RES 86-25 SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTSRESOLUTION NO. 86-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, ORDERING SEGREGATION OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR LID 3C-2. WHEREAS, Richard H. Hood made application to the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, requesting segregation of special assessment on property, owned by him, being sold; and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington allow such segregation, pursuant to RCW 35A.43,010, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council determined on November 24, 1986, that the segregation requested by Richard H. Hood on his letter dated November 20, 1986, (Exhibit A) for property described on attached Exhibit B, be made and the City Treasurer shall make the segregation ordered hereby on the original assessment roll. Section 2. The amount and the date of the original assessment is as follows and a copy of which is attached as Exhibit C: Original Assessment: $6,087.48 Roll Date: April 7, 1980 Section 3. The amount due to the City for reasonable engineering and clerical costs together with $10.00 (ten dollars) for each tract of land for which segregation is made is $25.00 (twenty- five dollars.) Section 4. The legal description of the original tract as shown on the original assessment roll is as follows: Williams Eagle Harbor Park, Block 003 Lot 004 D-00 All of Lots 4 and 5 Section 5. The boundaries of the divided parts are shown on Exhibit D, and consist of Williams Eagle Harbor Park, Block 3, Lot 4 and Williams Eagle Harbor Park, Block 3, Lot 5. Section 6. The balance of the original assessment to be segregated is $4,261.26 (four thousand two hundred sixty one dollars and twenty six cents.) Section 7. The segregated assessment is as follows: 3C 26 Willjams Eagle Harbor Park, Block 3, Lot 4 $2,130.63 3C 27 Williams Eagle Harbor Park, Block 3, Lot 5 2,130.63 $4,261.26 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Winslow, Washington, this MINNICK, Realtors RESOLUTION NO. 86-25 180 OLYMPIC WAY · BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA 98110 · (206) 842-5666 REALTOR* November 20, 1986 City of Winslow Winslow, Wa. 98110 This letter is to confirm my request to segregate the sewer L.I.D. lien currently levied on lots ~ and block 3 Williams Eagle Harbor Park. I have recently sold these tracts and I need to clarify how much obligation to assign to each tract. I am enclosing a copy of the title report page showing the original amount of $6,087.~8 and the payments made (fully up to date) and the account number. If you need any other information please call Mrs. Diane Culp at Puget Sound Mortgage and Escrow or Floyd Luckerath at Finnick Realtors, 8~2-5668. ~hen they are segregated please notify Mrs. Culp. Sincerely, CITY OF WINSLOW BY: ...... CHICAGO TITLE AGENCY OF KITSAP COUNTY, INC. 3100 NW BUCKLIN HILL ROAD, SUITE 220, SILVERDALE, WA 98383 I' 'l L PUGET SOUND MORTGAGE & ESCROW BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA ATTN: SHIRLEY Your Loan No. Seller cc: DESCHAMPS REALTY, INC. BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA ATTN: MARILYN 'cc: MINNICK & COMPANY .BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA ATTN: FLOYD _1 Purd~mr · Our Order No. Supplemental No. SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT The following matters affect the property covered by this order. B 10665 HOOD FORE 8459 1 r-1 F~ Paragraph(s) No. 12 of our preliminary commitment is eliminated. [] The policy is being issued in eccordance with yodr instructions. D Matters dependent upon s survey or our inspection have been cleared. F1 Our inspection of the premises on 1. The following ts added to our report: Assessment: Amount: $6,087.48 Interest: 10.5% From: April 30, 1980 Annual Installments: 20 Installments Patd: 6 Next Installment Delinquent: Hay 31, 1987 Levied By: City of Winslow For: Sewer Account Number: 3C 002 discloses: ~ Except as to the matters reported hereinsbove, the title to the property cgv, ered by this order hms NOT been reamiNd. [] 'i'here has been no change in the title to the property covered by this ord.er since ' (m~te of let EXCEPT the matters noted hereinshore. Datedesof' September 30, 1986 stB;OOA.M. CHICAGOTIltEINSUIANCiCO. PAGE ................. ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DESCRIBED IN CERTIFICATE ON PAGE 1 OF TitIs ROLL 3C-2 4115-003-004-0004 HCOD, RI"~ARD H. 1159 HAP[iT WAY NE BAINBR/D~E ISLAb~, ~R 98110 .~ il jams Fa. gle Harbor Park, !~Blca 003 Lot 004 D-00 All of ~Lots4 & 5 6087 \ \ \ ' /~ 'c'/' / / /5 /,r ,,/) 'T--