RES 93-11 SSDP FOR SEWER DISTRICT NO 7 AT FORT WARDi f } ,`{ : '.r * ,' r K _ 4 y , x .1 7' + L ' i ` F _ 1 ' , ,5 M1 S'+ + + ., r . Y ,' / S • _ ' f 1�' f �. � r t LI ry 5 i '• y. ` yx , { y 1 ' { !1. Tti, 4 t� R 4 }' .rl ','* r SOLUTIO bio. --11. A RESOLUTION OF .THE -CITY',OP BAINBRIDGE ISLAND RELATING o ' THE SHORELINE "SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT SEWED H STRICT SRWAGE T EAT ENT. 1 LA T AT FORT WARD.. i+ HE EAS , . ' the Hearing Examiner g.ranted an unc las s if ie'd. use permit for the sewage treatment facility on February 4,L 1993; and WHEREAS,. the existing sanitary sever system, septic tanks, and sever outf all now discharge improperly sewage from: -. residential ial. users into. Puget round; and WHEREAS,. - i sap Superior Court consent Decree No. - --.2 -144'�' ars - Fedetal 'Water ter uali r Standards require el-iminating the-. di -char e'. of improperly treated sewage -into Puget Sound; ars T EREAS'., thefinal'' environmental. -im ac . statement . for this p ec. _ ' con ' hide - - th , -c-ons r. c ing .. ew a treatment -pl ant for. 408 re'sidential connections i.:§'the, preferred-. alternative; and _WHEREAS,, the Hearing. . ,E a a:ne u id" 'he. alternative. - ' { ons ru .. a . sewage .� .ire r n - aciliti: ser a fewer n :408 " xesid r tial- v' rine ion '.mss . not -economically - as"ible; :arid 5 I EL AS",--. the _plat ren of' sewage. ..treatment -facilities : i : uid d .''.by., 'the ..-H iri r d e.. -Island -Sui ba a ' Plan sewage disposal -1 " p01J.cie's which state : 4 l c( v rs uld-.. be. enc aged, only { in,Urban and Semi -Urban areas. F ,in order- lcientl'u i -a. the ' in.g v qt -erg - - n � , i e {'limited- ares where higher densit e - r are. p s s i_b1 .(Policy �" - SP- an r � f 4 _ S wpru s � de. o ,. rl an-, and S e i-7- Ur a� '-_".ia re a s ' s ould . -on ly I - ':,t.1+";jLzcorrect is.r ha'za'rdous ceritj ns.=:, rt and'. hod:d.':. not -:.b a us ed , :to ...make . p s s'.- le de- l p men • F d pi: : inconsistent ent . l h - den sit'l�es' o :.such ;areas'., in: : "pian Fo , cY' � -� 2. -and 4P.agp °fir' 4• ,. _ - -• - r. ;" .. _ _ri '-- .1' r" '� 5 + ,. WHEREAS, .the Kitsap County Shoreline Management Master Program (adopted by the City of Bainbridge Island in Ordinance90-17) requires- documentation that development of -sewage treatment facilities-be consi stent with the Comprehensive Sul area Pian'. NOW-jr THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , the Bainbridge Island City. Council has approved Sewer ]district #71s application for' Shoreline Subs antic' I Development'Permit' for sewer lines, a purr station and outfall associated y � with the.sewage sewage rea�nn facility approved by the Hearing Examiner on February 4, 1993, expressly to remedy the'-ex-i9ting hazardous 'conditions '-which existin the Fort ward area, and not enable de relo m n -densities' in that area that are inconsistent with 'those permitted by the Bainbridge a Ise. nd omprehensz a sub area Plans. r - C rr - f ATOS Mayor TES HE TI : 5 R• H RELs . Cle.r Treasu er ..FILED.. WI H THE CITY.-CLERK: 3-4-9j. PASSED-BY-THE-CITY COUNCIL: 3,...4-93 ,. RESOLUTION NO. .93-11 x fir _ Race - .I.. fy. ,x, + { y " '+ r h S{. • _ - - `Y '. — ', i. 5} •t r • .rye 4 . �. 3f . ~- - . • _ F 'y4 . a F• - '' w, -i