RES 2009-20 SURPLUS PROPERTY MILLER ROAD SHED OLD COUNTY ROAD MAINTENANCE SITERESOLUTION filo. 2009-20' RESOLUTION declaring - certain . real property 'commonly known as the Miller Road Shed old Counter Road Maintenance Site to be surplus to 'the needs of the City of Bainbride Island and. authorizing the sale of such property. WHEREAS, the purchase of Miller Road Shed/Old County Road Maintenance- Site (Parcel No. 20250'2-1-049-2002) legally described on Exhibit A- attached hereto and made -a part hereof by this reference (the "Property"') was approved by the City Council - On 1a ,- 2001 under a Real - Estate Contract with Ki'tsap County, . dated August 13, -2001, which also included two other properties; -com, monly known as Lov'gfenPit and t i er' lit; and WHEREAS,, S, final payment for the three parcels is due - ire 2011, but the- City may acquire the three properties early by paying. Kitsap County the remaining. $60,000 under the Real Estate Contract; and 1 'H R S,- the Propertyhas been periodically used as a storage. area for the operations and Maintenance nce Departme .t; and -WHEREAS, the Property is surplus to the needs of the City; and WHEREAS, an ad hoc committee of the City Council has recommended that the Property be declared surplus and sold by a real estate agent - through- a multiple listing service; and WHEREAS, the ad hoe committee -of the City -Council has recommended that the Property. rty. be reviewed by the Non�Motori ed Transportation Con nittee -prior to the sale to see if retaining a trail easement is advisable; WHEREAS, the sale price of. the Property. X11 be based, ippon a professional appraisal; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter . 39.33 RC's, the . City has conducted a public hearing on September 2, 2009 regarding the sale of the Property; and WHEREAS., the City Council finds that it. is in the best -interest of the. City of Bainbridge Island to declare the Property t surplus and authorize e its sale, pending completion of the SEPA review -process, now,- therefore, . THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of BAINBRIDGE ISLA NDI WAS INGTO � :DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1, The Miller: Road. Shed/Old Count : Road Maintenance Site, legally described on attached and .incorporated Exhibit A, is hereby declared surplus. to -the needs of the City of Bainbridge Island. .2. It is i the . best interest of the citizens of . Bainbridge Island to sell said surplus property. - -- . 3, The sale of the Property shall be contingent -upon the 0,000 due under the .Rel . Estate Contract dated August 13, 2001, being paid to Kitsap. County, either out of the sale proceeds at the time of closing or at - an earlier time- out of - the City's general fund. . The sale of the Property shall also be contingent upon . the sale completing envir mnental review in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act and the expiration of the SEPA appeal period. . The Non -Motorized Transportation Committee shall .mew the Property prior to the sale to see if retaining a trail easement is advisable, 6. The sale price of the Property: will be -based upon a professional appraisal of the value of the Property with the recognition that the final sales price may be lower 0j than the appraised value by a -factor' of ., p to tern percent (10%), or that the ..-:. purchase price may be hi her than the appraised value. . The Property 'shal l . ' listed: -for" - sale by a 'real est t'Agent. thio a mlti' le listing service.' 8 . - The City Manager, n his designees, are hereby authorized o take all' -necessary and appropriate steps to 'se'll and transfer said' prerty ire'. .''accordance .Wit applicable federal, state acid ' local law, including negotiation aid inti rr of all contracts, read estate purchase and sale agreements, and other legal documents required to sell the, Property. PASSED by the City Council this znd day of September, 2009, r APPROVED by the Mayor this 9"' day of September, 2009. 4 ' ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Rosalind D. Lasso , dly Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK.- PASSED LERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO, 2009--2 Christopher Snow, Mayor August 2, 2009 September 2, 2009 3 EXHIBIT A BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY IN i SECTION 2d, WHICH x POINT: .IS :.7 FEET.NORTH. F ,THE ONE.- QUARTER SECUON POST N ThE EAST BOUNDARY LINE OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 25 FORTH, RACE 2 EAST, W.M., KITSAP COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE RLTNNfNG ' EST 512 FEET, THENCE I RTH 22,500 'SLIEST 223 FEET, THENCE NORTH 125 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2' EAST 3.90 FEET, THENCE S IXTH 11 .FEET; THENCE, EAST 209 -FEET. TO THE EAST BOUNDARY LIFE OF SAID SECTION 20; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID IJP ARS LINE 261 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGGING. LESS '1 V FRET ON NORTH END.RESERVED FOR ROAD. SIT UATE IN THE COUNTY OF KITSAP,, STATE OF. WASHfNGTON. 11