RES 94-26 DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY REGARDING WYCOFF WELLWATER QUALITYRESOLUTION NO. 94-26 A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, declaring an emergency in accordance with Bainbridge Island Municipal Code 3.72.090, and waiving provisions of BIMC 3.72.040 or 3.72.070 for the Rockaway Beach Water System (Local Improvement District No. 17). WHEREAS, Bainbridge Island Municipal Code section 3.72.090 requires the City Council to approve the declaration of an emergency; and WHEREAS, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as the lead agency responsible for the Wycoff "Superfund Site", has made continuous and routine samples of the "Wycoff well" providing drinking water to the Rockaway Beach Water system; and WHEREAS, a recent sample of the "Wycoff well" indicated a possible contamination at the lowest possible level of detection; and WHEREAS, due to the construction of the "Wycoff well", EPA and the Bremerton- Kitsap County Health District are extremely concerned about the structural integrity due to the type of construction of the well casing and the protection of the various aquifers from the contaminated surface soils; and WHEREAS, both the EPA and the Bremerton-Kitsap County Health District have provided letters to the City stressing the imminent failure of the "Wycoff well" and the need to expedite the replacement of the Rockaway Beach Water source and system. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The tenuous situation of the "Wycoff well" requires expeditious action on the part of the City. Section 2. In accordance with BIMC 3.72.090, provisions of 3.72.040 or 3.72.070 are waived for the design and construction of the Rockaway Beach Water system (LID No. 17). PASSED by the City Council this 2nd day of June, 1994. APPROVED by the Mayor this 3rd day of June, 1994. ~sPFZR, CityUTHfilff'~"~ler~~'/ JANET K. WEST, Mayor 1-~06-~78-~0~1 ENUIRONMENT~L HEALTH 0~ PO~ JUN 0~ '~4 0~:51 BREMER TON-KITS,4P CO UNTY HEAL TH DIS TRICT D'ILL4 A. FISHEI~; MD,, AIPK, DIRECTOR 109 ihatin Drive Bremerton, PFashington 98312 Environmental Health Division (206) 478-5285 FAX 478-5298 June 1, 1994 Lynn Nordby Bainbridge City Manager 625 Winslow Way East Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 RE: R~quest for expeditious processing and approval of proposed LID 17; Rockaway Beach Water System Dear Mr. Nordby: The source of drinking water supply for the Rockaway Beach water system is located on the contaminated Wycoff site. The supply was devcloped at thc turn of the century prior to current protective standards. State Drinking Water Regulations (WAC 246-290-135 Source Protection) requires thc source be protected with a minimum sanitary control area of one hundred feet. This does not exist for the Rockaway Beach well. The well casing extends through contaminated soils to the aquifer and provich:s the only protection from the contamination. The thin wall well casing is in danger of collapse due to its age and type of material. If this happens, the residents will not have a potable source of water. In addition, there is a danger that the aquifer would be contaminat~l thus affecting other wells in the area. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) needs to abandon the well and seal off the aquifer from potential contamination as soon as possible. This office requests processing and approval of the proposed LID 17 on an emergency basis to expedite connection of the Rockaway Beach COmmunity tO the new city wells. This will allow EPA to proceed with sealing of the fragile well casing now in use. Don M~es RS Dir. Environmental Health Bill Bryan City of Bainbridge Public Works Jim Bleecker, Rockaway Beach Association Elizabeth Raysby, WA. Dept. Of Health In Reply Refer To: UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 10 1200 Sixth Avenue Seattle, Washington 98101 MAY 2 71994 HW-113 Lynn Nordby Bainbridge City Manager 625 Winslow Way East Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Subject: Drinking Water wells located on the Wyckoff site Dear Mr. Nordby: EPA is extremely concerned about the potential for contamination of the two drinking water wells, located on the Wyckoff facility, which supply the Rockaway Beach community. Both of these wells are located in an area of the facility where there are extremely high levels of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminants in the soils. In addition the groundwater in the upper aquifer is already contaminated with PAHs and has both dense and light non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL and LNAPL) present. A map showing the location of the wells relative to the presence of DNAPL in the upper aquifer is attached. Both of the wells are in imminent danger of collapsing or developing leaks. A collapse of the casing or the development of a leak would lead to a situation where contaminated drinking water would be consumed by the Rockaway Beach residents. The failed wells could act as conduits, introducing the contaminants to the lower aquifer which is a source of drinking water for other wells. It is not a matter of if these wells will have a problem, it is a matter of when. EPA would like to abandon these wells before the potential for exposure to contaminants in drinking water becomes a reality. We therefore encourage the city to connect the Rockaway Beach community to the new supply well in an expedited manner. We would like to coordinate our efforts with yours. Please keep us informed of your progress. Thank you. Site Manager cc w/attachment: Guy Barrett, Ecology Elizabeth Raysby, WA Dept of Health Jack Morris, WA Dept of Health Don Miles, Bremerton/Kitsap county Health District Ric Robinson, ATSDR Jim Bleecker, Rockaway Beach Association O Printecl on Recycled Paper NPE69131.06 / R 1 R0 ! 5-26-94 / CJS Pir~s Eagle Harbor <\\, %" \ ,/' · .,. "" EL ~ /' \ ,/' Approx Edge of Trees Water conveyance system piping NOES: 1. Monitoring and roundwater extraction well locations and selected structures based on land surve and 7-30-92 aedal photographs. ' and roads based on EPA 64 063 2. Water supply well designations per U.S. Naval Radio Station Map, 1943. Area where DNAPL has been groundwater monitoring wells / / -WELL C (813' deep) Appmx Edge of RipRap Buded Wingwall Buried Bulkhead Puget Sound Figure 1 LOCATION OF ROCKAWAY BEACH WATER SUPPLY WELLS STATE OF WASHINGTON RECEIVED DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PUBLIC WORKS SOUTHWEST DRINKING WATER OPERATIONS 2411 ~cificAve. · ~O. Box47823 · Olymp~, Washin~on 9~04-7823 · (206)664-0768~ [ May 24, 1994 Steve Hirschey Department of Ecology Northwest R~gional Office 3190 160th Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452 SUBJECT: Rockaway Beach Water System, ID#734507, Kitsap County; Water Right Application G1-26704 Dear Steve: I am writing this letter on behalf the City of Bainbridge and the existing customers on the Rockaway Beach Water System. I am requesting that the water right for Taylor Avenue well be expedited, if at all possible, because I would consider this a "health" emergency as the two existing wells it will replace are located on an EPA Superfund site. In addition, Peter Rubenstein, Project Site Manager with EPA, has indicated that the two existing wells on Wycoff property are also in "imminent danger of collapse" and they desire to get these wells properly abandoned (i.e., decommissioned) as quickly as possible. I know that our two Departments are currently meeting to discuss procedures for working through water resources issues. However, this particular situation I feel warrants immediate attention. If you have any questions about the Wycoff site, I recommend that you contact Peter Rubenstein with EPA at (206) 553-1067 or Guy Barrett with your own Department. They are probably the most familiar with site conditions. In short, by getting the Rockaway Beach households on to the new well, the existing wells can be properly abandoned which should reduce the threat of the contamination spreading. As I understand, Kitsap PUD No. I and the City of Bainbridge Jointly submitted a water rights application. Your Department assigned it an application number, G1-26704, back in September 1992. I am not sure where in the water right process this application currently is. Steve Hirschey$ May 24, 1994 - page 2 of 2 I believe that the City of Bainbridge will be stepping up to their responsibility of providing water service to failing water systems on the island and is planning on managing the new water system proposed for Rockaway Beach. The City has submitted a Water System Plan for their existing Winslow water system to our Department for review and approval. We have been working with the City to expand this Plan to address Satellite System Management and the City~s responsibilities for water service on the entire island. The City will also be addressing water resources in their Growth Management Plan. In addition, Kitsap PUD No. i is funding a Water Resource Study for Bainbridge Island. If you have any questions, please call ms at (206) 586-5209. WSDOH Regional Engineer SW Drinking Water Operations EAR: lr CC~ Peter Rubenstein, EPA (Superfund) Guy Barrett, Ecology (Toxics) Jack Morris, WSDOH (Toxics) Kimberly Kenner, Bremerton-Kitsap County Health Department Don Miles Bremert -Kitsa County Health Department Dave Siburg, Kitsap PUD No. 1 Bill Liechty, WSDOH SW Drinking Water Section Head Mark Shuppe, NW Dept. of Ecology Sean Orr, WSDOH SW Regional Planner £0 ' d 0I :gI NPF69t31,06 / R 1 R0 / 5-26-94 / CJS Eagle Harbor Area where DNAPL has been detected In groundWater monitoring wells WELL C (8t 3' deep) / / Water conveyance system piping Cs~o~d 2. Water supply well designations per U.S. Naval Radio STation Map, 1943. \ / Puget Sound Figure 1 -LOCATION OF ROCKAWAy BEACH WATER SUPPLY WELLS