RES 48-02 RENTAL OF FACILITIES~, .ie~oiu-ti a Establishing the ?ollcy re'.' ~ental ~n,1 use of f!!,cilities in t]~e Town Hall. Wi~slow V~ashington. Be it resoi'ved ........ ~"Snterprise 1. Th,at the rental charge for adult non~ ~oups meetin~,~ re~Eul~rly ~-~t least o~ce a ,aonth other than those herei~fter specified. shall be two dollars ~ifty cents ($E.~O} for each peril. morning S to 12 neon; ~ft~rnoon 1E noon.to 6 P.~{.; evening 6 P.~. to , mi ~ni ,~ht ~ 2. That the rental charge f "~r non private enterprise ~oups not meet ' ag .~.egul:~rly ~t le~.~:t ,?nee ~ month sh~ll-be t~ee dollars ($~.00) for each periled. 5. That the recital ch~r{~e ~or pr~v~te enterprise ~?~ups or meet!~lgs shall b,B ~ive dollars ($5.00) for escb~ perl~. 4. That the rental ch~-,'~e ~or ell d~nces,. entertsimnent ~nd for octivities ~,~T,~h ~re sponsorel t~ "'='~e aoney or f~r ~vhich thee is sinlesion o~. or, her c~rEe~ other th~ ~qr ~e~is, shall be five dollars ~$8.00) re? e~ch ~ornin,? and ~fte-q~o,~n ~eriod and ten dollars ~$10.00) for eocb even~,n~ ~e~iod. ~. That no re-tel charge be m~,e, to gr~,,~2s ~,~n~ored by or whose pr~m~r~~ ~nction ~s reli-d~us, '~ove~'~e~tnl~youth character building. or phi!~n/h~cpic ~d ~'t such meetir~gs in the Town Hall there is no sdr~Is~on eb~-~. The intent -~ Ibis i~rs~sph is that the no rental ch~rge policy ~hsll be limlt~ ~ ~uch ~ ,ups s~ are similar in character to chin-oh. ~chool ~J~trLc~,, county, ststc or f~ersl, govera~ent. Boy 2cout. ~Irl Scout. Red Cros~., Community .Chest, Library provided the meetings ~nd functions sp 'n~ored b~' them in lhe To~ Hall are non profit in ?~recter ~ ~r vrh~eh n~ ~dm~ssion or other charge is 6. That reimb,~.~ e~ev'~t ~.gr h~t. limb+. ~ter and other services ~sed b~ the School District be c-nside~ and Pegnt~ted for separate from this re~c.~.~ti ~ That ~ r~p~slble ~fcer of the ~oup. or~enizst~on or per~son In ~uth~rlt. r.- o~ n~?,~ ~,r~nizetion~l ~rm~ps us~.n~ the facilities ~el!ver to ~be to~'m cl~rk in ~v~nce ~ +,he nearing the required rental eh~r~e. For tk~se ~Tr,-~mps meet~,E re~u].~r]_y the recital chs~e sh~ll be i~i~ ~n ~ ~oni~,lrf b~si~ in sdr~'~ce o~ the first regular me~.t~n~ o~ the c~le~dsr ~. That t'e To~ Clerk ~1 .?.ep~-~ ~ ~ve ~pr'~ved br' the ~ttorney ~m ~-e Town. i~ ~'~i~. '.~ ~ c ~bin~t~n ~p] icelion and receipt form 'vii?oh ~be!l n .rff~i~ ~non the~ ~:~ the f~l'l r~:~e ~f the orF~nizetion. ~be ~-~}-oo-a ~ +"~ -eelthe, hurs nnd n~tur~ 'Dr facilities demirM, that the Term of Wins!o~ ~,ttl D,,t be res:_,onsible for the theft or !.:,~:~ ".f erechat lineparty bolon:dn~ t' an?one in attendance 8t ~uch neetinT;st t,h~t t~:e ~:e::-~,~ or ~roup ~lCnin,~; the ei3plicrtion e~rees t'; ~eei:. end ~leen floors and ro,z,~.s uaec] ~nd tc be responsible re:- any d~m~e or bpe~c~::e tc t}~e b:2ildin;' or i~s c ':.ntents ~'h]le said ~ the Totem Couneil'~ Office ~nd the ~upli~te given to the ~erson making the e2plic~tton. ,, ~. Theft ia %ho,~::e eases in :!hich th~;~e is any doubt as to whether thin gro~p ar or~nlz..t!on ~.~t,'.i~? application for u~e ~f the facilities ~u'd b~ chsr~,~ or h~ve ~ usa o~ th~ facilities free the To~ Clerk ~bsll ms'~e t~e ~b~?'~ the Co~cil for ~.ec!~ion st the first mee-in~ followin~ the date of the application. Tf a charge ~boul~ ~ot have been made $ refund will be given. ~0. Theft the To~m Clerk shsl! make as s part of h~ ~ report to the Councff l on tb~ fir~?: ~eetin~ of the Calendar month s report on the re~lp~a'; ~n~ exp~ncti~ure~ in the operation o~ ~he Town Hall and s list ~f organizations, ,~ ~s o- pe~s,~ns who u~,;d the facilities t~e preening n onth. 11. That for t"e purposes '~ this policy statement the term "peri~ shall be defined ~orning Peri~ 6 ~, .M. to 1~ noon ~fternoon Period i~ noon to 6 r.v. ~enin~ Peri,:d 6 P.i,i. to 6 A.N. and the term "pri~te enterprise" %',~:-'oel~ti ~n wh~ en~;a,~es i~' ~n sctivit,- ~or profit to himself, company, corporstion or ~ssociste. 12. That the Clerk ,~L ll ~. uz ~ ~, hs~re .!;~p!ic~t~ this Resolutionj a copy ~f w~ic"~ '~h~'li be p:b~ed in the entrance h~ll of the To~ Hall aM other copies ~ be i:~.t in the To~m Hall of Cite ~nd issue~ ~ree ~po~ re' uest,