RES 90-07 MARGE WILLIAMS APPOINTMENTCITY OF ~`~-~ RESOLUTION NO. 90-07 6 2 5 Winsl o w Way E a s t Winslow, Washington 98110 206.842.7633 A RESOLUTION TO APPOINT ~~~y~~i~_ AS Deputy Mayor AND TO AUTHORIZE THE MA`i0R TO ENTER INTO A CONTR.aCT Il~ API'ROP:lZIATE PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF SU(',~:i AP1'OIP7TN:ENT . WHEREAS , the City Council finds ;.. t i_n thF~ pubic irl t.<.=r_ e t to confirm the appointment of Mare Wi1l~ams_ a;> Depu~~~~x__^ and WHEREAS, such appointment is deemed. t.o k:e in furi.':~era~io~= of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens ofr_.he ci~ry, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVT;D t.ha,L.: M_ar~c e Williams is t~derew~i_~c.?: c~o:cif ~_r'rrtc~~i tc~ be ~p~J"J-i::!.cU as Deputy ~y~r _. effective upon the d<:~te. of passacre hei-ec,1-: ;ou.r::uant to WMC 2 ,, 0~ .060, and the appointment s~~all e,tend unt.i..l the ___31st r1GY' of December 199U . 2 . The Mayor is authorized. to en'.er into an pp:cop.r. i ai_~.:,' written contract as needed at his discretion, setting fcrt.h ad.diti~~..lal ~.. terms of such appointment consistent ~,ere~eit.~, -hJhi.ch wher: s~_rr,ed ::y the parties, shall be made appendix "A"re.reta,.~-r~corpo~aten izerein by reference, and shall govern said appointment. Done in open meeting this 4th day o ` man„ ~_______ ~-{? SAitii G A'.TTEST/AUTHENTICATE: .DONNA JEAN BUXTON, Clerk/Treasurer OVED AS TO FORM: ® - ROBERT 0. CONOLEY, City Attorney 'T'O, Ma~1'ar