RES 96-11 HANLEY BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY PROJECT-ADOPTION OF SSDP PERMITRESOLUTION NO. 96- 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE HANLEY BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY PROJECT (SSDP 05-30-95-1). WHEREAS, an application has been submitted to the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington by John Hanley for a Shoreline Substantial Development permit SSDP 05-30-95-1 for a beach access stairwy on the east shore of Agate Passage, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission found that (1) The permit is consistent with the criteria for shoreline substantial development permits for unclassified uses; (2) The project is permitted by the general regulations; (3) The use is permitted in the Semi -rural environment; and (4) The Shoreline Substantial Development Permit will not cause an accessory use or activity inconsistent with the goals, policies and regulations in the SMP, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission determined the permit was minor in nature, of relatively small scale and generated no significant public controversy, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission adopted the staff report as its findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommendation and referred this proposal to the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, has determined it to.be in the public interest to adopt the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission at its regular Council meeting Hanley Shoreline Substantial Development Permit !SSDP 05-30-95-1) of January 25, 1996, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The SSDP application SSDP 05-30-96-1 to the City of Bainbridge Island for the construction of a beach access stairway on Agate Passage is approved accordingly. Section 2. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Recommendation, attached as Exhibit A is hereby adopted by the City Council. o� Lu) Janet K. West, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED : Sue Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 27, 1996 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: March 7, 1996 RESOLUTION NO. 96-11 Hanley Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SSDP 05-30-95-1) (I1 ii, l ()I; BAINBRIDGE ISLAND March 13, 1996 Attorney General Of Washington 905 Plum Street, Building No. 3 PO Box 40100 Olympia, Washington 98504-0100 To Whomever It May Concern: Department of Ecology Shoreline Permit Review 3190 - 160th Avenue SE Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452 Please find enclosed a packet containing relevant information concerning an application for Shoreline Substantial Development which was approved by the Bainbridge Island City Council at its meeting of March 7, 1996. The packet contains the following: 1) Permit for Shoreline Substantial Development. 2) Resolution No. 96-11, approving a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit for the construction of an approximately 100 foot long stairway (SSDP 05-30-95-1). 3) Staff Report dated January 19, 1996. 4) Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Application and site maps. 5) Affidavit of Publication, Notice of Application. If you are in need of additional information please contact me at (206)-842-7633. Sincerely, CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND S6SAN P. KASPER City Clerk enclosures cc: Assistant Planner, Rob Garwood Mr. John Hanley Department of Planning & Community Development 13281 Manzanita Road City of Bainbridge Island Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 901 Hildebrand Lane Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 625 Winslow Way Fast • bainurioge island, WA 98110 phone 206.842 -?633 • Fax 206 -842 --`)?41 RESOLUTION NO. 96- 11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE HANLEY BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY PROJECT (SSDP 05-30-95-1). WHEREAS, an application has been submitted to the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington by John Hanley for a Shoreline Substantial Development permit SSDP 05-30-95-1 for a beach access stairwy on the east shore of Agate Passage, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission found that (1) The permit is consistent with the criteria for shoreline substantial development permits for unclassified uses; (2) The project is permitted by the general regulations; (3) The use is permitted in the Semi -rural environment; and (4) The Shoreline Substantial Development Permit will not cause an accessory use or activity inconsistent with the goals, policies and regulations in the SMP, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission determined the permit was minor in nature, of relatively small scale and generated no significant public controversy, and WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island Planning Commission adopted the staff report as its findings of fact; conclusions of law and recommendation and referred this proposal to the City Council, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, has determined it to be in the public interest to adopt the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Bainbridge Island Planning Commission at its regular Council meeting Hanley Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SSDP 05-30-95-1) of January 25, 1996, NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The SSDP application SSDP 05-30-96-1 to the City of Bainbridge Island for the construction of a beach access stairway on Agate Passage is approved accordingly. Section 2. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Recommendation, attached as Exhibit A is hereby adopted by the City Council. Janet K. West, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED : Sue Kasper, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 27, 1996 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: March 7, 1996 RESOLUTION NO. -96-11 Hanley Shoreline Substantial Development Permit (SSDP 05-30-95-1) SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ACT OF 1971 PERMIT FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT, CONDITIONAL USE, OR VARIANCE [X] Substantial Development Permit [ ] Conditional Use [ ] Variance Application No. SSDP 05-30-95-1 Administering Agency City of Bainbridge Island Date Received Approved x Denied Date of Issuance Date of Expiration Pursuant to RCW 90.58, a permit is hereby granted/denied to John Hanley (Name of Applicant) 13281 Manzanita Drive NE (Address) to undertake the following development to construct a 100 foot stairway for beach access on the east side shore of Agate Passage upon the following property 13281 Manzanita Drive Section 5 Township 25N, Range 2E, W.M. (Section, Township, Range) Within Agate Passage, Puget Sound and/or its associated wetlands. (Name of Water Area) The project will not be within shorelines of statewide significance (RCW 90.03.350) (be/not be) The project will be located within a Semi -rural designation. (Environment) The following master program provisions.are applicable to this development Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program and the Citv of Bainbridge Island Shoreline Master Program codified in Chanter 16.12 of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code, Section 16.12. 940. (State the Master Program Sections or Page Numbers): If a conditional use or variance, also identify the portion of the master program which provides that the proposed use may be a conditional use, or that portion of the master program being varied. Development pursuant to this permit shall be undertaken pursuant to the following terms and conditions: 1. The applicant will be required to obtain a building permit for the stairway. 2. All drawiings need to be stamped by a licensed structural engineer. 3. An erosion control plan must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer prior to building permit issuance. 4. All work shall take place between April 1 and October 1. 5. All conditions of the February 22, 1995 Shannon and Wilson report shall be complied with. 6. A_planting plan must be submitted and approved by the City at the time of building permit submission for the area of the slope to be disturbed and the area of native vegetation to be added to the required buffer area under buffer averaging. 7. The City Engineer recommends that the landings be supported on piers resting on either hard glacial till or in the hard sand at the lower part of -the bluff. A qualified geotechnical engineer shall determine the suitable support regions at the time of construction on site and verify in writing to the building official that piers were located appropriately. This permit is granted pursuant to the Shoreline Management Act of 1971 and nothing in this permit shall excuse the applicant from compliance with any other federal, state or local statutes, ordinances or regulations applicable to this project, but not inconsistent with the Shoreline Management Act (Chapter 90.58 RCW). This permit may be rescinded pursuant to RCW 90.68.140(8) in the event the permittee fails to comply with the terms of conditions hereof. CONSTRUCTION PURSUANT TO THIS PERMIT WILL NOT BEGIN OR IS NOT AUTHORIZED UNTIL THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FILING AS DEFINED IN RCW 90.58.140(6) WAC 173-14-090, OR UNTIL ALL REVIEW PROCEEDINGS INITIATED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE OF SUCH FILING HAVE TERMINATED; EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN RCW 90.58.140(5)(A)(B)(C). A �kl ate) (Signature of Authorized Local Government) THIS SECTION FOR DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY USE ONLY IN REGARD TO A CONDITIONAL USE OR VARIANCE PERMIT. Date received by the Department Approved Denied This conditional use/variance permit is approved/denied by the Department pursuant to chapter 90.58 RCW. Development shall be undertaken pursuant to the following additional terms and conditions: (date) (Signature of Authorized Department Official) STAFF REPORT Project: Construct a stairway to the beach File number: SSDP 05-30-95-1 ATTACHMENT A City of Bainbridge Island Department of Planning and Community Development Date: January 19, 1996 To: Bainbridge Island Planning Commission Project Manager: Rob Garwood, Assistant Planner Applicant: -Request: - . To obtain approval -of a Shoreline Substantial 'Development Permit to build a stairway, 50 feet high and approximately 100 feet in length, to the top of a bulkhead on the beach. Location: 13281 Manzanita Road, Bainbridge Island, Washington, south of Hidden Cove Road - Section 04, Township 26, Range 2 East. Zoning R-2 Shoreline Environment Designation: Semi -Rural Comprehensive Plan Designation: Open Space Residential -2 Environmental . Review: M.D.N.S. was issued December 27, 1995. No comments were received. It is recommended that, if no requests for a public hearing are received, the Planning Commission prepare findings of fact, conclusions of law and recommendation to City Council that the permit be granted without a public hearing. All other permits necessary for the construction of the stairway must be obtained, by the applicant prior to construction (BIMC 112 113 16. 17.880). S.C. P.A. CNDITI NS: 1. The applicant will be required to obtain a building permit for the stairway. 2. All drawings need to be stamped by,a licensed structural engineer. 3. An erosion control plan must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer prior to building permit issuance. 4. All work shall take place between April 1 and October 1. 5. All conditions of the February.22, 1995 Shannon and Wilson Report shall be complied with. 6. A planting plan must be submitted and apprawed by the City .at the • time. of building permit submission for the area of the slope to be disturbed and the area of native vegetation to be added to the required buffer area under buffer averaging. 7. The City Engineer recommends, that:the landings be supported on piers resting on either the hard glacial till or in the hard sand at the : lower:: part ::of the bluff. A qualified geotechnical engineer shall determine the suitable support regions -at the time of construction on site and verify in writing to the building official that piers were located appropriately. Staff Analysis L FINDINGS OF FACT A. Site Characteristics 1. AREA AND DIMENSIONS a. Tax Lot Numbers: 052502-4-024-2004. b. Assessor's Record Information Owner of record: Hanley, John. Lot size: 1.17 acres. Land use: Single family residence. 2. EXISTING USE: Single Family Residence. 3. EXISTING ZONING: R-2 fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19; 1996 114 f 4. EXISTING SHORELINE DESIGNATION: Semi -Rural B. Project History 1. This permit application was received by the City of Bainbridge Island on May 30, 1995. 2. The Notice of a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit was published on July 19 and 26, 1995. 3... The application and geotechnical report were sent to the City Engineer on August 25,1995. 4.. The proposal was recommended for approval by the City Engineer October 20, 1995 with conditions. 5. Revised site plans were received on December 5, 1995. 5. An MDNS was issued, on December. 27; 1995. The appeal period ends January 22, 1996. No comments were received.'' - C. Permits'ftuired: -This applicationrequires the -following permits; a Bainbridge Island Building Permit and compliance with FSA (BIMC 16.20), and an SSDP. The stairway ends on the top of -the bulkhead and does not require an H.P.A. or an Army Corps of Engineers Permit. D. Procedures: The City'of Bainbridge -Island 10fdinance 90-17adopted all of the Kitsap County Shoreline Master- Program except.:ParV8 Appendix I-IV. Part 8 deals with the procedure lor, the. processing of -a -Shoreline, Substantial Development Permit application-,, This section was replaced =with the Bainbridge island Municipal Code, Title 16.:12.860 prowdures..s - 1. (16.12.860 H.2)The role of : thel,Planning"Cominission is to determine the compliance of the project -with all applicable ordinances and determine if a hearing is required. 2. The following criteria must be met'by the applicant(16.12.860 K): a. The: development is consistentwith the goals and policies of the Shoreline Management Master Program;> _ b. The development is permitted by the'generaf regulations set forth for the use or activity; c. The use or activity is permitted by the regulations set forth for the specific environment in which it is to be located; d, The development will not cause a use or activity accessory to the major use or activity which is not consistent with the goals, policies and regulations in the Shoreline Management Master Program. 3. Within forty-five days of transmittal to the Planning Commission, the Commission Fage 5 fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 115 will: a. Determine whether a formal hearing is requ�red. Projects which are relatively small in scale, _ which have not generated significant public comment, and/or for which no written request for a public hearing has been received may not require a formal hearing; b. Set notice requirements for the public hearing if a formal hearing is required. c. Prepare a formal recommendation regarding whether the proposal complies with the criteria set forth for substantial development outlined in the above criteria section as well as recommendations for additional requirements necessary to insure that the project fully complies with the Shoreline Management Master Plan and all other applicable City ordinances. E. APPLICABLE GUIDELINES AND POLICIES A 1.GUIDELINES-SHORELINES OFKITSAP COUNTY (Criteria 16.12.860.K.(a and d). Part 6 Shorelines of State-wide significance. The waters of Puget Sound - Seaward from extreme low tide(-4.5;feet WAC 332-30-106 (18). The proposal does not enter into the shorelines of state-wide significance. 2. KITSAP COUNTY SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM- PART 7 -USE ACTIVITIES. UNIDENTIFIED�USE ACS. a. Shoreline. use activities .not specifically identified and for which policies and regulations have not been developed will be evaluated on a case by case basis and will be required -to -satisfy.the goals and general development policies of the Master Program (Section F.2), the policy of the. Shoreline Management Act (Section F.1) and shall be consistent with the management policy and character of the shoreline environment•.in which -they propose to -be located (Section F.2) and shall require a substantial development permit. 1. The applicant is proposing a stairway to the beach. This use is not specifially identified in the Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program. There are stairways immediately adjacent to the property (See Attachment 1). The above. regulation requires that a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit be obtained. F. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS 1. Permits for Developments on Shorelines of the state. WAC 173-14-040 (g) and (1). Developments exempt from substantial development permit requirement. fn: HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95- I Page 4 January 19, 1996 116 a. (-)Construction on wetlands* by an owner, lessee or contract purchaser of a single family residence for his own use of for the use of his family.... "Single family residence" means a detached dwelling designed for and occupied by one family including those structures and developments within a contiguous ownership which are a normal appurtenance. An "appurtenance" is necessarily connected to the use and enjoyment of a single-family residence and is located landward of the perimeter of 'a' marsh, bog, or swamp. On a state-wide basis, normal appurtenances include a garage, deck; driveway; utilities; fences and grading which does not exceed two hundred cubic yards (except the construction of a . conventional drainfield).- Lxwal circumstances may dictate additional interpretatiorxs.of normal appurtenances which shall *be set forth and regulated within the applicable master program. Construction authorized under this exemption shall be locatedlandward of: the ordinary high water mark. b. (1) Exemptions shall be construed narrowly.' The stairway could be seen as an appurtenance to the residence. However, since it is not listed either by the stat_ a or in the SMP as exempt, it is not exempt and requires an SSDP. 2. Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program Part .7 -Use Activities. The stairway is an unidentified use and has no specific regulations in the SMP. The activity must be consistent with the goals. and 'policies, both in Semi -Rural and . the General Provisions. a. Part 3- Goals. 1. Shoreline Use: to provide for a pattern of diverse land and water uses on the shoreline. The stairway will allow the applicant to access his tidelands below the residence. 2. Conservation -Resource production: to achieve production and_ utilization of renewable resources. To provide for the conservation of the natural shoreline resources. If the stairway is built as required by the City it will not aTfect the steep slope or associated vegetation. 3. History and Culture: to identify, preserve, protect and restore areas of historical, cultural, educational and scientific value. fn: HANLCY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 117 There are no known or suspected historical sites of significance on the property. 4. Economic Development: to provide for the suitable location of commercial and other economic development which is water dependent or related. The, project is not commercial in nature. 5. Public Access: to provide for, safe, convenient and diversified access for the public to publicly owned shorelines of Kitsap County and assure that intrusions will not endanger life or adversely affect fragile natural areas. The project will provide, privateaccess to private tidelands. The City building permit will insure .that the stairway will not endanger life or steep slopes. 6. Circulation: tQ correlate all existing and.proposed circulation routes and facilities with shoreline uses. . The project does not affect existing or proposed circulation on the island. 7. Recreation:. to_ _provide adequate, appropriately located, convenient and diverse recreational opportunities along .the shoreline. The project will provide private recreational access to the beach. Part 4 -Shoreline Management -Semi -Rural Purpose: The purpose of placing an area in a Semi -Rural Environment is to insure the proper, utilization of the area by a multiplicity of human uses on a fairly intense scale. It is also intended to retain certain aspects of the natural systems to maintain appearances of a rural or non -urban environment. It is intended that natural systems will interact with man's use activities. The stairway is a use allowed to other owners in the area and will disturb only a small area of the slope which will be replanted (Attachment 1). 3. Chapter 16.20 Environmentally Sensitive Areas. 16.20.080 Geologically Hazardous Areas. - C. Standards. fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 Page 6 January 19, 1996 118 1. Seismic Hazard Areas. Develdpinent in seismic hazard areas shall be in accordance with the standards for earthquake design and seismic motion of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the city. The area is not shown as seismically hazardous. 2. Development on slopes with landslide and/or erosion hazards shall comply with the following requirements. regarding erosion control, . disturbance and alteration limitations, buffers, development location, development design, and landscaping. a. Erosion Control. An erosion control plan shall be submitted to the director for approval prior to any clearing, grading, construction or other development. In addition, clearing, grading or filling of sloped -areas containing landslide or erosion hazard areas shall be limited to the period between April 1st and October f 1st, unless the applicant. provides an erosion control plan that specifically identifies methods of erosion control for wet -weather conditions. b. Disturbance. and Alterations. i. All authorizers clearing for roads, utilities, etc. shall be limited to the minimum necessary to accomplish the engineering design. Alterations shall meet the following requirements: (A) All proposed clearing shall be marked in the field for inspection and approval -prior to alteration of site; ,and .. _ (B) .The, lace of cut -and fill on slopes shall be prepared and maintained to control against erosion and instability; ii. The proposal will not increase the rate of surface water discharge or sedimentation and will not decrease adjacent property slope stability; and - iii. The applicant shall provide geotechnical analysis to indicate that: (A) There -is no significant risk to the development proposal or adjacent properties; .. or : _ (B) The ; pzoposal � can . be . designed _ so that -the : geological hazard is significantly eliminated or mitigated such that the site and adjacent property are rendered as safe as an area without geological hazards; and The geotechnical report has been reviewed by the City Engineer and approved with conditions. An erosion control plan will be approved at the time of building permit application (See Attachments 'F and G). iv. To reduce the risk of landslide and erosion, the following maximum slope disturbances are recommended, as set forth in the chart below, relating to maximum slope disturbance recommendations: Slope Disturbance Slope Recommendation Factor 15-24% 60% .60 25-39 % 45 %n .45 Page 7 fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 119 40% or greater 30% .30 The stairway will disturb less than 30% of the slope area. c. Buffers. A buffer of 50 feet shall be provided from the edge of all slopes that are subject to landslide or erosion hazards. The edge of a slope is defined as the top, toe and sides of the slope. The buffer may be extended beyond these limits to mitigate hazards. The buffer may be reduced if the applicant provides expert'verification by a geotechnical engineer and environmental information that demonstrate to the sa4isfaction of the director -that the proposal will not adversely. impact an FSA. The stairway as designed is on the slope and has g geotechnical report approved by the City : Engineer --which -wilk condition it so as to prevent a slope destabilization. The stairway will bridge1he required 25 foot minimum buffer. The stairway and landings will disturb an area o€ 750 square' -feet. (Attachments F and G). d. Development Location. i. Development, must be- located -.to< -minimize slope disturbance, and to minimize removal of ;vegetation;, and retain open space; ii. Structures must be, clustered where possible to reduce slope disturbance and maintain natural -topographic character and -iii .. Structures should conform to 'natural' contour of slope and foundations should --be tiered -where possible to -conform to existing topography of site. The location has been approved by a geotechnical engineer and. the City Engineer(Attachments Yand`G). The applicant -will be required to obtain a City Building permit prior to construction. The disturbance of the site will be limited to the area of the stairway itself and a. replanting plan will be required to revegetate the disturbed areas. The stairway has been tiered in order to conform to the natural contours -(Attachments C and E). e. Development Design. i. All development proposals shall be designed to minimize the footprint of building and other disturbed areas. Common access drives. and utility corridors are required where feasible; ii. All development shall be designed to minimize impervious lot coverage and where feasible should incorporate under -structure parking and multi-level structures; iii. Roads, walkways and parking areas should be designed to parallel the natural contours; and fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 120 iv. Access shall be in'the least sensitive area of the site. The stairway will be limited to the already disturbed area of the slope. The area will be revegetated as part of the permit.. The stairway is tiered to conform to the natural contours (Attachments C and E). Sections i and ii do not apply. f. Landscaping. The disturbed area of a development site shall be landscaped to provide erosion control. Landscape plantings should .include -trees and shrubs with a mix of shade, flowering, and coniferous and broad -leaf evergreens that are either native to the Puget Sound region or are valuable to western Washington birds as described .'In the Department of. Wildlife "Plants for Wildlife in Western Washington". A replanting plan will be approved as part of the required building permit. D. Additional -Standards for Greater Than 40 Percent Slopes. 1. All proposed development, on slopes greater than 40 percent within a vertical height.:of at .least 10 feet- (a verticaLlise of _10 feet or more for every 25 feet of horizontal. distance), should be .avoided df possible: Applications for development shallinclude studies by a geotechnical engineer that -evaluate the subsurface conditions. and-,offera appropriate engineering !solutions, including increased slope stabilization methods: The applicant has submitted:.a geotechnical report which was approved by the City Engineer(Attachments F and G). The site has a slope of approximately 53, percent.,-.- 2. ercent.: 2. The following activities are permitted provided that applicable standards in subsection 16.20.080C can be met, or where the applicant has demonstrated through a report prepared -by a geotechnical engineer that no adverse impact will result from the proposal and where approved surface water drainage will result in minimum slope ,and vegetation disturbance: a. The construction of approved public or private trails_.provided they are constructed of material, for example cable lift access, which will. not contribute to surface water runoff; b. The construction of public or private utility corridors provided it has been demonstrated that such alterations will not increase landslide or erosion risks; and c. Trimming and limbing of vegetation for the creation and maintenance of view corridors provided that the soils are not disturbed and activity will not increase the risk of landslide or erosion. fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 Januar% 19, 1996 121 The proposed stairway will provide private'access-and has been approved by the City Engineer based on a geotechnical report submitted by the applicant which was used to condition the construction' (Attachments F and G). 16.20.090 -Wetlands and Streams. 2. Stream Buffers. The following stream'side-buffers shall be maintained: Stream Type . Buffer a. Waters of Puget Sound 50' b. Type 1, 2, 3 or anadromous fish streams 50 feevon each -side of bank c. Type 4 25 feet on each side of bank d. For streams that have been voluntarily upgraded and not used to fulfill mitigation requirementg, the required buffer shall be determined by the stream category prior to upgrading: The parcel is situated on Puget Sound and requires a 50 foot buffer is required. 4. Buffer Width,: Averaging.Standard�bufferizones may be modified by averaging buffer widths: Width averaging 'shall be allowed only where the'applicant, through a report prepared by a qualified .professional; demonstrates all -sof the following: a. That width averaging: will.not adversely -impact the- functions and values; and b. That the total area contained within the buffer after averaging is no less than that contained within the required buffer prior to averaging. In no instance shall the buffer width be reduced, by more-than,-50=percent of-the`required buffer or be less than. 25 feet.,.. - c. Buffer width averaging may not be used in conjunction withbuffer width reduction. The applicant proposes tq use buffer width averaging_ for the intrusion of the stairway .tower within 25 feet of OHW.,''he stairway -will terminate on top of the bulkhead which, is beyond -they Ordinary•High-- Water (OWH) line. The applicant will need to submit a planting plan,for the area bUthe--disturbed slope along with confirmation by ,a wetland biologist that the planting and disturbance will not adversely impact the shoreline. -The area where. the stairway is to be placed is already stripped of vegetation. The stairway landings will intrude 25 feet into the required 50 foot buffer and then bridge the final £5 feet. The stairway and landings will disturb an of 750 square feet in the northeast corner of the slope. (See Attachment E). G. SEPA Determination: MDNS issued December 27, 1995. fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 122 if. CONCLUSIONS A. Site Characteristics: The site has a single family residence with stairways on the other properties in the area and can accommodate a single family stairway. B. History: The permit application was received April 30, 1995 and is properly before the Planning Commission. C. Permits Required: A Shoreline Substantial Development permit, a City of Bainbridge Island Building Permit.. D. Procedures: 1.The applicant has met all the application requirements. The Planning Commission must determine if a public hearing is needed. 2. Decision criteria: a. The development is consistent with the goals and policies of the Kitsap County Shoreline Management Master Program (Section E). . The stairway is consistent with the Kitsap County Master Program. b. The development is permitted bythe general regulations set forth for the use (Section F). The stairway is consistent with the policies in the Semi -Rural Environment in which it will be located (Section F). d. The use will not cause a use of activity accessory to the major use or activity which is inconsistent with.the goals, policies, and regulations of the Kitsap County Shoreline.Management Master Program (Sections E., and F.). The stairway is consistent with the Kitsap County Shoreline Master Program. 3. Compliance with the Environmentally Sensitive Ordinance BIMC 16.20. The proposal is in compliance with Chapter 16.20.080 and 16.20.090. G. SEPA Determination:MDNS issued on December 27, 1995. LII. ATTACHMENTS A. Application. B. Vicinity map. fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 123 Stairway Plan. Aerial photograph of site. Site Plan showing buffering averaging area. Report from Shannon and Wilson, dated February 22,`_i995. Letter from Kato and Warren to Jeff Jensen, dated September 19, 1995. Assessor's Map. Letter from John Hanley to Rob Oa -wood, dated November 28, 1995. Paae 12 fn:HANLEY SSDP 05-30-95-1 January 19, 1996 r �• a• 4 l -.•� �w � �7 % •. •r� : �1t � Yp �,i� {•� � � + � � . .� is .. � , Rn ,��ti� �� r ' ' `�i� ]fes `t : 3 � !� ' � A�, r t ,� �Y . 1'l t a � �c �; ' •'` ° { )- ` i, _.���+_l:k' � .t.a`�....e -•7,C, ✓'c— � � it l Y� i �s � s1� i l .e i j �4� ��R"N:.. �; rji Y �r 1� s•"" �t �, Jj�tt �` . � �� �' `—''� �� 7i �e i1� � ' �~ "�r��'e �..a� °reb�Q F3�..c: �:fk � } ft�'�tr.�=,�E��1����G�1��•�-:It111��SiCli1���[�`��!,2 ��i �4 �� .r w �. ISi� 3:. - i t. v� ji-s ^ It �•_ ! `. +i r 77� >sXi � � t r� �, f(jh'? J �� �. ����.+o�T_t.c��.n•. .w!'..r�..,....�;, .. ,.. _t�.0 ._ .3:.. :- t:4;�'"`.E_ .. ,. .. .. it .� _ .3.i..?.... ... ... --_ .. . _.- _ ._� _ .:"ice -' f - „•' � . •ice- • i ;.1 .� ..1: i� - - _ "� .'i 14, at mac, an• z. .. . ,...... � rse. •r.uc•�,,.:Ja,rr�1. .a..�. '1r- .ti:.dsr� h � Ju3 '� . "..� KtNL I Y 124 ,--206 642 8757 P_ @_ r.TTACHMENT A City of Bainbridge Island SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ` File Number.- -5n r) pos - 30 gs- i ' f r Tax assessor's number 0 5 2 5' 0 2 4 0 2 4 2 0 04 Project street address:13),81 `l a n z a n i t a R d' MAY -3-0199S Appliption`fee#Too. _0 Dater�oceived. Treasurer's receipt number: 2�W,7 Date environmental d ecklistreceived: - 5.30.4s Five (5) copies of the completed application and sixteen (16) copies of the required drawings must be submitted to the Department of Planning and Comtm6ity Development. Shoreline Substantial Development Pe iit applications will not be forwarded for review until the application packet is complete. DETAILS OF MUS`13NG PROJECT SITE 1. Nameofprope owner.- John :_Hanley . Address: 132_$1 Man zani t a .iRd NE - Bainbridge Isldn'd, WA phone:. 842-8210 2. If the owner of record as shown by.* county assessor`s office is not the applicant, the owner's signed and aotanzed auth n must accompanythis application. p0plicantname >:andGoave' tructures, Inc. or Contacterson p. -FJ e r ry- iu g h e s -Address: 3 3�0'-!; W' -4-3-t d" -Street , Suite 2 21 Renton, WA .98055 Phone:235-5716 3. Legal description ofproject site (or attach): Attached 4. General location of site: -13281 M a n t a ni t o Rd NE 5. Property Dimensions: 10 0 ' x 512 x 101 ' x 5 0 6 ' To tal property area: 1.17 acres 6. Record of subdivision or short subdivision: 4299 7. Shoreline Designation (environment as defined in 16.12570 - 610): R u r a 1 8. Common name of adjacent water area or wetlands area: Rich Passage - Puget Sound 9. Current use of property: Single Family Dwelling City of Bainbridge Island Department of Planning and Community Development 625 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge island, WA 98110 N,_ I HU e1 :58_ -EM DESCHAMPS REALTY 06 642 8757 P-Qz 125 City of Bainbridge Island SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 10. Does the site have an environmentally sensitive area as defined by the ESA Ordinance 092.07)? yps 11. Zoning: R-2 Comprehensive plan designation: R u r a 1 12- Current zoning and useofadjacent property: north.i R=2 Single Family Dwelling South.. "R-2—Single Family Dwelling e= R-2 Vacant wcM- - 'Puget Sound DLzrAu-s OF PROJECT PROPOSAL Type of Application: 13 * % X ShYerrridt Variance —Conditional Use 14. Intended use of the land, as well as the sequence and timing of the proposed development: intent of' this project 'is-, to Oro-,Vi-de-?b'eatb'F--'a-'ccess-,tl3an , �cisting—single family 'dwe11ing.,.;.,_ 15, Dim6asions .,p.fproposed_structures ..615,..,-Ii-neal.i-.feeofi.42; wide ,-,-s'tai rw:ay'lramp connecting-to,,41;,9`x-jr-5-1,-.x241l,.I�'hig-h""�..;t�4'0-"W'd��-_r�. ".,? 16. Ilefgfit orpro e0uildingi or R r o i g c t t o be 27,'6" above _grade'(inclusi e,;pf,-jaandtAi, h 17.Square footage of all spaces. Stdrag Retail:- Residential: Pffice:• Other. 18. Number of stories pioposed: N A 19. Square feet per story.- 1) NIA 2) 11 A 3) N1 A_ Basement: N /A 20. Setback requirements: north: south: West 21. Number of parking stalls required: N/A Number of parking'stalls proposed: N I A 22. Square footage of proposed paved areas: NIA 23. Percentage of site to be covered by impervious surfaces: < I (If the proposal results in more than 1,000 square feet of additional impervious surface., a drainage plan shall be required) City of Bainbridge Island Department of Planning and Community Development 625 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110- /')0L<% OA') 126 ✓- - ---- LtSL;Hf4r1P5 REALTY --206 842 8757 P.6— r City of Bainbridge Island SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 24. Percentage of site to be covered by landscaping: N / A %, Percentage of parking area to be covered by landscaping_ N / A 25. Percentage of site to remain undeveloped: 26. Source of water: N / A - 27. Method of sewage disposal: N / A If the development proposes septic tanks, explaia bow ircomplies with local and state regulations N/A 28. For multi -family and mobile home parks only: Proposed dedication of land or fee agreement for park and reacreational facilities: N / a 29. Is the applicant proposing any terms, conditions,"covenants and:agreernents or other documents l�sg.. �il moo+ ?i.d.�au•.+•r•k - _ regarding the untended developmenG�IfyYes;'attachcopies) 1` t No 30. Is- the proposal part of a phased deveiopmeaYplaa? Tf soy an outline of the future plans must be submitted 31. List any other permits .for this project from state, fetal or local governmental agencies for which you have applied or will apply, including: ttie aacaeof ffie issuing agency, whether the permit has been applied for, and if so, the date the ima�pplication was �prOved or deaied, and the applic�tttton oc •pertnitnumber: Bainbridge Builifing Permit; ESA Buffer Ave=aging, SEPA 32. Does this project require a shoreline locaiton? If yes, explain why: Project would s i t atop an existing basalt bulkhead Attachments: General review criteria Drawing requirements Ownerlagent agreement Shoreline Master Program (WMC 16.12) SEPA checklist Conditional use review criteria (if applicable) Variance review criteria (if applicable) City of Bainbridge Island Department of Planning and Community Development 625 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 127...— — — --- --. . r,v u<c�c rr, ucaa..nNl•�ra rccrt� 1 r OWNERJAPPLICANT AGREEMENT The undersigned is owner(s) of record of property identified by the Kitsap County Assessofs Account Number 05250240242004 located at is Manzanita Rd NE - The undersigned hereby give consent and approval to an application for a Beach Access Stairway of the land referenced above -as initiated by Landscape S t ruc t-ur e s , Inc. agting for the undcrsigm& STATE OF WASHINGTON) l SS. Owner of record COUNTY OF KMAP �4 �c:-s�:�•L�'�t-; 19<<`- ,beforeme,theundersigned,a On this � day of �� Notary Public, in and for the State afW ' a, duty comcnmoned and sworn, personally 2ppeared to me lrnown`as'he individuat.(s) .described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and aclawwledgeilo dist they, signed and sealed the said instrument, as their free and voluntary ad aad deed of said corpo�zation for -the uses -and piir�oses tii'e�rein mentioned, and on oath stated that he www. authorized�.tojf �e�cecute said. iastiumeati �•. )WITIMSS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate above written. The - Gl + i �ay of otazyub 1 in and for the State of Washington, 8 ��� � .� residing at •L�i li �� �i OF W*SKV:A C �YIYY\l�`j �L�E��X- 128 -->06 842 87t$7 P. 07 DRAWING REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORr7 INE PERMITS (PAGE 2) PROFILE DRAWING Typical cross-section or sections showing: a. cidstwg ground elevations b. proposed ground elevation c: height of existing stru9,tures d. height of proposed structures YC 1. Indicate site location using natural points of reference (roads, state highways, prominent landmarks; etc.) 2. If the development involves the removal of any soils by4redging or otherwise, Pleas,- -identify -the-proposed -disposal lease-identify-the-proposed-disposal site od the map: If the disposal site isbeyond the confines of the vincity map, provtde.aaother vianity map`slibwing the prei eine location of die disposal site and its distance to the nearest city or town. 3. Give a briefnarrative des ippon of thegencml nature of .the improvements and land use vs"thin-one thousand feet mall directions from. development site (e g.reside�tial to the north, commercial to the south, etc.) - City of Bainbridge Island Depaalment of Community Development 625 Winslow Way East, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 842-255?. 129 0 U9F ATTACHMENT B Bainbridge Keview P.O. Box 10817 • Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (206) 842-6613 Affidavit of Publication County Of Kitsapl as: State Of Washington f Chris Allen being first duly sworn, upon oath deposes and says: That (s)he is the publisher of the Bainbridge Island Review, a weekly newspaper. The said newspaper is a legal newspaper by order of the superior court in the county in which it is published and is now and has been for more than six months prior to the date of the first publication of the Notice hereinafter referred to, published in the English language continually as a weekly newspaper in Bainbridge Island, Kitsap County, Washington, and is now during all said time was printed in Kitsap County, Washington. That the annexed is a true copy of Permit - John Hanley as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplemen- tal form) of said newspaper once a week for period of two weeks, commencing on the 19thday of July 1995 and ending on the 26th day of July , 19 9 5 , both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its sub- scribers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $ g0,00 , which amount has been paid in full. (Signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this 26th day of JUIV , 19 95 ary u is in and for the State of Washington, residing ; in Bremerton, Washington. , NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR A BEACH ACCESS STAIRWAY Notice is'hereby given thafJohn Hanley who is the owner of_the below described proper- tyhas filed an application fdr_a'Shoreline ' Substantial Development Permit front John Hanley to construct beach access talrway:: located at 13281 Maiizaniia Road 9NE ; Bainbridge' Island, Kitsap County,' Washington of -Section 5; Township25, Range 2 _East. The City of_Bainbridge ,Island will conduct a review of this permit.appiica tion under Chapter 16.12, of the Bainbridge island Municipal Code.• . Any person desiring to submit written corn merits concerning this applicahori may sub mit su6h comments or desiring to receive a, copy of the final order after issuance: of the final older may submit such comments or requests for orders to the City of Bainbridge Island within thirty days of;;the final publica- tion of this. notice which ,isJuly 26, 1995. Written :comments must 't.. be received ,by - August N, ,1995. %dd comments to, Rob Garwood, Planner_-,.,,,-:_'_ city of Bainbridge island i Department of=Planning,and Community. Development 901 H!!0tranri i ane EISI Ill tr f2-2!:52 Dale r.l lir:;' mi!.; 07119195 &'"£i i Date of last publication: 01/26/95 (BR51)=