RES 86-20 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR LIDRESOLUTION NO. 86-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, ORDERING SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS FOR LID 3A-58. The City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, resolves as follows: The City Council determined on that the segregation requested by Christopher L. Whited on his letter dated September 11, 1986 (Exhibit A) for the property known as the "Whited Short Plat" dated January 18, 1974 shown on attached Exhibit B, be made and the City Treasurer shall make the segregation ordered hereby on the original roll. 2. Amount and date of the original assessment is as follows: Original Assessment: $5,099.82 Roll Date: April 7, 1980 Property Tax Number: 4107-002-0008 Amount due to the City for reasonable engineering and clerical costs together with $10.00 for each tract of land for which segregation is made: $30.00 4. Legal description of the original tract as shown on the original assessment roll: Grows Eagle Harbor Heights Lot 2, Block 2 conveyed by Auditors No. 1051980 Boundaries of the divided parts are shown on Exhibit B, Short Plat consisting of Lots 3 and 4, filed under Kitsap County Auditor's File No.1063658, January 18, 1974 The balance of the original assessment to be segregated is: $3569.88 7. Segregated Assessments: Lot 3 1784.94 Lot 4 1784.94 $3569.88 New Assessmeht Numb 3A 5801 3A 5802 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washingto this 18th day of SEPTEMBER , 1986.