RES 2008-03 KITSAP COUNTY-WIDE PLANNING POLICIESRESOLUTION 2008 03 ' A RESOLUTION of the Cit} ConmCII of the Crty of Bainbridge Island \\'ashungton ratifyutg the Krtsap C'omty wide Planning Policies WHEREAS the Growth Management Act (GNIA) RC\\'36 70A requires that each county plannmc under GN/IA adopt County wile planning policies to be used as a framework trom ))hrch county and city comprehensive plans are developed and adopted and WHEREAS in May 1942 the Krtsap Regional Planning COmnCll made up of elected officials of the County cities and tribes of Krtsap County adopted the first county wide planning policies pursuant to GhIA and WHEREAS the Krtsap Regional Coordinating Council (formerly Krtsap Regional Planning Council) initiated revisions to the county wide planning policies through multi Junsdicuonal Collaboration including plarmmg staff planning commissioners and council members now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINBRIDGF ISLAND WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS Section I The Crty Council of the Crty of BambrrdL-e Island Washington approves and ratihcs the revised Krtsap County wide Plannm2 Policies adopted ht lvtsap COtill W Ordinance 4374 2007 on February 12. 2007 and Krtsap County Ordinance #403 2007 on No)entber 19 2007 PASSED by the C HN' COmlcll this 23 a day of January 2008 APPROVFD by the Mayor this 27" da) of January _008 Darlene Kordonow Ivla}or ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE --I Ot v r( <e Rosalind D Lassoff Cit) Clerk FILED WITH THF CITY CLERK January 15 200%' ' PASSED BI• THF CITY C'OUNCII Januar) 23 2008 RESOLUTION NUMBER 2009 03