RES 90-13 FEE SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO. 90-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLQLV, WASHINGTON, APPROVING A FEE SCHEDULE. WHERE',AS, Ordinance No. 88-16, establishes a procedure for the review and setting of certain fees, charges, and bonding requirements by the passage of a resolution; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, HEREBY .RESOLVES AS FOLL06VS: Section 1. The Fees and Charges Schedule 1990, attached to this resolution is hereby adopted. RESOLVID BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Winslow, Washington, this 18th day of January 1990. APPROVED: --^ .-\` ~ „ ',. SAM J. GR~I - '_._: _.,,A'?'Z'ES'I'/AUPHQ~ITICATE: _^ - ~~ ~~DONNA JEAN~BUX~I'ON, Clerk/Treasurer , Mayor CITY OF SLO 6 2 5 W i n s l o w Way E a s t Winslow, Washington 98110 206.842.7633 f= r~'! 1 w~~~ a. ~r ~ ~~•r•c ~ h~~ ~ ~ r~~a ~, ~~.~~e~ i° ~~.-~~ ~~! ~ ter! r~ 1 ~~ •r~~ ~~~ i .~ ~. ~ •rr ~~~r~.ts~~r~ ~.~~~~,1~ ~.~t i 13ty~ ~ep~~.i~~ ~Jh1C 1 1. ~7qY t~~.i~ ~yr<acar^ C~r~ l ~ C~ ~~ Y t7~Z ~' ~,_~°~ c;;}-°~:^~1' _'C ~;4`~1'-'Ila~te?tq~ :i ~*~ 1. ~ ~a~:~1.^ ~~.ri ~. ~~: ~s~~P~r^ ~. i • ~~ M7C7Y t7 i1 ~s?t~rC~r^ Q1`l~l~' ~ ~. ti~~~ ~7t7« t,it~ ~,.-.~r~.x~_;+ F~int~~:~:~ {~~~:rwc:! ~>~ ~~?~~~~°;1,~ G4~?'°-1.1~ 111 Ia.~r^F~~~r7 ~~~+i~t,~,trryt;i~••.~:;;~ ~ ~ .^ ~>, ~{~ l~yy ~ ~a~ ~~_ ~:~lf a ~:~ J, i~~ {~~ r^ ~. ~'~t> e ~~ k~ ~ c ~ Y a q -k• ~.~ Y a ~~ -t- \+t S~~ ~~~~~~~~ Y V,l M WLr ~~Er: r^ ~.t~ ~ lk yy y~ d qk a f~`~'/:~7 '~° d tim e ~ ti3 'f ~~• At~t,r ~'~.tc ~4. ~br°. ,l. al`°r d. ~1w l ~r^ Gt~i~k: ti~1(~? ~ir~h~t~t ~r ~ ~c is»:~.. ~~.~ ,~s . c'~1 5~ s g ` ~tr~i~: ~r ~ w. ~1~ ~ t ~ ~ ~. ~ tf~hy ~'. ~. .A 4~4/ ~. lt. ~~ ^ ~~ rte. ~~ v A • rl~ ~ i ` ~ 1 • `i ! ~~a~l~r~~r^v ~r h~~x l.-~~a ~~rt~~~ F~n~i1y .t~t~ :~,t,» t~ ~~t ~r4 f~ ~r~t a, c i ~ ~~ i ~t~ ~r~~~~~r~~ i~r- iM ~ t,~. ~~~y l~at7~~. tats ~~t~~ ~r~ 1 " ~+t~. t>t> ?. ~>t~ ~.rf'2e.':~c~.~. ~'EAl~,~4`:~f'1 .1" s~.~.C~~~e t7~~ ~5~~t~. t,~.+t.3 1 ~, ~~" ~t~~d ]. gar^~; t~r^ ~~`~~ ~. ~'~~> w r~t7 '~~7t 7 ~L yy qq ~n { h7 e~l'G c~ r^ Y r~ 1 ~b a 41 ~~".•6 L~VFwY"t'7~aei~ ,..3.AND USE DEPARTMENT CITY OF ~~e~l' ,: ___ ~, Proposed Fee Schedule FY-1990 6 2 5 Winsl o w Way E a s t Winslow, Washington 98110 The following fee schedule revisions are presented for City 2 0 6.8 4 2.1 2 1 1 / 8 4 2.2 5 4 5 Council consideration ti •~- Preappl ication Fees (New ) Category Existing Proposed Conditional-Use Permit• None $250 + 10 per acre Planned Unit Development: None $350 + 10 per acre Rezone Applications: Zoning Code: None $350 Zoning Map: None $800 + 50 per acre Site Ptan Reviews: Multi-family (-4 units) None $100 Multi-family (4+ units) None $100 5 per unit Non-Residence (-20 cars) None $100 Non-Residence (20+ cars) None $100 + 10 per unit Master Plan (15+ acres) None $600. 15 per acre ShoreFine Substantial Development: None $200 + 25 per acre Exemption : None $ 7.5 Resident improving personal home or dock: None $ 75 Environmental Review SEPA/NEPA: None l ~•~c..~c~t~~~=~~_ ~~`'~~~~ .Subdivisions ~ Plats: Long Subdivision: None $500 + 50 per lot Short Plat: None $250 + 10 per lot Resident Short (Personal) None $ 50 Variances Less than 10$: None $~50 More than 10$ None $150 ~; ~:: ~: o ~. `° Proposed Fee Schedule FY-1990 Land Use Page Two Full Application Fetes (Revi'sed ) Category .Existing Proposed Conditional Use Permit: $500 + $250 + - 15 per acre 5 per acre Planned Unit Development: Preliminary: ..$40:0 + - $200 + 15 per acre 5 per acre Final; $3D0 + $250 + 10 per acre 10 per acre Rezone .Application: Zoning Code: $750 $.400 Zoning Map: $1,100 + $300 + 75 per acre 25 per acre Site Plan Reviews: Multi-family (-4 units) $200 $-100 Multi.-family (4+ units) $200 + $100 10 per unit 5 per unit Non-Residence (-20 cars) $200 $100 Non-Residence (20+ cars) $20D + $100 + 20 ner parking stall 10 per parking stall Master Plan (15+ acres) $1,2D0 + $600 + 25 per acre 10 per acre Shoreline Substantial Development: $350 + $150 + 50 per acre 25 per acre Exemption : $ 50 $ 25 Resident improving personal home or dock: $150 $ 75 Environments SEPA/NEPA: Cheek"list: $200 Incurred costs EIS Review $1,OOD + Incurred costs Incurred costs Appeal of DNS/DS None $100 Subdivision ~ Plats: Long Subdivision: Preliminary: $900 + $400 + 35 per lot Incurred costs Final: $500 + Incurred costs 50 per lot Short Plat: $500 + Incurred costs 15 per lot Resident Short (Pers~on~al) $100 $ 50 A t ~. •r Proposed Fee Schedule FY-1990 Land Use Page Three Full Application (continued ) Existin Pro osed Cate or Variances: Less than 10$ More than 10 0 $500 $4:00 $250 $250 The above. listed fees are esseent~introduced meG nerallyY fu $ appl cation feesewere reduced preapplication process has b to reflect front end preapplication fees. Example: A condi ionaf use permit is .cur full l a ~ fo ation15s $250 + $5 pereacre. p Theptotal' feef to is $250 + $10 per acre anal the pp the. applicant is therefore. essentially the same.