RES 2009-25 HDDP EVALUATION SCORING SYSTEMRESOLUTION NO, 2009-25 RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, to accept and adopt a Housing Design Demonstration Project Evaluation Scoring System. WHEREAS, on August 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 2009-06 to promote residential development that is sustainable and affordable; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 2009-06 created a new chapter of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code IMC , Chapter 18.38 Housing Design Demonstration Projects that references an administrative scoring system, outside of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt a Housing Design Demonstration Project Evaluation Scoring System to evaluate the housing diversity and site development components of an application under Ordinance No. 2009-; now, therefore THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The City of Bainbridge Island hereby officially accepts and adopts the Housing Design r Demonstration Project Evaluation Scoring System as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED by the City Council this 9th day of November, 2009. APPROVED by the mayor this__ _y*` dad, of November, 2009, ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: By: Rosalind D. Lssoff, City Clerk FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED Y THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTIONNO.: Christopher Snow, Mayor November , 2009 November 9, 2009 2009-25 H:\City Enhange\Resolutions\2009 APPROVED RESO LUTI 0 N S Res_2 0 _2 _ cor!ng_System—HDDP—Approved_11090 .doc 1 I I I �II 3 �� a 4 ,I �I �I I1 - I :4 s I . � I f 1. I ' I f I' ss `{ I ry k i I f . } F. I I� � I I I � I f II .y V S T TA . SCORE SUMMARY CATEGORY SERE Housing Diversity -IInno tive Site Development Green Building Certification Program Density Incentive Tier Level A hived i.e. -Green) QUALI FY As H D D if OR N Definitions Used in Scoring System Affordable housing (BIMC 18.06.565) "Affordable housing" or "affordable dwelling unit" (formerly "HUD -defined affordable h using") means a dwelling unit for use as primary residence by a household in any of the income groups described below, which may be rented or purchased without spending more than 30 percent of monthly household income including utilities other than telephone and cable TV. The department of planning and community development shall calculate and publish annually the maximum purchase prices and maximum rents applicable to each of the following income groups: Extremely low < 30 of median income household income Very lour income 1%– 0 f median household income Low income 519 – O of median household income * ode rate income 81% – 95of median hou sehoId income Middle income 96% —120% f median household income "'Median household income" means the amount calculated and published by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") each year for the Seattle l' letropoIItan Statistical Area (1 A) as the median household or family ince, adjusted by HUD for household size, (Ord. -14 § 1, 1999: Ord. 7-1 1, x.997; Ord. 96-08 , 1996) Dedicated public open space Open space dedicated to the public meeting the requirements on BIMC 18.12.080.A.1, A-2, A.3, & A. Neighborhood Community Garden An area set aside through within a development that can be used as a viable grooving space for residents of the neighborhood. The area shall have solar exposure, water availability, a tool storage area, and be easily accessible to residents. Previously Developed property that is substantially developed with buildings, impervious surfaces, or intensive uses or as defined by the LEED far Neighborhood Development certification program.