RES 97-24 APPROVAL THE CITY'S UPDATE TO THE STATE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM.RESOLUTION NO. 97-24 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, holding a Public Headrig and approving the City's annual update to the WSDOT required State Transpodation Improvement Program. WHEREAS, the City is required to hold a Public Hearing prior to approve the required annual update to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and WHEREAS, the STIP was developed in accordance with elements in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the required Public Hearing was scheduled and held at 7:00 PM, Thursday, July 17, 1997 Council meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. Approve and adopt the annual update to the State Transpodation Improvement Program (STIP). PASSED by the City Council this /?'~ day of "J"~¢~' ,1997. APPROVED by the Mayor this/~' day of x,~¢y' ,1997. Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney FORM 2 (Rev. 12/30/93) file - wab\agenda\STIP97R97-24 F:\DMS\R P K\0049229.02 07/08/97 -1- 07/08/97 I, # Gr,~',.~.~/ ~,~--/,4/~'l,~j #, City Clerk of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington· certify that the attached copy of Resolution No. # ~7~'~4.~ is a true and correct copy of the original resolution passed on the /?Z~day of # ~'Z~-y' ,19~.7#, as such resolution appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this ,,~/s~.- day of # ._ff":U (-y' · 19 ~7#. C lerk FORM 2 (Rev. 12/30/93) file - wabX, agenda\STIP97R97-24 F:X, DMS\R P K\0049229.02 07/08/97 -2- 07/08/97 TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS - Summary 1998-2003 The Public Works Committee has reviewed the annual Capital Improvement Program (CIP). the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and the annual ROADS MAINTENANCE (MX) Program and has summarized a six-year Transportation Plan, as follows; 1 998 · ROADS Maintenance Program- $1,000,000 (Overlays- 1997 Patching). · Capital Projects $Totai $COBI Grant/Loan · LMBB 1,300,000 523,000 STP-E/PW'TF/PFP · Wardwell - WSDOT 400,000 80,000 US Demo · Vincent Road 700,000 500,000 LID · High School Road 600,000 200,000 STP-R · Wyatt Way PE/ROW 96.000 96,000 1999 · ROADS Maintenance Program - $1,000,000- Overlays · Capital Projects $ Total $COBI · Wyatt Way CN 772,000 · Blakely Hill Road · Lynwood Ctr Rd/gike Shldr · Winslow Way- 305-Ferncliff 330,000 66,000 · Miller/New Brooklyn I/S 187,000 46,000 ~000 772.000 ROADS Maintenance Program -$1,000,000- Overlays Capital Projects $ Total $COBI · Ft Ward Road 730,000 730,000 · Wing Point Way 1.088,000 300,000 · Miller Road Bike Shldr Grant/Loan UATA HES Grant/Loan PWTF 2001 · ROADS Maintenance Program - $1,000,000- Overlays · Capital Projects $Total $COBI · Winslow Way, 305-Mad 1,524,000 1,524,000 · Madison No. Bike Shldr · Manitou Beach Drive 529,000 529,000 Grant/Loan File - wab\~vorkX, 97CIP.sum 07/0;'t/97 2002 · ROADS Maintenance Program - $1,000,000 - Overlays · Capital Projects $ Totaft $COBI · Day Road East 1,005,000 1,005,000 · Mandus Olson -new · Fletcher Bay Bike Shldr Grant/Loan 2003 ROADS Maintenance Program - $1,000,000- Overlays Capital Projects · Weaver Road · New Brooklyn Rd Ext · Winslow Way, Mad-Grow · 305/Seabold I/S · 305/Phelps Rd. · Miller/Koura I/S $ Total 256,000 $COBI Grant/Loan 256,000 8O 1,000 8O 1,000 2,978,000 2,031,000 You will notice that the Public Works Committee has recognized a need for a considerable investment in the roads including an increased amount for the annual ROADS Maintenance Program. This is a significant departure from use of the Pavement Management System (PMS) Study in that that approach addressed only the surface condition and past history has proven that most at' the City's roads do not have an adequate road-bed base which requires they be "constructed" rather than "maintained". As a consequence, the annual ROADS MX Program utilized a significant portion in "patching" the failed or inadequate road-bed with a considerable reduction in anticipated overlays. File - wab'~xt ork",97CIP.sum 07/08/97 .................................................................................................... T C R .......................................... (JUL 18 '97 CITY OF BAINBRIDGE DATE 04:30PM) .............. (MANUAL) START REMOTE TERMINAL TIME RE- MODE TOTAL PERSONAL LABEL FILE TIME IDENTIFICATION SULTS PAGES NO. ............................. TRANSMISSION .......................................................................................................................................................... JUL 17 08:31AM 89: i, 10: 15AM 11: 06AM i~ 11: 12AM 01: 17PM 01: 24PM 03: 13PM 04: 17PM JUL 18 09:16AM 10: 31AM 10: 40AM 11: 09AM 11: 47AM 01: i£PM 01: 16PM 01: 23PM 02: 10PM ' 02: 15PM 82: 57PM ~ 03: 19PM {33: 33PM 03: 46PM '~ 04: 25PM ............................. RECEPTIOM JUL 17~ : 89: 35AM 09: 55AM 12: 10PM 1~. ~PM 03: 06PM JUL 18 OZ: 13PM OP: 21PM 03: 22PM £06 842 0316 00'37" OK ES 01 EXECUTIVE DEPT 009 605 232 2601 00'29" OK ES 01 FIMAMCE DEPT 011 780 3710 00'53" OK ES 03 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 015 ?80 3710 00'25" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 016 780 3710 01'59" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 017 780 3710 00'25" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 018 780 3710 00'3?" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 022 780 3710 00'39" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 023 2063401369 00'57" OK ES 02 FIMAMCE DEPT 027 ?80 3710 00'45" OK ES 02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 028 908 782 024? 00'33" OK ES 01 FINANCE DEPT 029 PIERCE CO JUV COURT 00'45" OK S 01 POLICE DEPT 030 780 3710 00'38" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 031 780 3710 00'32" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 032 780 3710 00'39" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 033 780 3710 01'27" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 034 780 3710 00'52" OK ES 02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 037 206 842 4434 00'32" OK ES 01 FIMANCE DEPT 040 780 3710 ~'59" OK ES 02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 041 780 3710 00'28" OK ES 01 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 042 INTUITY AUDIX 01 00'37" OK S 01 FINANCE DEPT 044 00'58" OK ES 02 FINANCE DEPT 046 2067805104 01'~8" OK ES - 02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 047 425 635 7720 10'52" OK ES 20 FINANCE DEPT 049 i 360 698 9668 14'53" OK S 20 FINANCE DEPT 050 360 705 6830 03'37" OK ES 12 PUBLIC WORKS DEPT 052 206.8710455 02' 13" OK - S 02 012 00'38" OK ES 01 013 U.S. BANK 01'54" OK D 02 014 3607534896 02'25" OK ES 05 019 360-753-4896 03'51" OK ES 04 021 780 3710 01'07" OK ES 03 026 00'39" OK ES 01 043 503-538-7606 01'41" OK S 02 045 206 842 4434 00'57" OK ES 02 048 TX: 022803 RX: 024780 E)ECM~ >)REDUCTION S)STAMDARD @)FORWARDING M)MEMORY C)CONFIDENTIAL ~)BATCH D) DETAIL $) TRANSFER F)FIME P)POLLIMG CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND Public $Vor 'ks Department (206) 842-6860 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: TO: rmE.. FROM: NOTE: COMPANY: ?AX NO.: CITY: SENDER NAME, NAME OFTA CT: SUBJECT OF FAX: We are transmitting pages including this cover sheet. If you do not receive all of the pages or if there is a quality problem, please contact sender at (206) 842-6860. C 0 M M E N T S - 625 Winslow Way East · Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 Phone 206-842-7633 * Fax 206-842-5741 RESOLUTION NO. ?7-24 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, holding a Public Hearing and approving the Cify's annual update to the WSDOl' required State Transportation Improvement Program. WHEREAS, the City is required fo hold a Public Hearing prior fo approve the required cmnual update fo the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and WHEREAS, the STIP was developed in accordance with elements in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Comprehensive Plan, and WHEREAS, the required Public Hearing was scheduled and held at 7:00 PM, Thursday, July 17, 1997 Council meeting. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. Approve and adopt the annual update to the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). PASSED by the City Council this //?'~' day ot~ '",/"~' ,1997. APPROVED by the Mayor this /,~ day of 'x~,,,' , 1997. Mayor ATFEST/~TICAT~E: , APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney FORM 2 {Re,,,. I2/30/93) file - wcb\ogendc\STIP97R97-24 F :\ DM.S \ R P ~:\CO4922"9 O2 07/08/97 -I- 07/08/97 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program In Order by County, Agency, City, TIP Year Priority, Funding Status Projects seperated by County, Agency Printed 07/18/97 6YRTIP.FRX SNV Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : Kitsap County Func Project CI Pri Identification City Bainbridge Island 02 0 Six Year Transportation lmt. ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Imp Total Util Start -- Federal RAP,etc. Type Length Codes Date Fund Code Cost Code Cost 06 2.000 [ C P S T W I Funding Secured SR305 BIKE/PED FACILITY Ferry Terminal to High School Road Bike Pedestrian Facility City Bainbridge Island O0 0 Local/ State Revision: PE 1/1997 STP(E) 15 0 10 RW 611997 STP(E) 30 0 10 CN 611997 STP(E) 195 0 40 PROJECT TOTAL 240 0 60 06 130.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes Revision: ROADS Resurfacing 130 miles of paved roadway City Bainbridge Island 00 0 Total 0 New Sidewalks Various roads annually 25 40 235 300 ALL 1 / 1998 0 0 1,000 1,000 ALL 1 / 1999 0 0 1,000 1,000 ALL 1 / 2000 0 0 1,000 1,000 ALL 1 / 2001 0 0 1,000 1,000 ALL 112002 0 0 1,000 1,000 A L L 1 / 2003 0 0 1,000 1,000 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 6,000 6,000 01 10.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS Various locations ALL 1 / 1998 ALL 1 11999 ALL 1 / 2000 ALL 1/2001 ALL 1 12002 ALL 1 12003 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 50 50 0 0 300 300 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 Rg7-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2od 3rd 4th-6th PE 25 0 0 0 RW 40 0 0 0 CN 235 0 0 0 Total 300 0 0 0 PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 Total 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 5O 50 50 15O Total 50 50 50 150 Utilities Legend G Gas P Power TTelephone O Other C CableTV S Sewer WWater 6YRTIP.FRX S/W Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : KJtsap County Func Project CI Pri Identification City Bainbridge Island 00 0 New Bike Lanes City Bainbridge Island 00 0 Six Year Transportation lml._ ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Imp Total Util Start --Federal RAP,etc. Type Length Codes Date Fund Code Cost Code Cost 01 10.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes BIKE LANES Various Locations Local/ State Revision: Total 0 ALL 1/1998 0 0 100 100 ALL 1/1999 0 0 100 100 ALL 1/2000 0 0 100 100 ALL 1 / 2001 0 0 100 1 O0 ALL 1 / 2002 0 0 100 100 ALL 1/2003 0 0 100 100 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 600 600 03 0.000I C P S T W I Subject to Selection Revision: 0 SR305 Corridor on Ave., Spodsman Club & Day Rd IlS SR305 - Winslow Way, High Sch. Rd., Madis Reconstruction ALL 1 / 2003 DEMO 750 0 108 858 0/ 0 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 750 0 108 858 03 1.000 I C P S T W 1 Funding Secured Revision: 0 FERNCLIFF AVENUE Winslow Way to High School Road City Bainbridge Island 07 1 Reconstruction PE 1/1994 STP(R) 115 TIA 18 0 133 RW 1/1996 STP(R) 57 TIA 9 0 66 CN 7/1997 STP(R) 1,128 TIA 185 0 1,313 CN 711997 0 UATA 66 66 132 PROJECT TOTAL 1,300 278 66 1,644 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07117197 07117/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-6th PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 100 100 100 300 Total 100 100 100 300 PE 0 0 0 112 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 0 0 0 746 Total 0 0 0 858 PE RW CN Total 0 66 1,445 1,511 Utilities Legend Gas P Power TTelephone O Other Cable TV S Sewer W Water 6YRTIP.FRX SNV Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : Kitsap County Func Project CI Pri Identification City Bainbridge Island 06 2 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 01 3 Six Year Transportation lml._ ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Imp Total Util Start Federal RAP,etc. Type Length Codes Date Fund Code Cost Code Cost 03 1.000 I C P S T W I Funding Secured LOWER MADISON/BRIEN/BJUNE Winslow Way-Parfitt/Brien/Bjune Local/ State Revision: Total 0 PE 1 / 1994 STP(E) 47 92 0 139 CN 6/1997 STP(E) 393 509 412 1,314 CN 611997 0 100 102 202 PROJECT TOTAL 440 701 514 1,655 12 O000 I C P S T W I Funding Secured Revision: 0 SR305 SPORTSMAN CLUB Intersection Improvements Wardwell Alignment City Bainbridge Island 00 4 Reconstruction SR305/Sportsman ClubNVardwell PE 1 / 1997 R W I / 1997 CN 6/1998 PROJECT TOTAL 03 0.500 I C P S T W VINCENT ROAD DEMO 432 0 108 540 DEMO 240 0 60 300 DEMO 320 0 80 400 992 0 .248 1,240 Planning Purposes Revision: 0 Fletcher Bay Road - Island Center PE 1/1997 RW 111998 CN 1/1998 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 42 42 0 0 187 187 0 0 471 471 0 0 700 700 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-6th PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 1,516 0 0 0 Total 1,516 0 0 0 PE 540 0 0 0 RW 300 0 0 0 CN 400 0 0 0 Total 1,240 0 0 0 PE 42 0 0 0 RW 187 0 0 0 CN 471 0 0 0 Total 700 0 0 0 Utilities Legend Gas P Power TTelephone OOther Cable TV S Sewer W Water 6YRTIP.FRX SNV Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: O6/03/96 MPO Agency County Func CI Pri City O7 5 City O7 6 City 07 7 : ALL : Bainbridge Island : Kitsap County Project Identification Bainbridge Island Reconstruction Bainbridge Island Six Year Transportation lml~_ ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Imp Total Util Start Federal RAP,etc. Type Length Codes Date Fund Code Cost Code Cost 03 0.000 I C P S T W I Subject to Selection HIGH SCHOOL ROAD PRESERVATION Sportsman Club to South Madison Local/ State Total Revision: 0 PE 7/1997 STP 105 0 57 162 RW 8/1997 STP 3 0 2 5 CN 6/1998 STP 335 0 205 540 PROJECT TOTAL 443 0 264 707 03 0,170 I C P S T W I Funding Secured Revision: 0 1-WINSLOW WAY EAST Reconstruction/Enhancement Bainbridge Island SR305 - Ferncliff Ave. PE 1/1997 0 UATA 26 6 32 RW 1/1998 0 UATA 27 7 34 CN 61 1999 0 UATA 237 59 296 PROJECT TOTAL 0 290 72 362 12 0.500 I C P S T W I Funding Secured Revision: 0 MILLER/FLETCHER BAY/NEW BROOKLYN MilledFletcher Bay/New Brooklyn P E 1 / 1997 0 44 5 49 RW 1/1998 0 15 2 17 CN 6/1999 0 141 46 187 PROJECT TOTAL 0 200 53 253 Intersection Improvements Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2rid 3rd 4th-6th PE 162 0 0 0 RW 5 0 0 0 CN 540 0 0 0 Total 707 0 0 0 PE 32 0 0 0 RW 34 0 0 0 CN 0 296 0 0 Total 66 296 0 0 PE RW CN Total 49 17 0 66 0 0 187 187 Utilities Legend I G Gas P Power T Telephone O Other C CableTV S Sewer WWater 6YRTIP.FRX SNV Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : Kitsap County Func Project CI Pri Identification City Bainbridge Island 07 8 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 00 9 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 00 10 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 08 11 Reconstruction Six Year Transportation lml.. ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Imp Total Util Start Federal RAP,etc. Type Length Codes Date' Fund Code Cost Code Cost 03 1.500 [ C P S T W I Planning Purposes WYATT WAY Eagle Harbor - South Madison Local/ State Revision: Total 0 PE 1/1998 0 0 78 78 RW 1/1998 0 0 18 18 CN 1/1999 0 0 772 772 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 868 868 03 1.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes Revision; 0 BLAKELY HILL ROAD ALL 1 / 1999 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 03 0.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 LYNWOOD CENTER ROAD Pt. White Dr. - Bucklin Hill Rd. ALL 1 / 1999 0 0 0 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 03 0.000 [ C P S T W I Subject to Selection Revision: 0 WING POINT WAY Ferncliff - Fairview PE 1/2000 0 179 77 256 CN 612000 0 582 250 832 PROJECT TOTAL 0 761 327 1,088 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-6th PE 78 0 0 0 RW 18 0 0 0 CN 0 772 0 0 Total 96 772 0 0 PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 256 0 832 1,088 Utilities Legend G Gas P Power T Telephone O Other C Cable TV S Sewer W Water 6YRTIP.FRX s/w Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO Agency County Func CI Pri City 00 12 City 07 13 City 07 14 City 07 15 : ALL : Bainbridge Island : Kitsap County Project Identification Bainbridge Island Reconstruction Bainbridge Island reconstruction Bainbridge Island Reconstruction Bainbridge Island Reconstruction Six Year Transportation Imp._ ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Imp Total Util Start Type Length Codes Date 03 1.500 I C P S T W FT. WARD HILL ROAD Phase Data Federal RAP,etc. Local/ Fund Code Cost Code Cost State Total I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 Country Club - Kitsap PE 1/2000 0 CN 1 12000 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 03 1.000 [ C P S T W I Planning Purposes MILLER ROAD BIKE SHOULDER 0 168 168 0 562 562 0 730 73O Revision: 0 ALL 1 / 2000 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 03 2.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes MANITOU BEACH ROAD Wetlands to Manitou Beach Dr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revision: 0 PE 1/2001 0 CN 1 12001 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 03 0.300 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes 2-WI NS LOW WAY West SR305 - Madison 0 60 60 0 469 469 0 529 529 Revision: 0 O/ 0 0 PE 1 12001 0 CN 1 12001 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 285 285 0 1,266 1,266 0 1,551 1,551 PE RW CN Total Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2rid 3rd 0 0 168 0 0 0 0 0 562 0 0 730 4th-6th PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total 0 o 0 0 60 0 469 529 285 0 1,266 1,551 Utilities Legend G Gas P Power T Telephone O Other C Cable TV S Sewer W Water 6YRTIP.FRX s/w Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : Kitsap County Func Project El Pri Identification City Bainbridge island 08 16 reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 08 17 Minor Widening City Bainbridge Island 00 18 Upgrade to paved road City Bainbridge Island 07 19 reconstruction Six Year Transportation Imp.. ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Imp Total Util Start Type Length Codes Date 03 0.000 I C P S T W N. MADISON Bike Shoulder Phase Data Federal RAP,etc. Local/ Fund Code Cost Code Cost State Total I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 ALL 1 / 2001 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 05 0.000I C P S T W 1 Planning Purposes DAY ROAD EAST SR305 - Sunrise Dr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Revision: 0 P E 1 / 2002 0 RW 1 / 2002 0 C N 6 / 2002 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 01 1.500 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes MANDUS OLSEN ROAD New Brooklyn - Koura Lane 0 120 120 0 7 7 0 878 878 0 1,005 1,005 Revision: 0 ALL 112002 PROJECT TOTAL 03 1.000 I C P S T W FLETCHER BAY Bike Shoulder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning Purposes Revision: 0 A L L 1 / 2002 PROJECT TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2rid 3rd 4th-6th PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 PE 0 0 0 120 RW 0 0 0 7 CN 0 0 0 878 Total 0 0 0 1,005 PE RW CN Total PE 0 0 0 0 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 0 Utilities Legend G Gas P Power T Telephone O Other C Cable TV S Sewer W Water 6YRTIP.FRX s/w Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Date: O6/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge Island County : Kitsap County Func Project CI Pri Identification City Bainbridge Island oo 20 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 00 21 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 07 22 Reconstruction City Bainbridge Island 01 23 Imp Total Util Start Type Length Codes Date 03 1.000 I C P S T W WEAVER ROAD W Six Year Transportation Imp. ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Phase Data Federal RAP,etc. Local/ Fund Code Cost Code Cost State Total I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 Wyatt to South-end PE 1 / 2003 0 C N 1 / 2003 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 03 0.000 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes NEW BROOKLYN ROAD EXT. ALL 1 / 2003 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 03 0.150 ] C P S T W I Planning Purposes 3-WINSLOW WAY Grow - Madison P E 1 / 2003 0 C N 112003 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 12 1.O00 I C P S T W I Planning Purposes SR305/PT. MADISON/SEABOLD Improvements SR305/Pt. Madison/Seabold PE 1 / 2003 0 RW 1 / 2003 0 C N 1 / 2003 0 PROJECT TOTAL 0 Intersection Improvements 0 51 0 205 0 256 Revision: 51 205 256 0 0 Revision: 116 685 801 Revision: 116 685 801 0 518 390 2,070 2,978 518 39O 2,070 2,978 Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17/97 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2rid 3rd 4th-6th PE 0 0 0 51 RW 0 0 0 0 CN 0 0 0 205 Total 0 0 0 256 PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total 116 0 685 801 518 390 2,070 2,978 Utilities Legend [ G Gas P Power TTelephone O Other C Cable TV S Sewer WWater 6YRTiP.FRX SAN Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Dale: 06/03/96 MPO : ALL Agency : Bainbridge island County : Kitsap County Six Year Transportation lml,. ovement Program 1998 to 2003 (Project Costs in Thousands of Dollars) Func Project Imp Total Util C! Pri Identification Type Length Codes City Bainbridge Island 12 1.000 I C P 01 24 SR305 PHELPS/DAY ROAD Improvements SR305/Phelps/Day Phase Data Start Federal RAP,etc. Local/ Date Fund Code Cost Code Cost State Total S T W ' I Planning Purposes Revision: 0 Intersection/Alignment improvements PE 1 / 2003 RW 1 / 2003 C N 1 / 2003 City 00 25 PROJECT TOTAL Bainbridge Island 12 0.100 I C P S T W I MILLER/KOURA ROAD Improvements Miller/Koura Intersection Improvements ALL 1 / 2003 PROJECT TOTAL TOTAL for the Agency of Bainbridge Island TOTAL for the County of Kitsap County 0 0 406 406 0 0 150 150 0 0 1,475 1,475 0 0 2,031 2,031 Planning Purposes Revision: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,165 2,230 20,061 26,456 4,165 2,230 20,061 26,456 PE RW CN Total PE RW CN Total Hearing Date Adoption Date Resolution Number 07/18/97 Page 07/17/97 07/17197 R97-24 Expenditure Schedule (Local Agency Use) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-6th 0 0' 4O6 0 0 150 0 0 1,475 0 0 2,031 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 4,165 2,230 20,061 26,456 7,352 2,405 1,880 14,547 Utilities Legend G Gas P Power TTelephone O Other C CableTV $ Sewer WWater 6YRTIP.FRX SNV Rev: 2.22 05/19/97 Form Rev Dale: 06/03/96