A RESQLUTION of the City of Wns3.ow, Washes ngton,,
approving the preliminary plat of Winslow Landing
on approximately 6.54 acres of prap~rty located
east o~ H~.ghway 305, west of Ferncliff Avenue,
east of the Ravine, anal south of the
Eaglecliffjneer~liff Development, upon. the
application of John G, Taw~esey; File
No. 12-12-$9-i.
WHEREAS, John ~. Tawresey has ,submitted an application for
approval of a pxel.imi:nary plat; and
y~7NRRF.AS~ the application fo= approval of a preliminary plat
is submitted in order to develop a plat of 18 single-family
lots on approximately 6.6a acres of property located east of
s3ighway 305, west of Fernoliff Avenue, east of the Ravine and
soath of the Eagleclff/Deercliff Development; and
W~Eg,Ep,S, the Planning Agency reviewed the preliminary plat
application, and on May 15, 199-0, recommended approval and
entered findings of fact and conclusions to .support its
recommendation; and
WHIIREAS, the Gsty Engineer reCor~.m:ar~d-ed approval of the
preliminary plat application as to the engineering accuracy of
the proposed subdivision; and
WFfF~:RF:A~, an June 12, 1990, the H~arin.g 'Examiner Pro Tempera
head a public hearing on the preliminary plat application upon
proper notice; and
w~:~zFAfi, on July 3, 2990, the hearing Examiner Pro Tempore
recom3uended conditional approval of the preliminary plat
application and madam and entered findings of fact, conclusions
of law and recommendations in support of his recommendation;
`~7H'FRF.A~, on August. 2, 1990, the Gity Council considered. the
recQmxzendation of the Hearing Examiner Pro Tempore and
determined that a change in the hearing ~aminer's
recommendation on the preliminary plat application was
necessary; and
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y~2FAS, on September 6, 1990, t~i:e City Council held a
publ~.c bearing an the preliminary plat application upon proper
notice; and
W~P.EAS , an S eptezaber 6 , 19 9 0 , the City Council voted to
approve the preliminary plat with certain amendments to the
findings of fact., conclusions of law and recommendations
entered by the Hearing Examiner Pro '~ezapore; and
WSEP.EAS, the City of Winslow has complied with the state
Environmental Policy Act and the Environmental Policy Chapter
of the Municipal Code; now, therefore.,
Section 1. Except as set forth below, the Gity Gottncil
adopts tre findings of fact, conclusions of law and
recommendations made and entered. by the Hearing Examiner Pro
Tempore in support of his recommendation to the City Council,
as set Earth in "~'i.n.dings of Fact, Conclusions of . Law, and
Recomaendations, in the batter of the application to subdivide
Winslow Landing, John and Alice Tawresey, File No. 12-12-89-1,n
which. is attached.. hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein
by this reference.
1. The 7.ast paragraph o~ Finding of Fact Nca. ~_ is
amended to read as follows:
Applicants have proposed payment of a fee of
$20,000.00 in lieu of dedication of'Lat 18. The fee shill
be. earmarked far purchase of property izi the Lavine, but if
the fee is not so used within five yews of the date of
City Council .approval of the preliminary plat for Sv"~,, the
fe.e shall be used. for general park purposes. Lat 3.8 would
be a saleable lot, with. the bio-filtration system located
an t.l~.a property line o~ Lot 18 in an easement.
For safety p337"poses, the site distance hump tin
F'erncliff Avenue shall be reruoverl and sidewalks or walking
path shall be installed clang Fernclff Avenue the length
of the property in a north-south dire.otion in accordance
with city recommendations based on recommendations by SVR.
2. Recamznendation IX sha~1 be amended to read as follows.
1~2itgation by applicant. for negative impact an schools
in accordance with WMC 1~.OE.2d4 and farmulatzan o~ a
- 2 -
l r/OTQa
policy and formula by the City for exactions for schools to
be paid by de'v'elopers as a condition of approval of the
subdivision application, which should be developed by the
City within five years. The application is approved if the
applicant agrees to .participate retroactively after the
City has developed the policy and formula for exactions.
Applicants total c+bligation shall be subject to a ceiling
of $22,004.00 and the fee shall be paid on a lot-an-lot
basis at the i$suance of building permits.
.s. Recommendation XlI is amended to read as fo114ws: of the CCR~s to eliriinate termination after
one year of the Covenant not to protest the formation of
the LID, and binding agreement by the applicant and all
future owners of property within the subdivision to riot
protest formation of an LID for FernCliff Avenue
~. Recgmxnendation XVZI is amended to read as follows:
Amendment of CCR's at Section 16, to require that no
vegetatir~n be Cut within 25 feet of the Ravine, except
trees under six-inch diameter at shoulders acid nettles acid
blackberries,. and any vegetation removed must be. replaced
with native vegetation within seven days.
5. Recommendation XXIII is amended to read as follows:
Addition of a covenant to the CCR's, to provides that
n4 building or grading permit shall be .issued until
appropriate geotechnical tests as determined by the
building official have been conducted to determine soil
stability and slope aspects.
Section z. The City Council hereby approves with the
conditions set forth in Section 1 .and the. findings of fact,
conclusions of law and recommendatiflns of the Hearing Examiner
Pro Tempore referred to in Section 1, the. preliminary plat of
Winslow La.~iding upon application of Jahn G. Tawresey, that plat
containing approxiaately 6.6~ acres of property located east of
L~ighway 305, west of Ferncliff Avenue, east of the Ravine and
south of the Eaglecliff%Deercliff Development, and more
particularly described on Exhibit B attached hereto and by this
reference. incorporated herein.
°- 3 -
Section. 3. The City Cleric-Treasurer is authorized and
directed to record a certified copy of this resolution with
Ritsap Gounty Auditor.
section 4. It shall be noted on the face of the final plat
that it is subject to the conditions contair~ed ire this
PASSED by the City Council this 4th day of October
APPROVED by the Mayor this 4th day of October
Sam. J. (C anato, Ma~ror
onna Jean Buxton, Clerk-Tre surer
pA~SED $Y THE CITY COUNCIL: October 4, 1990
RESOI,U"~'ION NO.: 90-48
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