RES 2009-24 SURPLUS PROPERTY MYERS PIT OLD DECANT FACILITYRESOLUTION No. 2009--24 RESOLUTION , declaring certain : r .l property �.commonly known n as l dyer's Pit and the Old Decant Facility to be surplus to the needs of the City of Bainbridge Island and authorizing the sale of such properties. WHEREAS, the purchase ofMy r' i (Parcel No. 272502-2-016-2002) legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto- and made: a part hereof by this reference "Flyer's Pit" was approved by the City Council on May .9, 2001 under a- Real Estate Contract -with Kitap County dated- August 13, 200 1, which also included two other properties, --commonly known as Lo gren Pit and - Miller. Road - Shed; . and WHEREAS, final payment for the three- parcels is .due .in 2011, but the'City may acquire the three properties: early by paying Kitsap County the remaining $60,000 under the Real Estate Contract; and WHEREAS,. f lyer's Pit was used in the past by the Operations and Maintenance Department; and WHEREAS, City Council approved the purchase of the Old Decant Facility (Parcel No. 272502-2-050-2009) legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference "Old. DecantFacility") from Kitsap County on .dune 16, 1983 for use as a maintenance facility and new well site, and the property was purchased on September. 12, 1983; and WHEREAS, the Old Decant Facility was used -as a decant facility and for storage o equipment by the Operations and Maintenance Department; and WHEREAS, Myer's Pit arra the Old Decant Facility (the "Properties"') are surplus to the needs of the City; and WHEREAS, an ad hoc committee of the Ci 2. It - is Jn the best interest of the citizens of . Bainbridge Is.l.and to sell said surplus k properties: r 3.- The salcs of H'er's Pit shall b contingent on the agr errrent of K�tsap County to : rec i e early payment under that certain Real Estate Contract dated August 13, 2001. . The sale of the Properties shall be cher contingent upon each sale completing environmental review. in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act and the expiration of the SPA appeal.period. . prior to the sale, a boundary fine adjustment on the Old Decant Facility will carve out a well protection area in the southern portion of the parcel, . The City shall a retain a trail easement on the western border ofthe Old Decant { Facility and the northern boundary of Myer's Pit and the old Decant Facility, b place -a conservation easement in favor of Bainbridge Island Land Trust along Cooper Creep to protect the salmon habitat and recent conservation work. and c retain a water line utility easement on the northern border of the Old Decant . Facility and Ier's pit. . The sale price of each -Pro ert will be based upon. a professional appraisal of the value of each Property with the recognition that the final sales price may be lover than the appraised value by a factor of up to ten percent (10%), or that the purchase price may be higher than the appraised value. . The Properties shall be listed for sale by a real estate agent through a multiple listing service or sold by negotiated sale to Puget Sound Energy. 9. The' City Manager, and. his designees, are hereby authorized -to :take -all necessary and appropriate steps to sell and transfer said property in - accordance with - execitt applicable federal, state and local law, including negotiation and ion of all e conteg ts,,estatepurchase and sale, am greeents, 'and - other I al documentsrac' ral : required to sell the Property. PASSED by the City Council this- 2" -day" of Sept oinber, 2009. APPROVED by the Mayor this 111h day of September,' 2009. Christopher Snow, Mayor ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: lmaX �ndE� kA00' Rosalind D. Lassoff, City Cterk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: August 25, 2009 PASSED BY THE CITY ,COUNCIL: September 2, 2009 RESOLUTION NO. 2009-W24 Fil MEI EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF MYER'S PIS' PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 27, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 2 EAST, W.M., KlTSAP COUNTY, WASHINGTON DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. BEGINNING AT TSE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST EST QUARTER, THENCE SOUTH 89°32'51" EAST 660.97 FEET, MORE OR. LESS, TO THE NORTHEAST CORDER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER D1 THE NORTHWEST QUARTER, THENCE SOUTH 0004')46" EAST 729.50 PEST, THENCE NORTH 88"18'40" WEST 297.12 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 1'21'20" BEST 112,11 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 66040"20"' WEST 162.82 FEET, THENCE NORTH 7449'30" 'BEST 219,64 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE SECTION LIFE, THENCE NORTH 0"03'02" QST 850.75 FEET ALONG THE SECTION LINE TO POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 12.3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, EXCEPT THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE CITY OF WINSLOW PER STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILL NO. 8309270152; TOGETHER WITH AN EASEMENT FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER AND ACROSS A STRIP OF LAND 30 FEET WIDE, T14E CENTERLINE OF WHICH IS DESCRfBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 15 FEET WEST FO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED SECTION AND RUNNING; THENCE NORTH 0004'46" BEST 247.0 FEET, MORE OR LESS, THENCE NORTH 85°25' VVEST 492 FEET, TI NCE NORTH 26150' WEST 120 FEET, THENCE NORTH 7000' EAST 70 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO ABOVE DESCRIBED COUNTY PROPERTY, LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF OLD DECANT FACILITY TU PTN OF W1/2 SWI/4 NW 114 IAAF BAT NW COR OF SWI/4 NW 14 TH S 9 3 2' 1 E 315 FT TH S0* 00'02E 7 22. 01 FT TH S 8 8 * 18'40E 49. 38FT TO NW COR OF PRTY CNVYD TO ELVER SWEDINE BY DEED RECD SEPT 11 1961 UNDER AUD NO 754980 T SI*21'2 OW 112.11 FT TSI S6 6 *40'20W 162. 2FT TU N74*49'3 OW 219.64 FT MIL TO W SEC LN TH N 3' 2W 850.75FT ALG SD SEC LN TO TPOB EXC N 1 FT OF E 179.76FT ALSO EXC A STRIP OF LAND 3FT IN WIDTH FOR RD PURP CTRLN OF WN IS DAF BAT NW COR OF SW A NW 4 TH S 9*32` 5 1E 66 .97FT IFIL TO NE COR OF W1 2 SW 1/4 NWI14 TH S 4'46E 729. FT TTI N88* 18'40W 312.12FT BEING TPOB OF 30FT STRIP ETH S 1 21'20W 1 3.62FT TIS S66 40'20W 146. 3 FT TH N74* 4 F3 9 W 95 FT I L TO E LN OF EXST R W ALSO EXC ESMT FOR RD PURP RECD UNDER AUD NO 422781 ALSO EXC ESMT FOR UTIL PURP RECD UNDER AUD NO 782718 ALSO EXC BUCKLIN HILL RD T W ESMT OVER STRIP OF LAND 30FT WIDE FOR RD PURP 5 CTRLN DAF BAA P 15 F T W OF SE COR -OF W 1 2 SW 1A NW 1 A TH NO*04'46W 247.0 FT SIL TH N85*25'W tW 92FT TH N2 'W 12 FT TH N7*001 T M/L TO ABV DESC C. +" 4 ` PY no