharf Co. Inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 98110 "G" 262502-3-120-2004 Winslow ~arf Co. inc. P.O. Box 10476 Winslow, WA 98110 NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION i'.A,'IN SLOW , WASH A 5SESSWlE_NT LEGAL OWNER ~TH 50'32'40W 94.32 FT TO CONC MON NO.4 ON W B'~K OF !BAY TH N69*32'40E TAP ON A LN THAT IS 20FT E OF & iPLW LAST DESC COURSE TH NO*32'40E 73FT M/L TAP 2OFT ~E OF SD CONC MON NO.3 I'H N19*a3vOOE 121.75FT M/L TAP ~20FT E OF CONC MON NO.2 TH W 2OFT TO TPOB ~SEC 27 TWP 25 RGE 02E ~PT OF GOV L a BEG AT MEA COR BET SEC 26 & 27 ON N ~SHORE OF EAGLE HBR SD MEA COR IS ALSO THE SE COR OF ~SD GOV h ~ N O*60'W ALG E LN OF GOV h 6 !2~.32FT TO ~YPOB S 59*20' W ALG S R/W LN OF CO RD & [HE SA~ EX- ~TEXDED 76.79F1 TO CEN LN OF AX ALLEY TH S 0*40' E ~ALG SD CEN LN 30.37FT TO AN X WITH WLY PROLONGATION aOF S LN OF THE EXISTING BLDG TH S 89'33'31 E ALG SD iS I_N OF THE BLDG 76.80FT TO E LN OF GOV t ~ TH N 0* '~0' W ALG E L~q 3i.87FT TO TPOB EX RD KNOWN AS MADISON ~ST SELLERS RETIAN R/W OVER ALLEY REFERRED TO ~SEC 26 TWP 25 RGE ~TH PTN OF GOVT LOT 4 AND TH PTN OF 2ND CL TDLDS IN ~FRT OF ADj TO OR ~TG GOVT LOT 4 CtqYYD BY AUD NO ~i1'281i6 DAF, B~P ON THE W LN OF SD GOVT LOT 4 WH PT ~LIES SO*Oa'55W FR THE N~4 COR OF GOVT LOT 4 703.37FT ~SD PT OF CObOl BEING ON THE SEC LN BTW SECS 26 & 27 ~TH S89'55'05E 160.00 Fr TO TPOB TH ALG THE WLY SIDE eOF A RAVINE S19'15'40W 121.75 TH S0,04'55W 94.32ET ~TO GOVT MEA LN TH S0-04'55W 147. 29FT TO THE LN OF ~EXTREME LOW TIDE TH ALG SD t.N OF EXTREME LOW TIDE N }89-55'05W 50FT TH NO*O4'55E !03.S3FT TO GOVT MEA LN ~OF SD GOVT LOT & TH N49*Oa~ 55~ A'[X] SD MEA LN 46. 35FT: ~TH NO*O4'55E !09.90FT TH NI_9*ISv40E ]]9.0SFT TH S89-55 ~ 05E ] 5. S8FT TO TPOB "H" Winslow Wharf P.O. Box L0476 Winslow, WA 98110 OL! That portion of the bed of Eagle Harbor, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of gov- ernment lot 4, section 26; government lot 4, see- 7 , SHEET ~ CF %q e NEW OWNER OF RECORD,/ LEGAL OWNER C~TY wIN ,SLO'd , WASH INGTON ASSESSNENT ROLL P~oUECT :iO. NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION tion 26; government lot 4, section 27; and govern- ment lot 1, section 34, all in township 25 north range 2 east, W.M., in Kitsap County, Washington, more particulary described as follows: Commencing at the meander corner on the westerly line of section 26 said meander corner being south 0°04'55'' west 1016.29 feet from the northwest corner of government lot 4, said section 26; thence north 49°04'55" east along the meander line 159.00 feet; thence south 0o04'55" west 147.29 feet to the line of extreme low tide and the true point of beginning thence south 10°00'00' east 451.36 feet; thence south 89~58'41" west along a line 150.00 feet south- eriv and parallel to the pierhead line, a distance of i58.40 feet; thence south 59°58' 41" west 293.10~ feet; thence north 12°10'17'' west 300.00 feet, more~ or less, to the line of extreme low tide; thence easterly along the line of extreme low tide to the true point of beginning. MAC LEARNSBERRY INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS I'$e WYATT WAY NE LAND SURVEYORS CAINBRIDGE ISLAND. WASH. 98110 PLANNERS (206} 842-5514 \ "<7) ~,~ \ \ \ WINSLOW WHARF SHORT PLAT ~ ~er~: e-e~, :e 23 s.~tt o~ Z k/ICINtTV /MADISON MAC LEARNSBERRY INC. .(~ CIVIL ENGINEERS 159 WYATT WAY LAND SURVEYORS BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASH 91~110 . PLANNERS ~2~,~ WINSLOW WHARF SHORT PLAT DItIV~N BY B6,M J $CI, L(' D.~TE ~-s~ J a~:eao2~ 'J surer aor Z SHIDLER, McBROOM, GATES & BALDWIN A F~ROFESS~ONAL SERVICE COFRPORATIC) N LAW OFFICES iOOO NORTON B[JILDING SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98104 August 30, 1982 WILLIAM A BUTLER DAVID H BINNEY ROBERT A. ESHELMAN CONSTANCE L, PROCTOR KARL u QUACKENBUBH CRAIG R LEWIS TRENHOLME J, GRIFFIN WILLIAM · POPE G, SCOTT GFeEENBURG STEVE W. BERMAN MARTIN E Bi~ITH PETER C SPRATT Ms. Jean Buxton City of Winslow P. O. Box 10100 Winslow, Washington 98110 Re: Seg re_g__a_t_i~o_n__o f _L_I_D_~A_s~s_e_s_s_m~en_t~s Dear Ms. Buxton: This office represents the owners of the property commonly known as Winslow Wharf. Winslow Wharf Co., Inc. has recently recorded two short plats on its property. Copies of those short plats are included herein. As part of the dissolutions of the company, the property has been divided, in conformity with the short plats, among the former shareholders. Attendant to the dissolution of the company, the Winslow Wharf Condominium Marina was established. All installments on LID assessments currently due will be paid on the entire pro- perty as of August 31, 1982. It is now our wish to segregate the blance of payments owed on the existing LID assessments and to segregate future LID assessments along the property lines established by the short plats. The company wishes to segregate the balance of the current LID assessments along the property lines established by the short plats as follows: Tract 7 and Short Plat No. 1, Lot A $32,135.00 Short Plat No. 2, Lot B $23,580.00 Short Plat No. 2, Lot D $12,400.00 Short Plat No. 2, Lot A $11,000.00 Short Plat No. 1, Lot B, #2 Lots B and C and Tract 6 (Re: Marina Expansion Rights) $ 4,590.00 Ms. Jean Buxton Page 2 Should the above figures exceed the balance owed on the current LID assessments, any reduction should be made from the portion of the assessment attributed to Short Plat No. 1, Lot B, Short Plat No. 2, Lots B and C, Tract 6. The new owner- ships are as follows: Winslow Wharf Marina Condominium Owners Association Uplands Holding Company C/O Kent Miller Short Plat No. 1 Lot B, Short Plat No. 2, Lot C Short Plat No. 1 Lot A, Short Plat No. 2, Lot A and 7 Short Plat No. 2 Lot B, Short Plat No. 2, Lot D We would suggest that all statements continue to be mailed to the same address as they are now. This segregation will in no way effect or jeopardize the collectability of the LID assessments. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation. GDH:pj Enc. Sincerely,