RES 66-04 AUTHORIZING SIGNATURES ~ P~BSOI.UTT{?N of the Trnm Council of the Toxn of Winslm~r, w~r- lfashingtor~= authoria~ing signatures for To9m. Warrants during the absence of the Mayor in the period July 15 to July 30, 1966. 1~~R.I~N,3, Mayor Robert lf« McKissan wi11 be absent from the: State during the parimd July l5 to July 30, 1966, and WF3'E'k?Fd.S, it is nec®ssary for the Council tc> provide for the continuance of the functions ®f the Tmm Government during such absence; NCJIf TH~'Q~, ~ IT SOLVED by the Toxn Counc3.l of the Totm of Vfinslax, as follows: That Councilman Junkoh Harm, as Chairman of the Councils Xuditing Comwittee, is hereby appointed to sign Tmrn Warrants in lieu of the Mayor, during the Mayors absence i.n the n~-nth of July 1966. That the signature of Councilman Junkoh I~arui is hereby suthori.zed to be substituted for that of the Mayosc during the Mayors absenoe and is liad.ted to the month of July 1966. That the Tvwn~s depository, 19ainbridge Island Hank, located in Winslox, ll~ashington, is hereby suthori:ed to accept the signature. of Junkoh Harm in lieu of that of the Mayor on Town Warrants during the calendar month of July only. by the Council of the Tonrn of Winslox~ Washington and ~'` approv~ad by its lfayor this 18th day of July, 1966. 1~TTESF S C ~ --- ~ r ~~ Mayor ~igra ? M