RES 2010-05 AMENDING PROVISIONS OF RES 2009-08CITY OF B INBRI GE ISLAND, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION N. 2010-0 RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, 'Washington, amending provisions.of Resolution Nb. 2009-08; and providing for other natters properly relating thereto. ADOPTED: January 1, 20 10 This -document. prepared b: Foster Pepper PLLC 1111 ThirdAvenue, ,wife 3400 Seattle, ashin o 98101 (206)447-4400 51044731.1 CITY of BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION No. 2010-0 A. RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, amending provisions of Resolution No. 2009-08; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of BAI&BRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1'. Capitalized. terms are defined in Ordinance No. 2009-02 of the Cit y passed o n March 11, 2009 as amended by Ordinance No. -2009-07 of the City, pass6q` on April 22, 2009 (tie "Bond ordinance". and in Resolution No. 2009-0. Section 2. Amendments. Deleted language is indicated with stri ethro g .nd new language is indicated With double underlining. (a) The Title of Resolution No. 2009-0the cover page and on ge I are amended to read as follows A RESOLUTION of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, approving the sale of not to exceed , 1 90 aggregate principal amount Sewer Revenue Bond Anticipation Note (Line of -Credit), 24W- 2 1 , to Cashmere Valley Bank, fixing the interest rate, maturity date, and other terms of the Dote; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. (b) Section i of Resolution No. 2009-08 is hereby amended to read as follows; Vection 1.Feindings and Determinations. The Citi Council hereby makes the findings and determinations set forth in this 8ection 1 Capitalized terms are- defined in .ordinance No. 2009-2 of the City, passed on March 11, 2009, as amended by Ordinance No. 2004-07 of the City, passed on April 22, 2009 (the "Bond Ordinance") and in Sbction 2. of this resolution. (a) Pursuant to the Bond Ordinance, the City has 'authorized the issuance of the Note, as a short -terra obligation issued in ahticipation 51044731.1 of permanent financing, in an amount not to exceed 1 900 000 for the purpose of carrying out the Plan of Additions set forth therein. (b) Cashmere Valley Bank has offered to provide interim financing through the purchase of a short-term bond.n ie*p tion note, as authorized chapter 39,50 Cw, under the teens and conditions set forth ' in the forn of a Proposal Fetter, which is on file with the City Finance ' it ctok. (c) Based on the foregoing, the City finds that it is ire the -best interest of the City and its -ratepayers to accept the Proposal Letter a.d to issue and sell its Not to Exceed 1 901.000 Sewer Revenue Bond Anticipation Note -(Line of Credit), 2.000.2010, pending permanent financing. (c) - Section 2 of Desolation No. 2009.08 is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2. Definitions. The definitions provided in the Bond Ordinance are i ."Interest Payment Date" means each June l and Qe6ember 1, commencing Juno 1, 200%2010. "Maturity Date" means December 1, 2011. =} y . "Note" means, for purposes of this resolution, the D'- ewe e en e Bond Anticipation Dote Line of Credit), X 2 _1,0 of the City in a prin'cipal amount not to -exceed , 1 900,000, which is uthori cd by the Bond Legislation. "Note Debt Service Fund" means that special f nd 6f the City wi has not otherwise been provided and all amounts that the City is obligated to set -aside, into a debt service fund and any reserve fund securing such Sewer System obligations, and all other payment obligations related thereto; (c) payment of the principal of and interest on in the -following order): i that portion of any outstanding revenue obligations allocated. to tie Sewer System, (ii) that portion of any Sordrrte Obligations allocated- to the Sewer System, and (iii) all amounts. that the City is obligated to set aside in the Debt Service Fund or reserve fund for such bonds; and d for the payment of any and all other am ants allocable to the Sewer System that the City is obligated to- pay from Net Revenue of the Waterworks Utility, including Without limitation any Public Works `gust Fund' Loans. (d) - Section 3 of Resolution No. 2009-08 i Section 3. Ratification of Prior Acts. All acts taken consistent With the kthoriftyof tiResolutionand prior o its effective -date are ratifiedapproved and confirmed. ¢ Section ... Effective 'Date' of Resolution, This. resolution shall 'take effect and be i �. force .from. and'after its passage. z. * ADOPTED ;b the City Council.of the City f Bainbridge . la d,Washington,, � signed th, by m i open session in authentication f itsadoption. at regular meeting thereof % i 1 day of ,Tamar, 2010.. Bob Scales, Mayor TEST: 4 Rosalind D. Lassoff, Citi �erk APPROVED S TO FORM: _r. Foster Pepper PLLC, Bo sel -5- 51044731.1 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, City Clerk of the City of Bainbridge Island, Washington (the "city" 5 hereby certify as follows-, 1. The attached copy of Resolution No. 2010-0 (the "Resolution"') is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution duly adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City held at the regular meeting place thereof on January 13, 2010, as that Resolution appears on the minute book of the City; and the Resolution is in full force and effect from and after its date of adoption; and 2. A quorum ofthe members of the City Council was present throughout the meeting and a - majority of those members ers present voted in the proper manner for the adoption of the Resolution. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand- this 13'h day of January, 201. o, CITY OF BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WASHINGTON t Rosalind I.Lassoff, City CIA 51044731,1 Honorable 0y -ou' A ' t I City o in ridge 1. l n l -, I d On; en -Nora - 6 idge W_ 98-11.0-1.8.12 Apr! 1 .1 ,.r Dear Council-Members- Thank oil.l a bers-`'hank y uIor the opp. rti .ity .to, -pr Islatid'S Winslow W t rater lroat mt =_l hmt.,P-M �h� - �`Pr�o,�e t" .. liruoro V0117 :.. the "Batik") and rs and t4at tho City -eurte tly. has. :- ,reed' for- u j - of - g it l i $6.0001000 -a a' art-- the -$14.3 illion Pro jeet: Ae� dire ly,: l ° l l - ias_ r � £t1 -b ld descriNd,oredit f etlity inwnded .t -address -the dt } currebt tried. Thig offer 4s_ AtIp a ' romp - of -flooll Credit approval by th �1�#. �}ri#i i �t a bo, reeciv6d ou.. Too.� . - rxI 15t2009. 1, Borrower: City -of BaihbvId a l -stand; (the. city,�, 2. ] ription -of the redH. ffit : - { • •1 y.+{ f � r y'� "M14" +' { i ? e. 1 • ' = -' # i The k-`- `1, � � � . 'pig l��d = �a�' �' � �� r t* T.J I cr u B n.d An' tiop tlax Note Line of Credit (T �RevOI vI 5 011b.. 196t&'). Tho N& �s�erri�'��tlr��i,l���i�.-. '=� k, _ff��. ## �. .� } f.k � �� { ��f{} { }i1 d • { - -fti a= �F{{• ��f: r' +�3•[7;' a�.-- i Y'ti r� y. �• y. Int :ds to 'l sue: hmds to fu. Uy 'r l ay. t -.Note At-br--before completion 'of . .t#h t1`'�tdti1� ��ld�s tfee-Pidjee aikyti xe-u - to, th-max imam .thou t bf tk .Not . . A moues: Not i-6 hx06ed$600010-00-+ r .o isterr-`f"ia1,'lrt t re �. -and p re s s by- & A. -'at prWa 6. ' ... . . Pt o : li a r - oA-[6 -• f the coststhe:proj t: 14 00 112111 Avenu o S E, S into 100-* Selfevue, Was h1ngton 980 04 -5997 ; (426) 68849.35 • Toll Prep 1 (886) 2-52-A 66 Pax.(4 ) 688' 7 51044895.1 April 13.9 -2009 - city ,- 00 - ty Oflhiii1 it iii 04802, loa d Torms, - fnterost...at: ri erest. Wr<-11 accrue_. at a v ria t : qu to '90% of"t a Prime .at tt 1160-d i � the.- nt - ealition..o t e W .lf ' rect��Journai. �al ul�ated--man actual � -.-ba�s�- : b Term Interest- on the Note wl11 bo- due semi-aura-uallry on taal!y argr eoie: at s. . Prim aloutstanding:under the Mote- wifi. b due in appro i nakt i '. years. c cutityd� The City. pledges ft: et revenues of 'the -Sewer Fuad, as part. f-th Wteri rl UtTlitya t. i t s - -the,'l t ; The -Note vnilt ao--� lli �i 1*40 oil. MAY- issued7bon4p. with. clim&-ta-the revenues of the--w� t r r s t l.ity: d Trans f'erability; The > arik will . h ld this - Iot -with no -intent to. sell ..or transfer. rever; t he f t =� ina :b -aissi nod..or. ttM rked lil:. holo:'to a qu li cd inve t r. A tty transfer stall e. Without- cosh to the owner. -or transferee, except. for -gavern M-nUd Ohvir&8 r #p V # ort any sL 6h transfer r ef�chan e• 7. Prepa me t; The City may prepay the- Note, in: whole or in part, at anytime: at par, plus accruedinterib9t to the date of pr payr ent and redemption. ption. There wilfbo- no fee from t e Bank for prepayment. 8. Fees: $203,000 fee wift be due at closing. All legal costs incurred by the City for pur.poses-ofiggultig the Dote Will be the responsibility of the City* . Additional Terms: The..Note documents will be in the standard forms customarily required .by. the Bank for -bad quaxifted municipal funding and will include additional tolls and --conditions not disoioss d above. At the date of closing -the Note, the ffnanicial condition and credit of the- City and all other fe i re . of this. transaction wilI -be:--as- represpnted to. the Bank without inatortal adverse change. In the event of :atonal: adverse: changes in the creditworthiness -of the City, iii luding filtigatiloft itivol ing or+ claim .filed -against- the City., other than as discussed below in tltis at'a rap , 'thi _ cotntniUnent will -t nn natte-upon: notie a by -the -Bank. This comtiaitment is:non-asci nftb-1 by- the City. This cn arnxtment:.superscd s any prior -corn fitments; afters, ora freemen s: written; or oral concertaii� this -financing and. can only be- modified i waiting., 51o4499s-i A ill- , 2009. City of'BaIAbrxd a fslaud The. Bank has received copies. of letters- dated. R` ruary 1.9, 2009 ;and Match. 11' (thy ` ter` "). sent t - 1 n:: ehal anor _1za i n Ball d the Bainbridge Ratepayers Alliance raising concerns. that_ it alleges fora : leis :for a Potentiat, ohatlenge. to th is ua e o - debt to fifiahee the roj t; The - .Bank- - :has also- .received -A .copy c o andum of: Band Counsel " Bold C6b6sol. Brno" , dated Febktiaty 25, 2009 anaty hi h . ebroary 19 -Letter. A - -:_condition of Aosing, the: Bank- will receive on r_ mire, oil s - f -grid CPUOS4. or other counsel -to t : City, tb the effect- tet t: them: is : o Merit .-t -44y.- f IN; o i4f I ls ratoed ratby, the-RdihbTi1d 1 err' lfi ce :i . the Utters ass -they r l t - t , t isguance, sale �and d 1i r -4- hio'NOW to .thy -Ra!As ° i hi - `op:asal lett r end. it is, unlikely that a court. of .434binpetwit j ris idloo, if pro cr#iy . Fief , m 1 hind t err rlsc, To -the f st: e t t p �iited bar Ia t it r shall_ x al rrr i 'y 1. h .. } . har k -the ani ;:arid. it : officers; -Agents ark -`einploy ��; i�o -a r g ix� � � -oil' lai'mS y. or on behalf of any ere on arisiri = from tiny - f' the potenti 1. -A-aims raised . --the bruuy.1 -.titter, other than. to the extent., suoh--lai - afe est bll he l to b --ca -by the negligonpe or V111futmiscondact f'tho Bank, or-fisbffic=5; agents - 6r e- mployee­atrd 0' all reasonable- costs, counsel -fees, or liabilities, -i cue 1n onnectio with.- iy suPh la�ir procee�ng. 10. ' Acceptance: "phis a rnit of is -riot Mdin � mils a .cop r of this letter,i . i tie. r .fi e .-City and. r"give y. pxio t elesc of l u ne orr A it ' ; at it h : Im - .� +}• -offer -will expire wit out notice. 14-a crc ept nce, the NO' to laas. -trot closed.y..1 y 1-5, X009 tht co t�nlent Wil ' } lr v+iitho t riotI ail agre-ements or oral commitments. to loan woney, extend credit, or to fort t* 6 -so ., enforcing- repayment -of -a -debt ai -not enforceable ender Washington law. if this commitment is aeteptable to the City, please sign and r turn the enclosed copy. Than you .for the opportunity to work with your. Sincerely, l oft Olsen Director -Municipal: Services 5«44995, r Apra! 1;--qO' it ,ofBuinbrid - Is] and PO&4 1 n l -aud-A0dqtcd this -clay Qf , 20:x.9 Citrof Bainbridge Island 13• ----- - a i ty' Tax Id 6 ritlfi cittib n Nu mb er.: 1:.. 51044895.1 Solt Mdndpy, 4prll gip; Pili. TO* KpA ei MAN - The' -NPO f(om� h�lere. 41100, 'Parik to the': !y Qf-Baft id O.lsland-dated- Apell 1 � � �W-tbri lr s::id. tll firs_ p gr pli : :c or tI t ti -r. I t[ e #lnax ed t ap royal. #the: R9h%.-aM1dpated-to occur pHI i �'. T#i� fin l+credit=approvalma�s: ompWed and1he cot�'ti-n-g.�na�r:is:h 46y.: ROOMS; Director. Mirriidi1°.Service`s. . n'shmerto.-1 Iel lay Barik 866=252.2266 NOTICE This cle tronio-.rnaiI message And any. ft !as transmitted-with:-itwe-1ntend W " PAjol O tdr_-tli =fud1A &a] or-entjcy, to Wh i,eb it'.is,add ssdd'. 'The-tadl 9�4 , together. with -.an a- t cbn� 6r t boy of#�iri cOn lde0l al and/or 0 i r d..'in rmation: Anylun �1thoriz d rear.ie ,-tjse}piWhig,t�evir� ,-�o��+wgi ,is iosi�r a:� ist�iViitior-fk'std fly .pMhibited. Ify u hav .:r"ecel t� ��°..'irxes -age i a - erro rj. pl onsip.irt mediatdy-adirise thesender by r ply. email and: d&16 -al I i9, file;/ CA o umeht and ett1ng8\ nke1L oea1 Settingffemporary ltiternetfil auta t..., 4/21/2009 51044895.1 -dff c omae May.1 1'2069 BainbridgeYty Council Members City f l ainbridgc: island 280 -Madison Avenue North Bainbridge ls.larld; WA 9811011:1.2 Re: Cashmere. Valley 1 k April .1 , 200. CommitrAefit Letter Extension Dear Council -Members.- This Members. This .letter wi li confirm the po itx ri of Gish ere ' alley Baric : tk "BaW with respect -w bur proposal to providc aux intetim funding . soluOon dor the City- of.ain mage._ l lanif s W i slow Waste Water Treatment Plant Project. (the "P d' a =s t-. ` rth in our. letter. -to t. e } it dated April 13, 2009. As indicated in h. - o e a# re entionod lefty, an event- of a° maternal Adverse. chop e in the creditworWness of the City,, imfuding.101g4tlork -invr l ng or Blains filed against- the. elty's may result -in termination of the Bankj,s -commitment-suet -fo' rte -,m said letter. 'The Mattk has been provided with :a copy of -the Comptaint.filed in KitsV Countyr Superior Court C'ausie ..09-2- 01023 - - - 1023- , against° the City �y the Plaintiff gr ttp-known as thelWnbtidge Rotepayors Alliance, a now -profit corporation. -This wifteonfirm that. the Bank has formed -,Tin opini"r: -tht thi : peiiding litigation does represent a. material adverse. change and -that in order to. move 'for mrd with the conx'tment consistent with the rernailr i teTxxs- of the Dara "s April 13t 2009 l tt i to- the Clty. orte of the f llowitig- "lust fist occur: 1 _ ne pa es to: the a ommention - fifigadwstipulate that City Resolution No. 2009-09, -approving.. the sale not to exoecd ,00 ; 00 aggregate principal at'ount- of Sewer Rocatte Boma AAd pation Notes..(litre of credit) to CashmereValley Bards i a property pus4. executed, and valid Ret lufion of the City for the -uses and purpoe . tared therein and thzit-any 'Rinds paid out by: the ;an .pumdut- to the afbr mentioned Re solus o -n and/or any substl gently adopted resolutions and/or 'Ordinances illi furtherance th mot, together with -all other docu e nts related t - the Bond issuance collectively create amid and enfbw* bl obligation ofthe City: or . The. Kitmp County Superior Coup or another court of competent. jurisdiction ent ins. an order deed b ► the, Bw& to hate the same lcgax effect as the aforementioned stipulation. 1400 112th Avenue SE, Suite 100- Wevue. Wdsha on 9M--M?•-(42-51688-3935 • Toll Free 1 (866) 252.2265- • Fix (42$) 6M39-37 51044895.1 PMUant to the Vis, the Bank.-reneWsAll other tennsin the Bgmk's April -13, 2009 letter -to the City- ftt-ke not-ificonsistent with the -terms -set forth hereincorporates, said th' V 0 lett eo,,r-asif.'fifflys.etforth htrein. in,--additi6a, the Bank. hereby -exten& the conunitm'ent: from the initial ex I�Ar - p If this extension: of the cornmitment ig gottptablo to'tide City', -Filey sign A -copy of .this -letter and retUM it to. Me. Jh We appreciate the: opponunit y to provide muni0i.pal ffindiny, for -the -City on this project. 'Y10 Ron Ol.seii. Director Munko'"Wal Sem,OW§ cc, Steve.-Gaidos Alice -Ostdick Acknowledged and accepted this Ar' day of .,,20 09, by -and on behalf of the'Borrower,-Ihe City of "iibIsland.; WasWVon,, Y 4/ 1UP 51044995.1 Uainbrt , i r.: ounoi[ MembtrsSeptember 14, 2009 Re: Casbinero VAHOy Bok AP11%f 3i -, . aaO May 1'5..-2009 Wait".thierxt Low. ft-wigion This. Wter.Wi1f' oa>kfi u 'th -.p ition t` �ley����#�3n��'} it���C� � �r pro ib' . 6D. provide- art -laterim Mirdingjutto" --for-:0, City of, 00110 Wand' .'OI r- Vasx. ..,:00 ' re info xt _Phm -Pr , -.1 Glx -. tTroje t' rx° out l , ti : -.-City .r t ► x ;I extended'ire ottr feft r'#o the- ItyA06d t4 ` hls-Mter will con . tfiat.tlie- 3�arkk-her �y e�ct �� -.tlx � ��t�t �t � t.t` r Y: its t�� 1. r� ' .- ley I:. #. 2009' l tt r _ ptdifi or 1 . t r O r. X , i ' ' x ii �z> :t x�x ti crti r; t Crtli -iivthe April- fl; '160 0, IOUr, aid. a tai066 toms - tied :004-ifib ns a m mod i Rod i :: t ic. MV -Si ..20.09, if tltis east Usiou Of 'the,-ommitmont is - eteceptabto to, the ftyr -please. sign a copy of this l otter and Mtum. it to nle: We -app oiat -411e OPPOT(unity to provide munioi al fun 'h1 :f'ortho'Cit -on. ds-Pr0"od. Ron 018011 - ireotor Municioal Sarvjaes oo: Mi aick. ell-arles Dr zlt nerniall Acknowledged and accepted this�day. of 2009, by and oa behalf of tlxe. J3oarrowear,-the. City-of.BMhbridge- Is land, W ashitiWn B: Print'Iame Otc.. SA - 14 0 0 112 th'Avoriva 8 E! 8 alto 100 * aibllmnfe; Waal iA t6h 98094'.6007 • (426)-688 € 36 • To 11 Ree 1 (806).252-2268 • rox (426)'a 94037' 51044995.1 P. L. L, C. ATT 4 l N E:Y 3 AT LAW December 3, 2009 IE -MAIL ONLY Alice M.. stdlel Foster Pepper,. PLLC. 1111 Third Avenue, Suite 3400 Seattle, WA 98101 Re, Winslow Waste Water Treatment Plant Project Bainbridge Ratepayers Alliance ,v. -City -of .Bainbridge - I itsap County S peri r Coutt Cause No. 09-2.0 1023-6 Dear Alice: Thank you for providingme with a copy of your a -mail. to Jeri of cashmere galley B. tik (the "Bank"). Ron and I have had an opportunity to di u - your proposal and Ron has authorized me to offer the City of Bainbridge Island (the "City,) the follovviiig possible solutions for the benefit of the City: 1. The City may pursue and obtain from the Bainbridge Ratepayers Alliance formai written waiver of -any objection -t . a spe4fic borrowing amount. The lank wants ane to review any such waiver, so the Bank its com.fortable that -the acttual language provides the .Bank the security it needs to know it will not -b a partic':IpAnt in the existing or any- p tentiail future lawsuit concerning. the finding; or . The Bank will provide ars a teiisi n of the Sepforiiber 14,0' e t .n.s n for a► period of six months, the consideratiofi for which will be - . payme.nt of $5,000 from the City to the- Bank to reimburse. the Bank for -a, p rtl o - f its out-of-pocket f -pocket xpense incurred in this matter to date. Should the-lban ultimately closed, this payment will be -credited as a pre -payment of the normal and customary chanes of the 'Banc assoolated with providing the financing to -the City. of Binbri Island. Established 1902 Member of the fntemmional lawyers Network with independent member low firms worldwide Rive rfront Canter • I Fifth 51reat Suile 200 • P. 0. Box 1606 • Wena tchae,WA 98807 • 509.662.1954 - Fox, 509'.6 63,1553 • Web: www.omwlaw-com 51044895. t l.i - m;.stdl_ek [bx ; 2009. Page Plew let us -know which option the - City would prefdr to. pursue. I lookforward: to. hearing from you. Very fly youm, OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE, RL.LiC: CH E D..ZIMMESRIVIA. CDZ lrc : - :un Olsen via. -mail. only) ( D WO13 135;DO ;110 4]5.0200901) to44995A airibrid a City Council i i!mber December 15,-2009 dry ofBainbridte Island 286 Madison Avenue. forth Bainbridge island, :98110,1 -1 lie; cashmere blIty. gahk Apri113,2009: h ay 1 , 2009; artd ept mi r 14,. '009 Commitment Letter,E tension Dear Coil" 61.meoh rs: nis letter -will confirm -the position-ol'Cashmere Valley Bank (the:"Bank") with respeccto-our.propos l'to pr Y1d0 ars internfUndin aCP "1' s lutioh t`or the City of.BMndnidge ltla.r d's VM1�ii� qW :W64l: 1� tet Trdxlmeri l laht �l'i� j .(.tie rOj ct" .as set #`orth tJi our tetterto elle City -datedApril- 13, 2009i: and as extended Inoue- let i. T;§ t tbe:C1kty:dqttd 1a ► Is #X009 mdSeptember 14, 2009. "his letter will confirTnIhat upon payment by the City to the. -Bank of -the -sum f- 5,000,.the OaAk. hereby_ extends. the commitrnont as set forth- in the Bank's SgXcmber 14, WW'letter from Dece0ber 16,,2.009- tQ lunc- 16;.20.1.x, '.1'he r 5 - n erhoining't Mzind dition� as t 'forth-�t—the-.April l3,1440-1 i','a -thO m tqf- anj c ri i#ion -a mod ified itt the ay 15-, 2W9 letter and the Sept mber 14, 2009 letter, shat I continue to be condiiion & ofth . Ban 's= cornmitment.- In the event this transaction .closes.. the: funds- idie_'nd fted in the preceding parA"h.- shaill c edlted-by tire- Bank:as a pre;payMgnt.of fees. If this extension of the commitment is -acceptable to the City, p.l�e sign &-,copy of this letter and -rete it to. me wr.ith- a check in the amount of. 5;000 made payable to the -Tank. We appreciate the opportunity, to pxo ide nit nicipal funding for the, City on this Project. pit 14P qm� vim, I M�, Fon Olsen Dir ctor Municipal SerNiices lD:lrc cc, Alice; stidICA Charles D. Zimmerman Acknowledged and accepted -this 5—,"dayof 417 . 200, by and on. dialf of the Borrower. City of Bomb I a lslaad, . 'viri on. fay: (Print Name) (Title) e, V 06 j 1400 1121h Avenue SE. Suite 100 - Bellevue. Washington 98NA-6 97 i (4 +5) 88 9 .' Toll FMQ f (88%25 429S i Fs x (425)08 +3937