A RESOLUTION ofthe City Council of the City f ainbrid e island, Washington,
t- Adopt the Kitsa County Comprehensive Solid and Hazardous waste
Management Plan.
WHEREAS, the Washington State Legisla ur , pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 70.95
Cw (Solid waste Management - Reduction and Recycling), enacted legislation the Pose of
which is to establish a. comprehensive state-wide program for solid waste handling, and solid waste
recovery and/or recycling which will prevent land, air, and water pollution and conserve the natural,
econorrmic, and energy resources of this state; and
WHEREAS, RCW 70,9 .0 0 requires each county within the state, in association with the
cities and towns located within it, to prepare a. 20 -year comprehensive solid waste management plan
} and to periodically update the plan according to Washington Mate Department of Ecology guidelines
that interpret and expand upon the planning requirements of the Act; and
WHEREAS, the Washington Hazardous Waste Management Act Cw 70,.105,220-221
requires local governments to plan for hazardous waste, including used motor oil, generated within
their jurisdictions by households and small quantity generator businesses, according to Washington
State Department of Ecology guidelines-, and
WHEREAS, the Kitsap County Comprehensive Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Flan(CSHWMP) establishes a, comprehensive -system of programs and -facilities'reduce waste
generation, increase recycling, direct valuable resources away From the landfill, maintain and
improve levels of service in the solid and hazardous waste system, including the Olympic View
Transfer Station, the Household Hazardous waste Collection Facility, and Recycling and Garbage
Facilities, as well as to continue to mitigate impact of closed landfills; and
WHEREAS, the CSHWMP speaks to the needs of all citizens in Kitsap County in regards to
solid and hazardous waste management and proposes action to satisfy those needs; and
WHEREAS, the Kitsap County Solid waste Advisory Committee participated in each phase
of the plan development and reviewed the drafts of the CSfIWMP, and
WHEREAS, the CSHWMP identifies costs of carrying out the responsibilities and offers an
implementation and financial plan, and
WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island participated in the preparation of the CSHWMP
pursuant to RCW 70.9 5.0 8 o and Interlocal Agreement KC -184-0 ; and -
WHEREAS, the City of Bainbridge Island finds that it is in the interest of public health,
safety and welfare to adopt the CSHWMP pursuant to I CW 70.95.080;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Bainbridge Island hereby
adopts the Kitsap County. Compre'hensive Solid- and -Hazardous Waste Management lan, dated
October, 2010, .entitled "'Waste Wise Cmm i : -The .future of -Sol c Hazardous Waste
Management in K.itsap County. 'a
PASSED by the City_ Council this 5 1h day of January- 2011.
A.PP.VED 'b .the City Council this 5th day of January 2011.
Bob Scales, Mayor
,_,101aECda - \&05v 10
Rosalind D. Lassoff, Citi PE Ferk
FILED ' WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 29, 20 1
RESOLUTION NO. - . 2011-02