RES 90-49 IN LIEU ASSESSMENT1 RESOLUTION NO. g0-49 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, ORDERING SEGREGATION CHARGES IN LIEU OF ASSESSMENT UNDER ORDINANCE N0.7.8-19. WHEREAS, Hoyt Corbett made application to the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, requesting segregation of special assessments on property, owned by him. WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington allow such segregation, pursuant to RCW 35A.43.010, now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WINSLOW, WASHINGTON, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS; Section 1. The City Council determined that the segregaion requested by .Hoyt Corbet, on a letter dated August 28, 1990, (Exhibit A) for property described on attached Exhibit B, be made and the City Treasurer shall make the segregation ordered hereby on the original assessment, roll. Section 2. The amount and the date of the original assessment is as follows and a copy of which is attached as exhibit C: Charge In Lieu .Acct 262502-2-018 Original Assessment $ 4,842.20 Ordinance Date.: August 7, 1978 Section 3. The amount due to the City for reasonable engineering and clerical costs together with $10.00'f or each tract of land for which segregation is made will be paid by the applicant prior to filing of the segregated assessment. Section 4. The legal description of the original tract as shown on the original assessment roll and charge in lieu of assessment is as follows: Ordinance NO. 78-19 Exhibit 1. Tax account No. 262502-2-018 310 feet $4,842.20 Section 5. The Boundaries of the divided parts are shown on Exhibit D. 2 Section 6. The. balance of the original assessment to be segregated is as follows: Charge In Lieu Ordinance No. 78-19 $ 4,842.20 Parcel A - 96.67 feet at $15.62 per foot = $1,509.99 Parcel B - 203.33 feet at $15.62 per foot = $3,176.01 Parcel C - 10.00 feet at $15.62 per foot = ~ 156.20 $4,842.20 Adopted by the City Council of the City of Winslow, Washington, this _&th day of December, 1990. SAM J RANATO, MAYOR ATTEST; ;~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~y~~~J DONNA JAN UXTON Clerk/T surer "-- '-. .~. -_'