RES 99-26 AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S FEE SCHEDULERESOLUTION No. 99-26 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON RELATING TO THE IMPOSITION OF VARIOUS FEES AND CHARGES AND AMENDING THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND FEE SCHEDULE. WHEREAS, Ordinance 88-16 established a procedure for the periodic review and setting of fees, charges and bonding requirements by the passage of a resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City's fees and charges for land use development actions have not been systematically reviewed or modified since 1997; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determin6'd that a thorough review of its fees and fee structure was needed; and WHEREAS, the likely passage of Initiative 695 is likely to put extreme pressure on the City' s ability to accomplish its mandated functions with the revenues allowed to it; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule is amended to read as follows: City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule SECTION 4. This Resolution shall be in effect and in full force on and after November 1, 1999. PASSED by the City Council this '7 th day of October, 1999. APPROVED by the Mayor this/~ th day of October, 1999. D~wiwi~~utto~, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: g)usan P. Kasper, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Rod P. Kaseguma, City Attorney FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: RESOLL~ION No. 99-26 September15,1999 October 7, 1999 October 20, 1999 October 25, 1999 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule Table of Contents 1. ANI1VIAL LICENSES ................................................................................................... 2. BUSINESS LICENSES ................................................................................................. 3. COPY FEKS .............................................................................................................. 4. DEPOSITS ................................................................................................................ 5. PARKING ................................................................................................................. 6. PERMITS (Except Building & Planning) ........................................................................... 7. FACILITIES RENTAL ................................................................................................. 8. FIRE INSPECTION FF~F.S ............................................................................................. 9. BUILDING & PLANNING FEES .................................................................................... 10. ENGINEERING REVIEW COSTS ................................................................................. : 11. TAXES ................................................................................................................... : 12. UTILITY FEES ........................................................................................................ : A. CONNECTION TO CITY UTILITIES ........................................................................... ; B. UTILITY FEES - MONTHLY RATES ........................................................................... 2 C. STORM & SURFACE WATER RATES .......................................................................... : D. UTILITIES FEES-OTHER .......................................................................................... 2 13. MISCFJ-LANEOUS FEES ........................................................................................... Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule ANIMAL LICENSES ( Ordinance 91-41 ) AN1MAL LICENSE, LIFETIME, SPAYED/NEUTERED (Good for the life of the pet. Owner must have proof that pet has been spayed or neutered.) *ANIMAL LICENSE, ANNUAL NOT SPAYED/NEUTERED (Year runs from July 1st to June 30th.) *ANIMAL LICENSE, HALF YEAR, NOT SPAYED/NEUTERED (Applies if purchased after January 1. Does not apply to renewals and lifetime licenses) *ANIMAL LICENSE, TAG REPLACEMENT $6.00 $25.00 $12.50 $1.00 *ANIMAL LICENSE, PENALTY (Applies if license not obtained by July 31) *Note: Licenses required for dogs; optional for cats. License tags shall be provided free of charge for certain animals such as guide and service dogs. $5.00 BOARDING KENNF. T., ANNUAL (Applies to all kennels, regardless of animal type boarded) $150.00 BOARDING KENNFJ-, PRORATED $150.00 X Fraction of Yr Left (Applies to new business which commences operations after July 31.) BOARDING KENNEL, PENALTY (Applies if license not obtained by July 31.) $25.00 COMMERCIAL KENNEL, ANNUAL (Applies to all commercial kennels, no matter the animal breed or species) $25O.O0 COMM. KENNEL, PRORATED $250.00 X Fraction of Yr Left (Applies to new business which commences operations after July 31.) COMMERCIAL KENNEL, PENALTY (Applies if license not obtained by July 31) $25.00 HOBBY KENNEL, LIFETIME (For persons keeping up to 10 altered animals and no unaltered animals.) $50.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule ANIMAL LICENSES (Continued) HOBBY KENNF. T., ANNUAL $100.00 (Applies to all persons keeping more than 5 unaltered dogs and/or cats over 6 months old.) HOBBY KENNFJ., PRORATED $100.00 X Fraction of Yr. Left (Applies to new applicant which commences operations after July 31.) HOBBY KENNEL, PENALTY (Applies if license not obtained by July 31 ) $25.00 GROOMING PARLOR, ANNUAL (Applies to all grooming parlors, no matter the animal served) $25.OO GROOMING PARLOR, PRORATED $25.00 X Fraction of Yr. Left (Applies to new business which commences operations after July 31 .) GROOMING PARLOR, PENALTY $10.00 (Applies if license not obtained by July 31 ) PET SHOP, ANNUAL (Applies to all pet stores, no matter the type of animal sold) $25.OO PET SHOP, PRORATED (Applies to new business which commences operations after July 31.) $25.00 X Fraction of Yr. Left PET SHOP, PENALTY (Applies if license not obtained by July 31 ) $10. O0 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 2. BUSINESS LICENSES (Ordinance 99-28. Resolution 99-05) REGULAR BUSINESS-INITIAL APPLICATION (For those businesses which had gross revenue of over $18,000 during the past 12 months or can reasonably expect to have gross revenue of over $18,000 during the next 12 months.) If License Applied for Before Business Commences If License Applied for After Business Commences REGULAR BUSINESS-RENEWAL (For businesses with gross annual revenue of over $18,000) Prior to March 1 On or after March 1 $50.00 $100.00 $25.OO $S0.00 SMALL BUSINF_SS-INITIAL APPLICATION (For those businesses which had gross revenue of less than $18,000 during the past 12 months or can reasonably expect to have gross~revenue of less than $18,000 during the next 12 months.) If License Applied for Before Business Commences If License Applied for After Business Commences SMALL BUSINESS-RENEWAL (For businesses with gross annual revenue of less than $18,000) Prior to March 1 On or after March 1 $25.OO $5O.OO $10.00 $25.00 BUSINESS - PENALTY (Ordinance 99-28) 10 % of fee per month delinquent but not more than the Initial License Fee for each year owing. SPECIAL BUSINESS - AMUSEMENT GAME CRIMC 5.12. Rilliard, Pool, and Foosball. License expires 02/28 of each year.) $25.00 SPECIAL BUSINESS - IUKI:JIOX (BIMC 5.28. License expires 12/31 of each year.) $100.00 + $10.00/jukebox SPECIAL BUSINESS - GAMES OF SKILL (BIMC 5.24: Includes video games. Expires 12/31 of each year) $25.00+ $50.00/game SPECIAL BUSINESS - CABARET $60.00 (BIMC 5.16. Applies to businesses with live entertainment. License expires 12/31 of each year.) SPECIAL BUSINESS - PENALTY (Ordinance 92-10) 10 % of fee per month delinquent Effective On and After November 1, 1999 3. COPY FEES City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule CERTIFIED COPIES (Ordinances 88-16, 82-16, and Resolution 88-24) $2.00 for fkst page $1.00 for ea. Add'l pg. COPY OF CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) COURT ADR (No longer available as of 08/94. Must contact Dept. of Licensing) FINGERPRINTS (Ordinance 92-24) $2.OO Not Available $10.00' MAPS (OTHER THAN ZONING) (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 93-54. Calculated on size of map.) Create Map & Plot onto Paper Plot Existing Map onto Paper Copy Map onto Paper Copy Map onto Mylar Cost per Sq Ftr $14.00 $3.00 $2.00 $2.25 MISCELLANEOUS COPIES (Ordinance 92-24) $.15 per page page free) ORDINANCES/MUNICIPAL CODE (Resolution 88-24.) POLICE R~PORTS (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 92-39) $. 15 per page (Is' page free) $5.00 / report Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule COPY FEES - SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS: ZONING MAP (small) (Ordinance 88-16, Resolution 88-24) ZONING MAP (large) (Ordinance 92-24) ZONING ORDINANCE (Ordinance 92-24) PW DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (includes CD-ROM) WATER SYSTEM PLAN CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL PROGRAM $5.O0 $10.00 $19.50 $50.00 $25.00 $15.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 4. DEPOSITS BID PLANS OR SPECIFICATIONS (BIMC 3.72) Non-Refundable set on bid call. FIREWORKS DEPOSIT (BIMC 5.36. Refundable. Made in conjunction with the fireworks permit.) $50.00 PARK USE PERMIT (BIMC 12.20.) (Permit is refundable if park is clean a~er use) If less than one hundred people attend If more than one hundred people attend $75.00 $100.00 SURETY DEPOSIT Bond = 125% of valuation of project Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 5. PARKING BRIEN & BJUNE (Monthly) (Resolution 99-08 ) BRIEN & BJUNE (Daily) (Resolution 95-28. Parking limited to four (4) hours.) CARPOOL (Bi-Monthly) (Resolution 97-41 ) CIVIC CENTER (Resolution 99-08) (Monthly) (Daily) FERRY PARKING (Daily) (Resolution 99-08) $95.00 $6O.OO No charge $150.00 $75.00 $6.OO $6.00 Effective On and Mter November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 6. PERMITS (Exceot Buildin~ & Plannino,) FIREWORKS PERMIT (BIMC 5.36. Made with the fireworks deposit.) $25.00 GUN PERMIT (first time application) (RCW 9.41.07. $18.00 is the City's share. $18.00 goes to the State.) $36.00 GUN PERMIT (renewal) (RCW 9.41.07. $14.00 is the City's share. $18.00 goes to the State.) $32.00 GUN PERMIT (penalty) (RCW 9.41.07. $7.00 is the City's share. $3.00 goes to the State.) GUN PERMIT (FBI Background Check) (RCW 9.41.07.) $10.00 $24.00 GUN PERMIT - REPLACEMENT $10.00 PUBLIC DANCE PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. This permit is for dances or concerts that require the involvement of police and/or public works.) $250.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 7, FACILITIES RENTAL (Resolution 96-10) RENTAL OF B.I. COMMONS: Application Fee (Non-refundable but applies against rent) Multi-Purpose Room (Without Kitchen) Commercial/Private Non-profit Multi-Purpose Room (With Kitchen) Commercial/Private Non-Profit Small Meeting Room (Clinic).., Commercial/Private Non-Profit Non-Profit After Hours Opening/Key Pickup Damage deposit for use of Multi-Purpose Room (Refundable) Multi-Purpose Room Cancellation Fee for cancellation with less than one month notice $25.OO $35.00/Hour $15.00/Hour $50.00/Hour $25.00/Hour $10.00/Hour $10.00/under 3 hrs. $15.00 if 3 hours or more $50.00 $200.00 25.0% of anticipated rental charges Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 8. FIRE INSPECTION FEES (Ordinance 98-10, Resolution 99-14) FIRE MARSHAL PLAN REVIEW OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS: Pre-Applications Site Plans Subdivisions Short Plats All Other Applications BUILDING PLAN REVIEWS & FIELD INSPECTIONS: THE SUM OF: A. GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION REVIEW (all except reroof, mechanical, or demolition) Improvement value under $2~,000 Improvement value $25,000 to $99,999 Improvement value $100,000 to $499,999 Improvement value $500,000 to $999,999 Improvement value $1,000,000 or greater New Structures $100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 $20.00 flat fee 75.00 fiat fee 200.00 flat fee 70.00 flat fee 100.00 flat fee Improvements or Remodel $100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 GENERAL FIRE PROTECTION REVIEW (reroof, mechanical, or demolition) Estimated per project and charged at: C. SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Based on size of building: Under 5,000 sq. ft. 5,000 to 14,999 sq. ft. 15,000 to 39,999 sq. ft. 40,000 sq. ft. or greater PLUS: Added cost per riser if over 40,000 sq. ft. Hourly Rate $250.00 250.00 450.00 550.00 $200.00 Hourly Rate $100.00 200.00 450.00 550.00 $200.00 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Based on size of building: Under 5,000 sq. ft. 5,000 to 14,999 sq. ft. 15,000 to 39,999 sq. ft. 40,000 sq. ft. or greater $100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 $100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule FIRE INSPECTION FEES (Continued) FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS Charge per system New Structures $100.00 OTHER SPECIAL HAZARD PROTECTION Estimated per system and charged at: Hourly Rate INCOMPLETE DRAWINGS OR RE-INSPECTIONS Charge per event: $50.OO Improvements or Remodel $100.00 Hourly Rate $50.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 9. BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Resolution 97-12 unless otherwise indicated) For applications covered by the hourly rate, a deposit equal to twenty hours' charge shall be collected before the application is accepted for all applications except conditional use permits, in which case a deposit equal to ten hours' charge shall be collected. Any unspent amount from such a deposit shall be refunded to the applicant within 90 days from the final action on the application. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING FEES: ADMINISTRATIVE CODE INTERPRETATION (Resolution 97-12) APPEAL OF ADMIN. DECISIONS (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 9%12) ~-~ APPEAL OF EIS ADEQUACY (Resolution 97-12) APPEAL OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION (Ordinance 92-24. BIMC 2.16, Resolution 97-12) APPEAL OF SEPA DETERMINATION (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT $200.00 (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) $100.00 $150.00/issue $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $150.00 $250.00 $150.00 $250.00 $200.00 $500.00 BUILDING ABATEMENT (Ordinance 92-24) see ENFORCEMENT BUILDING FEE (SBCC) (Ordinance 92-24. Study on building activity with the state) $4.50 BUILDING PERMIT Based on the UBC BUILDING RE INSPECTION FEE Based on the UBC Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) BULKHEADS AND SEAWALLS PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 93-29) BUFFER AVERAGING REQUEST (Resolution 97-12) BUFFER REDUCTION REQUEST (Resolution 97-12) CODE ENFORCEMENT $225.00 $500.00 $150.00 $250.00 $250.00 $500.00 See Enforcement COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (Ordinance 99-04. Resolution 99-14) Site Specific - Phase I Site Specific - Phase II Not Site Specific- Phase I Not Site Specific - Phase H $1,000.00 (upon filing of application) Hourly Rate (payable 30 days at~er date of invoice) $250.00 (upon filing of application) No Charge CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) $300.00 $500.00 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - FULL PROCESS (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate CONSOLDATED PERMIT REVIEW (BIMC 2.16.120, Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate DRAINAGE IN[PACT FEES (B C 15.20.100) Impact Cost/100 square feet impervious area BASIN A $15.00 BASIN B $13.00 BASIN C $13.00 BASIN D $4.50 BASIN E $15.00 BASIN F $11.00 Sportsman Club Weaver Road/Grow Ave. Madison Avenue The Canyon Wing Point Way Wing Point Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) ENFORCEMENT (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 99-14. Costs for actual time spent from moment property owner is notified in writing of a violation of the BIMC until the time the City specifically notifies the owner/developer that the violation has been satisfactorily corrected.) Hourly Rate ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 99-14) If not related to a project for which hourly fees are charged: SEPA Review (ifE.I.S. NOT required) SEPA Review (ifE.I.S. required) E.I.S. Addendum E.I.S. Supplement If related to a project for which hourly fees are charged: $150.00 $500.00+ at~er 4 hours Hourly Rate $500.00 $500.00 Hourly Rate ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWS (The applicant will also enter into a three-party contract with theCity and a consultam will be selected by the City to prepare the EIS, Addendure, or Supplement.) FINAL LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION (Resolution 97-12) See Subdivision FINAL SHORT PLAT (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) See Short Plat FINAL SUBDIVISION (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 97-12) See Subdivsion FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) BONUSES IN THE MIXED USE TOWN CENTER AND HIGH SCHOOL ROAD DISTRICTS (Ordinance 99-24) Residential Development Commercial Development Mixed Use Development $8.00 / Square Foot $16.00 / Square Foot $10.00 / Square Foot GRADING PERMIT UBC Table A-33 (Resolution 97-12 Grading permits will only be issued with approved subdivisions, short plats, large lot subdivisions, PUDs, or building permits.) Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL (Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate MASTER PLANNED DEVELOPMENT - CONg4ERCIAL (Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate MECHANICAL FEE based on the UMC (BIMC 15.04.020.C. Fee based on Section 115 and Table 1-A in conjunction with the most recent UMC) MOBILE HOME PERMITS (Ordinance 92-24) see Building Permits OPEN SPACE REVIEW (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 97-12) $150.00 $250.00 PARK LAND DEDICATION &/OR FEE IN LIEU OF: (Ordinance 84-09. PUDs and rezones to multi family are required to dedicated land and/or pay a fee for park lands) City Council Determines Case by Case PARKING CONTRIBUTION IN LIEU OF ON-SITE SPACES [BIMC 18.81.030(O), Resolution 99-14] Per Space $7,875.00 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - RESIDENTIAL (Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - COMMERCIAL (Resolution 99-14) PLANNING REVEW OF BUILDING PERMITS (Resolution 97-12) (if no prior Planning approvals by City of Bainbridge Island) (if prior Planning approval by City of Bainbridge Island) Hourly Rate 10% of Building Permit Fee 5% of Building Permit Fee PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE (See also Fire Marshall Review, Section 8) First Conference Each subsequent conference $200.00 $200.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION - ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) Single Family Residence All Other $250.00 $500.00 REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION - FULL PROCESS (Resolution 99-14) Single Family Residence All Other REPLATTING, AMENDMENT OR ALTERATION OF AN Prior to July 1, 2000: APPROVED SHORT PLAT (Resolution 97-12) On and after July 1, 2000: REPLATTING, AMENDMENT OR ALTERATION OF AN APPROVED SUBDIVISION (Resolution 99-14) REZONE (BIMC 18.114.030b. Resolution 99-14) SCHOOL IMPACT FEES (Ordinance 93-05, Resolution 98-22. Payment in full required before a building permit can be issued) Single Family Residence Multi Family Residence SHORELINE PERMITS: (Resolution 97-12) Shoreline Exemption Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Shoreline Variance: Administrative Full process (Hearing Examiner) $100.00 $500.00 $500.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 Hou~y Rge 75% of regular fees Hourly Rate Hourly Rate Hou~y Rate $3,090.00 $800.00 $250.00 $1,000.00 Hourly R~e $1,000.00 Hourly Rate Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) SHORT PLAT (SHORT SUBDIVISION) (Resolution 99-14. Also requires payment for Pre-Application/Planning Review, SEPA Review, Engineering Review, and payment of School Impact Fees) Prior to July 1, 2000: Preliminary Final On and after July 1, 2000: SIGN PERMIT (Resolution 97-12) $700.00+ $100.00aot for4+lots 175.00 Hourly Rate 'Based on UBC SITE PLAN REVIEW (Resolution 97-12) Staff Review / Decision Planning Commission Review $250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 SITE VISITS OR EXTENDED CONSULTATION WITH STAFF (If no application. Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate SUBDIVISION and LARGE LOT SUBDIVISION Hourly Rate (Resolution 99-14. Also required are Pre-Application/Planning Review, Fire Marshall Plan Review, SEPA Review, variousEngineering Reviews--including Geotechnical, and payment of School Impact Fees) VARIANCE- ADMINISTRATIVE (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) Single Family Residential & Accessory Buildings or Structures All Other $250.00 $500.00 $350.00 $1~000.00 VARIANCE - FULL PROCESS (HEgG EXAMINER) (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 99-14) Single Family Residential & Accessories All Other $350.00 $1~000.00 Hourly Rate VARIANCE SHORELINE - FULL PROCESS (HEgG EXAMINER) (Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule BUILDING & PLANNING FEES (Continued) VARIANCE - SIGN (Ordinance 94-03, Resolution 97-12) $100.00 $250.00 VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PLAN (Resolution 97-12) $150.00 $500.00 + incurred costs WETLANDS REVIEW FOR FLEXIBLE LOT DESIGN (Resolution 99-14) Hourly Rate WOOD STOVE INSPECTION PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24. Resolution 92-39) $25.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 10. ENGINEERING APPLICATION FEES, PLAN REVIEW AND INSPECTIONS (Resolution 99-14) Drainage Analysis Report Review of Single Family Residence $350.00 All Other Hourly Rate Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 11. TAXES B&O TAX s.04) 0. 1% of Gross Rvenue over $250,000 B&O TAX ON UTILITIES (BIMC 5.08, Ordinances 97-33 and 98-17) Electricity and Telephone March 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 January 1, 1999 through December 31, 1999 On and after January 1, 2000 Solid Waste (garbage) On and After October 1, 1998 2.0% of Gross Revenue 4.0% of Gross Revenue 6.0% of Gross Revenue 5.0% of Gross Revenue CONg/IERCIAL PARKING TAX 8.0% of Gross Revenue (Ordinance 92-11, 92-47. Due in the month following each calendar quarter.) COMMERCIAL PARKING TAX- PENALTY 10% of tax due for (Ordinance 92-11 ) each month unpaid EXCISE TAX ON LODGING (HOTEL/MOTEL TAX) (Ordinance 98-56) 4.0% GAMBLING TAX (BIMC 5.20. Tax computed on gross receipts less the cost of prizes. Charitable and non-profit organizations have an additional $5,000 exemption from gross receipts.) AMUSEMENT GAMES BINGO RAFFLES CARD GAMES PUNCHBOARDS & PULL TABS 2.O% 5.O% 5.O% 10.0% 10.0% GAMBLING TAX (Penalty) (Resolution 95-27) Minimum Penalty 1 - 10 days delinquent 11-20 days delinquent 21-31 days delinquent 32-60 days delinquent See Table Below $10.00 Minimum plus 5% of tax due Minimum plus 7.5% of tax due Minimum plus 10% of tax due Minimum plus 15% of tax due Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 12. UTILITY FEES A. CONNECTION TO CITY UTILITIES (Required by Ordinance 82-20) SYSTEM PARTICIPATION FEES (Resolution 97-39) A. WATER ( 1 ) Residential - Single Family Meter Size of 5/8" or 3A" (2) Residential-Multi-Family Meter Size of 5/8" or 3A" (3) Commercial or Other Meter Size of 5/8" or 3A" ,, 1-1/2" 3}} 4~ ,, (4) IRRIGATION Meter Size of 5/8" or 3A" ,, 1-1/2" $2,754.00 6,885.00 13,770.00 22,033.00 44,066.00 68,854.00 137,708.00 $ 4,515.00 11,287.00 22,575.00 36,120.00 72,241.00 112,876.00 225,753.00 $ 5,692.00 14,23 1.00 28,462.00 45,539.00 91,079.00 142,311.00 284,623.00 $4,498.00 11,245.00 22,490.00 35,984.00 71,968.00 112,450.00 224,901.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule SYSTEM PARTICIPATION FEES (Continued) B. SEWER (WINSLOW SYSTEM) ( 1 ) Residential - Single Family $3,168.00 (a flat fee) (2) Residential- Multi-Family 2,091.00 per living unit (3) Commercial or Other 3,168.00 per ERU Where "ERU" is defined as each set of 20 ~xure units as shown on the schedule of fixture units affixed to the copy of this ordinance on file with the City Clerk. B. SEWER (CONNECTION TO SEWAGE TREATMENT BY SEWER DISTRICT No.7) Per ERU or Connection Amount charged to City by Sewer District No.7 Where "ERLF' and "c/Snnection" are as defined in the Interlocal Agreement between the City and Sewer District No. 7 as subsequently amended (NOTE: A deferred benefit, or "latecomer" charge may also apply these connections). 2. CONNECTION FEES (Resolution 97-39) Ordinance 99-24 preovides that "each person applying to connect to the City's water system or to change his or her use of the City' s water system shall provide a separate water meter for each separate category of use and for each separate building served, and, in order to allow the monitoring of consumption and to encourage water conservation, shall sub-meter each individual unit at his or her expense; provided, that this paragraph shall not apply to persons who submitted prior to Octoberl, 1998, a complete building permit application for the structure to be connected. WATER CONNECTION DONE BY CITY STAFF (INSTALLATION) If water main is on same side of street. 3/4" Line 1" Line Larger Pipe Size $950.00 $1,100.00 Calculated on a case by case basis at 125% of direct costs WATER CONNECTION DONE BY CITY STAFF (INSTALLATION) If water main is across street. 3/4" Line 1" Line $2,500.00 2,750.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule UTILITY CONNECTION FEES (Continued): Larger Pipe Size Calculated on a case by case basis at 125% of direct costs WATER CONNECTION DONE BY OTHER THAN CITY STAFF (aka Drop-In) 3/4" Line $225.00 1" Line $350.00 Larger Pipe Size Calculated on a case by case basis at 125% of direct costs SEWER CONNECTION WORK DONE BY CITY STAFF (BIMC 13.12.020) Calculated on a case by case basis at 125% of direct costs SEWER CONNECTION DEPOSIT (Required if work to be done by City) Determined on a case by case basis INSPECTION FEES: (Resolution 97-39) WATER CONNECTIONS (Resolution 92-53/Resolution 97-39) RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit): INITIAL INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE INSPECTION DIG LIP FEE (IN ADDITION TO INSPECTION FEE) $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 NON-RESIDENTIAL: (per each set of 10 fixtures or portion thereof) INITIAL INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE INSPECTION DIG UP FEE (IN ADDITION TO INSPECTION FEE) $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 INSPECTION AND TESTING OF WATER MAIN AND/OR SIDE LINE SEWER CONNECTIONS (Resolution 97-39) RESIDENTIAL (per dwelling unit): INITIAL INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE INSPECTION DIG UP FEE (IN ADDITION TO INSPECTION FEE) 125% of direct costs (Minimum $600.00) $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule UTILITY CONNECTION FEES (Continued): NON-RESIDENTIAL: (per each set of 10 fixtures or portion thereof) INITIAL INSPECTION FEE FOR EACH RE INSPECTION DIG UP FEE (IN ADDITION TO INSPECTION FEE) $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 INSPECTIONS AND TESTING OF SEWER MAIN AND/OR SIDE LINE ADDITIONAL WORK BY CITY: (Resolution 97-39) Charging of water main Flushing of water main Reflushing of water main 125% of direct costs $400.00 550.00 600.00 (Charged for each time flushed after the first - includes bacteriological test STANDARD DEVELOPER EXTENSION AGREEMENT APPLICATION $100.00 B. UTILITY FEES - MONTHLY RATES SERVICE CATEGORIES CATEGORY 1 -- Single Family Residences (SFR) CATEGORY 2 -- Multiple Dwellings (MFRs) Residences including but not limited to apartment houses, condominiums, and mobile home courts are included in this category. Each dwelling unit shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedule. CATEGORY 3 -- Commercial Users (COMM) Commercial users including but not limited to retail sales, personal and professional services, entertainment, repair facilities, and restaurants. Each water meter shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedule. Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule UTILITY FEES- MONTHLY RATES (Continued) CATEGORY 4 -- Other (MIX) Any users other than those in Categories 1, 2, 3, and 5. Each water meter shall constitute one unit for the purposes of this rate schedule. CATEGORY 5 -- Industrial Users DISCOUNTS FOR LOW INCOME SENIORS OR DISABLED CITIZENS (BIMC 13.16,082 thru 086 and Ordinance 92-26) Persons age 62 or older who have a combined income in an amount which would qualify them for property tax exemption under RCW 84.36.381(S), which is currently $26,000, or disabled persons, may apply for the following discounts to their single family residence utility bills: WATER: SEWER: STORM DRAIN: DISCOUNTS ARE NOT RETROACTIVE. 10% reduction 10% reduction 50% reduction WATER RATES: CATEGORY 1 (Single Family) shall pay a monthly fixed base rate based on size of water meter as follows: Up to 3/fi,, $13.95 1" 27.61 1-1/2" 50.38 2" 77.71 3" 150.58 4" 232.55 6" 460.27 Plus a charge for consumption on an incremental basis as follows: For the first 500 cubic feet For the next 700 cubic feet For the next 1,800 cubic feet For amounts over 3,000 cubic feet $1.39 per 100 cubic feet 1.98 per 100 cubic feet 2.58 per 100 cubic feet 3.78 per 100 cubic feet Effective On and Mter November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule WATER RATES (Continued): C ATEGORY 2 (Multiple Dwellings) shall pay a monthly fixed base rate for each residential unit of: $6.99 Plus a charge for consumption on an incremental basis as follows: For the first 500 cubic feet For the next 700 cubic feet For the next 1,800 cubic feet For amounts over 3,000 cubic feet $1.39 per 100 cubic feet 1.98 per 100 cubic feet 2.58 per 100 cubic feet 3.78 per 100 cubic feet CATEGORY 3 (Commercial) shall pay a monthly fixed base rate based on size of water meter as follows: Up to %" ,, 1-1/2"' ,, 6;~ Plus a charge for consumption as follows: For water billed in Nov-June For water billed July - October $23.14 50.60 96.36 151.26 297.67 462.40 919.55 $1.89 per 100 cubic feet $2.18 per 100 cubic feet CATEGORY 4 (Other), other than irrigation systems or construction projects, shall pay a monthly fixed base rate based on size of water meter as follows: Up to 3~,, 1-1/2" ,, ,, ,, ,, 1,447.99 $33.70 76.99 149.16 235.74 466.65 726.41 Plus a charge for consumption as follows: For water billed in Nov-June For water billed July-October $1.89 per 100 cubic feet $2.18 per 100 cubic feet CATEGORY 5 (Industrial) shall pay rates as set by individual contract, which contract shall not provide rates less than any of the categories 1 through 4. Effective On and After Nov-ember 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule WATER RATES (Continued): IRRIGATION SYSTEMS shall pay a monthly base rate based on size of water meter as follows: Up to 3A" $6.15 1" 8.08 1-1/2" 11.32 2" 15.20 3" 25.57 4" 37.22 6" 69.59 Plus a charge for consumption of: $4.34 per 100 cubic feet WATER FOR CONSUMPTION ON PROJECTS AT CITY LOCATION (Resolution 97-39) $4.34 per 100 cubic feet plus 125% of direct cost to city for connection set up and delivery Through single family residential meter $119.50 per 90 days (flat rate) SEWER RATES FOR USERS OF BOTH WATER AND SEWER CATEGORY 1 (Single Family) $16.88 per month/unit plus $ 2.79 per 100 cu. It. of water. CATEGORY 2 (Multi-Family) $14.85 per month/unit plus $ 2.79 per 100 cu. It. of water CATEGORY 3 (Commercial) $48.89 per month/unit plus $ 2.79 per 100 cu. it. of water CATEGORY 4 (Mixed Use) $48.89 per month/unit plus $ 2.79 per 100 cu. it. of water CATEGORY 5 (Industrial) Set by individual Contract SEWER RATES FOR USERS WITHOUT WATER SERVICE Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule The following monthly sewer rates shall apply to billings for users who do not contract with the City for the provision of water services. For Users in the Winslow area, the following rates apply: CATEGORY 1 (Single Family) $47.34 per month/unit without meter CATEGORY 3 (Commercial) $51.15 per ERU SENIOR FLAT RATE $42.60 per month without meter UTILITY FEES - MONTHLY RATES (Continued): SEWER RATES FOR USERS IN THE LYNWWOD CENTER AREA: (Ordinance 99-02) ', All users for August and September, 1998 $43.75 per ERU On and after October 1, 1998: If connected to the sewer line $43.75 per ERU If not connected to the sewer line $23.00 per ERU * · Once system reservation fees totaling $20.00 per month per ERU from September, 1996 have been paid. Until then, $43.75 per ERU. WATER RATES FOR THE ROCKAWAY BEACH AREA: BASE RATE PLUS Users of 0-500 cubic feet Users of 501-1000 cubic feet Users of 1001-1500 cubic feet Users of 1501-2000 cubic feet Users of 2001-5000 cubic feet Users of 5001-7500 cubic feet Users of 7501-10,000 cubic feet Users of 10,000 cubic feet $16.97 per month/unit $1.14 per 100 cubic feet $1.27 per 100 cubic feet $1.41 per 100 cubic feet $1.57 per 100 cubic feet $1.70 per 100 cubic feet $1.91 per 100 cubic feet $2.13 per 100 cubic feet $2.26 per 100 cubic feet C. STORM & SURFACE WATER RATES Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule (BIMC 13.24 and Ordinances 91-49 and 92-26) Storm & Surface Water billings are based on monthly rates. Billed on property tax bill. CATEGORY 1 (SINGLE FAMILY-SFR) $3.07 per month/unit The monthly fee for each SFR and each duplex residential dwelling provided that the ratio of impervious to previous surface on the lot shall not exceed 50%. If the ratio exceeds 50%, the COMM/MFR rate shall apply. "Impervious Area" means any part of any parcel of land that has been modified by the action of persons to reduce the land's natural ability to absorb and hold rainfall. This includes areas which have been cleared, graded, paved or compacted. Excluded, however, are all lawns, agricultural areas, and landscaped areas. ALL OTHER CATEGORIES: (MFR, COtVIM, Nnx & IND) Single Family Equivalent X $3.07 (SFE=Impervious area / 3,000 sq. ft.) REDUCTIONS (Ordinance 92-26) Categories other than Single Family Residence may apply for the following impervious surface rate reductions for: Gravel Packed Dirt Cleared but not compacted Private Storm Water Retention System 20% discount 50% discount 60% discount up to 50% discount These discounts are not retroactive; they are granted at the sole discretion of the city; and they may not be used to reduce the charge below the higher of: (1) The single family residence rate, or (2) 50% of the undiscounted bill. D. UTILITIES FEES-OTHER BELL TO OTHER THAN OWNER (Setup Charge) (Ordinance 92-24/Resolution 97-39) $25.00 BELL TO OTHER THAN OWNER (Monthly Charge) (Ordinance 92-24/Resolution 97~39) 5.00 CHARGE FOR DELINQUENCY NOTICE $10.00 (Charged each time the City mails a letter or notice of delinquency when account is delinquent) (Ordinance 92-24) UTILITIES FEES-OTHER (Continued) DUPLICATE BILL (Monthly Charge) $10.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule LEAK CHECK REQUEST (if no leak found) $35.00 METER REREAD (Because meter was not accessible) NEW ACCOUNT FEE: (Ordinance 92-24) $35.00 $10.00 NOTICE OF TURN OFF (At City Request) (Ordinance 92-24) $20.00 SEASONAL TURN OFF (Includes Turn On) (Ordinance 92-24) $35.00 SERVICE RESTORED: (Ordinance 92-24) If Related to Seasonal Turn Off- During normal worked hours If Turned off At City Request - During normal worked hours If Turned off Outside Normal Worked Hours TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FEE: WRITTEN RESPONSE TO BALANCE INQUIRY: (Ordinance 92-24/Resolution 97-39) Billed To Former Owner If Received by City less than Seven Working Days Before Transfer UNAUTHORIZED TURN ON PENALTHiS: Single Family Residences: All Others: (Ordinance 92-24) No charge $25.OO $75.OO $10.00 Per Service $50.00 Surcharge $100.00 $5OO.OO STANDARD DEVELOPER EXTENSION AGREEMENT PROCES SING FEE $250.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule 13. MISCELLANEOUS FEES BOAT DOCK MOORING and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES (Ordinance 93-32, Resolution 99-19) $.25 per foot per day for any time in excess of three consecutuve hours. BOAT DOCK and LINEAR MOORAGE FEES, SPECIAL USE PERMIT (Ordinance 93-32, Resolution 93-36) $100.00 BOAT IMPOUND REDEMPTION FEES (BIMC 12.24 & Resolution 93-36) CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE (Ordinance 96-22. Paid bi-monthly)-~ Gross Revenue $50.00 5%of CABLE TV FRANCHISE FEE - PENALTY (Set by contract) COLLECTION AGENCY FEE (Ordinance 97-29, Resolution 98-06) Charged whenever the City deems it necessary to use a collection agency in order to collect amounts owed to the City. Amount owed is $100.00 or less Amount owed is over $100.00 Variable 100% of Amount Owed 50% of Amount Owed CONCESSIONS FROM VENDING MACHINE DISHONORED CHECK CHARGE (Ordinance 92-24.) DUI EMERGENCY RESPONSE FEE (Ordinance 98-21 & Resolution 98-42.) ESCHEAT TRANSACTION PROCESSING FEE (Ordinance 92-24) Variable $20.00 $150.00 $10.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule MISCELLANEOUS FEES (Continued) FALSE ALARM FEES (Ordinance 92-24) Second response Third and all subsequent responses HOUSE MOVING PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24) LATECOMERS AGREEMENT PROCESSING FEE LIEN FILING FEE (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) LIEN RELEASE FEE ~ (Ordinance 92-26, Resolution 92-44) L.I.D. PETITION PROCESSING FEE $50.00 $100.00/response $200.00 $250.00 $100.00 $100.00 $250.00 NOTARY SERVICES (BIMC 12.20) PAY PHONE ROYALTIES PROCESS SERVICE FEE (Ordinance 92-24) REPORT TO INSURANCE COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT (Ordinance 92-24, Resolution 99-11 ) Initial Application Renewal ROAD SIGN-PRIVATE (Resolution 93-22) $3.00 Variable $25.00 $5.00 $5O.OO $10.00 $125.00 Effective On and After November 1, 1999 City of Bainbridge Island Fee Schedule MISCELLANEOUS FEES (Continued) ROAD VACATION (Resolution 93-22) $250.00 SIGN REMOVAL (Ordinance 92-24) $25.00 VISA/CITIZEN/IMMIGRATION DOCUMENTS (Ordinance 92-24) $5.00 WATER SATELLITE SYSTEM CHARGES: (Resolution 97-39) ANNUAL FEE (includes one sample) SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - BACTERIOLOGICAL $50.00 $35.00 SATELLITE WATER SAMPLES - ALL OTHER Cost of test plus $25.00 ( Maximum $55.00) WRITTEN REPORT TO ESCROW COMPANY (Ordinance 92-24) $10.00 Per Service Effective On and After November 1, 1999