RES 99-06 CHARGES FOR PROCESSING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REQUESTSRESOLUTION No. 99-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON RELATING TO THE IMPOSITION CHARGES FOR PROCESSING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN'AMENDMENT REQUESTS AND AMb'ZNDING SECTION 9 OF THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND FEE SCHEDULE. WH[REAS, in 1992 the City Council passed Ordinance 92-36 and Resolution 92-39, which, in part, established fees for Comprehensive Plan amendments in the amount of $1,500.00; and WI~-REAS, in 1995, Ordinance 95-17 rewrote the process for Comprehensive Plan amendments and omitted the section authorizing the fee; and WHtREAS, the City Council has considered and passed Ordinance 99-04 reestablishin8 the authorization for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment Fee, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Section 9 of the Bainb~dge Island Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: 9. IIUII .I'gN(} & pl 4s~II~'IN~ (Resolution 97-12 unless othexwise indicated) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING FEES: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE INTERPRETATION (Resolution 97-12 $100.00/issue APPEAL OF ADMIN. DECISIONS (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 97-12) APPEAL OF EIS ADEQUACY (Resolution 97-12) $150.00 $250.00 APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER OR PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 97-12) $150.00 APPEAL OF SEPA DETERMINATION (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) BOUNDARY LINE AD~I.ISTMENT (Ordinance 92-24, Re~olution 97-12) $150.00 $200.00 BUILDING ABATEMENT (Ordinance 92-24) see ENFORCEMENT BUILDING FEE (SBCC) (Ordinance 92-24. Study on building activity with the state) $4.50 BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING RE INSPECTION FEE Based on the UBC Based on the UBC BULKHEADS AND SEAWALLS PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 93-29) BUFFER AVERAGING REQUEST (Resolution 97-12 ) BUFFER REDUCTION REQUEST (Resolution 97-12) CLEARING PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. Re~olution 92-39) CODE ENFORCEMENT Site Specific - Phase I Site Specific - Phase II Not Site Specific - Phase I Not Site Specific - Phase H $225.00 $100.00 $250.00 $100.00+ ineurred co~s See Enforcement S1,000.00 (upon filing of application) $70.00/hour (payable 30 days after date of invoice) $250.00 (upon f'ding of application) No Charge CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - FULL PROCESS (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) DRAINAGE IMPACT FF-~S (BIMC 15.20.100) Impact Cost/100 square feet impervious area BASIN A $15.00 BASIN B $13.00 BASIN C $13.00 BASIN D :$4.50 BASIN E $15.00 BASIN F $11.00 Sportsman Club Weaver Road/Grow Ave. Madison Avenue The Canyon Wing Point Way Wing Point $300.00 $1,000.00 ENFORCEMENT $70.00 per hr (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 92-39. Costs for actual time spent from moment property owner is notified in writing of a violation of the BIMC until the time the City specifically notifies the owner/developer that the violation has been satisfactorily $150.00 $500.00+ after4 hours S70.OO/hour $500.00 $500.00 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 97-12) SEPA R~view (ifE. I.S. NOT required) SEPA Review (ifE.I.S. required) E.I.S. Addelldum E.I.S. Supplement (The applicant will be required to make a deposit into the City's account as well as pay for the time and materials of the staff. The applicant -,viII also enter into a three-party contract with the City and a consultant will be selected by the City to prepare the EIS, Addendurn, or Supplement.) FINAL LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION (Resolution 97-12) See Subdivision FINAL SHORTPLAT (Ordinan~e92-24, Resolution97-12) FINAL SUBDIVISION (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) See Short Plat See Subdivision GRADING PERMIT UBC Table A-33 (Resolution 97-12 Cmuting pem-,its will only be issued with approved subdivisions, short plats, large lot subdivisions, PUDs, or building permits.) MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL $960.00 + $100.O0/unit MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ~ COMMERCIAL $960.00 + $100.00/1000 sq. ft. MECHANICAL FEE based on the UMC (~IMC 15.04.020.C. Fee based on Section 115 and Table 1-A in ~onjunction with the most recent UMC) MOBILE HOME PERMITS (Ordinance 92-24) OPEN SPACE REVIEW (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 97-12) PARK LAND DEDICATION &/OR FEE IN LIEU OF: (Ordinance 84-09. PUDs and rezones to multi family · are required to dedicated land and/or pay a fee for park lands) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL (Resolution 97-12 ) see Building Permits $150.00 City Council Determines Case by Case $960.00+ $100.OO/unit PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - COMMERCIAL (Resolution 97-12) PLANNING REVIEW'OF BUILDING PERMITS (Resolution 97-12) (if no prior Planning approvals by City of Bainbridge Island) (if prior Planning approval by City of Bahbridge Island) PKE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE (See also Fire Marshall Review, Section 8) First Conference Each subsequent conference $960.00+ $100.O0/lO00sq. fi. 10% of Building Permit Fee 5% of Building Permit Fee $200.00 $200.00 REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION - ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) Single Family Residence REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION- FULL PROCESS (Resolution 97= 12) Single Family Residence $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 REPLATTING OF AN APPROVE/) SUBDIVISION OR SHORT PLAT (Resolution 97-12) 75% of regular fees REZONE (BIMC 18.114.030b. Resolution 92-39) $1,000 + $150 per acre SCHOOL IMPACT FEES (Ordinance 93-05, B___e~olution 98-22. Payment in full required before a building permit can be issued) Single Family Residence $3,090.00 Multi Family Residence $800.00 SHORELINE PERMITS: (Resolution 97-12) Shoreline Exemption Shoreline Substanthd Development Permit Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Shoreline Variance: Administrative Full process (Heatin8 Examiner) $100.00 500.00 1,000.00+ incurred costs $500.00 $1ooo.oo SHORT PLAT (SHORT SUBDIVISION). (Resolution 97-12. Also requires payment for Pre-Application/Plannin$ Review, SEPA Engineering Review, and payment of School Impact Fees) Preliminary Final $700.00+ $100.00aot for4+lots 175.00 SIGN PERMIT (Resolution 97-12) SITE PLAN REVIEW (Resolution 97-12) Staff Review / Decision Planning Commission Review SITE VISITS OR EXTENDED CONSULTATION WITH STAFF (If no application. Resolution 97-12) Based on UBC $250.00 $500.OO $70.00/hour SUBDIVISION and LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION (Resolution 97-12. Also required are Pre-Applicationa}lanning Review, Fire Marshall Plan Review, SEPA Review, various Engineeri~ Reviews--including Geotechnical, and payment of School Impact Fees) Preliminary $2000.00+ $100.00/1ot for 10+ lots 25% of fee for pre'lunina~ approval (minimum $s00.00) VARIANCE- ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, R__~olution 97-12) Single Family Residential & Accessory Buildings or Structures All Other $250.00 $350.OO VARIANCE - FULL PROCESS (HEARING EXAMINER) (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) Single Family Residential & Accessories All Other $350.00 $500.00 VARIANCE SHORELINE - FULL PROCESS (Resolution 97-12) $1,000.00 VARIANCE - SIGN ( Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12 ) $100.00 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (Resolution 97-12) $150.00 + incurred cogs WETLANDS REVIEW FOR FLEXIBLE LOT DESIGN (Resolution 97-12) WOOD STOVE INSPECTION PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 92-39) $300.00+ after 4 houn $70.00/hour $25.00 SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in effect and in f~ll force on and the effective date of PASSED by the City Council this 14th day of April, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor this 15th day of April, 1999. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Dwight Sutton, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rod P. Kaseguma, City Attorney FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: March 22, 1999 PASSED BY THB CITY COUNCIL : April I6, !999 PUBLISHED: April 21, 1999 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 26, 1999 RESOLUTION No. 99-06