RES 2009-27 REAUTHORIZATION OF ETACRESOLUTIO No, 2009-27 A RESOLUTION of : the City of Bainbridge - Island, Washington, relating to the reauthorization of a technical advisory committee on environnnental issues, entitled the Environmental Technical Advisory Committee. WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it i 'n the best Interest of the citizens f the City to manage and protect our natural resources; and WHEREAS, the Mayor appointed the Environmental Technical Advisory Committee ETA. as a90 -day committee on May 9, 2001; and WHEREAS, on December 12, 2001, the City Council authorized the establislunent of the Environmental Technical Advisory Committee as a two-year conunittee with extensions of six months by the Mayor as necessary; and WHEREAS, due to a continuing need for the service of the Environnnental Technical Advisory Committee, the Mayor extended the term of said committee; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No, 2005-03, approved by the City Council on December 14, 20055 identified the Environmental Technical Advisory Committee as a reviewing -body - for habitat management plans in Section 16.20,060. of the Bainbridge - Island Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Environmental- Technical Advisory Committee provides a highly valuable resoure to the City and is necessary for fulfilling the best available science requirements (WAC 365-195-900 through 365-195-925) of the procedural criteria of the Growth Management Act; and WHEREAS, the Environmental Technical Advisory Conirnittee will provide technical advice on shoreline management -consistent with the science standards in the Shoreline Management Act .CW 90.58) and WAC 173-26-201(2)(a); and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to name the Environmental Technical Advisory Committee .a pennanent committee with standardized terms; now, therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL of THE CITY of BA.INBRI GE ISLAND, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Committee tablisb ent and authority. An Environnnental Technical Advisory Cornrnittee is established for the following purposes: A. Serve as a technical advisory committee to the City Council, City Tanager and Planning Department staff -on environmental management issues; and Pg. I of H:\City Exchange\Resolutions\2009 APPROVED RE LUTIo I I es— oo — 7—ReaOrthorization—ETA —Approved-110909.doc B. Provide technical recommendations on habitat management plans ptirsuant to Section 16,20.060 of the Bainbridge Island Municipal Code; and C. Provide. technical- recommendatio-as on environmental management standards for the City of Bainbridge Island shoreline Management Master Program and Critical Areas Ordinance; and x I. Provide technical environmental review of policies and regulations proposed for the City of Bainbridge Island Shoreline Management Diaster Prograrn and Critical Areas Ordinance; and E. Conduct all items related to the Critical Areas Ordinance consistent with the best available science sections WAC 365-195-900 -t roy 365-195-925) of the procedural criteria of the Growth Management Act. F. Conduct all items related to the shoreline Management Master Program consistent with the scientific and technical standards section WAC 173-26-201(2)(a) of the procedural criteria of the shoreline Management Act: Section 2. Committee mer bershi . _ r i terms. The Environmental Technical Advisory Conunittee shall consist of local experts who are qualified as an expert p rsuant.to WAC 365-195-9 5(4), s amended, and qualified t fulfill the poses of Section 1. The committee shall consist of seven to nine core members that should include members with expertise in wildlife management, fisheries management, geology, wetlands management and/or hydrology. Committee members shall disclose any potential conflicts of interest. The committee members shall he appointed -by the Mayor, confirmed by the City Council, . and shall serve without compensation. The core committee members shall serve for a term of gree years ftorn the date of their appointment. The current approved members shall be assigned staggered terms of one year, two years and .th ee years with the longest serving members being assigned the shorte t tens. There shall be no limitation on members being reappointed for additional tens. The Committee shall develop a pool of qualified experts in the various aspects of enviromnental science set forth . above and shall consult with these experts on issues related to their field of expertise. This pool of experts is to beused for consultation only and will not be eompensated..or considered a voting member of the Committee. PASSED by the City Council this 9t' day of November 2009. APPROVED by the Mayor, this Its*" day November 2009. Christopher snow, Mayor Pg. 2 of H City Exchange\Resolutions\2009 APPROVED I E LUTI I Res -2009— '_I eauthorization—ETAC Approv c1_110 09.doc �.T ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: Rosalind s , Cit C1er FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK; PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NUMBER: November 2, 2009 November 9, 2009 2009-27 P. 3 of H;\City Exchange\Resolutions\2009 APPROVED ESO LUTIO ISS\Res-2009— 7—Reauthoriz tion—ETAC—Approved-110909.do